import base64
import json
import re
from datetime import datetime, date
import time

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag

from .core import SkypeObj, SkypeEnum
from .util import SkypeUtils
from .conn import SkypeConnection

def makeTag(name, string=None, **kwargs):
    tag = Tag(name=name, attrs=kwargs)
    for key in kwargs:
        if kwargs[key] is None:
            kwargs[key] = ""
    if string:
        tag.string = string
    return tag

@SkypeUtils.convertIds("user", "chat")
class SkypeMsg(SkypeObj):
    A message either sent or received in a conversation.

    An edit is represented by a follow-up message with the same :attr:`clientId`, which replaces the earlier message.

        id (str):
            Identifier of the message provided by the server, usually a timestamp.
        type (str):
            Raw message type, as specified by the Skype API.
        time (datetime.datetime):
            Original arrival time of the message.
        clientId (str):
            Identifier generated by the client, used as a reference for edits.
        user (:class:`.SkypeUser`):
            User that sent the message.
        chat (:class:`.SkypeChat`):
            Conversation where this message was received.
        content (str):
            Raw message content, as received from the API.
        html (str):
            Recreated content string based on the field values.
        deleted (bool):
            Whether the message content was deleted by the sender.

    def bold(s):
        Format text to be bold.

            s (str): string to format

            str: formatted string
        return """<b raw_pre="*" raw_post="*">{0}</b>""".format(s)

    def italic(s):
        Format text to be italic.

            s (str): string to format

            str: formatted string
        return """<i raw_pre="_" raw_post="_">{0}</i>""".format(s)

    def strike(s):
        Format text to be struck through.

            s (str): string to format

            str: formatted string
        return """<s raw_pre="~" raw_post="~">{0}</s>""".format(s)

    def mono(s):
        Format text to be monospaced.

            s (str): string to format

            str: formatted string
        return """<pre raw_pre="{{code}}" raw_post="{{code}}">{0}</pre>""".format(s)

    def colour(s, colour):
        Format text to be coloured.

            s (str): string to format
            colour (str): colour to display text in

            str: formatted string
        return """<font color="{0}">{1}</font>""".format(colour, s)

    def link(url, display=None):
        Create a hyperlink.  If ``display`` is not specified, display the URL.

        .. note:: Anomalous API behaviour: official clients don't provide the ability to set display text.

            url (str): full URL to link to
            display (str): custom label for the hyperlink

            str: tag to display a hyperlink
        return """<a href="{0}">{1}</a>""".format(url, display or url)

    def emote(shortcut):
        Display an emoticon.  This accepts any valid shortcut.

            shortcut (str): emoticon shortcut

            str: tag to render the emoticon
        for emote in SkypeUtils.static["items"]:
            if shortcut == emote["id"]:
                return """<ss type="{0}">{1}</ss>""".format(shortcut, emote["shortcuts"][0])
            elif shortcut in emote["shortcuts"]:
                return """<ss type="{0}">{1}</ss>""".format(emote["id"], shortcut)
        # No match, return the input as-is.
        return shortcut

    def mention(user):
        Mention a user in a message.  This may trigger a notification for them even if the conversation is muted.

            user (SkypeUser): user who is to be mentioned

            str: tag to display the mention
        return """<at id="8:{0}">{1}</at>""".format(,

    def quote(user, chat, timestamp, content):
        Display a message excerpt as a quote from another user.

        Skype for Web doesn't support native quotes, and instead displays the legacy quote text.  Supported desktop
        clients show a blockquote with the author's name and timestamp underneath.

        .. note:: Anomalous API behaviour: it is possible to fake the message content of a quote.

            user (SkypeUser): user who is to be quoted saying the message
            chat (SkypeChat): conversation the quote was originally seen in
            timestamp (datetime.datetime): original arrival time of the quoted message
            content (str): excerpt of the original message to be quoted

            str: tag to display the excerpt as a quote
        # Single conversations lose their prefix here.
        chatId = if":")[0] == "19" else SkypeUtils.noPrefix(
        # Legacy timestamp includes the date if the quote is not from today.
        unixTime = int(time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple()))
        legacyTime = timestamp.strftime("{0}%H:%M:%S".format("" if == else "%d/%m/%Y "))
        return """<quote author="{0}" authorname="{1}" conversation="{2}" timestamp="{3}"><legacyquote>""" \
               """[{4}] {1}: </legacyquote>{5}<legacyquote>\n\n&lt;&lt;&lt; </legacyquote></quote>""" \
               .format(,, chatId, unixTime, legacyTime, content)

    def uriObject(content, type, url, thumb=None, title=None, desc=None, **values):
        Generate the markup needed for a URI component in a rich message.

