
1. 两个链表 求最大的公共后缀

class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.next = None

def find_max_postfix(head1, head2):
    if not head1 or not head2: return None
    head1 = reverse_linkedlist(head1)
    head2 = reverse_linkedlist(head2)
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    result = dummy

    while head1 and head2:
        if head1.value == head2.value:
            tmp = head1.next  # Note bug here, we need to save the tmp, otherwise, head1.next will become None ! 
            result.next = head1
            result = result.next
            result.next = None 
            head1 = tmp
            head2 = head2.next
    return dummy.next
def reverse_linkedlist(head1):
    pre = None
    cur = head1
    while cur:
        next = cur.next
        cur.next = pre
        pre = cur 
        cur = next
    return pre

def print_list(head):
    while head:
        print "head.val: ", head.value
        head = head.next 

2. permutations of a list without adjacent equal elements

import collections
import heapq

def permutation_number(s):
    counts = collections.Counter(s)
    heap = [(-count, key) for key, count in counts.items()]
    output = []
    last = None
    while heap:
        minuscount1, key1 = heapq.heappop(heap)
        if key1 != last or not heap:
            last = key1
            minuscount1 += 1
            minuscount2, key2 = heapq.heappop(heap)
            last = key2
            minuscount2 += 1
            if minuscount2 != 0:
                heapq.heappush(heap, (minuscount2, key2))
        if minuscount1 != 0:
            heapq.heappush(heap, (minuscount1, key1))
    return ''.join(output)

test1 = 'aaabbbccc'
test2 = 'aaaaaaaabbbddd'
print permutation_number(test1)
print permutation_number(test2)

# Best Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25285792/generate-all-permutations-of-a-list-without-adjacent-equal-elements

3. find h index element in the array, at least n elements in the array larger than n, 
but here is no n+1 elements larger than n+1
def find_h_index(arr):
    n = len(arr) - 1
    start = 0; end = n
    distance = 0
    while start <= end:
        mid = (start + end + 1) / 2
        if arr[mid] >= (n - mid):
            distance = n - mid
            #print "mid: ", mid
            #print "distance: ", distance
            end = mid - 1

        elif arr[mid] < (n - mid):
            start = mid + 1

    return distance

test1 = [0,3,4,7,8,9,10]  -> 4
test2 = [0,3,4,7,8,9]  -> 3
test3 = [1,2,4,7,8,9]  -> 3
test4 = [1]

print find_h_index(test1)
print find_h_index(test2)
print find_h_index(test3)

[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python find_h_index.py
mid:  3
distance:  3
mid:  2
distance:  4
mid:  3
distance:  2
mid:  2
distance:  3
mid:  3
distance:  2
mid:  2
distance:  3

具体思路如下,其实就是binary search。 首先根据start和end得出mid,看A[mid]值是否大于数组长度减去mid
(假设A.length-mid = distance),如果是那么distance有可能成为h index. 因为数组有序,如果distance小于A[mid],
那么有distance个元素的值大于distance。 此时如果A[mid]值小于distance,那么继续向高位找,start=mid+1。

4. 给一个数,要求把这个数分解成一些平方数的和,并且要求使用最短的平方数list 如 13 = 9 + 4 而不是 13 = 4+4+4+1
def min_square(n):
    dp = [0 for i in xrange(n + 1)]
    dp[0] = 0; dp[1] = 1
    for i in xrange(2, n+1):
        res = 1<<31 - 1
        for j in xrange(1, i):
            if j * j  > i:
                res = min(res, dp[i - j*j] + 1)
        dp[i] = res
        print "dp[%d]: %d" %(i, dp[i])
    return dp[n]

n = 12
print min_square(n)

例如求和为12的最短的平方 序列 
f(12) = 3*3 + f(3) f(3) = 1 + 1 + 1  i = 3 结果为 12 = 9 + 1 + 1 + 1
f(12)=  2*2+ f( 8 )   f( 8 ) = 4 + 4   i = 2 结果为 12 = 4 + 4 + 4
f(12) = 1*1 + f(11) f(11)= 9+1+1 结果为 12 = 9 + 1 + 1 + 1
最后正确结果为 12 = 4 + 4 + 4

# http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32966491.html
5. 一种encoding只有1 byte encode或者两byte encode两种形式,如果说第一byte的第一
个bit是0,那么这个bit开始的这个byte encode一个字符;如果第一个byte的第一位是
1,那么他一定是两个byte encode一个字符,并且他的第二个byte的首bit可以是1或者
0. 题目要求,给你一串encode,请问最后一个字符是一个byte encode的还是两个byte
encode的。不允许顺序parse bit串。

// 末字节high bit为1,是非法单字节编码,所以必然是双字节编码
if (lastByte & 0x80 != 0) return DoubleByteEncoding;

// 末第二字节high bit为0,不带末字节混,所以末字节肯定是单字节编码
if (last2ndByte & 0x80 == 0) return SingleByteEncoding;

// 末字节high bit为0,末二字节high bit为1的情况,不能确定,需要检查末第三
if (last3rdByte & 0x80 == 0)
    return DoubleByteEncoding; // 末第3个高位0,不带末第2混,所以倒数2和1是

if (last4thByte & 0x80 == 0) //末4不带末3混,末3和末2组成双字节,最末一个单了
    return SingleByteEncoding;

if (n == 1) return 1;

// 末高位1,必然是双字节编码
if (bytes[n-1] & 0x80 != 0) return 2;
// 末高位0,需要倒着扫描
else {
    for (int i = n - 2; i --; i >= 0) {
      // 看到0,就可以确定答案了,因为0必然是一个编码序列的结尾,后面是11...
      // n - 1 - i是这个11...110的串的长度,如果是奇数,那么末字节单溜
      if (bytes[i] & 0x80 == 0)
         return 2 - (n - 1 - i) % 2;
      // 到了第1个字节,并且高位是1,那么11...110串的长度是n - i,包括当前字节
      if (i == 0)
         return 2 - (n - i) % 2;

      // else, 当前是字节高位是1,继续倒扫,直到看到0,或者扫描完

6. 题目: Given a rectangular grid of colored pixels and a particular 
pixel in the grid, find the perimeter of the same-colored blob containing that pixel.


def find_pixel(grid, pixel):
        if not grid or not grid[0]: return 0
        perimeter = [0]

        for i in xrange(len(grid)):
                for j in xrange(len(grid[0])):
                        if grid[i][j] == pixel:
                            find_pixel_helper(grid, pixel, i, j, perimeter) 
        return perimeter[0]

def find_pixel_helper(grid, pixel, x, y, perimeter):
        if x < 0 or x >= len(grid) or y < 0 or y >= len(grid[0]) or grid[x][y] != pixel:
                perimeter[0] += 1
                if x >= 0 and x < len(grid) and y>= 0 and y < len(grid[0]) and grid[x][y] == 'D':
                    perimeter[0] -= 1
        grid[x] = grid[x][:y] + 'D' + grid[x][y+1:]  
        find_pixel_helper(grid, pixel, x+1, y, perimeter)
        find_pixel_helper(grid, pixel, x-1, y, perimeter)
        find_pixel_helper(grid, pixel, x, y+1, perimeter)
        find_pixel_helper(grid, pixel, x, y-1, perimeter)

grid = ['01100','00011','00011','01110','00000']
#grid = ['01100','00011']
print find_pixel(grid, '1')

7. Median in stream data

* [Median in Stream Data](https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Experience/Median_in_stream_data.py)

CTCI: from random5 to get random7

import random

def rand5():
    return random.randint(0,4)

def rand7():
    num = 5 * rand5() + rand5()
    print num
    if num < 21:
        return num % 7

print rand7()

8. Google Interview
from random2 to get random6

# 思路:这道题的核心是保证产生random的概率一样,比如random7,则每个数字0到6产生的概率都为1/7,
# 对于random5来说,我们通过5*random5 + random5产生数字 0到24,然后取最小的3*7=21,所以取20
# 再mod7, 这里我们可以将random2先产生random4,然后通过random4产生

import random

def rand2():
    return random.randint(0,1)

def rand6():
    rand4 = 2*rand2() + rand2() 
    num = 4 * rand4 + rand4 # 0 to 9
    if num < 12:
        return num % 6

print rand6()

9. 让你设计个matrix class,提供两个方法:update(x, y) & query(x1, y1, x2, y2),update方法是update matrix上一个cell的值,
query方法是查询matrix上用(x1, y1)和(x2, y2)确定的矩形内所有值的总和。
两点确定的矩阵内的值的总和。这样update是O(N^2), query是O(1)

这里可以考虑用segment tree(http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/segment-tree-set-1-sum-of-given-range/)

10. 题目是给一个string,一个set of string, 问string里面是否包含一个substring,使得这个substring的任意一个prefix + suffix能
是这样,我少说了个条件,输入除了一个string和一个set of string,还有个整形变量len表示set里面每个string的长度(
也就是说set里的string长度都是一样的)。比如input string is "whoisyourdaddy", input set 包含两个 string "whu" and "ddy",
那么function应该返回true,因为给的input string里面的substring "whoisyou" 的 prefix "wh" 和 suffix "u" 组成了 "whu",
而另一个substring "daddy" or "ddy" 的 prefix "d" 和 suffix "dy" 组成了 "ddy",因此这个例子里set里面所有的string都可以在
input string里面找到一个substring的一个prefix+suffix组合构成。

11. 给一个List,里面存着一些一个双向链表上的结点,这个List里面所有在双向链表上邻接的结点组成一个strong component,
求List里strong component的个数

给你个双向链表 1 <-> 2 <-> 4 <-> 7 <-> 9 <-> 11
给你个List里面有1,2,7,9,11, 那么 1,2组成一个strong component,7,9,11组成一个strong component。
解法就是建个HashSet然后把List里面的结点全丢进去,遍历一遍double linked List,遇到一个在HashSet里面的结点就从这个结点开始把所有
class DoubleList_Node:
    def __init__(self, val = 0, pre = None, inext = None):
        self.val = val
        self.pre = pre
        self.next = inext

class Solution:
    def find_strong_comp(self, nodelist):
        if not nodelist: return []
        idict = { node.val: node for node in nodelist}
        count = 0

        for node in nodelist:
            if idict and (node.val in idict):
                tmp_pre = node.pre
                tmp_next = node.next
                while tmp_pre and (tmp_pre.val in idict):
                    del idict[tmp_pre.val]
                    tmp_pre = tmp_pre.pre
                while tmp_next and (tmp_next.val in idict):
                    del idict[tmp_next.val]
                    tmp_next = tmp_next.next
                del idict[node.val]
                count += 1
            elif not idict:
        return count 
node1 = DoubleList_Node(2)
node2 = DoubleList_Node(3)
node3 = DoubleList_Node(5)
node4 = DoubleList_Node(7)
node5 = DoubleList_Node(9)
node6 = DoubleList_Node(8)
node7 = DoubleList_Node(6)
node1.next = node2
node2.next = node3
node3.next = node4
node4.next = node5
node5.next = node6
node6.next = node7
node2.pre = node1
node3.pre = node2
node4.pre = node3
node5.pre = node4
node6.pre = node5
node7.pre = node6

l = [node2, node1, node5, node4, node6, node7]
test = Solution()
print test.find_strong_comp(l)

就跟妹子问咋办,妹子说不要求非要死记硬背API,你自己想想有什么API比较make sense的在白板上注明一下就行了,我正好这段时间上班就是写python干类似的事,
就一股脑把python的相关API在白板上注明出来,然后接着写代码。。写完后又大概跟妹子提了提如果给的路径下如果有symbolic link该怎么处理,妹子表示很满意。。

第三题主要思路就是遍历两个输入路径,把路径树中的所有叶子结点找到(包括file和empty folder),把对应的相对路径拿出来放进对应的两个set里,
就转化为绝对路径读file content用md5算下hash value,比较看看内容是否一致。

13. 设计一个SparseVector class,包含set(long idx, int val), get(long idx), dotProduct(SparseVector otherVec)三个方法

14. 有一排数量无限的object,每个object有两个状态,可以用true和false来表示,object的状态是可切换的,初始情况下所有object的状态都是false。
让你设计一个class,实现两个方法:isToggled(long idx), toggle(long start, long end)。这题没记错的话之前面经里也出现过。我最后给出的方法是
维护一个list of intervals, 每次执行toggle时都要新加入一个新interval,然后把这个新interval merge进已有的interval list里面,这个解法的问题
判断object的状态,如此一来就不需要实际记录状态,只需要维护一个balanced interval tree,每次toggle就把新interval加进tree里,执行isToggled(long idx)时

不,面试官就是期待我提出这样的解法,他也说了如果写对应的代码的话不需要实现balanced interval tree,假设有这么个现成的数据结构给你用就行了。
因为interval tree不难写,但是balanced的就没那么好写了。。



15. 设计一个random queue,支持push,pop,要求pop是random的
follow-up,每次push的时候会有相应的权重,要求pop按照权重random,换句话说,push 1,2,3,相应的权重1,2,3。那第一次pop需要保证1被pop的概率是1/6,
以此类推。有一个类似b+ tree的结构能解决follow-up。

16. 第二轮,偏向c++功底跟concurrency。实现memcopy,还有就是实现一个银行的类里面的几个算法,都很简单,但是对多线程调用的加锁需要有了解。

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-137081-1-1.html
UTF8 validation

0xxxxxxx  single byte
10xxxxxx  continous byte
110xxxxx  2 bytes sequence
1110xxxx  3 bytes sequence
11110xxx  4 bytes sequence
111110xx  5 bytes sequence
1111110x  6 bytes sequence
11111110  7 bytes sequence
11111111  8 bytes sequence
Valid    0xxxxxxx
Valid    110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
Valid    1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx. 
Valid    0xxxxxxx 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
invalid  10xxxxxx
invalid  110xxxxx 0xxxxxxx 10xxxxxx
invalid  110xxxxx

def validUTF8(data):
    if not data: return False
    size = 0
    for c in data:
        if size == 0 and c >> 7 == 0b0:
        elif size == 0:
            if c >> 5 == 0b110: size = 1
            elif c >> 4 == 0b1110: size = 2
            elif c >> 3 == 0b11110: size = 3
            elif c >> 2 == 0b111110: size = 4
            elif c >> 1 == 0b1111110: size = 5
                return False
            if (c >> 6) != 0b10:
                return False
            size -= 1
    return size == 0

data1 = [0b00000000] # T
data2 = [0b11011111,0b10000000] # T
data3 = [0b11011111,0b10000000,0b11000000] # F
data4 = [0b11011111,0b00000000, 0b10111111] # F
data5 = [0b00000000, 0b00011111, 0b11110111, 0b10111111,0b10111111] #F
data6 = [0b00000000, 0b00011111, 0b11110111, 0b10111111,0b10111111, 0b10000000] #T
print validUTF8(data1)
print validUTF8(data2)
print validUTF8(data3)
print validUTF8(data4)
print validUTF8(data5)
print validUTF8(data6)

# wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description
# Reference: http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/59428/validating-utf-8-byte-array
# http://www.fgdsb.com/2015/01/10/valid-utf8/

Symetric rotation number boolean checkNum(String num)
ex: 16891 旋轉 180 以後還是 180 確認這個數有沒有符合這個規則
Follow Up: List<String> genNum(int len)

ex: len=3, {0,1,8,00,11,88,69,96,000,010,080,101,111,181,808,818,888,609,619,689,906,916,986}

def rotation_number(number):
    if not number: return False
    idict = {'0':'0', '1':'1', '8':'8', '6':'9', '9':'6'}
    n = len(number)
    left = 0; right = n - 1

    while left <= right:
        if number[left] not in idict or \
                number[right] not in idict:
                    return False
        if idict[number[left]] != number[right]:
            return False
        left += 1
        right -= 1
    return True

number1 = '8'
number2 = '7'
number3 = '609'
number4 = '321'
number5 = '916'
print rotation_number(number1)
print rotation_number(number2)
print rotation_number(number3)
print rotation_number(number4)
print rotation_number(number5)

19. Followup question

奇数: 0, 1, 8
偶数:00, 11, 88, 69, 96
奇数:000, 010, 080, 101, 111, 181, 808, 818, 888, 609, 619, 689.....
偶数:0000, 0110, 0880, 0690, 0960, 1001, 1111, 1881, 1691, 1961, 8008, 8118, 8888, ......

奇数可以通过偶数加0, 1, 8 得到
偶数则可以通过加上00, 11, 88, 69, 96得到
def find_rotate_number(n):
    if n < 1: return []
    res = []; pre = ['']
    list1 = ["0", "1", "8"]
    idict = {'0':'0', '1':'1', '8':'8', '6':'9', '9':'6'}
    i = 1
    while i < n + 1:
        cur = []
        if i % 2 == 1:
            if pre == ['']:
                cur = list1
                for num in pre:
                    for digit in list1:
                        index = len(num)/2
                        newnum = num[:index] + digit + num[index:]
        elif i % 2 == 0:
            for num in pre:
                for digit in idict:
                    newnum = digit + num + idict[digit]
            pre = cur
        i += 1
    return res

print find_rotate_number(4)

20. The pattern could be across the given set of strings.
只要他給的 pattern 在連續的 strings 可以組合起來成為 pattern string, return true-google 1point3acres

pattern: "horse"
strings: ["ah", "or", "settle"]

boolean contains(String pattern, Iterable<String> strs)
pattern: "abc"
strs : "ab", "cd"  -> true
strs : "aa", "bcd" -> true
strs : "ab", "ac"  -> false

21. Leetcode: count islands
-google 1point3acres
後面的 follow up 都是討論而已, 沒寫 code
Follow up: 如果是大地圖怎麼處理, 要你切 map, 考慮每個 submap 之間的關係. 
Follow up2: 平行化處理, 這個條件, 可能會讓你前面所想方法要重新思考

這時剩下15分鐘, 他就說再來個 follow up 好了 = =, 跟大圖無關, 一樣是 count island, 假設已經做了第一次的處理
Follow up3: 如果他現在要新增島到地圖上, 請回傳最新的 count
ex: int add(int x, int y), the function should return the new count

Follow up3.1 這個 function 能不能做到比 O(N*N) 還要好? (N為 map 邊長)

最後結束的時候, 他有跟我說解法, 就是當初在 count islands 的時候把每個 island 都建成一顆 tree
所以再判斷新加上去的 island 周圍的時候, 只要判斷周圍的 island 是不是有 common ancestor O(lgN)
如果是分開的兩個島, 現在被新的島串起來了的話, 就將兩顆 tree 接起來就好

本帖最后由 stellari 于 2015-6-29 20:44 编辑

今天在Lintcode上刷到Number of Islands II这道题,发现恰好和前两天面经版的一个Youtube面试出现的题的follow up是相同的。在网上简单搜了一下并没有看到关于这道题的详细解法,所以自己写了一个,分享给大家。


Given a n,m which means the row and column of the 2D matrix and an array of pair A( size k). Originally, the 2D matrix is all 0 which means there is only sea in the matrix. The list pair has k operator and each operator has two integer A[i].x, A[i].y means that you can change the grid matrix[A[i].x][A[i].y] from sea to island. Return how many island are there in the matrix after each operator.


