
Dice, coins, and random generation for gaming.

Modified By:
    - Luke Rogers <https://github.com/lukeroge>

    GPL v3

import random
import re

from cloudbot import hook

whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+')
valid_diceroll = re.compile(r'^([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*d(?:\d+|F))(?:[+-](?:\d+|\d*d(?:\d+|F)))*)( .+)?$', re.I)
sign_re = re.compile(r'[+-]?(?:\d*d)?(?:\d+|F)', re.I)
split_re = re.compile(r'([\d+-]*)d?(F|\d*)', re.I)

def clamp(n, min_value, max_value):
    """Restricts a number to a certain range of values,
    returning the min or max value if the value is too small or large, respectively
    :param n: The value to clamp
    :param min_value: The minimum possible value
    :param max_value: The maximum possible value
    :return: The clamped value
    return min(max(n, min_value), max_value)

def n_rolls(count, n):
    """roll an n-sided die count times
    :type count: int
    :type n: int | str
    if n in ('f', 'F'):
        return [random.randint(-1, 1) for _ in range(min(count, 100))]

    if count < 100:
        return [random.randint(1, n) for _ in range(count)]

    # Calculate a random sum approximated using a randomized normal variate with the midpoint used as the mu
    # and an approximated standard deviation based on variance as the sigma
    mid = .5 * (n + 1) * count
    var = (n ** 2 - 1) / 12
    adj_var = (var * count) ** 0.5

    return [int(random.normalvariate(mid, adj_var))]

@hook.command("roll", "dice")
def dice(text, notice):
    """<dice roll> - simulates dice rolls. Example: 'dice 2d20-d5+4 roll 2': D20s, subtract 1D5, add 4

    :type text: str

    if hasattr(text, "groups"):
        text, desc = text.groups()
    else:  # type(text) == str
        match = valid_diceroll.match(whitespace_re.sub("", text))
        if match:
            text, desc = match.groups()
            notice("Invalid dice roll '{}'".format(text))

    if "d" not in text:

    spec = whitespace_re.sub('', text)
    if not valid_diceroll.match(spec):
        notice("Invalid dice roll '{}'".format(text))
    groups = sign_re.findall(spec)

    total = 0
    rolls = []

    for roll in groups:
        count, side = split_re.match(roll).groups()
        count = int(count) if count not in " +-" else 1
        if side.upper() == "F":  # fudge dice are basically 1d3-2
            for fudge in n_rolls(count, "F"):
                if fudge == 1:
                elif fudge == -1:
                total += fudge
        elif side == "":
            total += count
            side = int(side)
                if count > 0:
                    d = n_rolls(count, side)
                    rolls += list(map(str, d))
                    total += sum(d)
                    d = n_rolls(-count, side)
                    rolls += [str(-x) for x in d]
                    total -= sum(d)
            except OverflowError:
                # I have never seen this happen. If you make this happen, you win a cookie
                return "Thanks for overflowing a float, jerk >:["

    if desc:
        return "{}: {} ({})".format(desc.strip(), total, ", ".join(rolls))

    return "{} ({})".format(total, ", ".join(rolls))

def choose(text, event):
    """<choice1>, [choice2], [choice3], etc. - randomly picks one of the given choices

    :type text: str
    choices = re.findall(r'([^,]+)', text.strip())
    if len(choices) == 1:
        choices = choices[0].split(' or ')
        if len(choices) == 1:

    return random.choice([choice.strip() for choice in choices])

def coin(text, notice, action):
    """[amount] - flips [amount] coins

    :type text: str

    if text:
            amount = int(text)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            notice("Invalid input '{}': not a number".format(text))
        amount = 1

    if amount == 1:
        action("flips a coin and gets {}.".format(random.choice(["heads", "tails"])))
    elif amount == 0:
        action("makes a coin flipping motion")
        mu = .5 * amount
        sigma = (.75 * amount) ** .5
        n = random.normalvariate(mu, sigma)
        heads = clamp(int(round(n)), 0, amount)
        tails = amount - heads
        action("flips {} coins and gets {} heads and {} tails.".format(amount, heads, tails))