            content (str): object-specific content inside the object tag
            type (str): URI object type
            url (str): URL to content
            title (str): name of object
            desc (str): additional line of information
            thumb (str): URL to thumbnail of content
            values (dict): standard value tags of the form ``<key v="value"/>``

            str: ``<URIObject>`` tag
        titleTag = """<Title>Title: {0}</Title>""".format(title) if title else """<Title/>"""
        descTag = """<Description>Description: {0}</Description>""".format(desc) if desc else """<Description/>"""
        thumbAttr = " url_thumbnail=\"{0}\"".format(thumb) if thumb else ""
        valTags = "".join("""<{0} v="{1}"/>""".format(k, v) for k, v in values.items())
        return """<URIObject type="{1}" uri="{2}"{3}>{4}{5}{6}{0}</URIObject>""" \
               .format(content, type, url, thumbAttr, titleTag, descTag, valTags)

    attrs = ("id", "type", "time", "clientId", "userId", "chatId", "content")

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
            msgTime = datetime.strptime(raw.get("originalarrivaltime", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        except ValueError:
            msgTime =
        return {"id": raw.get("id"),
                "type": raw.get("messagetype"),
                "time": msgTime,
                "clientId": raw.get("clientmessageid", raw.get("skypeeditedid")),
                "userId": SkypeUtils.userToId(raw.get("from", "")),
                "chatId": SkypeUtils.chatToId(raw.get("conversationLink", "")),
                "content": raw.get("content")}

    def fromRaw(cls, skype=None, raw={}):
        msgCls = {"Text": SkypeTextMsg,
                  "RichText": SkypeTextMsg,
                  "RichText/Contacts": SkypeContactMsg,
                  "RichText/Location": SkypeLocationMsg,
                  "RichText/Media_GenericFile": SkypeFileMsg,
                  "RichText/UriObject": SkypeImageMsg,
                  "RichText/Media_Card": SkypeCardMsg,
                  "Event/Call": SkypeCallMsg,
                  "ThreadActivity/TopicUpdate": SkypeTopicPropertyMsg,
                  "ThreadActivity/JoiningEnabledUpdate": SkypeOpenPropertyMsg,
                  "ThreadActivity/HistoryDisclosedUpdate": SkypeHistoryPropertyMsg,
                  "ThreadActivity/AddMember": SkypeAddMemberMsg,
                  "ThreadActivity/RoleUpdate": SkypeChangeMemberMsg,
                  "ThreadActivity/DeleteMember": SkypeRemoveMemberMsg}.get(raw.get("messagetype"), cls)
        return msgCls(skype, raw, **msgCls.rawToFields(raw))

    def html(self):
        # If not overridden in a subclass, just return the existing content.
        return self.content

    def deleted(self):
        return self.html == ""

    def read(self):
        Mark this message as read by sending an updated consumption horizon.
        """"{0};{1};{0}".format(self.clientId, int(time.time() * 1000)))

    def edit(self, content, me=False, rich=False):
        Send an edit of this message.  Arguments are passed to :meth:`.SkypeChat.sendMsg`.

        .. note:: Anomalous API behaviour: messages can be undeleted by editing their content to be non-empty.

            content (str): main message body
            me (bool): whether to send as an action, where the current account's name prefixes the message
            rich (bool): whether to send with rich text formatting

            .SkypeMsg: copy of the edited message object
        return, me, rich,

    def delete(self):
        Delete the message and remove it from the conversation.

        Equivalent to calling :meth:`edit` with an empty ``content`` string.

            .SkypeMsg: copy of the deleted message object
        return self.edit("")

class SkypeTextMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A message containing rich or plain text.

        plain (str):
            Message content converted to plain text.

            Hyperlinks are replaced with their target, quotes are converted to the legacy format, and all other HTML
            tags are stripped from the text.
        markup (str):
            Message converted to plain text, retaining formatting markup.

            Hyperlinks become their target, message edit tags are stripped, and legacy quote text is used.