Given n = 3, m = 3, array of pair A = [(0,0),(0,1),(2,2),(2,1)].

return [1,1,2,2].


0 is represented as the sea, 1 is represented as the island. If two 1 is adjacent, we consider them in the same island. We only consider up/down/left/right adjacent


这实际上就是要动态维护一个图的Connected Component。这是并查集(Union-find set)的典型应用。所谓并查集,就是满足下列特征的数据结构:

1. 能表示一组不相交的集合,比如{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6}, {7}};
2. 最少支持以下三个操作:
    make-set(v): 加入一个新的集合,其中只有一个元素v。
    find(v): 给定元素v,查询v在哪一个集合当中。
    union(v1, v2): 给定元素v1和v2,将它们所在的集合合并为一个。

并查集通常用树形结构来表示。每一个集合是一棵多叉树,所以一组不相交集合构成了一个“forest”。比如{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6}, {7}}这组不相交集合,可以用四棵树来表示:
   1           4       6         7
  / \         / 
  2   3      5


  while (v is not root) 
        v = v->parent
  return v

struct DJSetNode{
  int rank;
  DJSetNode* parent;
  DJSetNode(int r, DJSetNode* parent): 
        rank(r), parent(p) 
这里的rank就是深度。之所以不叫“depth”,是因为以后我们可以对上述的并查集实现做进一步优化,称为Path Compression(本文不作讨论)。在作完这步优化以后,这个rank就和深度不对应了。

union(v1, v2)
  root1 = find(v1)
  root2 = find(v2)
  if (root1 is root2) 
    return root1
  if (root1 has lower rank) 
    root2.parent = root1
    return root1
  else if (root2 has lower rank)
    root1.parent = root2
    return root2
  else // root1 and root2 have same depth
    root2.parent = root1
    root1.rank ++
    return root1

在本题当中,我们可以将创建一个M x N的数组SEAMAP,类型为DJSetNode*。每次将一个坐标点(i, j)位置设为陆地时,我们做3件事:

1. 创建一个新的DJSetNode对象N
2. 将N作为一棵孤立的树插入到forest当中
3. 让SEAMAP[i, j]指向N

然后,我们查询SEAMAP[i, j]的四个邻位置。如果其中某些位置的值不为NULL,那么说明这里已经存在有岛屿,那么我们将N与那些位置所在的集合合并即可。对于四个邻位置,我们最多只要进行四次union操作即可。合并完成之后,forest中剩余的孤立树的个数即为孤立岛屿的个数。


struct DJSetNode {
    int label;  // 保留字。本程序中并未用到。
    int rank;   // 在本程序中就是树的深度。
    DJSetNode* parent;
    DJSetNode(int lb, int r, DJSetNode* p): label(lb), rank(r), parent(p) {}
class Solution {
    unordered_set<DJSetNode*> forest;   // 包含当前所有树的根
    // MAKESET: 产生一个仅含一个元素的set,并将其作为一棵树加入forest
    DJSetNode* makeSet() {
        DJSetNode* cur = new DJSetNode(0, 0, nullptr);    
        return cur;

    // FIND: 给定任意一个元素,找到这个元素所在树的root
    DJSetNode* find(DJSetNode* n) {
        if (n == nullptr) return nullptr;
        while (n->parent) {
            n = n->parent;
        return n;

    // MERGE: 给定两个元素,合并这两个元素所在的树,并返回合并后树的root
    DJSetNode* merge(DJSetNode* n1, DJSetNode* n2) {
        DJSetNode* r1 = find(n1);   // 分别找到两元素所在的树的root
        DJSetNode* r2 = find(n2);
        if (r1 == r2) {             // 如果本来就在同一树,则不做任何事
            return r1;

        if (r1->rank > r2->rank) {  // 如果树1的“深度”大于树2,
            r2->parent = r1;        // 则以树1为基础合并
            forest.erase(r2);       // 然后从forest中除去树2
            return r1;              // 这是为了保证合并后树的深度尽可能小
        else if (r1->rank < r2->rank) { // 反之则以树2为基础合并,
            r1->parent = r2;
            return r2;
        else {                      // 若深度相同,则任选一树为基础合并
            r2->parent = r1;        // 此处选为树1
            r1->rank++;             // 合并以后,树1的深度增加了1
            return r1;

    int add(const Point& p) {
        vector<DJSetNode*> nbs;     
        // 查看当前位置的四个邻点,如果为island,则将其加入队列
        if (p.x > 0 && seaMap[p.y][p.x-1]) nbs.push_back(seaMap[p.y][p.x-1]);
        if (p.y > 0 && seaMap[p.y-1][p.x]) nbs.push_back(seaMap[p.y-1][p.x]);
        if (p.x < NC-1 && seaMap[p.y][p.x+1]) nbs.push_back(seaMap[p.y][p.x+1]);
        if (p.y < NR-1 && seaMap[p.y+1][p.x]) nbs.push_back(seaMap[p.y+1][p.x]);

        DJSetNode* cur = makeSet(); // 先把当前加入的点看做一个新的孤立岛屿。
        seaMap[p.y][p.x] = cur;     // 

        for (int i = 0; i < nbs.size();++i) {
            cur = merge(cur, nbs[i]);   // 将这个岛屿分别与周围的邻岛合并
        return forest.size();       // 此时forest中的tree数就是孤立岛屿的数目
    vector<vector<DJSetNode*> > seaMap;
    int NR, NC;
    vector<int> numIslands2(int n, int m, vector<Point>& operators) {
        seaMap = vector<vector<DJSetNode*> >(m, vector<DJSetNode*>(n, nullptr));
        NR = m, NC = n;

        vector<int> res;
        for (int i = 0; i < operators.size(); ++i) {
            int a = add(operators[i]);
        return res;

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-137081-1-1.html
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-137243-1-1.html

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-120307-1-1.html

# http://www.careercup.com/question?id=11353907

class GetRandom:
    def __init__(self):
        self.idict = {}
        self.array = []

    def insert(number):
        if number not in self.idict:
            index = self.array.index(number)
            self.idict[number] = index

    def remove(number):
        if number in self.idict:
            index = self.idict[number]
            if index != len(self.array)-1:
                self.array[len(self.array)-1], self.array[index] = \
                        self.array[index], self.array[len(self.array)-1]
                idict[self.array[index]] = index
                del self.array[len(self.array)-1]
            del self.idict[number]
    def getRandom():
        randomnumber = random.randint(0, len(self.array)-1)
        return self.idict[randomnumber]
# Some question:
# 1) How could we handle duplicate number ?
# 2) How could we ensure the insert sequence of the element ?
# Discussion: http://www.careercup.com/question?id=11353907

23. surpass count
Inversion Count for an array indicates – how far (or close) the array is from being sorted. 
If array is already sorted then inversion count is 0. 
If array is sorted in reverse order that inversion count is the maximum. 
Formally speaking, two elements a[i] and a[j] form an inversion if a[i] > a[j] and i < j
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/counting-inversions/

similar: Maximal Surpasser Count Problem
数组元素a[i] 的surpasser是指元素a[j], j > i, a[j] > a[i]。
比如[10, 3, 7, 1, 23, 14, 6, 9] 这个数组中10的surpasser是23,14,个数是2。
# http://www.fgdsb.com/2015/01/11/maximal-surpasser-count/


def merge_sort(array):
    if not array: return None
    n = len(array)
    result = [0 for _ in xrange(n)]
    return rec_mergesort(array, result, 0, n-1)

def rec_mergesort(array, result, left, right):
    inv_count = 0
    if left < right:
        mid = (left + right) / 2
        inv_count = rec_mergesort(array, result, left, mid)
        inv_count += rec_mergesort(array, result, mid+1, right)
        inv_count += merge(array, result, left, mid+1, right)
    return inv_count

def merge(array, result, left, mid, right):
    i = left; j = mid 
    k = left
    inv_count = 0
    while (i < mid) and (j <= right):
        if array[i] <= array[j]:
            result[k] = array[i]
            i += 1
            result[k] = array[j]
            j += 1
            inv_count += mid - i
        k += 1
    while i < mid:
        result[k] = array[i]
        k += 1
        i += 1
    while j <= right:
        result[k] = array[j]
        k += 1
        j += 1
    k = left
    while k <= right:
        array[k] = result[k]
        k += 1
    return inv_count 

array = [1,20,6,4,5]  # output: 5
array = [2,4,1,3,5]   # output: 3
print merge_sort(array)

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-121729-1-1.html
24. 第二轮,面的人是华裔小哥,人很喜感也挺nice,也是一上来做题。题目是给你一个positive的值K,然后按照fraction的值的小到大输出所有n/d, 
其中1<=d<=k, 0<=n<=d,还有一个要求输出的fraction不能有duplicate,比如1/2和2/4是duplicate,这种情况只要输出1/2。我用了一个hashtable来
处理duplicate的情况, fraction的实际小数的值对应其输出string,比如0.5对应1/2,因为输出要按从小到大顺序,所以还用了个arraylist存实际小
数的值,最后对这个List排了下序,然后结合hashtable和list输出最后结果。然后问时间复杂度,follow up,如果规定只想要输出某个数值区间的

25. Google 电面
比较BST和hash table的优缺点
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Algorithm/HashTable_Implement.md

26. detect cycle in a given tree, valid Tree.
Union-Find Algorithm: 详见21题
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, V, E):
        self.V = V
        self.E = E
        self.edge = [Edge() for _ in xrange(self.E)]

class Edge:
    def __init__(self):
        self.src = 0
        self.dest = 0

class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self):
        self.father = []
        self.rank = []

    def find(self, x):
        if self.father[x] == -1:
            return x
        return self.find(self.father[x])

    def union(self, x, y):
        x = self.find(x)
        y = self.find(y)
        if x == y: return
        if self.rank[x] < self.rank[y]:
            self.father[x] = y
            self.father[y] = x
            if self.rank[x] == self.rank[y]:
                self.rank[x] += 1

    def validTree(self, graph):
        if not graph: return False
        self.father = [-1 for _ in xrange(graph.V)]
        self.rank = [0 for _ in xrange(graph.V)]

        for i in xrange(graph.E):
            x = self.find(graph.edge[i].src)
            y = self.find(graph.edge[i].dest)
            if x == y:
                print "this is cycle graph!"
                return True
            self.union(x, y)

27. give a float array and the weight for each array element write a function to generate each element probablistically based on the weight, 
这道题followup略难,根据weigt优化算法没答出来,最后问了面试小哥,要用Heap,想想也make sense,开始自己想到用heap但是小哥一直提示把我给带跑了。

设计一个random queue,支持push,pop,要求pop是random的
follow-up,每次push的时候会有相应的权重,要求pop按照权重random,换句话说,push 1,2,3,相应的权重1,2,3。那第一次pop需要保证1被pop的概率是1/6,以此类推。
有一个类似b+ tree的结构能解决follow-up。


28. 一道面经题2D sparse matrix, how to get the number of 1's in constant time given two coordinate

29. 设计合并若干个字符串到一个字符串的encoding算法与对应的decoding算法
def encode_strings(str_list):
    if not str_list: return ""
    result = ""

    for s in str_list:
        n = len(s)
        result += str(n) + '#' + s
    return result

def decode_strings(string):
    if not string: return ""
    result = []
    while len(string) > 0:
        index = string.index('#')
        length = int(string[index-1]) 
        substr = string[index+1: index+length+1]
        string = string[index+length+1:]
        print "string: ", string
    return result

test = ['hello','world','how','are','you']
result =  encode_strings(test)
print result
print decode_strings(result)

31.给int n,求n所有factors,然后问问算法的running time
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6800193/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-of-finding-all-the-factors-of-a-number-in-python

def find_factor(x):
    result = set()
    i = 1
    while i * i <= x:
        if x % i == 0:
        i += 1
    return result
print find_factor(4)
print find_factor(8)
print find_factor(18)

[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python find_factor.py
set([1, 2, 4])
set([8, 1, 2, 4])
set([1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18])

follow up
32. 接下来就是第一题的follow up,给distinct primes list,回传所有由这些primes组成的数字。再follow up,那给的primes有重复呢?
原本题是n=20,回传{1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20};后面两道题是给你{2, 5},回传{1, 2, 5, 10},或是primes有重复,例如给你{2, 2, 5},
回传{1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20}
# 原题链接: http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=134582&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
# Analysis: http://www.fgdsb.com/2015/01/17/factors-of-product-of-distinct-primes/
# None-duplicate input 
def all_factors(primes):
    result = []
    dfs(result, primes, 0, 1)
    print result

def dfs(result, primes, i, cur):
    if i == len(primes):
    dfs(result, primes, i+1, cur)
    dfs(result, primes, i+1, cur*primes[i])
test = [2,3,7]

test1 = [2,3,5]

# Duplicate input

# 通过一个pre来记录之前的数字primes,比如对于input[2,2,5]来说
# 1 --- 1 (not use primes[0])
#   ---- 1*2 (use primes[0])   
# 1*2 --- 1*2 (not use primes[1])
#     ---- 1*2*2 (use primes[1])

follow up: 
33. Efficient program to print all prime factors of a given number

def find_prime_factor(x):
    result = set()
    while x % 2 == 0:
        x = x / 2
    i = 3
    while i * i <= x:
        while x % i == 0:
            x = x / i
        i += 2
    if x > 2:
    return result

print "prime factor:"
print find_prime_factor(8)
print find_prime_factor(9)
print find_prime_factor(11)
print find_prime_factor(121)
print find_prime_factor(315)

34. 两个input,第一个是一个机器的total_mem,第二个是一堆job,每个job包含starting_time,duration,mem_needed,mem_needed就是说这个工作需要这么多的memeory。
# 原题:http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=116931&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
    bool is_in;
    int time;
    int mem_used;

比如job 从 0开始 10结束,用了200mem
Event{true,0,200}, Event{false,10,200}.
按照time排序,time相同,is_in = false的优先。

然后你扫过去, is_in=true的你就加mem,is_in=false的你就-mem.每个事件点,你会加或减一次,每加或减一次后,就check是不是超过总的。

Similar problem in G4G
35. Weighted Job Scheduling 
Given N jobs where every job is represented by following three elements of it.
1) Start Time
2) Finish Time.
3) Profit or Value Associated.
Find the maximum profit subset of jobs such that no two jobs in the subset overlap
注意,这里是不允许有overlap 的

# 思路:
DP + binary search 
1. first, sort each job based on the finish time
2. maintain the dp[i], which means the max profit for the jobs till arr[i] (arr[i] included)
3. initialization: dp[0] = arr[0].profit
4. state: 
    for i in xrange(1, n):
        # calculate include this job, the max value
        include_profit = arr[i].profit
        l = latestNonConflict_job(arr, i)  # find the latest non-conflit previous job, if not, return -1
        if l != -1: 
            include_profit += table[l]
        # calculate exclude this job, and find the max value 
        table[i] = max(include_profit, table[i-1])
    return table[n-1]
# http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/11265/find-non-overlapping-scheduled-jobs-with-maximum-cost

def non_overlapping(array):
    if not array:
        return None
    result = []
    n = len(array)
    array = sorted(array, key = lambda x: x[1])
    print "array: ", array
    dp = [ 0 for _ in xrange(n+1)]
    for i in xrange(1, n+1):
        cur = array[i-1]
        index = find_interval(array, cur[0], 0, n-1)
        dp[i] = max( dp[index+1]+cur[2], dp[i-1]) 
        print "dp: ", dp
    return dp[n]

def find_interval(array, target, start, end):
    if start > end:
        return end # Note: here we return end, not start not None 
    while start <= end:
        mid = (start + end)/2
        if array[mid][1] == target:
            return mid
        elif array[mid][1] > target:
            return find_interval(array, target, start, mid-1)
        elif array[mid][1] < target:
            return find_interval(array, target, mid+1, end)
test = [[3,8,3], [2,3,2],[1,5,2], [2,9,3], [8,13,2]]
print non_overlapping(test)

36. input: 一个文件,包含了很多单词,可以全部装入内存一个target number
output: 一个单词的最小set,这些单词的出现的频率的总和大于等于t
比如,文件中 A 500次,B 300, C 200, D100, t = 1000.  结果为 A,B, C. 
实际上就是求频率最高的一些单词,这个单词的总频率大于target。 我用了selection algorithm去解决的这个问题
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-131722-2-1.html
# Use quick select (O(n))
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Algorithm/Quick_Select.md

37. 题目就是设计一个RMQ(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_minimum_query) (我也是后来才知道这是RMQ的)
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Algorithm/Segment_Tree.md

38. 找出一个树是另一个树的子树
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-if-a-binary-tree-is-subtree-of-another-binary-tree/
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-binary-tree-subtree-another-binary-tree-set-2/
# O(n) algorithm

# method 1
def check_subtree(tree1, tree2):
    if not tree1: return False
    if not tree2: return True

    if identical_tree(tree1, tree2):
        return True

    return identical_tree(tree1.left, tree2) or \
            identical_tree(tree1.right, tree2)

def identical_tree(tree1, tree2):
    if not tree1 and not tree2:
        return True
    if not tree1 or not tree2:
        return False

    return tree1.val == tree2.val and \
            identical_tree(tree1.left, tree2) and \
            identical_tree(tree1.right, tree2)
# method 2    
# Use the inorder and preorder/postorder equal to determine 
def preorder(root):
    result = []
    queue = [root]
    while queue:
        node = queue.pop()
        if node.right:
        if node.left:
    return result
def inorder(root):
    result = []
    queue = []
    node = root
    while True:
        while node:
            node = node.left
        if not queue:
        node = queue.pop()
        node = node.right  
    result.append('#')  # Check the special case 
    return result

def check_subtree(tree1, tree2):
    pre_array1 = preorder(tree1)
    pre_array2 = preorder(tree2)

    in_array1 = inorder(tree1)
    in_array2 = inorder(tree2)

    return check_strstr(pre_array1, pre_array2) and \
            check_strstr(in_array1, in_array2)