            In addition, the following replacements are made:

            ===============================  =========================
            Rich text                        Plain text
            ===============================  =========================
            ``<b>bold</b>``                  ``*bold*``
            ``<i>italic</i>``                ``_italic_``
            ``<s>strikethrough</s>``         ``~strikethrough~``
            ``<pre>monospace</pre>``         ``{code}monospace{code}``
            ``<at id="8:fred.2">Fred</at>``  ``@fred.2``
            ===============================  =========================

    def plain(self):
        if self.content is None:
            return None
        text = re.sub(r"</?(e|b|i|ss?|pre|quote|legacyquote)\b.*?>", "", self.content)
        text = re.sub(r"""<a\b.*?href="(.*?)">.*?</a>""", r"\1", text)
        text = re.sub(r"""<at\b.*?id="8:(.*?)">.*?</at>""", r"@\1", text)
        text = (text.replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", ">").replace("&amp;", "&")
                    .replace("&quot;", "\"").replace("&apos;", "'"))
        return text

    def markup(self):
        if self.content is None:
            return None
        text = re.sub(r"</?(e|ss|quote|legacyquote)\b.*?>", "", self.content)
        text = re.sub(r"</?b\b.*?>", "*", text)
        text = re.sub(r"</?i\b.*?>", "_", text)
        text = re.sub(r"</?s\b.*?>", "~", text)
        text = re.sub(r"</?pre\b.*?>", "{code}", text)
        text = re.sub(r"""<a\b.*?href="(.*?)">.*?</a>""", r"\1", text)
        text = re.sub(r"""<at\b.*?id="8:(.*?)">.*?</at>""", r"@\1", text)
        text = (text.replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&gt;", ">").replace("&amp;", "&")
                    .replace("&quot;", "\"").replace("&apos;", "'"))
        return text

class SkypeContactMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A message containing one or more shared contacts.

        contacts (:class:`.SkypeUser` list):
            User objects embedded in the message.
        contactNames (str list):
            Names of the users, as seen by the sender of the message.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("contactIds", "contactNames")

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeContactMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        fields.update({"contactIds": [], "contactNames": []})
        contactTags = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find_all("c")
        for tag in contactTags:
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = makeTag("contacts")
        for con in self.contacts:
            tag.append(makeTag("c", t="s",,
        return tag

class SkypeLocationMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A message containing the sender's location.

        latitude (float):
            North-South coordinate of the user's location.
        longitude (float):
            East-West coordinate of the user's location.
        altitude (int):
            Vertical position from sea level.
        speed (int):
            Current velocity during the reading.
        course (int):
            Current direction during the recording.
        address (str):
            Geocoded address provided by the sender.
        mapUrl (str):
            Link to map displaying the location.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "speed", "course", "address", "mapUrl")

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeLocationMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        locTag = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("location")
        for attr in ("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "speed", "course"):
            fields[attr] = int(locTag.get(attr)) if locTag.get(attr) else None
        # Exponent notation produces a float, meaning lat/long will always be floats too.
        for attr in ("latitude", "longitude"):
            if fields[attr]:
                fields[attr] /= 1e6
        fields.update({"address": locTag.get("address"),
                       "mapUrl": locTag.find("a").get("href")})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        timestamp = self.time or
        params = {}
        for attr in ("latitude", "longitude", "altitude", "speed", "course"):
            if getattr(self, attr):
                params[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
        for attr in ("latitude", "longitude"):
            if attr in params:
                params[attr] = int(params[attr] * 1e6)
        if self.address:
            params["address"] = self.address
        params.update({"pointOfInterest": "",
                       "timeStamp": str(int(time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple())))})
        tag = makeTag("location", **params)
        tag.append(makeTag("a", self.address, href=self.mapUrl))
        return tag

class SkypeCardMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A message containing an interactive card.

        title (str):
            Heading text at the top of the card.
        body (str):
            Main text content in the card.
        buttons (:class:`Button` list):
            Available actions for this card.

    class Button(SkypeObj):
        A clickable button within a card.

            type (str):
                Type of action to be performed on click.
            title (str):
                Text displayed on the button.
            value (str):
                Parameter to the action.

        attrs = ("type", "title", "value")

        def data(self):
            return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.attrs)

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("title", "body", "buttons")

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeCardMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        swiftTag = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("swift")
        data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(swiftTag.get("b64")))
        card = data.get("attachments", [{}])[0].get("content", {})
        fields.update({"title": card.get("title"),
                       "body": card.get("text"),
                       "buttons": [cls.Button(**button) for button in card.get("buttons")]})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        data = {"attachments": [{"content": {"title": self.title,
                                             "text": self.body,
                                             "buttons": [ for button in self.buttons]},
                                 "contentType": "application/"}],
                "type": "message/card",
        if self.chatId:
            data["recipient"] = {"id": self.chatId}
            userType, userId = self.chatId.split(":", 1)
            if userType == "19":
                # Cards haven't been seen in group conversations yet, so assuming a sensible behaviour.
                data["recipient"]["name"] =
                data["recipient"]["name"] = str([userId].name)
        b64 = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":")).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
        tag = makeTag("URIObject", "Card - access it on ", type="SWIFT.1",
        tag.append(makeTag("a", "",
        tag.append(". ")
        tag.append(makeTag("Swift", b64=b64))
        return tag

class SkypeFileMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A message containing a file shared in a conversation.

        file (:class:`File`):
            File object embedded in the message.
        fileContent (bytes):
            Raw content of the file.

    class File(SkypeObj):
        Details about a file contained within a message.

            name (str):
                Original filename from the client.
            size (int):
                Number of bytes in the file.
            urlFull (str):
                URL to retrieve the original file.
            urlThumb (str):
                URL to retrieve a thumbnail or display image for the file.
            urlView (str):
                URL for the user to access the file outside of the API.

        attrs = ("name", "size", "urlFull", "urlThumb", "urlView")

        def urlAsm(self):
            # Workaround for Skype providing full URLs with the wrong domain.
            # ->
            if not self.urlFull:
                return None
            match = re.match("{}/0-([a-z0-9]+)-".format(SkypeConnection.API_ASM), self.urlFull)
            if not match:
                return self.urlFull
            prefix = SkypeConnection.API_ASM_LOCAL.format(
            return self.urlFull.replace(SkypeConnection.API_ASM, prefix, 1)

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("file",)

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeFileMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        # BeautifulSoup converts tag names to lower case, and find() is case-sensitive.
        file = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("uriobject")
        if file:
            fileFields = {"name": (file.find("originalname") or {}).get("v"),
                          "size": (file.find("filesize") or {}).get("v"),
                          "urlFull": file.get("uri"),
                          "urlThumb": file.get("url_thumbnail"),
                          "urlView": (file.find("a") or {}).get("href")}
            fields["file"] = SkypeFileMsg.File(**fileFields)
        return fields

    def fileContent(self):
        return"GET", "{0}/views/original".format(self.file.urlAsm),

    def html(self):
        if not self.file:
            return ""
        tag = makeTag("URIObject", type="File.1", uri=self.file.urlFull, url_thumbnail=self.file.urlThumb)
        tag.append(makeTag("Title", "Title: {0}".format( if else ""))
        tag.append(makeTag("Description", "Description: {0}".format( if else ""))
        tag.append(makeTag("FileSize", v=self.file.size))
        tag.append(makeTag("a", self.file.urlView, href=self.file.urlView))
        return tag

class SkypeImageMsg(SkypeFileMsg):
    A message containing a picture shared in a conversation.

    def fileContent(self):
        return"GET", "{0}/views/imgpsh_fullsize".format(self.file.urlAsm),

    def html(self):
        if not self.file:
            return ""
        tag = makeTag("URIObject", type="Picture.1", uri=self.file.urlFull, url_thumbnail=self.file.urlThumb)
        tag.append(makeTag("a", self.file.urlView, href=self.file.urlView))
        tag.append(makeTag("meta", type="photo",
        return tag

class SkypeCallMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A message representing a change in state to a voice or video call inside the conversation.

        state (:class:`.State`):
            New state of the call.
        users (:class:`.SkypeUser` list):
            User objects embedded in the message.
        userNames (str list):
            Names of the users, as seen by the initiator of the call.

    State = SkypeEnum("SkypeCallMsg.State", ("Started", "Ended", "Missed"))
    :class:`.SkypeEnum`: Possible call states (either started and incoming, or ended).