# here use KMP algorithm to check the strstr

# we need to add '#' at the end of the preorder and inorder result 
# for the following special case 
        /    \
      a       b

        /    \
      a       b
     /         \
    c            d

39. Write a function to get a positive integer n as input and return 0 or 1. The probability of returning 1 should be 1/(2^n)
G家的题。因为是1/2^n,那么执行最多n次rand() % 2即可。连续n次随机到0的概率就是1/(2^n),中途只要随机到1就立即返回0即可。
# http://www.fgdsb.com/tags/Random/
import random
def random01(n):
    for i in xrange(n):
        if random.randrange(2) == 1:
            return 0
    return 1

print random01(2)

pop(): 随机从头或者尾扔出一个元素;
peek(): 随机看头或者尾的一个元素,peek()之后pop()的话一定会pop()出peek()的那个元素;
push(): 向尾部插入一个元素

Follow up:如果quack里面有重复的元素,怎么处理。


from collections import deque

def recover_quack(quack):
    queue = deque()
    stack = []
    result = []

    while not quack.empty():
        number1 = quack.pop()
        if quack.empty():

        number2 = quack.peek()
        if number1 > number2:

    while queue:

    while stack:

    return result
41. Random Node in A Binary Tree
Random return one node in the binary tree

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
class Tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TreeNode(0)
    def choose_random(self):
        result = [None]
        self.choose_random_helper(self.root, 1, result)
        print "result: ", result
        return result[0].value

    def choose_random_helper(self, node, idx, result):
        if not node: return 
        print "idx: ", idx 
        if random.randrange(idx) == 0:
            result[0] = node
        self.choose_random_helper(node.left, idx+1, result)
        self.choose_random_helper(node.right, idx+1, result)
tree = Tree()
node1 = TreeNode(1)
node2 = TreeNode(2)
node3 = TreeNode(3)
node4 = TreeNode(4)
tree.root.left = node1
tree.root.right = node2
tree.root.left.left = node3
tree.root.left.right = node4
print "tree: ", tree.root.left.left.value
print tree.choose_random()

42. Implement rand10() with rand7()
import random

def random7():
    return random.randrange(7)

def random10():
    tmp = 7 * random7() + random7()
    if tmp <= 40:
        print tmp % 10

43 Minimum Sum of Manhattan Distance
# http://www.jiuzhang.com/problem/30/
O(klogk), k is the number of points in matrix, the time complexity of sort

follow up question:



class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

def min_distance(pts):
    pts = sorted(pts, key = lambda x: x[0])
    x_sum = mht_sum(pts, True)
    pts = sorted(pts, key = lambda x: x[1])
    y_sum = mht_sum(pts, False)

    result = -1 << 31
    for i in xrange(len(pts)):
        result = min(result, x_sum[(pts[i].x, pts[i].y)] + y_sum[(pts[i].x, pts[i].y)])
    return result

def mht_sum(pts, get_x):
    n = len(pts)
    left = [0 for _ in xrange(n)]
    right = [0 for _ in xrange(n)]
    isum = 0
    for i in xrange(n):
        left[i] = isum
        isum += pts[i].x if get_x else pts[i].y
    isum = 0
    for i in xrange(n-1, -1, -1):
        right[i] = isum
        isum += pts[i].x if get_x else pts[i].y
    # calculate xi isum
    # (xi - x(i-1)) + (xi - x(i-2)) + ... + (x(i+1)-xi) + x(i+2)-xi..
    # i * xi - left[i] + right[i] - (n-1-i) * xi
    result = {}
    for i in xrange(n):
        p = pts[i].x if get_x else pts[i].y
        result[(pts[i].x, pts[i].y)] = p * i - left[i] + right[i] - (n-1-i) * p
    return result

44. wiggle sort
对数组排序,使得 a1 <= a2 >= a3 <= a4 >=...
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Experience/wiggle_sort.py

45. Intersection of Two Quadtrees

46. Peek Iterator 
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2425270/how-to-look-ahead-one-element-in-a-python-generator
# http://anandology.com/python-practice-book/iterators.html
# https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#iterators

class generator:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n
        self.i = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        if self.has_next():
            i = self.i
            self.i += 1
            return i
            print "there is NO next value."
            return None
            #raise StopIteration()

    def has_next(self):
        if self.i >= self.n:
            return False
            return True

class PeekIterator:
    def __init__(self, generator):
        self.peek = []
        self.generator = generator

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def get_peek(self):  # Previous there is the error here since peek() function is duplicate with self.peek
        if self.peek == []:
            if self.has_next():
                cur = self.generator.next()
                print "cur: ", cur
                return cur
            return self.peek[-1]

    def has_next(self):
        if not self.generator.has_next() and not self.peek:
            return False
            return True

    def get_next(self):
        if not self.peek:
            if self.has_next():
                return self.generator.next()
            ret = self.peek[-1]
            return ret

gen = generator(5)
test = PeekIterator(gen)
print test.has_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print "peek: ", test.get_peek()
print test.get_next()

# Output: 
[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python iterater.py 
peek:  2

A: 1234
B: abcd
# http://www.fgdsb.com/2015/01/30/zigzag-iterator/

import random

class generator:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n
        self.i = random.randrange(n)
        self.start = self.i
        print "self.start: ", self.start

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        if self.has_next():
            i = self.i 
            self.i += 1
            return i 
            print "there is NO next value."
            return None
            #raise StopIteration()
    def has_next(self):
        if self.i >= self.start + self.n:
            return False
            return True 

class ZigzagIterator:
    def __init__(self, g1, g2):
        self.its = [g1, g2]
        self._pointer = 0 if g1.has_next() else 1

    def get_next(self):
        ret = self.its[self._pointer].next()
        tmp = (self._pointer+1)%2
        if self.its[tmp].has_next():
            self._pointer = tmp 	
        return ret     

    def has_next(self):
        return self.its[self._pointer].has_next()

# test
t1 = generator(5)
t2 = generator(5)
test = ZigzagIterator(t1, t2)
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.get_next()
print test.has_next()

# output
[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python iterater.py
self.start:  3
self.start:  3
there is NO next value.

48. We have a schedular. Timer is available to the schedular. The clients of this schedular want to call this schedular with 2 parameters, 
1) time interval in ms 2) callback function. The schedular will invoke specified callback function after specified time intevals. 
Design data structure and implement it. 

这个函数的功能是用一个绝对时间点注册一个callback function。这个时间点你可以认为就是time(NULL)的返回值。当时间到时,系统会自动调用这个callback。


func1 -> func2 -> func3

class CallBack:
    def __init__(self):
        self.record = {}
        self.current_timer = (1 << 31)-1

    def wrapper(self):
        del self.record[self.current_timer]

        if self.record:
            self.current_timer = self.record.keys()[0]
            register_system_timer_callback(self.current_timer, wrapper)

    def register_system_timer_callback(self, relative_time, callback):
        if relative_time == 0:
        cur_time = time.time()
        record[cur_time + relative_time] = callback
        if (cur_time + relative_time < self.current_timer):
            self.current_timer = cur_time + relative_time
            register_system_timer_callback(self.current_timer, wrapper)

49. given a full binary tree, please write a function to encode the shape of the tree. Using the result that you get from part I to reconstruct the tree. 
You should use as little space as you can to reconstrcut it.
Generall Tree serialization 
class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = 0

    def serization(self, root):
        if not root: return None
        ret = 0
        queue = [root]
        while queue:
            node = queue.pop()
            ret <<= 1
            if node.left and node.right:
                ret |= 1
        return ret

    def deserization(self, array):
        if not array: return None
        bit_array = []

        while array:
            digit = array & 1
            array >>= 1
        root = TreeNode(0)
        queue = [root]
        for bit in bit_array:
            if bit == 1:
                node = queue.pop(0)
                node.left = TreeNode(0)
                node.right = TreeNode(0)
            elif bit == 0:
        return root

50. 要求实现对于一个window_size, 不停插入值,返回当前的平均数,
For Window size: 2
MovingAverage m(2)
m.get_next(1) -> 1
m.get_next(2) -> 1.5
m.get_next(3) -> 2.5
m.get_next(4) -> 3.5

class MovingAverage:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.num = []
        self.size = n
        self.sum = 0

    def get_next(self, number):
        self.sum += number
        while len(self.num) > self.size:
            tmp = self.num.pop(0)
            self.sum -= tmp
        average = (1.0*self.sum)/len(self.num)
        return average

test = MovingAverage(3)

51. Product of word length which words that share no letters(all lower case)
E.g {feed , see, stuck }: max product: 5x4=20
Follow up:
optimal way to exit earlier in loop.
# http://www.quora.com/Given-a-dictionary-of-words-how-can-we-efficiently-find-a-pair-words-s-t-they-dont-have-characters-in-common-and-sum-of-their-length-is-maximum
1. go through each word in the input list, then create the dictionary for each word like: O(n * m), m is len of word
'f': [0, ]
'e': [0, 1]
'd': [0]
's': [1, 2]

2. then for go through each word again, for the each word, find the union of each character, first one 
is [0, 1], time complexity O(m * n), then find maxlen of the rest of word, check the product of this word
and max length of word, update the result.

52. RLE run-length compression
Encode: helll=> he3l,   decode
Requirements:1. Decode(encode(s))==s; 2. Shortest length
Follow up: unit test: test requirement 1&2

思路:check the amount of each character and then add the amount before character

53. Word abbreviation,
e.g. Between=>b5n,  friend=>f4d
Follow-up: implement
Bool checkduplicate(string [] dict, string word)
E.g. {feed }, feed => false;  {door }, deer =>true;  {dare}, deer => false
如果dict里有word 和input word的abbreviation 一样,则return true

和phone interview有点像

some questions need to clear:
1) how about the word length less than 2 ?
2) we only consider the first letter and last letter ?
3) is there any limitation of the word length ?
brute force思路是: check each abbr of each word in dictionary, optimization is
use the trie to optimize the dictionary 


54.Poland operation list convert to tree
E.g. {push 4, push 5, add, push 9, mul, sqrt} => tree: {sqrt,  {mul,{9, add(4,5)}}}
import operator

class TreeNode:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.operation = None
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
class polish_to_tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.operation = {
                '+': lambda y, x: x + y,
                '-': lambda y, x: x - y,
                '*': lambda y, x: x * y,
                '/': lambda y, x: int(operator.truediv(x, y))

    def build_tree(self, tokens):
        if not tokens: return 0
        stack = []
        for char in tokens:
            if char.isdigit():
                newnode = TreeNode(int(char))
                stack.append((int(char), newnode))
            elif char[0] == '-' and char[1:].isdigit():
                newnode = TreeNode(-int(char[1:]))
                stack.append((-int(char[1:]), newnode))
            elif char in self.operation:
                y, nodey = stack.pop()
                x, nodex = stack.pop()
                value = self.operation[char](y, x)
                newnode = TreeNode(int(value))
                newnode.operation = char
                newnode.left = nodey
                newnode.right = nodex
                stack.append((value, newnode))
        print stack[-1][0]
        return stack[-1][1].value
array = ["4", "13", "5", "/", "+"]
test = polish_to_tree()
print test.build_tree(array)

55. 给定一个数字数组 ,其中每个元素是从末端数小于原数组中该元素的个数。求原数组。

For example:
Count array: [3, 0, 1, 0]
Original array: [4, 1, 3, 2]

Can you give an O(nlogn) solution?
original question: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32856675.html

Count array 就是一个rank

count array 
i  C[3,0,1,0]   N[1,2,3,4] 
0 C[0] = 3     N中第3个,N[3] = 4,在N里面删除4, N=[1,2,3]
1 C[1] = 0     N中第0个,N[0] = 1,在N里面删除1, N=[2,3]
2 C[2] = 1     N中第1个,N[1] = 3,在N里面删除3, N=[2]
3 C[3] = 0     N中第0个,N[0] = 2

所以答案是4 1 3 2

# 思路
1. 先简历一个segmenttree, 从[0, n-1],每个叶子节点标记为1,

2. find_kth function, which find tree 中 the kth 小的数字
当你找到相应的叶子节点,那么他表示的区间[l,r](l == r),l或者r就是我们要找的

3. delete that node, then find next one 
class Node:
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.count = 0
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class SegmentTree:
    def __init__(self, irange):
        self.root = self.build_tree(0, irange-1)

    def build_tree(self, left, right):
        if left > right: return None
        newnode = Node(left, right)
        if left == right:
            newnode.count = 1
            return newnode

        mid = (left + right) / 2
        newnode.left = self.build_tree(left, mid)
        newnode.right = self.build_tree(mid+1, right)
        newnode.count = newnode.left.count + newnode.right.count
        return newnode

    def get_kth(self, k):
        cur = self.root
        while cur:
            if cur.start == cur.end:
                return cur.start
            left_cover = 0
            if cur.left:
                left_cover = cur.left.count
            if k <= left_cover:
                cur = cur.left
                k -= left_cover
                cur = cur.right
        return -1

    def remove_leaf(self, val):
        self.remove_helper(self.root, val)

    def remove_helper(self, cur, val):
        if not cur: return
        cur.count -= 1
        if cur.left and cur.left.start == val and cur.left.end == val:
            cur.left = None

        if cur.right and cur.right.start == val and cur.right.end == val:
            cur.right = None
        mid = (cur.start + cur.end)/2
        if val <= mid:
            self.remove_helper(cur.left, val)
            self.remove_helper(cur.right, val)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    array = [3, 0, 1, 0]
    test = SegmentTree(4)
    result = []
    for i in array:
        print "i: ", i
        kth = test.get_kth(i)
        print "kth: ", kth
        result.append(kth + 1)
    print result

56. You are given two array, first array contain integer which represent heights of persons and second array contain how many 
persons in front of him are standing who are greater than him in term of height and forming a queue. Ex 
A: 3 2 1 
B: 0 1 1 
It means in front of person of height 3 there is no person standing, person of height 2 there is one person in front of him 
who has greater height then he, similar to person of height 1. Your task to arrange them 
Ouput should be. 
3 1 2 
Here - 3 is at front, 1 has 3 in front ,2 has 1 and 3 in front.
# 原题: http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=114856&extra=page%3D3%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1
# 讨论:http://www.careercup.com/question?id=24532662

# 解法1, time complexity O(nlogn)
This can be solved using rope data structure. 
It's like a binary tree except that each node maintains the number of nodes in the left subtree+1 for itself. Whenever a new number is inserted, if the value is smaller than the node's number it goes to the left otherwise right. When it goes to the right, the value of the node is decreased by the value of the branch node. 
Ex Nodes:	6	5	4	3	2	1 
values:	0	0	0	2	2	4 
1. Make 6 as the root of the tree, its value = 1; 
2. Insert 5. Value of 5(0) < value of 6(1) so it goes to the left. New value of 6 = 2, value of 5=1; 
3. Insert 4, value of 4 < value of 6 so goes to the left; again goes to the left of 5. New values of 4 = 1, value of 5 = 2, value of 6 = 3 
4. Insert 3, goes to the left of 6 but to the right of 5. New values 6 = 4, value of 3 = 1, rest unchanged 
5. Insert 2, goes to the left of 6, right of 5 (value of 2 is decreased by value of 5 so its now 0), left of 3. New values of 3 = 2, value of 2 = 1, value of 6 = 5 
6. Insert 1, goes to the left of 6, right of 5, right of 3. 
Do an in-order traversal of tree. It is imperative to insert the nodes in decreasing order

# 解法2, check the discussion in the career cup:
height:	6	5	4	3	2	1 
values:	0	0	0	2	2	4 

a) Each node when it enters has its "value" (Number of people greater in height) as its initial value. I am calling it the "current node" (till it reaches its final position).
b) A "current node" goes "left" to the existing node, when its value is <= the existing node's value. At that time it increments the existing node's value by 1.
When the "current node" goes "right", no change to any values.

Repeat for all nodes. Nodes to be pushed in decreasing order of height. Finally do in-order traversal.
The changes from the previous solution are no "right" rule & no +1 for the current node.

With this, the following will be the iterations...
a) 6 = 0
b) 5 = 0, 6 = 1
c) 4 = 0, 5 = 1, 6 = 2.
d) 4 = 0, 5 = 1, 3 = 2, 6 = 3.
e) 4 = 0, 5 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 6 = 4.
f) 4 = 0, 5 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 1 = 4, 6 = 5.


57. Given an array of ages (integers) sorted lowest to highest, output the number of occurrences for each age.
For instance:
should output something like:
8: 3 
9: 2 
11: 1 
15: 1 
16: 3
Problem: # http://www.fgdsb.com/2015/01/03/count-numbers/
void count_number(const vector<int>& arr) {
    if(arr.empty()) return;
    int id = 0, step = 1, cur_num = arr[0], cur_count = 0;
    while(id < arr.size()) {
        cur_count += step;
        step *= 2;
        if(id + step >= arr.size() || arr[id + step] != cur_num) {
            step = 1;
            if(id + step < arr.size() && arr[id + step] != cur_num) {
                cout << cur_num << ": " << cur_count << endl;
                cur_count = 0;
                cur_num = arr[id + step];
        id += step;
    cout << cur_num << ": " << cur_count << endl << endl;

Count 1 bits 
Analysis: # https://books.google.com/books?id=iBNKMspIlqEC&pg=PA66#v=onepage&q&f=false
思想是divide and conquer, first seperate the 32 bit into 16 blocks, and each block has 2 bits
then check the 1s in each block, if 2 1s, output is 10, if only has 1 1s, output is 01,
then move to the 4 bits in one block
def count_one_array(x):
    x = ((x & 0b1010101010101010) >> 1) + (x & 0b0101010101010101)
    x = ((x & 0b1100110011001100) >> 2) + (x & 0b0011001100110011)
    x = ((x & 0b1111000011110000) >> 4) + (x & 0b0000111100001111)
    x = ((x & 0b1111111100000000) >> 8) + (x & 0b0000000011111111)
    return x

def count_one_array(x):
    x = ((x & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1) + (x & 0x55555555)
    x = ((x & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2) + (x & 0x33333333)
    x = ((x & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4) + (x & 0x0F0F0F0F)
    x = ((x & 0xFFFF0000) >> 8) + (x & 0x0000FFFF)
    return x

58.设计一个电话本系统,实现三个功能:查找号码 boolean isTaken(),添加号码 void takeNumber(),
返回一个不在电话本里的没人用的号码 number giveMeANumber()。我一开始说用HashMap,这样前两个函数的复杂度都是O(1),
这里已经给出所有电话号码的范围是 10位数字 
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=137822&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26sortid%3D311


class TrieNode{
    int nAvail;
    int curDepth;
    TrieNode* next[10];

如果这其中第next[ k ]为空,说明第6位号码只要是 k 的话,第7位以后是什么都没关系。那么我们新建一个next[ k ]节点。然后随机生成一个3位数(10-7=3),插入到next[ k ]之后;




另外就算是用BST存的话,每个节点处也需要储存号码(32位整数)+左右指针(假设各32位)= 12 byte。最后总共需要12 x 10^10 = 120G内存,很可能放不到一台机器里。如果再跟面试官扯扯这时候如何处理的话,说不定会有加分。


第三题我也被面过,用的是Trie w/ boolean array, 不用Hashmap是因为 map的initial size是256,对于这种只需要存0-9十个数的情况就很不划算了, 用trie只需要存每层0-9十个boolean,如果这个数已用就把 相应的index set一下.
补充内容 (2015-7-10 13:44):
用boolean array更省地方,因为boolean 只是一个bit,int 是8个

59. 给string a, string b,判断b里面是否存在子字符串是a的anagram。
最开始写了个isAna(string a, string b)的函数,判断两个字符串是不是anagram。然后在主函数里移动window,
pass一个start point什么的就行。。。
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=87561&extra=page%3D3%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1

# Better solution: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/anagram-substring-search-search-permutations/


import collections

def check_ana(a, b):
    if len(a) < len(b) or not a or not b: return False
    idict = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for char in b:
        idict[char] += 1
    m = len(a); n = len(b)
    for i in xrange(m-n+1):
        tmp = idict
        if isAna(a[i:i+n], tmp):
            return True
    return False

def isAna(a, tmp_idict):
    for char in a:
        tmp_idict[char] -= 1
        if tmp_idict[char] < 0:
            return False
    if sum(tmp_idict.values()) > 0:
        return False
    return True 

a = "helloworld"
b = "ollel"
print check_ana(a, b)

# General check if two string are anagram or not
import collections

def isAna(a, b):
    if len(a) != len(b):
        return False
    idict = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for char in a:
        idict[char] += 1

    for char in b:
        idict[char] -= 1
        if idict[char] < 0:
            return False
    if sum(idict.values()) > 0:
        return False
    return True

a = "hello"
b = "lloeh"
c = "helllo"
d = "heoool"

print isAna(a, b)
print isAna(a, c)
print isAna(a, d)

60. 给一个整形数组,找离数组的平均值最近的数
我想了想说大概用list或者用tree维持一个sorted list然后再二分查找,但是感觉不能同时保证add和find都是logN的。。

61. 有序数组中都是正数且为unique number,找出两个数A、B,so that A-B = 一个给定的数C。要求使用常数空间和O(N)时间。
# http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32861939.html
思路:use two pointers, p0 = 0 , p1 = 1
if A[p1] - A[p0] < target: p1 +=1
elif A[p1] - A[p0] > target: p0 += 1
else return (p0, p1)

if p1 == p2, p2 = p1 + 1

63. 给一个字典,一个字符串, 找出可以由这个字串合法转成的最长单词。 转换操作时删除一个或多个字符 

Apple orange banana
输入 orange 返回 orange
输入 daxpple 返回 apple

64. similar question:
Given a dictionary of words and an initial character. find the longest possible word in the dictionary by 
successively adding a character to the word. At any given instance the word should be valid word in the dictionary.
ex : a -> at -> cat -> cart -> chart ....

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2534087/successive-adding-of-char-to-get-the-longest-word-in-the-dictionary
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17717223/find-the-longest-word-in-the-dictionary-such-that-it-can-be-built-from-successiv
import string
import collections

def find_longest_word(beginchar, wordDict):
    if not beginchar or not wordDict:
        return 0
    chars = string.ascii_lowercase
    queue = collections.deque([beginchar])
    result = 0

    while queue:
        size = len(queue)
        for _ in xrange(size):
            word = queue.popleft()
            for i in xrange(len(word)+1):
                for char in chars:
                    newword = word[:i] + char + word[i:]
                    if newword in wordDict:        
                        print "queue: ", queue
                        result = max(result, len(newword))
    print result                    

wordDict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log", "ta","tan", "tap","tape", "tang",
            "taped", "tamped", "strang","strange","stamped","ta","ca","cat"]

find_longest_word('a', wordDict)

65. You are given a dictionary, in the form of a file that contains one word per line. E.g., 
You are also given a collection of letters. E.g., {a, e, f, f, g, i, r, q}. 
The task is to find the longest word in the dictionary that can be spelled with the collection of 
letters. For example, the correct answer for the example values above is “giraffe”. (Note that 
“reef” is not a possible answer, because the set of letters contains only one “e”.)
# http://www.careercup.com/question?id=16148684
import collections

def find_longest_word(letters, words):
    if not letters or not words:
        return None
    dict_letter = collections.Counter(letters)
    letter_len = len(dict_letter)
    result = 0

    for word in words:
        flag = True
        tmp = dict_letter.copy()
        if len(word) > letter_len:
        for char in word:
            tmp[char] -= 1
            if tmp[char] < 0:
                flag = False
        if flag:    
            result = max(result, len(word))
    return result

words = ["abacus", "deltoid", "gaff", "giraffe", "microphone", "reef", "qar"]
letters = ['a','e','f','f','g','i','r','q']
print find_longest_word(letters, words)

66. 一个logfile,有timestamp,userid,x,y。写个方法,找出任意两个userid,在一定的range里,timestamp最近的一对pair

67. 加了一个小问题,三角形三个顶点各有一只小虫,小虫只能沿着线走,但方向任选,问一段时间后,两只小虫碰一块儿的几率是多少
# http://www.programmerinterview.com/index.php/puzzles/3-ants-on-a-triangle-riddle/

The only possibility that ants can not meet each other is 2, clockwise or anti-clockwise, but the totally 3 ants could choose
the ways are 2^3 = 8, so the possiblity that any two ants meet each other is (8-2)/8 = 0.75

68. 先上来问了下quicksort, 举一个worse case 时间复杂度的例子, 然后coding, 一个n的数组,没有重复, 0到n-1都在这个数组里面, 
只能读,不能写(swap除外),问怎么排序,我上来就说quicksort :)然后问有没有再优化的,想了下给了个O(n)的,不到20行搞定

# quick sort: 
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Algorithm/Different_Sort_Algorithms.md#quick-sort
# quick sort disadvantage: 
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/when-does-the-worst-case-of-quicksort-occur/
# O(n) sort algorithm: swap the element to the correct position in array 

The answer depends on strategy for choosing pivot. In early versions of Quick Sort where leftmost (or rightmost) element is 
chosen as pivot, the worst occurs in following cases.

1) Array is already sorted in same order.
2) Array is already sorted in reverse order.
3) All elements are same (special case of case 1 and 2)

Since these cases are very common use cases, the problem was easily solved by choosing either a random index for the pivot, 
choosing the middle index of the partition or (especially for longer partitions) choosing the median of the first, middle and 
last element of the partition for the pivot. With these modifications, the worst case of Quick sort has less chances to occur, 
but worst case can still occur if the input array is such that the maximum (or minimum) element is always chosen as pivot

69. Sort n numbers in range from 0 to n^2 – 1 in linear time
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sort-n-numbers-range-0-n2-1-linear-time/
# Radix Sort: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/radix-sort/

Sort a nearly sorted array:

70. 问garbage collection和arc的区别,各自的优点和缺点,我运气好,以前学ios programming的时候专门看了的,然后他让我用doubly linked list给他展示,
随便画一画,然后问我arc有什么缺点(他是想问我memory cycle), 我但是没想到,就说我不太清楚,他说这个doubly linked list不会用cycle吗,
2 给以个二叉搜索树和一个iterator,先问你怎么存data才能让这个树可以接受重复元素,我说存一个object,里面是Key和计数器,他说好,
然后开始写代码,问题是怎么判断这个树和Iterator里面元素和计数都一样,我说用一个hashmap的counter,先去in order traverse这个数,存在map里,
然后再比较iterator,最后看看这个map 的counter是否为0或者为空,他说好,写吧,这题明显是想考bst 的 in order,然后用stack写了个iterative的traverse,

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=118515&extra=page%3D3%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311

71. Count frequencies of all elements in array in O(1) extra space and O(n) time
Given an unsorted array of n integers which can contain integers from 1 to n. Some elements can be repeated multiple times and 
some other elements can be absent from the array. Count frequency of all elements that are present and print the missing elements.
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/count-frequencies-elements-array-o1-extra-space-time/
def count_frequency(array):
    if not array: return None
    n = len(array)
    i = 0

    while i < n:
        if array[i] < 0:
            i += 1
        index = array[i] - 1
        if array[index] > 0:
            array[i] = array[index]
            array[index] = -1
            array[index] -= 1
            array[i] = 0
            i += 1
    return array

test = [2,3,3,2,5]
test1 = [3,3,3,3,3]
print count_frequency(test)
print count_frequency(test1)

def count_frequency2(array):
    if not array: return None
    n = len(array)
    array = [array[i]-1 for i in xrange(n)]
    for i in xrange(n):
        array[array[i]%n] = array[array[i]%n] + n
    array = [array[i]/n for i in xrange(n)]
    return array

test = [2,3,3,2,5]
test1 = [3,3,3,3,3]
print count_frequency2(test)
print count_frequency2(test1)

[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python count_frequency.py 
[0, -2, -2, 0, -1]
[0, 0, -5, 0, 0]
[0, 2, 2, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 5, 0, 0]

72. 进制转换, 十进制转换为any进制,会给一个base input

73. BST构建,插入,删除, return the next node;

74. 给一个array of 硬币,第i次翻面所有i的倍数的位置的硬币,(第0次,第1次全翻,第2次翻2, 4, 6, ...)输出最后结果。要求O(n logn)解法。

75. cypher graphics equivalent, 判断两个string是不是cypher graphics equivalent,并证明cypher graphics equivalent是否symmetric和transitive。
cypher graphics equivalent是指,比如说ABC和DEF就cypher graphics equivalent,因为A=>D, B=>E, D=>F。ABC和ADD就不是。

给一个disordered array,判断是否有两个数相等。
给一个disordered array和一个int dist,判断是否有两个数相等且距离小于dist。
给一个disordered array和一个int targe和一个int dist,判断是否有两个数a, b使 Math.abs(a-b) <= target。且a, b的index距离小于dist。

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=124484&extra=page%3D2%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311

76. input string:“+++--++-+”
游戏规则:每人每次可以 flip "++" to "--"(必须是相邻的)

第一问:generate all possible moves
第二问:determine if this player can will
Extra:这两个问题的implementation的Big-O. 1

下个人没法flip了这个人就赢;all possible moves for next flip
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-137953-1-1.html
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=137928&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311&page=2
# http://web.mit.edu/sp.268/www/nim.pdf

首先,这种游戏属于“无偏博弈”(impartial game),意思是:“棋盘”上的棋子,即"+"号,双方都可以公平地使用;而且胜利的最终判定方法对二者来说是一样的。而象棋就不是无偏博弈,因为双方各有不同的棋子和胜利条件。其次这种游戏的终结条件是“正常终结条件”的,即最后无法move的那个人输。与之相对的还有一种叫做“misere终结条件”,即无法move的人赢。



因为我们只能把连着的两个+号变为-号,所以对我们来说,“棋盘”状态可以由一组“连续的+的个数来表示”,比如“+++----+-++----++++”可以表示为(3, 1, 2, 4)。 因为其中那个单独的+号对结果没有影响,而且3和2出现的顺序也无关紧要,所以我们扔掉“1”,然后将这个序列排序,即得较简的表达方式:(2,3,4)。


比如,从状态(2, 3, 4)开始,我们能进入的可能状态是
(2-2, 3, 4) => (3,4)
(2, 3-1, 4) => (2,4)
(2, 3, 4-2) => (2,2,3)
(2, 3, 2, 2) => (2,2,2,3)


接下来是两个重要概念,第一是Sprague-Grundy(SG)函数g(x),其中x是“游戏图”中的一个节点(状态),如果我们用{y1, y2, ..., yn}表示x的所有子节点(即下一步状态)。那么SG函数的定义是:

g(x) = FirstMissingNumber(g(y1), g(y2), ... g(y3))

这是个递归定义的函数。如果x没有子节点,那么定义g(x) = 0;如果x有n个子节点,比如有3个子节点,g值分别为{0,1,3},那么g(x)的值是这个列表中第一个没有出现的>=0的值,此时g(x) = 2。


本帖最后由 stellari 于 2015-7-13 13:09 编辑






首先,这种游戏属于“无偏博弈”(impartial game),意思是:“棋盘”上的棋子,即"+"号,双方都可以公平地使用;而且胜利的最终判定方法对二者来说是一样的。而象棋就不是无偏博弈,因为双方各有不同的棋子和胜利条件。其次这种游戏的终结条件是“正常终结条件”的,即最后无法move的那个人输。与之相对的还有一种叫做“misere终结条件”,即无法move的人赢。



因为我们只能把连着的两个+号变为-号,所以对我们来说,“棋盘”状态可以由一组“连续的+的个数来表示”,比如“+++----+-++----++++”可以表示为(3, 1, 2, 4)。 因为其中那个单独的+号对结果没有影响,而且3和2出现的顺序也无关紧要,所以我们扔掉“1”,然后将这个序列排序,即得较简的表达方式:(2,3,4)。


比如,从状态(2, 3, 4)开始,我们能进入的可能状态是
(2-2, 3, 4) => (3,4)
(2, 3-1, 4) => (2,4)
(2, 3, 4-2) => (2,2,3)
(2, 3, 2, 2) => (2,2,2,3)


接下来是两个重要概念,第一是Sprague-Grundy(SG)函数g(x),其中x是“游戏图”中的一个节点(状态),如果我们用{y1, y2, ..., yn}表示x的所有子节点(即下一步状态)。那么SG函数的定义是:

g(x) = FirstMissingNumber(g(y1), g(y2), ... g(y3))

这是个递归定义的函数。如果x没有子节点,那么定义g(x) = 0;如果x有n个子节点,比如有3个子节点,g值分别为{0,1,3},那么g(x)的值是这个列表中第一个没有出现的>=0的值,此时g(x) = 2。








定理2:如果一个游戏G由许多相同规则的子游戏G1,G2,..., Gk组成,那么对于游戏G的一个状态x = {x1,x2,...,xn},SG函数g(x) = g(x1) ^ g(x2) ^ ... ^ g(xn)。其中^表示“异或”。


在我们这个游戏里,多个不相邻的+++子序列,就可以看做多个子游戏。所以,我们就可以用DP来代替递归了,比如当前状态为(10),它的后继状态可能是(8), (7), (2,6), (3,5), (4,4)。这里,我们就没有必要再次递归去算(2,6), (3,5)和(4,4),因为根据SG定理, g((2,6)) = g(2) ^ g(6), g((3,5)) = g(3) ^ g(5) ....一般地,对于各种可能状态,我们有如下的计算公式:

g(0) = 0;        // 一个+都没有,先手必输
g(1) = 0;        // 只有一个+,先手必输
g(2) = FirstMissingNumber(g(0)) = 1     // 两个+,先手必赢
g(3) = FirstMissingNumber(g(1))        = 1            // 先手必赢
g(4) = FMN(g(2), g(1) XOR g(1)) = 2    // 两种情况:A 1111->0011 OR 1100,也就是状态2,B 1111-> 1001  
g(9) = FMN(g(0)^g(7), g(1)^g(6), g(2)^g(5), g(3)^(4)).
g(x) = FMN(g(0)^g(x-2), g(1)^g(x-3), g(2)^g(x-4), ... g(x/2)^g(x/2)).

因为计算每一个g(x)都要进行x/2次异或,且FirstMissingNumber也是一个O(x)的操作,所以计算g(1)~g(x)共需要O(x^2)时间。在长为N的“棋盘”上,最大的连续+串的长也为N,所以最差时间复杂度是O(N^2)。需要额外空间保存[0, 1,2,3,4,5...N]状态下的g值,因此空间复杂度是O(N)。

另外,如果最初的状态不是一个连续的+号序列,而是几个不连续的+号序列,比如x = (2,3,8)。 那么我们只要分别算x1 = (2), x2 = (3), x3 = (8)三种情况的g值,然后三者取异或即可,对时间空间复杂度没有影响。



77. Three segments of lengths A, B, C form a triangle iff
A + B > C
B + C > A
A + C > B

6, 4, 5 can form a triangle
10, 2, 7 can’t

Given a list of segments lengths algorithm should find at least one triplet of segments that form a triangle (if any).

Method should return an array of either:

3 elements: segments that form a triangle (i.e. satisfy the condition above)
empty array if there are no such segments
Follow up:
Could you return the number of all valid triangles? You can assume there’s no duplicates in the original array.

# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-number-of-triangles-possible/
def triangle(array):
    if not array or len(array) < 3: return 0
    count = 0
    n = len(array)
    for i in xrange(n-2):
        k = i + 2
        for j in xrange(i+1, n):
            while k < n and  array[i] + array[j] > array[k]:
                k += 1
            count += k - j - 1
    return count

arr = [10, 21, 22, 100, 101, 200, 300]
print triangle(arr)

78.给定一个word list 和一个target word,要求输出在word list 里跟target word的edit distance 相差不大于k的所有words。

这是Airbnb的电面题。直接用edit distance挨个遍历一遍也能做,但是如果word list很大,那重复计算会非常多,这时候可以用trie来优化。
下面举个例,假设字典为["cs", "ct", "cby"],target word为"cat",k=1。
# 原题:http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32692817.html
# 解法:http://stevehanov.ca/blog/index.php?id=114

79.给一个dictionary, 一个string,找出dict 里能全部用string里的letter 表示的所有最长的词。
For example:
abcde, abc, abbbc, abbbccca, abbbcccabbcx
给string = "abc",最长单词应为"abbbccca"

# http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32634303.html

80. Similar question:
You are given a string 's' and you are given a dictionary of english words. 
You goal is to write an algorithm that returns all words from the dictionary the can be formed by 
characters from that string 's'. 

s = "ogeg" 
following words can be formed from 's': go egg ego . . . 
Further it is given that string 's' always consists of four lower case characters. 
Lets say that the dictionary is contained in a file and can be fitted in the memory. 
It is up to you which data structure you use to represent the dictionary. 
How would you design an efficient algorithm? Follow up: What if the dictionary file can not be fitted in the memory?
# http://www.careercup.com/question?id=6270813198090240
import collections

class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = None
        self.end = False
        self.children = collections.defaultdict(TrieNode)
class Trie:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TrieNode()
    def add_word(self, word):
        node = self.root
        word = word.strip()
        for char in word:
            node = node.children[char]
        node.end = True
        node.value = word
    def search_longest_str(self, idict, string):
        if not idict or not string:
            return None
        for word in idict:
        print "node: ", self.root.children
        result = [""]
        self.search(result, "", self.root, string)
        return result[0]

    def search(self, result, cur, node, string):
        if not node:
        if node.end and len(cur) > len(result[0]):
            print "node.value: ", node.value
            result[0] = cur

        for child in node.children:
            if child in string:
                self.search(result, cur + child, node.children[child], string)
test = Trie()
idict = ["abcde ", " abc", " abbbc", "abbbccca", "abbbcccabbcx"]
string = "abc"

82. Given a dictionary of words, and a set of characters, judge if all the characters 
can form the words from the dictionary, without any characters left. 
For example, given the dictionary {hello, world, is, my, first, program}, 
if the characters set is "iiifrssst", you should return 'true' because you can form {is, is, first} from the set; 
if the character set is "eiifrsst", you should return 'false' because you cannot use all the characters from the set. 

P.S. there may be tens of thousands of words in the dictionary, and the chars set length could be up to hundreds, 
so I really need some efficient algorithm.

some questions ask:
1) If the input word could be used multiple times ?
2) Just find one of the answer is fine and return True or False, do not need the shortst one ?

import collections

class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = None
        self.end = False
        self.children = collections.defaultdict(TrieNode)

class Trie:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = TrieNode()

    def add_word(self, word):
        node = self.root
        word = word.strip()
        word = ''.join(sorted(word))

        for char in word:
            node = node.children[char]
        node.end = True
        node.value = word

    def search(self, word, idict):
        wdict = collections.Counter(word)
        result = []
        for word in idict:
        self.search_helper(wdict, result, "", self.root)
        if len(result) > 0:
            print "True"
            print "False"
        return result

    def search_helper(self, wdict, result, cur, node):
        if sum(wdict.values()) == 0:
            if node.end:

        if node.end:
            temp = wdict.copy()
            self.search_helper(temp, result, cur, self.root)

        for child in node.children:
            if child in wdict and wdict[child]-1 >= 0:
                wdict[child] -= 1
                self.search_helper(wdict, result, cur + child, node.children[child])
                wdict[child] += 1

def main():
    test = Trie()
    idict = ['abc', 'abde', 'cfg', 'cde','hello']
    word = "abccde"
    print test.search(word, idict)

if __name__ == "__main__":

83. 给一个dictionary, 再给一个set of coding string (g5, goo3, goog2, go2le………). 
return all string from dictionary that can be matched with the coding string. 要求尽量减少dictionary look up 次数
# http://www.fgdsb.com/tags/Trie/

 84. There are a set of dictionary words and a set of license plate numbers. Write a code/algorithm to find the shortest 
 dictionary word which contains all the characters in the license plate, irrespective of the order of characters. 
 Ex: RC101 is the license plate number. The shortest word that can be found in the dictionary is CAR which has 
 characters 'R' and 'C' in the license plate. 
 思路: 一个brute force的想法是,把每个word排序,然后去掉数字,然后把每个字典里面的字母排序,然后依次比较word在不在每个字典里,
給一個車牌號碼(美國的),以及一個dictionary,請找出dictionary裡含有所有該車牌號碼裡的所有英文字母(case insensitive)的最短字串
ex:. 鐗涗汉浜戦泦,涓€浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
車牌 RO 1287 ["rolling", "real", "WhaT", "rOad"] => "rOad"
follow up:-google 1point3acres
(1) 如果dictionary裡有上百萬個字,該如何加速
(2) 如果dictionary有上百萬個字,然後給你上千個車牌號碼,要你回傳相對應的最短字串,該如何optimize?. 
 利用trie,将dictionary里面每个单词放入trie里的时候,排序,查找的时候,如果trie_node[char] < string[char], 查找
 85. similar question about Trie:
 # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/746082/how-to-find-list-of-possible-words-from-a-letter-matrix-boggle-solver#746345

86.Given a array of pairs where each pair contains the start and end time of a meeting (as in int),
Determine if a single person can attend all the meetings
For example:
Input array { pair(1,4), pair(4, 5), pair(3,4), pair(2,3) }
Output: false

Follow up:
determine the minimum number of meeting rooms needed to hold all the meetings.
Input array { pair(1, 4), pair(2,3), pair(3,4), pair(4,5) }
Output: 2

class interval:
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

def meeting_room(meetings):
    if not meetings: return 0
    result = 0
    cur = 0
    times = []
    for meeting in meetings:
    times = sorted(times, cmp = lambda x, y: cmp(abs(x), abs(y)))
    for t in times:
        if t >= 0:
            cur += 1
            result = max(cur, result)
            cur -= 1
    return result

a1 = interval(1,4)
a2 = interval(2,3)
a3 = interval(3,4)
a4 = interval(5,6)
meetings = [a1, a2, a3, a4]
print meeting_room(meetings)

87.Maximum Sum Rectangle in Matrix Feb 16 2015
Given a 2D array, find the maximum sum subarray in it.

For example:
Given a matrix:
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dynamic-programming-set-27-max-sum-rectangle-in-a-2d-matrix/
def findmaxsum(matrix):
    if not matrix or not matrix[0]:
        return 0
    m = len(matrix)
    n = len(matrix[0])
    result = 0
    for left in xrange(n):
        temp = [0 for i in xrange(m)]
        for right in xrange(left,n):
            for k in xrange(m):
                temp[k] += matrix[k][right]
            current = 0          
            tmp_sum = temp[0]
            for i in temp:
                current += i
                tmp_sum = max(current, result)
                current = max(0, current)
            result = max(result, tmp_sum)
    return result

m = [[1, 2, -1, -4, -20],[-8, -3, 4, 2, 1],[3, 8, 10, 1, 3], [-4, -1, 1, 7, -6]]
print findmaxsum(m)

88. 输入是一个 N*N的矩阵,代表地势高度。如果下雨水流只能流去比他矮或者一样高的地势。

For example:
Pacific: ~
Atlantic: *
~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~
~  1   2   2   3  (5) *
~  3   2   3  (4) (4) *
~  2   4  (5)  3   1  *
~ (6) (7)  1   4   5  *
~ (5)  1   1   2   4  *
*  *   *   *   *   *  *
[[0, 4], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 2], [3, 0], [3, 1], [4, 0]]

def flow_water(matrix):
    if not matrix or not matrix[0]:
        return None
    n = len(matrix)
    result = []
    visited_pac = {}
    visited_alt = {}

    for i in xrange(n):
        visited_pac[(i,0)] = True
        search(visited_pac, matrix, i, 0)

    for i in xrange(n):
        visited_pac[(0,i)] = True
        search(visited_pac, matrix, 0, i)

    print "pac: ", visited_pac
    for i in xrange(n):
        visited_alt[(i,n-1)] = True
        search(visited_alt, matrix, i, n-1)

    for i in xrange(n):
        visited_alt[(n-1,i)] = True
        search(visited_alt, matrix, n-1, i)

    print "alt: ", visited_alt
    for key, value in visited_pac.items():
        if visited_alt.has_key(key):
    return result        

def search(visited, matrix, x, y):
    n = len(matrix)
    dirs = [[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0]]
    for d in dirs:
        new_x = x + d[0]
        new_y = y + d[1]
        if new_x >= n or new_x < 0  or new_y >= n or new_y < 0:
        if matrix[x][y] > matrix[new_x][new_y] or visited.has_key((new_x, new_y)):
        visited[(new_x, new_y)] = True
        search(visited, matrix, new_x, new_y)

test = [[1,2,2,3,5],[3,2,3,4,4],[2,4,5,3,1],[6,7,1,4,5],[5,1,1,2,4]]
print flow_water(test) 

89. I was given this problem in an interview. How would you have answered?

Design a data structure that offers the following operations in O(1) time:

get random element

Consider a data structure composed of a hashtable H and an array A. The hashtable keys are the elements in the data structure, and the values are their positions in the array.

insert(value): append the value to array and let i be it's index in A. Set H[value]=i.
remove(value): We are going to replace the cell that contains value in A with the last element in A. let d be the last element in the array A at index m. let i be H[value], the index in the array of the value to be removed. Set A[i]=d, H[d]=i, decrease the size of the array by one, and remove value from H.
contains(value): return H.contains(value)
getRandomElement(): let r=random(current size of A). return A[r].
since the array needs to auto-increase in size, it's going to be amortize O(1) to add an element, but I guess that's OK.

def __init__(self):
    self.dict = {}
    self.array = []
    self.size = 0

def insert(self, number):
    self.dict[number] = self.size
    self.size += 1

def remove(self, number):
    if self.contains(number):
      index = array.index(number)
      if index != len(self.array) - 1:
          hash[array[-1]] = index
          array[index], array[-1] = array[-1], array[index]
      del array[-1]
      del hash[number]
      self.size -= 1
      return False

def contains(self, number):
    if number not in self.dict.keys():
      return False
      return True 

def get_random_ele(self, index):
    if index < len(self.array):
        return self.array[index]
        return False 

follow up是给两个图片,把白色视为不透明,黑色视为透明,重叠在一起,返回一个图片,都用四叉树表示

90.Given a quadtree structure:
struct QuadNode {
    QuadNode(int num_ones = 0) : ones(num_ones) {}
    int ones{ 0 };
    QuadNode* child[4]{ nullptr };
Please build a quadtree to represent a 0-1 matrix, assume the matrix is a square and the dimension is power of 2.
Given two such quadtrees with same depth, please write a function to calculate how many 1s are overlapped.
For example:
Matrix 0:
0 1
1 1
Matrix 1:
0 0
1 1
Your function should return 2.
import collections

class QuadNode:
    def __init__(self, num=0):
        self.ones = num
        self.children = {}

class QuadTree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = QuadNode()

    def build_tree(self, matrix):
        if not matrix or not matrix[0]:
            return None
        n = len(matrix)
        self.root = self.build_helper(n, matrix, 0, 0)
        return self.root

    def build_helper(self, size, matrix, row, col):
        if size == 1:
            return QuadNode(matrix[row][col])

        node = QuadNode()
        size = size/2
        coord = [[row, col], [row+size, col], [row, col+size], [row+size, col+size]]
        for i in xrange(4):
            node.children[i] = self.build_helper(size, matrix, coord[i][0], coord[i][1])
            node.ones += node.children[i].ones
        return node

class Solution:
    def intersections(self, t1, t2):
        return self.intersections_helper(t1, t2, 0)

    def intersections_helper(self, t1, t2, sum):
        if not t1 or not t2 or not t1.ones or not t2.ones:
            return 0
        ret = sum
        if not t1.children or not t2.children:
            ret += (t1.ones & t2.ones)
            for i in xrange(4):
                ret += self.intersections_helper(t1.children[i], t2.children[i], sum)
        return ret

test1 = QuadTree()
test2 = QuadTree()
matrix1 = [[0,1],[1,1]]
matrix2 = [[0,1],[1,1]]
test = Solution()
print test.intersections(test1.root, test2.root)

91.给你一组Treenode,他们每个有一个id,一个parentId,一个value,让你输出所有subtree的sum of value。
注意这个是没有children node的,只有parentId。
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=114594&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311&page=1
class TreeNode(object):
    def __init__(self, id=0, parent=None, value=0):
        self.id = id
        self.parent = parent
        self.value = value
        self.level = 0
        self.sum = value
class Solution:
    def __init__(self):
        self.maxlevel = 0

    def all_sum(self, nodes):
        if not nodes:
        for node in nodes:

        level = {}
        for node in nodes:
            level.setdefault(node.level, []).append(node)

        for i in xrange(self.maxlevel, -1, -1):
            for node in level[i]:
                node.parent.sum += node.value            

    def cal_level(self, node):
        ret = 0
        if node.level != 0 and node.parent:
            return node.level
        if not node.parent:
            node.level = 0
            ret = self.cal_level(node.parent) + 1
            node.level = ret
            self.maxlevel = max(self.maxlevel, ret)
        return ret 

92. 给一个0/1数组R代表一条河,0代表水,1代表石头。起始位置R[0]等于1,
初速度为1. 每一步可以选择以当前速度移动,或者当前速度加1再移动。只能停留在石头上。问最少几步可以跳完整条河流。


Sample solution like the following, always check the same speed and the speed + 1 part
we could use the similar solution like jump game II

if array[i+pre_speed]:
	max_reachable = max(max_reachable, i + pre_speed)
if array[i+pre_speed]:
	max_reachable = max(max_reachable, i + pre_speed + 1)

int min_river_jumps_dp(const vector<int>& river) {
    if (river.empty()) return 0;
    vector<vector<pair<size_t, int>>> vp(river.size());
    vp[0].emplace_back(1, 1);
    int ret = INT_MAX;
    for (auto i = 0; i < vp.size(); ++i) {
        if (!river[i]) continue;
        for (auto pr : vp[i]) {
            if (i + pr.first >= vp.size()) {
                ret = min(pr.second, ret);
            } else if (river[i + pr.first]) {
                vp[i + pr.first].emplace_back(pr.first, pr.second + 1);
            if (i + pr.first + 1 >= vp.size()) {
                ret = min(pr.second, ret);
            } else if (river[i + pr.first + 1]) {
                vp[i + pr.first + 1].emplace_back(pr.first + 1, pr.second + 1);
    return ret == INT_MAX ? -1 : ret;

93. Merge Two BST
You are given two balanced binary search trees.
Write a function that merges the two given balanced BSTs into a balanced binary search tree.
Your merge function should take O(M+N) time and O(1) space.
G家onsite题,算是很多小问题的综合题。因为不允许用extra space,可以先把两个输入BST给转换成链表,

#  注意用in-order的顺序来将BST转换为single linked list
#  注意可以用recursion的方法merge two linked list


94. Smallest Range
You have k lists of sorted integers. Find the smallest range that includes at least one number from each of the k lists.

For example,
List 1: [4, 10, 15, 24, 26]
List 2: [0, 9, 12, 20]
List 3: [5, 18, 22, 30]

The smallest range here would be [20, 24] as it contains 24 from list 1, 20 from list 2, and 22 from list 3.
G家题,实际上就是k路归并的变种题。维护一个长度为n的min heap(n为数组个数),每次找一个最小的,同时保持记录一个最大的。
heap初始化为[0,4,5],min = 0, max = 5,当前最小range为[0,5]。
pop掉最小的再push,[4,5,9],min = 4, max = 9,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[5,9,10],min = 5, max = 10,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[9,10,18],min = 9, max = 18,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[10,12,18],min = 10, max = 18,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[12,15,18],min = 12, max = 18,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[15,18,20],min = 15, max = 20,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[18,20,24],min = 18, max = 24,当前最小range还是[0,5]。
继续,[20,22,24],min = 20, max = 24,当前最小range变成[20,24]。


import collections
from collections import deque

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.visited = False
        self.dis = 0

def find_min_sum(matrix):
    if not matrix or not matrix[0]:
        return None
    m = len(matrix); n = len(matrix[0])
    food_queue = deque([])
    node_matrix = [[Node() for i in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(m)]
    for i in xrange(m):
        for j in xrange(n):
            if matrix[i][j] == 'P':
    for q in food_queue:
        # reset all the nodes as Non-visited
        for i in xrange(m):
            for j in xrange(n):
                node_matrix[i][j].visited = False 
        # two queue to check the nodes around food 
        dis_queue = deque([0])
        node_queue = deque([q])
        # BFS, check the around nodes 
        node_matrix[q[0]][q[1]].visited = True
        while node_queue:
            node = node_queue.popleft()
            dis = dis_queue.popleft()
            row = node[0]; cal = node[1]
            cord = [[0,1],[0,-1],[1,0],[-1,0]]
            for c in cord:
                newrow = row + c[0]
                newcal = cal + c[1]
                if newrow < 0 or newrow >= m or newcal < 0 or newcal >= n:
                if node_matrix[newrow][newcal].visited:
                if matrix[newrow][newcal] == '1':
                node_matrix[newrow][newcal].visited = True 
                node_matrix[newrow][newcal].dis += dis + 1
                node_queue.append((newrow, newcal))
    result = (1 << 31) -1
    result1 = []
    for i in xrange(m):
        for j in xrange(n):
            if matrix[i][j] == '0':
                if node_matrix[i][j].dis < result:
                    result = node_matrix[i][j].dis
                    result1 = [i, j]
    print result
    print result1

matrix = [["0","0","1","0"],["1","P","0","0"],["0","0","P","0"],["0","0","0","P"]]
Rolling Ball Game Jan 6 2015
一个球从起点开始沿着通道,看能不能滚到终点。不过有限制, 每次球一走到底要不到边界,要不到障碍物,中间不能停留。 
可以上下左右走,然后让写个function 给定起点, 终点,和图,判断是不是solvable.
For example (1代表有障碍, 0代表可以通过):
import collections
from collections import deque

def bolling_game(matrix, start, end):
    if not matrix or not matrix[0]:
        return False
    m = len(matrix); n = len(matrix[0])
    visited = {}
    visited[start] = True
    queue = deque([start])
    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()
        next_pos = get_next(matrix, node[0], node[1])
        for p in next_pos:
            if p in visited:
            if p[0] == end[0] and p[1] == end[1]:
                return True
            visited[p] = True
    return False

def get_next(matrix, x, y):
    m = len(matrix); n = len(matrix[0])
    next_pos = []
    stop = False
    for i in xrange(x+1, m):
        if matrix[i][y] == '1':
            next_pos.append((i-1, y))
            stop = True
    if not stop and x != m-1:

    stop = False
    for i in xrange(x-1, -1, -1):
        if matrix[i][y] == '1':
            next_pos.append((i+1, y))
            stop = True
    if not stop and x != 0:
        next_pos.append((0, y))

    stop = False
    for i in xrange(y+1, n):
        if matrix[x][i] == '1':
            next_pos.append((x, i-1))
            stop = True
    if not stop and y != n-1:
        next_pos.append((x, n-1))

    stop = False
    for i in xrange(y-1, -1, -1):
        if matrix[x][i] == '1':
            next_pos.append((x, i+1))
            stop = True
    if not stop and y != 0:
        next_pos.append((x, 0))

    print "next: ", next_pos
    return next_pos

matrix = [["0","0","0","1"],["1","0","0","1"],["1","0","0","0"]] # True
matrix1 = [["0","0","0","1"],["1","0","1","1"],["1","0","0","0"]] # False
print bolling_game(matrix, (0,0),(2,3))
print bolling_game(matrix1, (0,0),(2,3))

一个 n x n 矩阵,每个房间可能是封闭的房间,可能是警察,可能是开的房间,
封闭的房间不能过,返回一个n x n矩阵,每一个元素是最近的警察到这个房间的最短距离。


对于94题来说,我们要找出每个点到k个点的距离,所以对于每个点in k,需要遍历所有的相邻点 O(k*N^2),

Similar question:
Given a heatmap which is a 3 dimension matirx and define a movement rule: a point on the heatmap can only go down hill. 
Ask: given some points on the heatmap, find out the higest point that can meet all the given points.