            New call has just begun.
            Call failed to connect, or all call participants have hung up.
            Missed the call as it ended.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("state", "userIds", "userNames")

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeCallMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        listTag = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("partlist")
        fields.update({"state": {"started": cls.State.Started,
                                 "ended": cls.State.Ended,
                                 "missed": cls.State.Missed}.get(listTag.get("type")),
                       "userIds": [], "userNames": []})
        for partTag in listTag.find_all("part"):
        return fields

    def html(self):
        partType = {self.State.Started: "started",
                    self.State.Ended: "ended",
                    self.State.Missed: "missed"}[self.state]
        tag = makeTag("partlist", type=partType, alt="")
        for user in self.users:
            conTag = makeTag("part",
            conTag.append(makeTag("name", str(
        return tag

class SkypePropertyMsg(SkypeMsg):
    A base message type for changes to conversation properties.

    def tagTemplate(self, root):
        # Subclasses of this class have the same message structure.
        timestamp = self.time or
        tag = makeTag(root)
        tag.append(makeTag("eventtime", str(int(time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple())))))
        tag.append(makeTag("initiator", "8:{0}".format(self.userId) if self.userId else ""))
        return tag

class SkypeTopicPropertyMsg(SkypePropertyMsg):
    A message representing a change in a group conversation's topic.

        topic (str):
            Description of the conversation, shown to all participants.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("topic",)

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeTopicPropertyMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        propInfo = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("topicupdate")
        if propInfo:
            fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(propInfo.find("initiator").text),
                           "topic": propInfo.find("value").text})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = self.tagTemplate("topicupdate")
        tag.append(makeTag("value", self.topic))
        return tag

class SkypeOpenPropertyMsg(SkypePropertyMsg):
    A message representing a change to joining the conversation by link.

        open (bool):
            Whether new participants can join via a public join link.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("open",)

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeOpenPropertyMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        propInfo = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("joiningenabledupdate")
        if propInfo:
            fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(propInfo.find("initiator").text),
                           "open": propInfo.find("value").text == "true"})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = self.tagTemplate("joiningenabledupdate")
        tag.append(makeTag("value", "true" if else "false"))
        return tag

class SkypeHistoryPropertyMsg(SkypePropertyMsg):
    A message representing a change to history disclosure.

        history (bool):
            Whether message history is provided to new participants.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("history",)

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeHistoryPropertyMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        propInfo = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("historydisclosedupdate")
        if propInfo:
            fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(propInfo.find("initiator").text),
                           "history": propInfo.find("value").text == "true"})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = self.tagTemplate("historydisclosedupdate")
        tag.append(makeTag("value", "true" if self.history else "false"))
        return tag

class SkypeMemberMsg(SkypePropertyMsg):
    A message representing a change in a group conversation's participants.

    Note that Skype represents these messages as being sent *by the conversation*, rather than the initiator.  Instead,
    :attr:`user <SkypeMsg.user>` is set to the initiator, and :attr:`member` to the target.

        member (:class:`.SkypeUser`):
            User being added to or removed from the conversation.

    attrs = SkypeMsg.attrs + ("memberId",)

class SkypeAddMemberMsg(SkypeMemberMsg):
    A message representing a user added to a group conversation.

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeAddMemberMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        memInfo = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("addmember")
        if memInfo:
            fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(memInfo.find("initiator").text),
                           "memberId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(memInfo.find("target").text)})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = self.tagTemplate("addmember")
        tag.append(makeTag("target", "8:{0}".format(self.memberId) if self.memberId else ""))
        return tag

class SkypeChangeMemberMsg(SkypeMemberMsg):
    A message representing a user's role being changed within a group conversation.

        admin (bool):
            Whether the change now makes the user an admin.

    attrs = SkypeMemberMsg.attrs + ("admin",)

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeChangeMemberMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        memInfo = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("roleupdate")
        if memInfo:
            fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(memInfo.find("initiator").text),
                           "memberId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(memInfo.find("target").find("id").text),
                           "admin": memInfo.find("target").find("role").text == "admin"})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = self.tagTemplate("addmember")
        valTag = makeTag("target")
        valTag.append(makeTag("id", "8:{0}".format(self.memberId) if self.memberId else ""))
        valTag.append(makeTag("role", "admin" if self.admin else "user"))
        return tag

class SkypeRemoveMemberMsg(SkypeMemberMsg):
    A message representing a user removed from a group conversation.

    def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
        fields = super(SkypeRemoveMemberMsg, cls).rawToFields(raw)
        memInfo = BeautifulSoup(raw.get("content"), "html.parser").find("deletemember")
        if memInfo:
            fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(memInfo.find("initiator").text),
                           "memberId": SkypeUtils.noPrefix(memInfo.find("target").text)})
        return fields

    def html(self):
        tag = self.tagTemplate("addmember")
        tag.append(makeTag("target", "8:{0}".format(self.memberId) if self.memberId else ""))
        return tag