1. 将每个给定的点的坐标放入一个deque里面,然后依次对每个点做BFS,
2. 对于每个给定的点周围的点,如果这个点value > 给定的点,那么将这个点的数字+1
3. 然后再走一遍整个matrix,找到数字等于k的点,并且找出matrix最大的值。

1. 可以每次扫描一个点之后,只针对范围内的点再次扫描?
2. 从给定的点的最大值开始扫描?

97.3. given a probability = [.5 .1 .2 .2], label = [A B C D], write a data structure that generates the label based on the prob. 
我说先找cumulative probability[.5, .6, .8 1], 然后弄个0~1之间的random数字比较过去找它的位置就好。
他就说有没有更快的方法。 其实他想叫我用binary search,但是我一直以为是不是有什么O(1)的解法,浪费了一些时间后才发现原来
他想要binary search, 最后弄出来了。

98.second is given a dict of words [aba, cbc], find the letter to letter probability. b->a 50%, b->c 50%. 这个做的还可以,有一个小bug

第4题是sorted。 letter of probability的题目是这样, 做一个27x27的matrix, 26 个代表字母,最后一个代表开始或者结束,
然后你每个字母走过去找它出现的次数,最后除一下row sum求概率就好。比如 [aba, acb],a之后出现b的机率是50%, 出现c的几率是50%。 
b之后出现a的机率是50%,b最为结尾的几率是50%。 a作为开头的机率是2/3, a最为结尾的机率是1/3。

补充内容 (2015-7-18 05:50):
说错了, a-b的机率是1/3, a-c的机率是1/3, a-end的机率是1/3.

就是你要建一个表, 然后可以随时查一个字母后出现另外一个字母的机率。 比如a之后接b的机率是什么,c之后接k的机率是什么。

99.hamming distance between a and b, a, b < 2^64. 这题很快就做了出来。就是把a^b>>i &1  64 次。 然后他就说要想办法speed up,
说给我64G的ram。我想了很久最后说可以搞个2^8的字典,然后把a^b分8段比就好。 他就说为什么用8, 然后就问我2^8的字典要用多少空间. 
但是ram只有2g,那会发生什么情况。 我就说那会有error吧。他就说什么error。我说不出来。
他就说“you clearly have never used win 95 swap space”. 然后差不多就结束了。

就是建个字典比如 1010-》2, 1111-》4,1011-》3 这样的, 每个数字对应它的hammingdistance。 当你要查1001 0010这样的数字,

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=129346&extra=page%3D3%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1

我一下反应过来是要brute force做recursion,然后5分钟秒掉code,不过最后还是让老硬抓出一个小bug。诶,估计要挂就是挂在了这一轮。
# http://blog.csdn.net/acdreamers/article/details/18039073
# http://www.cnblogs.com/titicia/p/4344765.html


def stone_merge(stones):
    if not stones: return 0
    n = len(stones)
    dp = [[(1<<31)-1 for i in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(n)]
    isum = [0 for i in xrange(n)]
    isum[0] = stones[0]
    for i in xrange(1, n):
        isum[i] = isum[i-1] + stones[i]

    for step in xrange(n):
        i = 0; j = step
        while j < n:
            if step == 0:
                dp[i][j] = 0
            elif step == 1:
                dp[i][j] = stones[i] + stones[j]
            elif step > 1:
                tmp = isum[j] - (isum[i-1] if i > 0 else 0)
                for k in xrange(i, j):
                    dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[i][k] + dp[k+1][j] + tmp)
            i += 1
            j += 1
    for i in xrange(n):
        print "dp: ", dp[i]
    return dp[0][n-1]

test1 = [13, 7, 8]
test = [7,13,7,8,16]
print stone_merge(test)

similar question:
Least cost to cut a batten
The cost of cutting each segment is the cost of the segment length, an array is storing each end point,
For example:
[0, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12], the batten length is 12, there are 4 cuting point

int getMinCost(int a[], int n){
    if (NULL == a || n <= 1)
        return -1;
    int rec[100][100] = {0};
    for (int i = 2; i < n; i++){
        for (int j = 0; j < n-i; j++){
            int nMin = INT_MAX;
            for (int k = 1; k < i; k++)
            rec[j][j+i] = nMin;
    return rec[0][n-1];

1.烙印,在面试前碰到了,刚刚好都等着,问我 你是哪个xxx么? 我就是今天要面你的。。 当时我就心里想完了。。但是题目挺简单。
给一个infinite array 只有0 - 9 设计一个
def getprobability(n):得到某个数出现的概率。

我用的reservoie sampling 做的,然后我补充如果直接hashing 会overflow. 然后考虑到一multi thread情况,需要写两个函数,一个专门产生 sampling list
一个专门计算概率。 这里要有做个checker看看产生的list是不是有效,也就是 0-9数的概率和要为1
follow up:
两个方法,第一个直接用刚刚的array random index取数,但是问题是如果是multithread 调用这样做有问题。 第二个方法:定时产生所有数的accumulate probablilty 根据这个probabolity array generate number即可。

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=115853&extra=page%3D5%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1
问怎么reduce/combine到最后形成一些pairs,比如A欠B 20,C欠A20,reduce到最后只需要C给B20块就行。这个pairs表达的transactions做到最小。
这题想了半天跟他说dfs、然后一边走一边修改edge最后还是没给出一个具体的答案。看来本人脑子太笨。。。无法符合Google Coder的要求啊


Minimum vertex cover:
Formally, a vertex-cover of an undirected graph G=(V, E) is a subset V′ of V such that if edge (u, v) is an edge of G, 
then u is in V′, or v is in V′, or both. The set V′ is said to "cover" the edges of G. 
The following figure shows examples of vertex covers in two graphs (and the set V' is marked with red).
A minimum vertex cover is a vertex cover of smallest possible size.
途中每条边都有一个顶点在minimum vertex set 中
最小覆盖: 最小覆盖要求用最少的点(X集合或Y集合的都行)让每条边都至少和其中一个点关联。

Maximal matching:
Given a graph G = (V,E), a matching M in G is a set of pairwise non-adjacent edges; that is, no two edges share a common vertex.
In other words, a matching M of a graph G is maximal if every edge in G has a non-empty intersection with at least one edge in M.
# http://dingdongsheng.cool.blog.163.com/blog/static/1186187552009431405995/
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipartite_graph


web server使用多线程处理用户请求还是多进程处理,进程间怎么通信,线程和进程区别什么,什么是死锁,如何防止死锁,什么是virtual memory,
什么是page fault等等。然后写Pascal Triangle,写完他让我reduce空间复杂度到O(1),


How many balanced binary tree there are with n leaf nodes? Prove and write codes.

第一题, 找出一个二叉树的最深节点。
max_height = 0
result_node = tree_node(0)
def find_deepest_node(root):
    if not root:
        return None
    global max_height
    global result_node
    find_deepest_helper(root, 0)
    return result_node.val
def find_deepest_helper(root, height):
    global max_height
    global result_node
    if not root:
    if not root.left and not root.right:
        if max_height < height:
            print "height: ", height
            max_height = height
            result_node = root 
    find_deepest_helper(root.left, height+1)
    find_deepest_helper(root.right, height+1)

max_height_left = 0
left_node = tree_node(0)
def find_deepest_left_node(root):
    if not root:
        return None
    global max_height_left
    global left_node   
    find_deepest_left_helper(root, 0, False)
    return left_node.val
def find_deepest_left_helper(root, height, isleft):
    global max_height_left
    global left_node
    if not root:
    if not root.left and not root.right and isleft:
        if max_height_left < height:
            print "height: ", height
            max_height_left = height
            left_node = root

    find_deepest_left_helper(root.left, height+1, True)
    find_deepest_left_helper(root.right, height+1, False)

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=111785&extra=page%3D5%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1
1. We can write a 3 level for loop body directly as follows:
    for (int i  = 0;  i < 56; ++i){
                for(int j = 0; j < 151; ++j){
                        for(int k = 0; k < 151; ++k){
However, when the levels are very deep (such as 50 levels), we cannot manually write the for loop body directly just like above codes. 
Given an array arr, where arr[i] represents the loop count at level i, write an iterative algorithm to implement the multi-level loop.

由于栈一般只有几百K,所以当层数很大时栈空间不够用。于是就自己在堆上创建空间来模仿栈 (其实就是层数大小的int数组),

void multiLevelOperation(int *levelCountArr, int n) {
    if(n == 0) return;
    int *levelStack = new int[n + 1];
    int curSP = 0;
    levelStack[0] = 0;
    while(curSP >= 0) {
        if(curSP == n || levelStack[curSP] == levelCountArr[curSP]) {
            if(curSP >= 0) ++levelStack[curSP];
        else {        
            levelStack[++curSP] = 0;
    delete [] levelStack;

# http://ideone.com/JAAQ4Y


# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=106578
107. tic-tac-toe: 给一个board,以current state判断是o 赢, x 赢, 
还是没人赢。follow up每次只能取一行的信息,每次只能存储O(2N+K)的数据

108. 给一个list和k(number)。找一个区域k,使得这个区域里k的最大值和最小值的差值最大,返回这个值。用heap或priority queue做dp。

109. tourament question:  input is players like(A,B,C,D), print total rounds[[(A, B), (C, D)], [(A, C), (B, D)], [(A, D), (B, C)]]

# http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/32582249.html
第二轮是给一个int N,让输出所有的长度为N的valid string的个数,valid string的
三个字母,比如BACCA就不是valid string,因为前三个字母B,A,C包含了这三个字母。
# similar question: https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Experience/Fence_Painter.py
def valid_string(n):
    dp_same = 3
    dp_dif = 0
    for i in xrange(n-1):
        dp_same, dp_dif = dp_same+dp_dif, dp_same*2 + dp_dif
    return dp_same + dp_dif


后来想到可以cache所有行列的cost和,正这一边反着一遍,然后状态转移就是O(1)了,但是没时间写了,在他提议下写了一个一维特殊情况的代码,中间有个加号还忘了写,算是sloppy coding吧

给了一个贪心算法,代码写的比较长,而且没bug free.

最后一轮,求sum(n^i) 就是1+n+n2+n3+...+n^N, 快速写了一个O(N)之后让我优化,

Given a rod of length n inches and an array of prices that contains prices of all pieces of size smaller than n. 
Determine the maximum value obtainable by cutting up the rod and selling the pieces. 
For example, if length of the rod is 8 and the values of different pieces are given as following, 
then the maximum obtainable value is 22 (by cutting in two pieces of lengths 2 and 6)

Pricing list: {1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, 17, 20}
Result = 22 (cut into two pieces of length 2 and 6)

def rod_cut(price):
    args; return; raise
    if not price: return 0
    n = len(price)
    dp = [0 for _ in xrange(n+1)]
    for i in xrange(1, n+1):
        dp[i] = price[i-1]
        for j in xrange(1, i):
            dp[i] = max(dp[i], price[j-1] + dp[i-j])
    return dp[n]

price = [1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, 17, 20]
print rod_cut(price)

Given a rope of length n meters, cut the rope in different parts of integer lengths in a way that 
maximizes product of lengths of all parts. You must make at least one cut. Assume that the length 
of rope is more than 2 meters.
Input: 2, return 1 because 1x1 = 1
Input: 5, return 6 because 2x3 = 6
def cut_rope(length):
    dp = [0 for i in xrange(length + 1)]
    for i in xrange(2, length+1):
        for j in xrange(1, i):
            dp[i] = max(dp[i], j*(i-j), j*dp[i-j])
    return dp[n]
int cut_rope(int n) {
    if (n == 2 || n == 3) return n - 1;
    int ret = 1;
    while (n > 4) {
        n -= 3;
        ret *= 3;
    return n * ret;
Given an integer array, adjust each integers so that the difference of every adjcent integers are not greater 
than a given number target.
If the array before adjustment is A, the array after adjustment is B, you should minimize the sum of |A[i]-B[i]|
You can assume each number in the array is a positive integer and not greater than 100
Given [1,4,2,3] and target=1, one of the solutions is [2,3,2,3], the adjustment cost is 2 and it’s minimal. Return 2.

# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/LintCode/Minimum%20Adjustment%20Cost.py
Given an array of integers. Find two disjoint contiguous subarrays such that the absolute difference 
between the sum of two subarray is maximum.
Note: The subarrays should not overlap.

For example:
Array: { 2, -1, -2, 1, -4, 2, 8 }
Result subarrays: {-1, -2, 1, -4 }, { 2, 8 }
Maximum difference = 16
def max_diff_two_subarr(array):
    @ args:
    @ return:
    @ raise error:
    if not array:
        return None
    n = len(array)
    left_max = list(array)
    left_min = list(array)
    right_max = list(array)
    right_min = list(array)
    sum_min = array[0]; sum_max = array[0]

    for i in xrange(1, n):
        if sum_min > 0: sum_min = 0
        if sum_max < 0: sum_max = 0
        sum_min += array[i]
        sum_max += array[i]

        left_min[i] = min(left_min[i-1], sum_min)
        left_max[i] = max(left_max[i-1], sum_max)

    sum_min = array[n-1]; sum_max = array[n-1]
    for i in xrange(n-2, -1, -1):
        if sum_min > 0: sum_min = 0
        if sum_max < 0: sum_max = 0
        sum_min += array[i]
        sum_max += array[i]
        right_min[i] = min(right_min[i+1], sum_min)
        right_max[i] = max(right_max[i+1], sum_max)
    print "left_max: ", left_max
    print "left_mix: ", left_min
    print "right_max: ", right_max
    print "right_min: ", right_min

    result = -1 << 31 
    for i in xrange(n-1):
        result = max((right_max[i+1] - left_min[i]), result)
    for i in xrange(1, n):
        result = max((left_max[i-1] - right_min[i]), result)
    print result
test = [2, -1, -2, 1, -4, 2, 8]
print max_diff_two_subarr(test)

[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python max_diff_subarr.py
left_max:  [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 10]
left_mix:  [2, -1, -3, -3, -6, -6, -6]
right_max:  [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8]
right_min:  [-6, -6, -5, -4, -4, 2, 8]

Given a directed graph, check whether the graph contains a cycle or not. Your function should 
return true if the given graph contains at least one cycle, else return false. 
For example, the following graph contains three cycles 0->2->0, 0->1->2->0 and 3->3, 
so your function must return true.

有向图中存在环当且仅当这个图中有back edge。Back edge指的是一条从一个节点到自身或者到他的祖先的edge。
下图中有三条back edge(用x表示)。
如果做一个full DFS, 时间复杂度是O(V^2 + VE),但是这里我们在碰到之前已经访问过的节点就返回了,
所以每个节点只被访问一次,所以最终时间复杂度是O(V + E)。

class Graph:
    def __init__(self, v, edge):
        self.V = v
        self.E = edge

def dfs(node, visited, backtrack):
    if not visited[node]: 
        visited[node] = True
        backtrack[node] = True
        for neighbor in node.neighbors:
            if not visited[neighbor] and dfs(neighbor, visited, backtrack):
                return True
            elif backtrack[neighbor]:
                return True
    backtrack[node] = False
    return False     

def detect_cycle_graph(graph):
    if not graph: return None
    visited = [False for i in xrange(graph.V)]
    backtrack = [False for i in xrange(graph.V)]
    for node in graph.V:  # Note, here we need to check each node 
        if dfs(node, visited, backtrack):
            return True
    return False

120. Strongly Connected Graph 
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Algorithm/Strongly_Connect_Graph.py

121. Maximum length of the loop 
Given an array
Indexes 0 1 2 3 4
Values 3 2 1 4 0
Values are the next index of the jump 0 -> 3 -> 4 -> 0... 1 -> 2 -> 1...
Write a function to detect if there are loops. If yes, get the max length of the loop possible, otherwise just return zero.
def max_length_loop(array):
    def dfs(index, len):
        if visited[index]:
            result[0] = max(result[0], len-length[index])
        visited[index] = True
        length[index] = len
        dfs(array[index], len + 1)

    if not array:
        return 0
    n = len(array)
    visited = [False for _ in xrange(n)]
    length = [0 for _ in xrange(n)]
    result = [0]
    for i in xrange(n): # check each index in the array 
        dfs(i, 0)
    return result[0] 

test = [1,2,3,4,0]
print max_length_loop(test)

一个数组 A: 1 3 0 2 4 7
input: dest-node: A0
output: all the source nodes: (A1, A3, A4)

数组中每个元素表示他能走的步数,既能向左走 又能向右走,能到A[0]的点有A[1]和A[4],A[1]可以走3步到A[4] A[4]能走4步道A[0]。

import collections

def find_all_source(array, dest):
    if not array:
        return None
    graph = {}
    visited = {}
    result = []
    n = len(array)
    for i in xrange(len(array)):
        if array[i] == 0:
        if array[i] + i < n and array[i] + i >= 0:
        if i - array[i] < n and i - array[i] >= 0:
            graph.setdefault((i - array[i]),[]).append(i)
    visited[dest] = True
    queue = collections.deque([dest])
    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()
        if node in graph:
            for src in graph[node]:
                if src not in visited:
                    visited[src] = True
    return result 

test = [1,3,0,2,4,7]
print find_all_source(test, 0)

Count Numbers Jan 3 2015
Given an array of ages (integers) sorted lowest to highest, output the number of occurrences for each age.
For instance:
should output something like:

def count_number(array):
    if not array:
        return None
    count = 0; step = 1; number = array[0]
    index = 0
    result = []
    n = len(array)
    while index < n:
        count += step
        step *= 2
        if index + step >= n or array[index+step] != number:
            step = 1
            if index + step < n and array[index+step] != number:
                result.append((number, count))
                count = 0
                number = array[index+step]
        index += step
    result.append((number, count))
    return result 

test1 = [8,8,8,9,9,11,15,16,16,16]
test2 = [1,2,3,4,5]
print count_number(test1)
print count_number(test2)

Interleave two linked-list
for example
return 1->5->2->6->3->4

ListNode * interleave(ListNode *p, ListNode *q) {
    if(!p && !q) return nullptr;
    if(!p) return q;
    if(!q) return p;
    q->next = interleave(p->next,q->next);
    p->next = q;
    return p;

2. Given a list of words, find two strings S & T such that:
    a. S & T have no common character
    b. S.length() * T.length() is maximized
Follow up: how to optimize and speed up your algorithm

125. given the level of the tree, find how many full trees are there. 
def full_tree(level):
    @args: level is input level of the tree
    @output: how many full binary tree for this level
    @let's say need to calculate level 4's full tree
    @maintain the left tree as i-1, then right tree may have sum(dp[i-k] (2<=k<=i-1))
    @maintain the right tree as i-1, left is also sum(dp[i-k] (2<=k<=i-1))
    @and then add dp[i-1]*dp[i-1]
    if level == 0:
        return 0
    dp = [0 for _ in xrange(level+1)]
    dp[1] = 1; dp[2] = 1
    for i in xrange(3, level+1):
        tmp = 1
        for k in xrange(2, i):
            tmp = tmp * dp[i-k]
        dp[i] = dp[i-1] * (2 * tmp + dp[i-1])
        #dp[i] = dp[i-1] * tmp * 2 + dp[i-1] * dp[i-1]
    return dp[level]

print full_tree(3)
print full_tree(4)
print full_tree(5)

Given a BST and a number x, find two nodes in the BST whose sum is equal to x.
You can’t use extra memory like converting BST into one array and then solve this like 2sum.
# http://codercareer.blogspot.com/2013/03/no-46-nodes-with-sum-in-binary-search.html

127.Snake and Ladder Problem
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/snake-ladder-problem-2/

128. Given a snake and ladder board, find the minimum number of dice throws required to reach the 
destination or last cell from source or 1st cell. Basically, the player has total control over 
outcome of dice throw and wants to find out minimum number of throws required to reach last cell.
If the player reaches a cell which is base of a ladder, the player has to climb up that ladder 
and if reaches a cell is mouth of the snake, has to go down to the tail of snake without a dice throw.
# http://www.fgdsb.com/categories/Not-in-LeetCode/page/9/
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/snake-ladder-problem-2/

import collections
from collections import deque

def snake_ladder(move, n):
    @ move: move[-1] means this is regular cell, move[i] != -1 
      means there is ladder or snake in this cell
    @ n: means the total number of the board 
    queue = [(0,0)]
    visited = {0:True}
    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()
        index = node[0]
        cur_dis = node[1]
        while (move[index] != -1):
            index = move[index]
        for i in xrange(index+1, index+7):
            if i in visited:
            if i == n -1:
                return cur_dis + 1
            visited[i] = True      
            queue.append((i, cur_dis+1))
    return -1

define a tree, how to check whether a n-ary tree is unival tree (the value in each node is same). 
How to get how many unival tree in a n-ary tree  

import random

def weighted_choice(seq):
    if not seq:
        return None
    total_value = sum(v for _, v in seq)
    random_value = random.randint(0, total_value-1)
    print "random_value: ", random_value
    pre = 0
    partial_sum = 0
    for value, i in seq:
        partial_sum += i
        if pre <= random_value < partial_sum:
            print ""
            return value
        pre = partial_sum
    return None

seq = [("a",3),("b",5),("c",8)]
print weighted_choice(seq)

1.leetcode上原题  number of islands
2.follow up:count rank 2 islands, where a rank 2 island is an island inside
a lake located on a continent. A continent is a piece of land located in 
the ocean; the ocean is any body of water that touches the edges of the map.


3.If the input 2d array is too large to fit in memory, how to handle?

我从第二个follow up开始就回答的磕磕绊绊,最后也没写code,一直在跟面试官讨论
。后来思路终于讨论出来了,但第二个follow up面试官提示说water的那个dfs和第一


132. 给一个binary tree 打印所有的path~~然后问了时间空间复杂度~~就用一般递归做的
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=139354&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311&page=1
 # 42. print out the path from root to the leaf in the binary tree
def print_path(root):
    if not root:
    result = []
    print_path_helper(root, result, [])
    return result

def print_path_helper(node, result, subpath):
    if not node:
    if not node.left and not node.right:
        result.append(subpath[:]+[node.value])  # Note: here we should use the subpath[:], not the subpath directly 
        print_path_helper(node.left, result, subpath+[node.value])
        print_path_helper(node.right, result, subpath+[node.value])

# time complexity: O(nlogn)
# space complexity: O(n)

>>> list1 = [1,2,3]
>>> result = []
>>> result.append(list1)
>>> result
[[1, 2, 3]]
>>> id(result[0])
>>> id(list1)
>>> list1.append(5)
>>> result
[[1, 2, 3, 5]]

2. good number问题。 一个数如果能用(至少两组)两个立方数相加得到那么就是good number。print小于等于n的所有good number。
   我先把小于n的所有立方数存起来。然后就变成了2 sum问题了。。。
第二题答的是O(n^(4/3)),外层大循环是O(n),里层的存的立方数是O(n^(1/3)),两个相乘。阿三考官嘟囔了半天我也没太听明白他到底什么意思= =
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=139354&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311&page=1
import collections

def happy_number(n):
    if n == 0: return 0
    seq = []
    result = []
    for i in xrange(1, n+1):
        tmp = i * i * i
        if tmp > n:
    print "seq: ", seq 
    table = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for i in xrange(len(seq)):
        for j in xrange(i+1, len(seq)):
            table[seq[i]+seq[j]] += 1   
            if table[seq[i]+seq[j]] > 1:
                result.append(seq[i] + seq[j])
    print result

134.Implement a function to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters.
For example, the string aabcccccaaa would become a2b1c5a3.
def compress_string(string):
    if not string: return None
    count = 1; i = 1
    cur = string[0]
    result = []
    while i <= len(string):
        if i < len(string) and string[i] == cur:
            count +=1
            if i < len(string):
                cur = string[i]
            count = 1
        i += 1
    return ''.join(result)

print compress_string("aabccccaaadddddd")

135. compress string 
For example, the string aabcccccaaa would become a*2b*1c*5a*3. the original string may still have 
number and *

def compress_string(string):
    if not string: return None
    count = 1; i = 1
    cur = string[0]
    result = []
    while i < len(string):
        if cur.isdigit():
            cur = string[i]
            i += 1
        elif cur == "*":
            cur = string[i]
            i += 1
            while i < len(string) and string[i] == cur:
                count +=1
                i += 1
            if i < len(string):
                cur = string[i]
            count = 1 
            i += 1
    return ''.join(result)

print compress_string("aa2*5bccc")
print compress_string("aa2*5bcccc3*aaadddddd")

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=134847&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
Q)  Write a program to count the total number of pages reachable from a website.
For example, given "nytimes.com", count the number of pages reachable from there.
You can assume you are given a function to fetch the page and extract the inner links, e.g.:
List<String> fetchPageAndExtractUrls(String url);
def fetch_pages(url):
    visited = {}
    total_url = [0]
    fetch_helper(url, total_url, visited)
    return total_url[0]

def fetch_helper(url, total_url, visited):
    children = fetchPageAndExtractUrls(url)
    if not children:
    for child in children:
        if child not in visited:
            visited[child] = True
            total_url[0] += 1
            fetch_helper(child, total_url, visited)

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=134847&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
Q) Given a tiny computer with a 1 MHz CPU and 1 KiB of RAM memory;
no input;
only output is an LED light that says “I am done”.
(1 MHz == 1 million instructions per second)
I load an arbitrary unknown program onto this computer.. 
How long do we have to wait in wall-clock time before we can prove the program has an infinite loop?

1kilobyte = 2^13 bit, 所以该计算机内存可能存在的不同状态是2^14种。
又因为运行速度是1秒10^6 = 2^20次操作,因此在2^(-6) = 0.016秒内,就能够进行2^14次操作。

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=138912&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
第二题,一道Math题。就是求float number 的squre root: public float sqrt(float f, int p), 
precision是表示小数点后位数(2就要两位一致)。我就先找到result两边的integer标为l , r。 
然后就一阵二分法。问题是, 判断precision和大于一小于一时出错了。然后一阵改。。。。。
表示很无奈。这种math, corner cases特别多的没准备好。说好的array, string,说好的tree,说好的recursive呢,都没有。。.

判断数据是否符合精确度,就用两个数都乘以10^p,再取整比较是否相等。比如p=2, f=0.64, curRes = 0.639就不行因为
都乘以100以后取整是64, 和63不相等。 如果curRes = 0.645就没问题。



def sqrt_float(num, p):
    @num: float number
    @p: precision after dot 
    if num <=0: return 0
    l = 0; r = num
    if num < 1: r = 1

    while l <= r:
        mid = (l + r) / 2.0
        print "l: %f, r: %f, mid: %f" %(l, r, mid)
        if mid * mid > num:
            r = mid 
        elif mid * mid < num:
            l = mid
        if judge_precision(num, mid*mid, p): 
            return mid 
    return None    
def judge_precision(num, res, p):
    if int(num*(10**p)) == int(res*(10**p)):
        print "res: ", int(res*(10**p))
        return True
    return False
print sqrt_float(1.6, 2)

[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python sqrt_float.py 
l: 0.000000, r: 1.600000, mid: 0.800000
l: 0.800000, r: 1.600000, mid: 1.200000
l: 1.200000, r: 1.600000, mid: 1.400000
l: 1.200000, r: 1.400000, mid: 1.300000
l: 1.200000, r: 1.300000, mid: 1.250000
l: 1.250000, r: 1.300000, mid: 1.275000
l: 1.250000, r: 1.275000, mid: 1.262500
l: 1.262500, r: 1.275000, mid: 1.268750
res:  160

print sqrt_float(0.556, 2)

[JINZH2-M-20GQ: ~/Desktop/Python_training/Leetcode]: python sqrt_float.py 
l: 0.000000, r: 1.000000, mid: 0.500000
l: 0.500000, r: 1.000000, mid: 0.750000
l: 0.500000, r: 0.750000, mid: 0.625000
l: 0.625000, r: 0.750000, mid: 0.687500
l: 0.687500, r: 0.750000, mid: 0.718750
l: 0.718750, r: 0.750000, mid: 0.734375
l: 0.734375, r: 0.750000, mid: 0.742188
res:  55

Given an array of N=10^6 int32 and an int32 X, compute the exact number of triples (a, b, c) 
of distinct elements of the array so that a + b + c <= X

最后数出来的个数会是C(3, 10^6) ~= 2^58。这在C++中就必须上long long了。但是如果数组再稍微大一点,
比如到10^7的话,long long就可能hold不住了;所谓的overflow应该就是指这个。所以这个限制非常关键,

当然,三个int32的和会超过int32这也是一个重要的overflow的点。多谢指出。这两个overflow的点都可以通过使用long long进行规避


Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
Can not have the near node in the final path 
def maxpathsum_bt(root):
    if not root:
        return None
    result = [-1<<32]
    maxpath(root, result)
    return result[0]

def maxpath(node, result):
    return (include node, exclude node)
    if not node: return (0,0)
    l = maxpath(node.left, result)
    r = maxpath(node.right, result)
    isum = max(0, l[1]) + max(0, r[1]) + node.value
    result[0] = max(result[0], isum)
    include = node.value + max(0, l[1],r[1])

    isum = 0
    isum1 = max(0, l[0], l[1]) 
    isum2 = max(0, r[0], r[1])
    isum = isum1 + isum2
    result[0] = max(result[0], isum)
    exclude = max(isum1, isum2)

    return (include, exclude)

# http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t1/JobHunting/32972467_0_1.html
给你一个list of list [[Hello, Hi], [world, girl, boy]]
Hello world
Hello girl
Hello boy
Hi world
Hi girl
Hi boy

followup: how to do it iteratively?

def combination(lists):
    if not lists or not lists[0]:
        return None
    result = []
    n = len(lists)
    combination_helper(lists, result, [], n)
    return result
def combination_helper(lists, result, sublist, length):
    if len(sublist) == length:

    for i, list_member in enumerate(lists):
        for l in list_member:
            combination_helper(lists[i+1:], result, sublist+[l], length)
#lists = [["hello", "world"], ["fight", "cisco", "hi"], ["google","fighting!"]]            
#print combination(lists)

lists1 = [["hello", "world"], ["fight", "cisco", "hi"]]             
print combination(lists1)

def combination2(lists):
    if not lists or not lists[0]:
        return None
    result = [[]]
    for list_member in lists:
        ret = []
        for comb in result:
            for l in list_member:
                #print "ret: ", ret
        if ret:
            result = ret
    return result 
#lists2 = [["hello", "world"], ["fight", "cisco", "hi"], ["google","fighting!"]]            
#print combination2(lists2)

lists3 = [["hello", "world"], ["fight", "cisco", "hi"]]
print combination(lists3)

第二题是找Binary Search Tree 里面的出现次数最多的integer.....

TreeNode pre = null;
        int max = 0;.
        int val = 0;.
        public void commonValue(TreeNode root){
                if(root == null){
                        max = Math.max(max, val);
                if(pre == null){
                        val = 1;
                }else if(pre.val == root.val){.
                        max = Math.max(max, val);
                        val = 1;
                pre = root;. 


input:一个字符串可能含有 ‘*’,‘*’可以代表'j' 或'k'

def dfs(s, i):
    if len(s) == i:
        print s
    if s[i] == '*':
        dfs(s[:i]+'j'+s[i+1:], i+1)
        dfs(s[:i]+'k'+s[i+1:], i+1)
        dfs(s, i+1)
s = "abc*e*d"
print dfs(s,0)

Find the longest increasing(increasing means one step) sequence in an integer matrix in 4 directions 
(up down left right), return the sequence

opt[i][j] = max{ opt[i+1][j], opt[i-1][j], opt[i][j+1], opt[i][j-1] } +1
def longest_inc(matrix):
    if not matrix or not matrix[0]:
        return None
    m = len(matrix); n = len(matrix[0])
    mem = [[0 for _ in xrange(n)] for _ in xrange(m)]
    path = 0; maxpath = 0
    for i in xrange(m):
        for j in xrange(n):
            path = dfs(mem, matrix, i, j)
            if path > maxpath:
                maxstart = matrix[i][j]
                maxpath = path
    print "start: ",maxstart
    return maxpath
def dfs(mem, matrix, i, j):
    m = len(matrix); n = len(matrix[0])
    if mem[i][j]:
        return mem[i][j]
    dirs = [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]]
    for d in dirs:
        newi = i + d[0]
        newj = j + d[1]
        if newi < 0 or newi >=m or newj < 0 or newj >= n:
        if matrix[newi][newj] == (matrix[i][j] + 1):
            mem[i][j] = max(mem[i][j], dfs(mem, matrix, newi, newj))
    mem[i][j] += 1
    print mem 
    return mem[i][j]

matrix = [  [1,9,8,6],

print longest_inc(matrix)

# mem table:
[[1, 1, 2, 1], [1, 4, 3, 2], [1, 5, 1, 1]]
start:  2

1. longest consecutive numbers
lc原题,但要考虑重复,而且numbers无序, 并且要输出最长的numbers,
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 → 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11.
11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 4, 3, 2,1 ->11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

def longest_consecutive(num):
    if not num:
        return None
    n = len(num)
    table = {}
    result = 0
    resultlist = []
    for i in num:
        left = 0; right = 0
        leftlist = []; rightlist = []
        if i not in table:
            if i-1 in table:
                left = table[i-1][0]
                leftlist = table[i-1][1]
            if i+1 in table:
                right = table[i+1][0]
                rightlist = table[i+1][1]

            isum = left + right + 1
            ilist = leftlist + [i] + rightlist

            table[i] = (isum,ilist)
            table[i-left] = (isum,ilist)
            table[i+right] = (isum,ilist)
            if len(ilist) > len(resultlist):
                resultlist = ilist
            result = max(isum, result)
    print resultlist
    return result

test = [100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2, 201, 202, 5]
print longest_consecutive(test)

# Corner Case 
# Input:	[0,3,7,2,5,8,4,6,0,1]
# Output:	7
# Expected:	9

numbers变成二叉树,找longest consecutive numbers 
  2     3
      5    3

→ 1, 2
题目简化:连续递增from leaf to root,只考虑单向,
用一个 global update maxlen,每个节点返回(value, MaxLentoThisNode)


def longest_consecutive_list(root):
    @only consider the path from root to each leaf
    @only consider the increasing path from root 
    if not root:
        return None
    result = [-1<<32]
    consecutive_helper(root, result)
    return result[0]

def consecutive_helper(node, result):
    if not node: return None
    if not node.left and not node.right:
        return (node.value, 1)
    l = consecutive_helper(node.left, result)
    r = consecutive_helper(node.right, result)
    tmpleft = 0; tmpright = 0
    if l and node.value == (l[0] + 1):
        tmpleft = l[1] + 1
    if r and node.value == (r[0] + 1):
        tmpright = r[1] + 1
    result[0] = max(tmpleft, tmpright, result[0])

    return (node.value, max(tmpleft, tmpright))

第一轮,给一个字符串数组,找出这样的字符串对(str1,str2),使得1,两个字符串不包含一样的字符,2. 长度乘积最大。

给你一个很大的字典。一对词如果不share 任何字母,比如dog, cat不share字母,而dog, boy就share一个o,
则是interesting pair.找出所以interesting pairs中长度乘积最大的pair.输出这个乘积。

def compare_str(lists):
    assume the input string only has the lowercase letters
    @first could transfer each string into the bit, then compare
    each pair of string whether they are the same or not
    if not lists:
        return None
    n = len(lists)
    bit_pattern = []
    lists = sorted(lists, key=len)
    for s in lists:
        x = 0
        for char in s:
            x = x | 1 << ord(char)-ord('a')
    print "bit: ", bit_pattern
    maxlen = 0
    for i in xrange(n):
        j = n - 1
        while i < j:
            if not bit_pattern[i] & bit_pattern[j]:
                maxlen = max(maxlen, len(lists[i])*len(lists[j]))
                print "two lists: %s, %s" %(lists[i], lists[j])
            j -= 1
    return maxlen 

lists = ['fighting', 'google', 'hello', 'hi', 'how','']
lists1 = ['hello','cisc','cisco','wlddd']
print compare_str(lists)
print compare_str(lists1)

将一个数组right rotate k次。要求O(N),in-place
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/array-rotation/

1. 字符串匹配 -> anagram -> 结合起来 不用完全的字符串匹配 只要是anagram就算成功 
也就是有两个字符串s和word word和s的某个子字符串是anagram就行。时间复杂度 空间复杂度 尽量优化
# http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/anagram-substring-search-search-permutations/
# http://www.careercup.com/question?id=5389078581215232

import collections

def string_anagram(lists, word): 
    if not lists or not word or (len(lists) < len(word)):
        return False
    m = len(lists); n = len(word)
    target = collections.Counter(word)
    cur = collections.Counter(lists[:n])
    for i in xrange(n,m):
        if target == cur:
            return lists[i-n:i]
        cur[lists[i]] += 1
        cur[lists[i-n]] -= 1
        if not cur[lists[i-n]]:
            del cur[lists[i-n]]
    if target == cur:
        return lists[i-n+1:]
    return False

w = "ABCD"
print string_anagram(l, w)

l1 = "cdsgsdgsa"
w1 = "a"
print string_anagram(l1, w1)

l2 = "abcfedgsfdaf"
w2 = "abcdefg"
print string_anagram(l2, w2)

compare the string using heapq

import heapq

class MyLine(object):
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        for i in xrange(min(len(self.string), len(other.string))):
            if self.string[i] > other.string[i]:
                return 1
            elif self.string[i] < other.string[i]:
                return -1
        if len(self.string) > len(other.string):
            return 1
        elif len(self.string) < len(other.string):
            return -1
            return 0

class Solution(object):
    def heapq_str(self):
        heap = ["hello","world","fighting","cisco"]
        heap1 = []
        for s in heap:
        result = []
        while heap1:
            element = heapq.heappop(heap1)

        return result

test = Solution()
print test.heapq_str()



This is just a plug, from me, for you to know about processes, threads and concurrency issues. 
A lot of interviewers ask about that stuff, and it's pretty fundamental, so you should know it. 
Know about locks and mutexes and semaphores and monitors and how they work. Know about deadlock 
and livelock and how to avoid them. Know what resources a processes needs, and a thread needs, 
and how context switching works, and how it's initiated by the operating system and underlying 
hardware. Know a little about scheduling. The world is rapidly moving towards multi-core, and 
you'll be a dinosaur in a real hurry if you don't understand the fundamentals of "modern" 
(which is to say, "kinda broken") concurrency constructs.

The best, most practical book I've ever personally read on the subject is Doug Lea's Concurrent 
Programming in Java. It got me the most bang per page. There are obviously lots of other books 
on concurrency. I'd avoid the academic ones and focus on the practical stuff, since it's most 
likely to get asked in interviews.

swap space 

Linux 中的交换空间(Swap space)在物理内存(RAM)被充满时被使用。如果系统需要更多的内存资源,而物理内存已经充满,
内存中不活跃的页就会被移到交换空间去。虽然交换空 间可以为带有少量内存的机器提供帮助,但是这种方法不应该被当做是对内存的取代。
交换空间的总大小应该相当于你的计算机内存的两倍和 32 MB这两个值中较大的一个,但是它不能超过 2048 MB(2 GB)。 
而硬 盘空间动辄几十G上百G,为了解决这个问题,Windows中运用了虚拟内存技术,即拿出一部分硬盘空间来充当内存使用。 

1 billion files  each file 4k you have more id than files, which means files are dupliacte.
your computer has 4k memory 1TB disk.
design a method to remove duplicate files and store those files
given id track the file from your disk...

做法是  hashing files to disk and store the id. but hashing always has collusion, which means you need to  have another map<id, location>
写完简单的想法大哥拍了照片。。。然后follow up了一下我加了几个case 大哥又拍了照片。。。因为都是psudo code.... 我只用python....可是这题明显没法用。。. 
讲起来很复杂,后来才知道是google big table 但是是在准备材料system design的倒数第二条。。。.

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=106364&extra=page%3D2%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3089%5D%5Bvalue%5D%5B3%5D%3D3%26searchoption%5B3089%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dcheckbox%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
我给的方案是用HashMap<Timestamp, count>,分布存到多台机器上面。阿三表示数据很多,每台机器的内存都存不下,让我优化。我的进一步方案是再设定一个时限T,

面试官看上去有点百度的张曈气质,一上来就气势汹汹的问了个google的cas,一个分块存储的文件系统,给你一个read block的接口和write block的接口,

第三题,设计一个 KEY-VALUE机制,必须在O(1)做下列操作: 插入,删除,get(),random_get(),可以使用hashmap.
这个题目非常tricky. 貌似可以直接使用一个HASHMAP就能完成,但是实际上random_get必须把每个K-V对与一个0到N的整数关联,这个如果直接
把MAP放到一个LIST里面去,算法效率就变成了O(N). 我最终使用了两个HASHMAP来实现这个功能,一个HASH表记录0-N的整数下标与KEY的关系,
另外一个HASH表记录K-V,还有这个下标。这个算法其实在删除时也有问题,因为删除后会有下标GAP.我实际上是使用了一个机制,让删除操作,. 1point3acres.com/bbs

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=129355&extra=page%3D3%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1
你好,那我就讲一下music list那道题吧:

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-135955-1-1.html
3. design: distributed game ,   付费转账 如何 减少 transcation fee 
4. group Card  ,  follow up: 如何定义接口 让客户可以自己定义 hashfunction. 

1. 系统设计:给一个url和一个给定的api可以返回所有从这个url可以直接链接到的url。要求统计所有能访问到url数。
以及怎么改进(最后引申到设计web crawler),怎么解决url无效等等问题。

2. 第一题local minimum,第二题在数组中检查x距离内是否有重复。

3. 1000个文件每个有1TB的大小,服务器每台100GB内存,1TB硬盘。文件基本上一次写入就不会变化了,读的次数比较多。问怎么设计这样的系统。followup怎么解决fault tolerance,再增加1000个这样文件,怎么办,等等。
* if reads are more frequency than write, we should keep Availability (low latency) than Consistency, since write may be very 
small, we could use the cache to save the logs. 
* Total amount of file is 10^3 * 10^12 = 10^15; 100GB = 100 * 10^9 = 10^11B main memory, 10^13B Disk, use the latest Recent Cache.
* If there are many servers, could use the Quorums to ensure the consistency, choose W=N and R=1 to ensure the quick read.


6. Design Question: Get program running on data centers, try catch and scalability , cache followups

7. 第五题是design题。问我设计程序给一个program name, 得到它在哪些data center上运行

我设计了 .
List<String> getProgramOnDataCenter(String ProgramName)
boolean isOnDataCenter(String ProgramName, String DCName)

然后就是一些exception handle,server上如何处理dragger,如何设计cache

8. 然后是一个design题,design一个cache,然后需要设计哪些操作,需要考虑哪些参数,用什么hardware储存。。

10. 设计售票系统, 要求
1. 每次返回5张可选最多
2. 保证不会给两个不同user返回同一个可选座位
3. 用户2分钟之内,没有购买,重新开始

11. system design,什么一堆page判断duplicate,如何断定一个page比另外一个page更trustful

12. 设计题,问用什么数组实现搜索推荐,先讨论了几种方案,最后说用trie

13. 德州扑克
 we have n cards, four suites (H, C, D, S). 1<=value<=13, we have the following hands type:
 Straight flush      Four of a kind      Full house  Flush Straight Three of a kind Two pair One pair
 Questions: given n cards, and find out the best hands type we could have, n is not 52. and the output does 
 not have to be five. 如果你找到three of a kind,但是没有找到比它更大的了,那这三张就是Output3. 

14. 选址建房子。图论的题,意思是给一个matrix,上面有一堆商店,每个商店有建房子需要的材料,要求找到建房子最佳的地址,

15. 假设Google有一个内部系统,可以接受来自员工的各种订单,例如定个鲜花,定个蛋糕之类的。内部系统会连到一个外部系统,

16. 一辆车有Year, Make, Model。假设一个Dealer有很多很多车,如何才能得到每一种unique car有多少辆。unique car的意思是说,
Year, Make, Model这三个特征,只要有一个和其他车不同,就是unique car。

17. 假设用一个N叉树存一个员工管理系统,从上到下按照级别一级一级递减,最顶端是CEO,往下是各个级别的经理,再是普通员工,

三面是写一个meeting schedule, 求最少的房间。

题目三:假设google在火星上弄了个data center, 如何无人值守给他升级内核。如何判断机器挂掉了,挂掉了怎么办。

# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=94183&extra=page%3D6%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Bvalue%5D%3D1%26searchoption%5B3046%5D%5Btype%5D%3Dradio%26sortid%3D311
# http://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=107236&extra=page%3D6%26filter%3Dsortid%26sortid%3D311%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Bvalue%255D%3D1%26searchoption%255B3046%255D%255Btype%255D%3Dradio&page=1

18. Design a google calendar 
# http://martinfowler.com/apsupp/recurring.pdf
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/85699/whats-the-best-way-to-model-recurring-events-in-a-calendar-application

1.2 system design:一种新型的storage,怎么样用来scan engineer的hard disk来做备份
4. system design:logging query - 有好几个小问,例如,如何得到过去一个月浏览某主页的次数,来自某个国家的浏览数,等等

5. design: chromecast, how to know which app can be supported? There is a 
cloud that can give the information to the chrome cast, appID, deviceID, 
cache design. 

3. design: distributed game ,   付费转账 如何 减少 transcation fee 
4. group Card  ,  follow up: 如何定义接口 让客户可以自己定义 hashfunction. 


System Design 分类

1. 设计贪吃蛇, 怎么定义蛇, 怎么移动, 怎么吃, 怎么判断时候活着, 怎么定义游戏版
# https://github.com/UmassJin/Leetcode/blob/master/Design/OS_concepts/Game/snake.md
# http://www.hawstein.com/posts/snake-ai.html
# https://github.com/Hawstein/snake-ai/blob/master/snake.py

# 我们可以通过一个二位数组来定义board, 一位数组定义snake
# Initialization: snake_size = 1; snake_head = snake_array[0];
# Move: up, down, left, right, avoid the snake itself, check the board size, recorde each step since snake need to move
# empty the tail block in snake
# Eat: the simplest method for "eat" is use the BFS to find the shortest path to the food, but this may lead to the no path
# then we need to use the "Wander" function, after discuss the simple verion, we could use the "virtual snake" to test the 
# safe path, if the path is "safe", which means whether snake has the path to follow it's tail, here we could use the tail as 
# the fake "food" and then find whether there is path, then for each move, we use the BFS and check the safety, if there is no
# path between head and food and head and tail, choose the random one, 

1. 目标是食物时,走最短路径
2. 目标是蛇尾时,走最长路径
一般而言, 我们会让蛇每次都走最短路径。这是针对蛇去吃食物的时候, 可是蛇在追自己的尾巴的时候就不能这么考虑了。
我们希望的是蛇头在追蛇尾的过程中, 尽可能地慢。这样蛇头和蛇尾间才能腾出更多的空间,空间多才有得发展。

2. tic-tac-toe,给定场景是人机大战,人永远先开始下。要求把所有的棋盘布局组合都输出(人机各走一步算一个新的棋盘布局)。
# Minmax wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimax
# Minmax tic-tac-toe: http://neverstopbuilding.com/minimax
# 中文版: http://univasity.iteye.com/blog/1170226

function minimax(node, depth, maximizingPlayer)
    if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
        return the heuristic value of node
    if maximizingPlayer
        bestValue := -∞
        for each child of node
            val := minimax(child, depth - 1, FALSE)
            bestValue := max(bestValue, val)
        return bestValue
        bestValue := +∞
        for each child of node
            val := minimax(child, depth - 1, TRUE)
            bestValue := min(bestValue, val)
        return bestValue

(* Initial call for maximizing player *)
minimax(origin, depth, TRUE)

def minimax(game, depth):
    if game.over:
	return score(game) 
    depth += 1
    scores = []
    moves = []
    # Populate the scores array, recursing as needed
    game.get_available_moves.each do |move|
        possible_game = game.get_new_state(move)
        scores.push minimax(possible_game, depth)
        moves.push move

    # Do the min or the max calculation
    if game.active_turn == @player
        # This is the max calculation
        max_score_index = scores.each_with_index.max[1]
        @choice = moves[max_score_index]
        return scores[max_score_index]
        # This is the min calculation
        min_score_index = scores.each_with_index.min[1]
        @choice = moves[min_score_index]
        return scores[min_score_index]

# max-min pruning 

   1. 有两个值被传递到每个树的节点:
            值alpha,记录着找到的最好的“大值”(MAX value);
            值beta,记录着找到的最好的“小值”(MIN value)。
   2. 在MAX层时,在对每个子路径进行估值前,用前一路径的返回值与beta值作比较。如果该值大于beta值,那么跳过对当前节点的搜索;
   3. 在MIN层时,在对每个子路径进行估值前,用前一路径的返回值与alpha值作比较。如果该值小于alpha值,那么跳过对当前节点的搜索。

01 function alphabeta(node, depth, α, β, maximizingPlayer)
02      if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
03          return the heuristic value of node
04      if maximizingPlayer
05          v := -∞
06          for each child of node
07              v := max(v, alphabeta(child, depth - 1, α, β, FALSE))
08              α := max(α, v)
09              if β ≤ α
10                  break (* β cut-off *)
11          return v
12      else
13          v := ∞
14          for each child of node
15              v := min(v, alphabeta(child, depth - 1, α, β, TRUE))
16              β := min(β, v)
17              if β ≤ α
18                  break (* α cut-off *)
19          return v

3. 保龄球计分,给一组分数,输出实际每轮投完后的累计得分。

4. 设计扫雷游戏
# http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/build-a-minesweeper-game-within-200-lines-of-code--active-8578


Google Phone interview 
Please use this Google doc to code during your interview. To free your hands for coding, we recommend that you use a headset or a phone with speaker option.

Write a function that accepts an array of numbers as input, and returns the largest product (multiplication)  of any two numbers in that array

Input: [0, 3, 5, 7]
Output: 35

def maxProduct(nums):
	if not nums or len(nums) < 2: return 0
	minval = nums[0]
	maxval = nums[0]
	result = nums[0]	

	for i in xrange(1, len(nums)):
result = max(minval * nums[i], maxval* nums[i], result)
		maxval = max(maxval, nums[i])
		minval = min(minval, nums[i])
	return result 

def maxProduct(nums):
	if not nums or len(nums) < 2: return 0
	result = nums[0]
	maxval = nums[0]
	for i in xrange(len(nums)):
		if nums[i] == 0:
			result = max(result, 0)
			for j in xrange(i+1, len(nums)):
				tmp = nums[i] * nums[j]
				result = max(tmp, result)
	return result 

test case:
[0] ⇒ 0
[1] ⇒ 0
[0, 1] ⇒ 0
[-1, -6, 3] => 6
[0, 3, 5, 7]

 "internationalization" -> "i18n"
 "localization" -> "l10n"

Such abbreviations are not always unique -- for example, “a11y” could stand for “accessibility”, “automatically”, etc. 
Given a list of words, determine if the abbreviation of the word is unique. 

 "internationalization" -> "i18n"
 "localization" -> "l10n"
accessibility -> “a11y”


 "internationalization" -> "i18n"
 "localization" -> "l10n"
accessibility -> “a11y”
automatically -> a11y
‘ab’ -> ‘a0b’

def abbreviation_unique(array):
	if not array or len(array) < 2: return True
	n = len(array)
	check = {}
	for i in xrange(n):
		strlen = len(array[i])
		abbre = array[i][0] + str(strlen-2) + array[i][strlen-1]
 		if abbre in check:
			return False
			check[abbre] = 1
	return True 

n string in the input array
time complexity: O(n)
space complexity: O(n)

1. find the shortest distance for each unlocked cell in matrix (警察那题)
2. find whether three points in the same line, if in the same line, the rate is 1.0, otherwise is 0
3. game, matrix, each matrix is dead or alive, if x < 2, died, if x > 3 died, if x = 3, alive, others maintain the same 
4. two rows array, find the minimum obstacle need to move if we want to move from the top left to right down 
   do the in-order for the two trees, use the minimum space, less than O(n), maybe O(logn)

Given a list of words as input do two things, build a model which allows you to generate similar but pseudo random words based on the input corpus. 

BuildModel(String[] words);
String GeneratePseudorandomWord();

A → C -> E
  ->P ->D

A (value, time, possibility) 
| |     |
C P     L
| |  |  | 
E P  D  E
  |     P
  L     |
  |     P

{A: {P:2, C:1, (L,1), (D,1)}, C: [E], E: {A:1, ‘end’:2}, P: [(P:1)]}
src = [(A:3),(B:2),(E:1)]
des = [(D:1)]

ACE  1/3


⅔ end, ⅓ A


BuildModel(String[] words);
String GeneratePseudorandomWord();

def BuildModel(words):
    if not words:
	  return None 
    src = collections.defaultdict(int)
    chartable = {}
    for word in words:
   	  for i, char in enumerate(word):
	      if i == 0:
	          scr[char] += 1
	      if i + 1 < len(word):
                if char not in chartable:
                   chartable[char] = collections.defaultdict(int)
                   chartable[char][word[i+1]] += 1
                   chartable[char][word[i+1]] += 1
		if i + 1 == len(word):
			 chartable[char][‘end’] += 1

{A: {P:2, C:1, L:1, D:1}, C: [E], E: {A:1, ‘end’:2}, P: [(P:1)]}
A:0.1, B:0.3, C:0.6

import random 
def GeneratePseudorandomWord(src, chartable):
     randomnum = random.randint(0,1)
     srcsum = sum(src.values())
     temp = {}
     for item, value in src:
   src[item] = operater.truediv(value/srcsum)
	   temp[src[item]] = item
     pre = 0 
     for pos, item in temp:
         cur = pre + pos
         if pre <= randomnum < cur: