# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'S.I. Mimilakis'
__copyright__ = 'MacSeNet'

import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft, dct, dst
from scipy.signal import firwin2, freqz, cosine, hanning, hamming, fftconvolve
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as uspline

try :
    from QMF import qmf_realtime_class as qrf
except ImportError :
    print('PQMF class was not found. ')

eps = np.finfo(np.float32).tiny

class TimeFrequencyDecomposition:
    """ A Class that performs time-frequency decompositions by means of a
        Discrete Fourier Transform, using Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
        by SciPy, MDCT with modified type IV bases, PQMF,
        and Fractional Fast Fourier Transform.
    def DFT(x, w, N):
        """ Discrete Fourier Transformation(Analysis) of a given real input signal
        via an FFT implementation from scipy. Single channel is being supported.
            x       : (array) Real time domain input signal
            w       : (array) Desired windowing function
            N       : (int)   FFT size
            magX    : (2D ndarray) Magnitude Spectrum
            phsX    : (2D ndarray) Phase Spectrum

        # Half spectrum size containing DC component
        hlfN = (N/2)+1

        # Half window size. Two parameters to perform zero-phase windowing technique
        hw1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2))
        hw2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2))

        # Window the input signal
        winx = x*w

        # Initialize FFT buffer with zeros and perform zero-phase windowing
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
        fftbuffer[:hw1] = winx[hw2:]
        fftbuffer[-hw2:] = winx[:hw2]

        # Compute DFT via scipy's FFT implementation
        X = fft(fftbuffer)

        # Acquire magnitude and phase spectrum
        magX = (np.abs(X[:hlfN]))
        phsX = (np.angle(X[:hlfN]))

        return magX, phsX

    def iDFT(magX, phsX, wsz):
        """ Discrete Fourier Transformation(Synthesis) of a given spectral analysis
        via an inverse FFT implementation from scipy.
            magX    : (2D ndarray) Magnitude Spectrum
            phsX    : (2D ndarray) Phase Spectrum
            wsz     :  (int)   Synthesis window size
            y       : (array) Real time domain output signal

        # Get FFT Size
        hlfN = magX.size;
        N = (hlfN-1)*2

        # Half of window size parameters
        hw1 = int(math.floor((wsz+1)/2))
        hw2 = int(math.floor(wsz/2))

        # Initialise synthesis buffer with zeros
        fftbuffer = np.zeros(N)
        # Initialise output spectrum with zeros
        Y = np.zeros(N, dtype = complex)
        # Initialise output array with zeros
        y = np.zeros(wsz)

        # Compute complex spectrum(both sides) in two steps
        Y[0:hlfN] = magX * np.exp(1j*phsX)
        Y[hlfN:] = magX[-2:0:-1] * np.exp(-1j*phsX[-2:0:-1])

        # Perform the iDFT
        fftbuffer = np.real(ifft(Y))

        # Roll-back the zero-phase windowing technique
        y[:hw2] = fftbuffer[-hw2:]
        y[hw2:] = fftbuffer[:hw1]

        return y

    def STFT(x, w, N, hop):
        """ Short Time Fourier Transform analysis of a given real input signal,
        via the above DFT method.
            x   : 	(array)  Time-domain signal
            w   :   (array)  Desired windowing function
            N   :   (int)    FFT size
            hop :   (int)    Hop size
            sMx :   (2D ndarray) Stacked arrays of magnitude spectra
            sPx :   (2D ndarray) Stacked arrays of phase spectra

        # Analysis Parameters
        wsz = w.size

        # Add some zeros at the start and end of the signal to avoid window smearing
        x = np.append(np.zeros(3*hop),x)
        x = np.append(x, np.zeros(3*hop))

        # Initialize sound pointers
        pin = 0
        pend = x.size - wsz
        indx = 0

        # Normalise windowing function
        if np.sum(w)!= 0. :
            w = w / np.sum(w)

        # Initialize storing matrix
        xmX = np.zeros((len(x)/hop, N/2 + 1), dtype = np.float32)
        xpX = np.zeros((len(x)/hop, N/2 + 1), dtype = np.float32)

        # Analysis Loop
        while pin <= pend:
            # Acquire Segment
            xSeg = x[pin:pin+wsz]

            # Perform DFT on segment
            mcX, pcX = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.DFT(xSeg, w, N)

            xmX[indx, :] = mcX
            xpX[indx, :] = pcX

            # Update pointers and indices
            pin += hop
            indx += 1

        return xmX, xpX

    def GLA(wsz, hop):
        """ LSEE-MSTFT algorithm for computing the synthesis window used in
        inverse STFT method below.
            wsz :   (int)    Synthesis Window size
            hop :   (int)    Hop size
        Returns :
            symw:   (array) Synthesised time-domain real signal.

        References :
            [1] Daniel W. Griffin and Jae S. Lim, ``Signal estimation from modified short-time
            Fourier transform,'' IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
            vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 236-243, Apr 1984.
        synw = hamming(wsz)/np.sum(hamming(wsz))
        synwProd = synw ** 2.
        synwProd.shape = (wsz, 1)
        redundancy = wsz/hop
        env = np.zeros((wsz, 1))
        for k in xrange(-redundancy, redundancy + 1):
            envInd = (hop*k)
            winInd = np.arange(1, wsz+1)
            envInd += winInd

            valid = np.where((envInd > 0) & (envInd <= wsz))
            envInd = envInd[valid] - 1
            winInd = winInd[valid] - 1
            env[envInd] += synwProd[winInd]

        synw = synw/env[:, 0]
        return synw

    def iSTFT(xmX, xpX, wsz, hop, smt = False) :
        """ Short Time Fourier Transform synthesis of given magnitude and phase spectra,
        via the above iDFT method.
            xmX :   (2D ndarray)  Magnitude Spectrum
            xpX :   (2D ndarray)  Phase Spectrum
            wsz :   (int)         Synthesis Window size
            hop :   (int)         Hop size
            smt :   (bool)        Whether or not use a post-processing step in time domain
                                  signal recovery, using synthesis windows.
        Returns :
            y   :   (array)       Synthesised time-domain real signal.

        # GL-Algorithm or simple OLA
        if smt == True:
            rs = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.GLA(wsz, hop)
        else :
            rs = hop

        # Acquire half window sizes
        hw1 = int(math.floor((wsz+1)/2))
        hw2 = int(math.floor(wsz/2))

        # Acquire the number of STFT frames
        numFr = xmX.shape[0]

        # Initialise output array with zeros
        y = np.zeros(numFr * hop + hw1 + hw2)

        # Initialise sound pointer
        pin = 0

        # Main Synthesis Loop
        for indx in range(numFr):
            # Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
            ybuffer = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.iDFT(xmX[indx, :], xpX[indx, :], wsz)

            # Overlap and Add
            y[pin:pin+wsz] += ybuffer*rs

            # Advance pointer
            pin += hop

        # Delete the extra zeros that the analysis had placed
        y = np.delete(y, range(3*hop))
        y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-(3*hop + 1), y.size))

        return y

    def MCSTFT(x, w, N, hop):
        """ Short Time Fourier Transform analysis of a given real input signal,
        over multiple channels.
            x   : 	(2D array)  Multichannel time-domain signal (nsamples x nchannels)
            w   :   (array)     Desired windowing function
            N   :   (int)       FFT size
            hop :   (int)       Hop size
            sMx :   (3D ndarray) Stacked arrays of magnitude spectra
            sPx :   (3D ndarray) Stacked arrays of phase spectra
                                 Of the shape (Channels x Frequency-samples x Time-frames)
        M = x.shape[1]      # Number of channels

        # Analyse the first incoming channel to acquire the dimensions
        mX, pX = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(x[:, 0], w, N, hop)
        smX = np.zeros((M, mX.shape[1], mX.shape[0]), dtype = np.float32)
        spX = np.zeros((M, pX.shape[1], pX.shape[0]), dtype = np.float32)
        # Storing it to the actual return and free up some memory
        smX[0, :, :] = mX.T
        spX[0, :, :] = pX.T
        del mX, pX

        for channel in xrange(1, M):
            mX, pX = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(x[:, channel], w, N, hop)
            smX[channel, :, :] = mX.T
            spX[channel, :, :] = pX.T

        del mX, pX

        return smX, spX

    def MCiSTFT(xmX, xpX, wsz, hop, smt = False):
        """ Short Time Fourier Transform synthesis of given magnitude and phase spectra
        over multiple channels.
            xMx :   (3D ndarray) Stacked arrays of magnitude spectra
            xPx :   (3D ndarray) Stacked arrays of phase spectra
                                 Of the shape (Channels x Frequency samples x Time-frames)
            wsz :   (int)        Synthesis Window size
            hop :   (int)        Hop size
            smt :   (bool)       Whether or not use a post-processing step in time domain
                                 signal recovery, using synthesis windows
        Returns :
            y   :   (2D array)   Synthesised time-domain real signal of the shape (nsamples x nchannels)
        M = xmX.shape[0]      # Number of channels
        F = xmX.shape[1]      # Number of frequency samples
        T = xmX.shape[2]      # Number of time-frames

        # Synthesize the first incoming channel to acquire the dimensions
        y = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.iSTFT(xmX[0, :, :].T, xpX[0, :, :].T, wsz, hop, smt)
        yout = np.zeros((len(y), M), dtype = np.float32)
        # Storing it to the actual return and free up some memory
        yout[:, 0] = y
        del y

        for channel in xrange(1, M):
            y = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.iSTFT(xmX[channel, :, :].T, xpX[channel, :, :].T, wsz, hop, smt)
            yout[:, channel] = y

        del y

        return yout

    def nuttall4b(M, sym=False):
        Returns a minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window according to Nuttall.
        The typical Blackman window famlity define via "alpha" is continuous
        with continuous derivative at the edge. This will cause some errors
        to short time analysis, using odd length windows.

        Args    :
            M   :   (int)   Number of points in the output window.
            sym :   (array) Synthesised time-domain real signal.

        Returns :
            w   :   (ndarray) The windowing function

        References :
            [1] Heinzel, G.; Rüdiger, A.; Schilling, R. (2002). Spectrum and spectral density
               estimation by the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), including a comprehensive
               list of window functions and some new flat-top windows (Technical report).
               Max Planck Institute (MPI) für Gravitationsphysik / Laser Interferometry &
               Gravitational Wave Astronomy, 395068.0

            [2] Nuttall A.H. (1981). Some windows with very good sidelobe behaviour. IEEE
               Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-29(1):

        if M < 1:
            return np.array([])
        if M == 1:
            return np.ones(1, 'd')
        if not sym :
            M = M + 1

        a = [0.355768, 0.487396, 0.144232, 0.012604]
        n = np.arange(0, M)
        fac = n * 2 * np.pi / (M - 1.0)

        w = (a[0] - a[1] * np.cos(fac) +
             a[2] * np.cos(2 * fac) - a[3] * np.cos(3 * fac))

        if not sym:
            w = w[:-1]

        return w

    def pqmf_analysis(x):
            Method to analyse an input time-domain signal using PQMF.
            See QMF class for more information.

            Arguments   :
                x       : (1D Array) Input signal

            Returns     :
                ms      : (2D Array) Analysed time-frequency representation by means of PQMF analysis.
        # Parameters
        N = 1024
        nTimeSlots = len(x) / N

        # Initialization
        ms = np.zeros((nTimeSlots, N), dtype=np.float32)
        # Perform Analysis
        for m in xrange(nTimeSlots):
            ms[m, :] = qrf.PQMFAnalysis.analysisqmf_realtime(x[m*N:(m+1)*N], N)

        return ms

    def pqmf_synthesis(ms):
            Method to synthesise a time-domain signal using PQMF.
            See QMF class for more information.

            Arguments   :
                ms      : (2D Array) Analysed time-frequency representation by means of PQMF analysis.

            Returns     :
                xrec    : (1D Array) Reconstructed signal
        # Parameters
        N = 1024
        nTimeSlots = ms.shape[0]

        # Initialization
        xrec = np.zeros((nTimeSlots * N), dtype=np.float32)
        # Perform Analysis
        for m in xrange(nTimeSlots):
            xrec[m * N: (m + 1) * N] = qrf.PQMFSynthesis.synthesisqmf_realtime(ms[m, :], N)

        return xrec

    def coreModulation(win, N, type = 'MDCT'):
            Method to produce Analysis and Synthesis matrices for the offline
            PQMF class, using polyphase matrices.

            Arguments  :
                win    :  (1D Array) Windowing function
                N      :  (int) Number of subbands
                type   :  (str) Selection between 'MDCT' or 'PQMF' basis functions

            Returns  :
                Cos   :   (2D Array) Cosine Modulated Polyphase Matrix
                Sin   :   (2D Array) Sine Modulated Polyphase Matrix

        global Cos

        lfb = len(win)
        # Initialize Storing Variables
        Cos = np.zeros((N,lfb), dtype = np.float32)
        #Sin = np.zeros((N,lfb), dtype = np.float32)

        # Generate Matrices        
        if type == 'MDCT' :
	        for k in xrange(0, N):
	            for n in xrange(0, lfb):
	                Cos[k, n] = win[n] * np.cos(np.pi/N * (k + 0.5) * (n + 0.5 + N/2)) * np.sqrt(2. / N)
	                #Sin[k, n] = win[n] * np.sin(np.pi/N * (k + 0.5) * (n + 0.5 + N/2)) * np.sqrt(2. / N)

        elif type == 'PQMF-polyphase' :
	        for k in xrange(0, N):
	            for n in xrange(0, lfb):
	                Cos[k, n] = win[n] * np.cos(np.pi/N * (k + 0.5) * (n + 0.5)) * np.sqrt(2. / N)
	                #Sin[k, n] = win[n] * np.sin(np.pi/N * (k + 0.5) * (n + 0.5)) * np.sqrt(2. / N)
        else :
            assert('Unknown type')

        return Cos

    def real_analysis(x, N = 1024):
            Method to compute the subband samples from time domain signal x.
            A real valued output matrix will be computed using DCT.

            Arguments   :
                x       : (1D Array) Input signal
                N       : (int)      Number of sub-bands

            Returns     :
                y       : (2D Array) Real valued output of the analysis

        # Parameters and windowing function design
        win = cosine(2*N, True)
        lfb = len(win)
        nTimeSlots = len(x)/N - 2

        # Initialization
        ycos = np.zeros((len(x)/N, N), dtype = np.float32)
        ysin = np.zeros((len(x)/N, N), dtype = np.float32)

        # Check global variables in order to avoid
        # computing over and over again the transformation matrices.
        glvars = globals()

        if 'Cos' in glvars and ((glvars['Cos'].T).shape[1] == N):
            print('... using pre-computed transformation matrices')
            global Cos
            # Perform Analysis
            for m in xrange(0, nTimeSlots):
                ycos[m, :] = np.dot(x[m * N: m * N + lfb], Cos.T)
        else :
            print('... computing transformation matrices')
            # Analysis Matrix
            Cos = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.coreModulation(win, N)
            # Perform Analysis
            for m in xrange(0, nTimeSlots):
                ycos[m, :] = np.dot(x[m * N: m * N + lfb], Cos.T)

        return ycos

    def real_synthesis(y):
            Method to compute the resynthesis of the MDCT.
            A real valued input matrix is asummed as input, derived from DCT typeIV.

            Arguments   :
                y       : (2D Array) Real Representation (time frames x frequency sub-bands (N))

            Returns     :
                xrec    : (1D Array) Time domain reconstruction

        # Parameters and windowing function design
        N = y.shape[1]
        win = cosine(2*N, True)
        lfb = len(win)
        nTimeSlots = y.shape[0]
        SignalLength = nTimeSlots * N + 2 * N

        # Check global variables in order to avoid
        # computing over and over again the transformation matrices.
        glvars = globals()

        if 'Cos' in glvars and ((glvars['Cos'].T).shape[1] == N):
            print('... using pre-computed transformation matrix')
            global Cos
            # Initialization
            zcos = np.zeros((1, SignalLength), dtype=np.float32)

            # Perform Synthesis
            for m in xrange(0, nTimeSlots):
                zcos[0, m * N: m * N + lfb] += np.dot((y[m, :]).T, Cos)

            print('... computing transformation matrix')
            # Synthesis marix
            Cos = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.coreModulation(win, N)

            # Initialization
            zcos = np.zeros((1, SignalLength), dtype=np.float32)

            # Perform Synthesis
            for m in xrange(0, nTimeSlots):
                zcos[0, m * N: m * N + lfb] += np.dot((y[m, :]).T, Cos)

        return zcos.T

    def frft(f, a):
        Fractional Fourier transform. As appears in :
            f       : (array) Input data
            a       : (float) Alpha factor
            ret    : (array) Complex valued analysed data

        ret = np.zeros_like(f, dtype=np.complex)
        f = f.copy().astype(np.complex)
        N = len(f)
        shft = np.fmod(np.arange(N) + np.fix(N / 2), N).astype(int)
        sN = np.sqrt(N)
        a = np.remainder(a, 4.0)

        # Special cases
        if a == 0.0:
            return f
        if a == 2.0:
            return np.flipud(f)
        if a == 1.0:
            ret[shft] = np.fft.fft(f[shft]) / sN
            return ret
        if a == 3.0:
            ret[shft] = np.fft.ifft(f[shft]) * sN
            return ret

        # reduce to interval 0.5 < a < 1.5
        if a > 2.0:
            a = a - 2.0
            f = np.flipud(f)
        if a > 1.5:
            a = a - 1
            f[shft] = np.fft.fft(f[shft]) / sN
        if a < 0.5:
            a = a + 1
            f[shft] = np.fft.ifft(f[shft]) * sN

        # the general case for 0.5 < a < 1.5
        alpha = a * np.pi / 2
        tana2 = np.tan(alpha / 2)
        sina = np.sin(alpha)
        f = np.hstack((np.zeros(N - 1), TimeFrequencyDecomposition.sincinterp(f), np.zeros(N - 1))).T

        # chirp premultiplication
        chrp = np.exp(-1j * np.pi / N * tana2 / 4 * np.arange(-2 * N + 2, 2 * N - 1).T ** 2)
        f = chrp * f

        # chirp convolution
        c = np.pi / N / sina / 4
        ret = fftconvolve(np.exp(1j * c * np.arange(-(4 * N - 4), 4 * N - 3).T ** 2), f)
        ret = ret[4 * N - 4:8 * N - 7] * np.sqrt(c / np.pi)

        # chirp post multiplication
        ret = chrp * ret

        # normalizing constant
        ret = np.exp(-1j * (1 - a) * np.pi / 4) * ret[N - 1:-N + 1:2]

        return ret

    def ifrft(f, a):
        Inverse fractional Fourier transform. As appears in :
            f       : (array) Complex valued input array
            a       : (float) Alpha factor
            ret     : (array) Real valued synthesised data
        return TimeFrequencyDecomposition.frft(f, -a)

    def sincinterp(x):
        Sinc interpolation for computation of fractional transformations.
        As appears in :
            f       : (array) Complex valued input array
            a       : (float) Alpha factor
            ret     : (array) Real valued synthesised data
        N = len(x)
        y = np.zeros(2 * N - 1, dtype=x.dtype)
        y[:2 * N:2] = x
        xint = fftconvolve( y[:2 * N], np.sinc(np.arange(-(2 * N - 3), (2 * N - 2)).T / 2),)
        return xint[2 * N - 3: -2 * N + 3]

    def stfrft(x, w, hop, a):
        """ Short Time Fractional Fourier Transform analysis of a given real input signal,
        via the above DFT method.
            x   : 	(array)  Magnitude Spectrum
            w   :   (array)  Desired windowing function determining the analysis size
            hop :   (int)    Hop size
            a   :   (float)  Alpha factor
            sMx :   (2D ndarray) Stacked arrays of magnitude spectra
            sPx :   (2D ndarray) Stacked arrays of phase spectra

        # Analysis Parameters
        wsz = w.size

        # Add some zeros at the start and end of the signal to avoid window smearing
        x = np.append(np.zeros(3*hop),x)
        x = np.append(x, np.zeros(3*hop))

        # Initialize sound pointers
        pin = 0
        pend = x.size - wsz
        indx = 0

        # Initialize storing matrix
        xmX = np.zeros((len(x)/hop, wsz), dtype = np.float32)
        xpX = np.zeros((len(x)/hop, wsz), dtype = np.float32)

        # Analysis Loop
        while pin <= pend:
            # Acquire Segment
            xSeg = x[pin:pin+wsz] * w

            # Perform frFT on segment
            cX = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.frft(xSeg, a)

            xmX[indx, :] = np.abs(cX)
            xpX[indx, :] = np.angle(cX)

            # Update pointers and indices
            pin += hop
            indx += 1

        return xmX, xpX

    def istfrft(xmX, xpX, hop, a):
        """ Inverse Short Time Fractional Fourier Transform synthesis of given magnitude and phase spectra.
            xmX :   (2D ndarray)  Magnitude Spectrum
            xpX :   (2D ndarray)  Phase Spectrum
            hop :   (int)         Hop Size
            a   :   (float)       Alpha factor
        Returns :
            y   :   (array) Synthesised time-domain real signal.
        # Acquire the number of frames
        numFr = xmX.shape[0]
        # Amount of samples
        wsz = xmX.shape[1]

        # Initialise output array with zeros
        y = np.zeros(numFr * hop + wsz)

        # Initialise sound pointer
        pin = 0

        # Main Synthesis Loop
        for indx in range(numFr):
            # Inverse FrFT
            cX = xmX[indx, :] * np.exp(1j*xpX[indx, :])
            ybuffer = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.ifrft(cX, a)

            # Overlap and Add
            y[pin:pin+wsz] += np.real(ybuffer)

            # Advance pointer
            pin += hop

        # Delete the extra zeros that the analysis had placed
        y = np.delete(y, range(3*hop))
        y = np.delete(y, range(y.size-(3*hop + 1), y.size))

        return y

class CepstralDecomposition:
    """ A Class that performs a cepstral decomposition based on the
        logarithmic observed magnitude spectrogram. As appears in:
        "A Novel Cepstral Representation for Timbre Modelling of
        Sound Sources in Polyphonic Mixtures", Z.Duan, B.Pardo, L. Daudet.
    def computeUDCcoefficients(freqPoints = 2049, points = 2049, fs = 44100, melOption = False):
        """ Computation of M matrix that contains the coefficients for
        cepstral modelling architecture.
            freqPoints   :     (int)  Number of frequencies to model
            points       : 	   (int)  The cepstum order (number of coefficients)
            fs           :     (int)  Sampling frequency
            melOption    :     (bool) Compute Mel-uniform discrete cepstrum
            M            :     (ndarray) Matrix containing the coefficients
        M = np.empty((freqPoints, points), dtype = np.float32)
        # Array obtained by the order number of cepstrum
        p = np.arange(points)
        # Array with frequncy bin indices
        f = np.arange(freqPoints)

        if (freqPoints % 2 == 0):
            fftsize = (freqPoints)*2
        else :
            fftsize = (freqPoints-1)*2

        # Creation of frequencies from frequency bins
        farray = f * float(fs) / fftsize
        if (melOption):
            melf = 2595.0 * np.log10(1.0 + farray * fs/700.0)
            melHsr = 2595.0 * np.log10(1.0 + (fs/2.0) * fs/700.0)
            farray = (0.5 * melf) / (melHsr)
            farray = farray/(fs)

        twoSqrt = np.sqrt(2.0)
        for indx in range(M.shape[0]):
            M[indx, :] = (np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * p * farray[indx]))
            M[indx, 1:] *= twoSqrt

        return M

class PsychoacousticModel:
    """ Class that performs a very basic psychoacoustic model.
        Bark scaling is based on Perceptual-Coding-In-Python, [Online] :
    def __init__(self, N = 4096, fs = 44100, nfilts=24, type = 'rasta', width = 1.0, minfreq=0, maxfreq=22050):

        self.nfft = N
        self.fs = fs
        self.nfilts = nfilts
        self.width = width
        self.min_freq = minfreq
        self.max_freq = maxfreq
        self.max_freq = fs/2
        self.nfreqs = N/2
        self._LTeq = np.zeros(nfilts, dtype = np.float32)

        # Type of transformation
        self.type = type

        # Computing the matrix for forward Bark transformation
        self.W = self.mX2Bark(type)

        # Computing the inverse matrix for backward Bark transformation
        self.W_inv = self.bark2mX()

        # Non-linear superposition parameters
        self._alpha = 0.9                                       # Exponent alpha
        self._maxb = 1./self.nfilts                             # Bark-band normalization
        self._fa = 1./(10 ** (14.5/20.) * 10 ** (12./20.))      # Tone masking approximation
        self._fb = 1./(10**(7.5/20.))                           # Upper slope of spreading function
        self._fbb = 1./(10**(26./20.))                          # Lower slope of spreading function
        self._fd = 1./self._alpha                               # One over alpha exponent

    def mX2Bark(self, type):
        """ Method to perform the transofrmation.
        Args :
            type : (str)        String denoting the type of transformation. Can be either
                                'rasta' or 'peaq'.
        Returns  :
            W    : (ndarray)    The transformation matrix.

        if type == 'rasta':
            W = self.fft2bark_rasta()
        elif type == 'peaq':
            W = self.fft2bark_peaq()
            assert('Unknown method')

        return W

    def fft2bark_peaq(self):
        """ Method construct the weight matrix.
        Returns  :
            W    : (ndarray)    The transformation matrix, used in PEAQ evaluation.

        nfft = self.nfft
        nfilts  = self.nfilts
        fs = self.fs

        # Acquire frequency analysis
        df = float(fs)/nfft

        # Acquire filter responses
        fc, fl, fu = self.CB_filters()

        W = np.zeros((nfilts, nfft))

        for k in range(nfft/2+1):
            for i in range(nfilts):
                temp = (np.amin([fu[i], (k+0.5)*df]) - np.amax([fl[i], (k-0.5)*df])) / df
                W[i,k] = np.amax([0, temp])

        return W

    def fft2bark_rasta(self):
        """ Method construct the weight matrix.
        Returns  :
            W    : (ndarray)    The transformation matrix, used in PEAQ evaluation.
        minfreq = self.min_freq
        maxfreq = self.max_freq
        nfilts = self.nfilts
        nfft = self.nfft
        fs = self.fs
        width = self.width

        min_bark = self.hz2bark(minfreq)
        nyqbark = self.hz2bark(maxfreq) - min_bark

        if (nfilts == 0):
          nfilts = np.ceil(nyqbark)+1

        W = np.zeros((nfilts, nfft))

        # Bark per filter
        step_barks = nyqbark/(nfilts-1)

        # Frequency of each FFT bin in Bark
        binbarks = self.hz2bark(np.linspace(0,(nfft/2),(nfft/2)+1)*fs/nfft)

        for i in xrange(nfilts):
            f_bark_mid = min_bark + (i)*step_barks

            # Compute the absolute threshold
            self._LTeq[i] = 3.64 * (self.bark2hz(f_bark_mid + 1) / 1000.) ** -0.8 - \
            6.5*np.exp( -0.6 * (self.bark2hz(f_bark_mid + 1) / 1000. - 3.3) ** 2.) + \
                       1e-3*((self.bark2hz(f_bark_mid + 1) / 1000.) ** 4.)

            W[i,0:(nfft/2)+1] = (np.round(binbarks/step_barks)== i)

        return W

    def bark2mX(self):
        """ Method construct the inverse weight matrix, to map back to FT domain.
        Returns  :
            W    : (ndarray)    The inverse transformation matrix.
        W_inv= np.dot(np.diag((1.0/np.sum(self.W,1))**0.5), self.W[:,0:self.nfreqs + 1]).T

        return W_inv

    def hz2bark(self, f):
        """ Method to compute Bark from Hz.
        Args     :
            f    : (ndarray)    Array containing frequencies in Hz.
        Returns  :
            Brk  : (ndarray)    Array containing Bark scaled values.
        Brk = 6. * np.arcsinh(f/600.) # Method from RASTA model and computable inverse function.
        #Brk = 13. * np.arctan(0.76*f/1000.) + 3.5 * np.arctan(f / (1000 * 7.5)) ** 2.

        return Brk

    def bark2hz(self, Brk):
        """ Method to compute Hz from Bark scale.
        Args     :
            Brk  : (ndarray)    Array containing Bark scaled values.
        Returns  :
            Fhz  : (ndarray)    Array containing frequencies in Hz.
        Fhz = 650. * np.sinh(Brk/7.)

        return Fhz

    def CB_filters(self):
        """ Method to acquire critical band filters for creation of the PEAQ FFT model.
        Returns         :
            fc, fl, fu  : (ndarray)    Arrays containing the values in Hz for the
                                       bandwidth and centre frequencies used in creation
                                       of the transformation matrix.

        fl = np.array([  80.000,   103.445,   127.023,   150.762,   174.694, \
               198.849,   223.257,   247.950,   272.959,   298.317, \
               324.055,   350.207,   376.805,   403.884,   431.478, \
               459.622,   488.353,   517.707,   547.721,   578.434, \
               609.885,   642.114,   675.161,   709.071,   743.884, \
               779.647,   816.404,   854.203,   893.091,   933.119, \
               974.336,  1016.797,  1060.555,  1105.666,  1152.187, \
              1200.178,  1249.700,  1300.816,  1353.592,  1408.094, \
              1464.392,  1522.559,  1582.668,  1644.795,  1709.021, \
              1775.427,  1844.098,  1915.121,  1988.587,  2064.590, \
              2143.227,  2224.597,  2308.806,  2395.959,  2486.169, \
              2579.551,  2676.223,  2776.309,  2879.937,  2987.238, \
              3098.350,  3213.415,  3332.579,  3455.993,  3583.817, \
              3716.212,  3853.817,  3995.399,  4142.547,  4294.979, \
              4452.890,  4616.482,  4785.962,  4961.548,  5143.463, \
              5331.939,  5527.217,  5729.545,  5939.183,  6156.396, \
              6381.463,  6614.671,  6856.316,  7106.708,  7366.166, \
              7635.020,  7913.614,  8202.302,  8501.454,  8811.450, \
              9132.688,  9465.574,  9810.536, 10168.013, 10538.460, \
             10922.351, 11320.175, 11732.438, 12159.670, 12602.412, \
             13061.229, 13536.710, 14029.458, 14540.103, 15069.295, \
             15617.710, 16186.049, 16775.035, 17385.420 ])

        fc = np.array([  91.708,   115.216,   138.870,   162.702,   186.742, \
               211.019,   235.566,   260.413,   285.593,   311.136, \
               337.077,   363.448,   390.282,   417.614,   445.479, \
               473.912,   502.950,   532.629,   562.988,   594.065, \
               625.899,   658.533,   692.006,   726.362,   761.644, \
               797.898,   835.170,   873.508,   912.959,   953.576, \
               995.408,  1038.511,  1082.938,  1128.746,  1175.995, \
              1224.744,  1275.055,  1326.992,  1380.623,  1436.014, \
              1493.237,  1552.366,  1613.474,  1676.641,  1741.946, \
              1809.474,  1879.310,  1951.543,  2026.266,  2103.573, \
              2183.564,  2266.340,  2352.008,  2440.675,  2532.456, \
              2627.468,  2725.832,  2827.672,  2933.120,  3042.309, \
              3155.379,  3272.475,  3393.745,  3519.344,  3649.432, \
              3784.176,  3923.748,  4068.324,  4218.090,  4373.237, \
              4533.963,  4700.473,  4872.978,  5051.700,  5236.866, \
              5428.712,  5627.484,  5833.434,  6046.825,  6267.931, \
              6497.031,  6734.420,  6980.399,  7235.284,  7499.397, \
              7773.077,  8056.673,  8350.547,  8655.072,  8970.639, \
              9297.648,  9636.520,  9987.683, 10351.586, 10728.695, \
             11119.490, 11524.470, 11944.149, 12379.066, 12829.775, \
             13294.850, 13780.887, 14282.503, 14802.338, 15341.057, \
             15899.345, 16477.914, 17077.504, 17690.045 ])

        fu = np.array([ 103.445,   127.023,   150.762,   174.694,   198.849, \
               223.257,   247.950,   272.959,   298.317,   324.055, \
               350.207,   376.805,   403.884,   431.478,   459.622, \
               488.353,   517.707,   547.721,   578.434,   609.885, \
               642.114,   675.161,   709.071,   743.884,   779.647, \
               816.404,   854.203,   893.091,   933.113,   974.336, \
              1016.797,  1060.555,  1105.666,  1152.187,  1200.178, \
              1249.700,  1300.816,  1353.592,  1408.094,  1464.392, \
              1522.559,  1582.668,  1644.795,  1709.021,  1775.427, \
              1844.098,  1915.121,  1988.587,  2064.590,  2143.227, \
              2224.597,  2308.806,  2395.959,  2486.169,  2579.551, \
              2676.223,  2776.309,  2879.937,  2987.238,  3098.350, \
              3213.415,  3332.579,  3455.993,  3583.817,  3716.212, \
              3853.348,  3995.399,  4142.547,  4294.979,  4452.890, \
              4643.482,  4785.962,  4961.548,  5143.463,  5331.939, \
              5527.217,  5729.545,  5939.183,  6156.396,  6381.463, \
              6614.671,  6856.316,  7106.708,  7366.166,  7635.020, \
              7913.614,  8202.302,  8501.454,  8811.450,  9132.688, \
              9465.574,  9810.536, 10168.013, 10538.460, 10922.351, \
             11320.175, 11732.438, 12159.670, 12602.412, 13061.229, \
             13536.710, 14029.458, 14540.103, 15069.295, 15617.710, \
             16186.049, 16775.035, 17385.420, 18000.000 ])

        return fc, fl, fu

    def forward(self, spc):
        """ Method to transform FT domain to Bark.
        Args         :
            spc      : (ndarray)    2D Array containing the magnitude spectra.
        Returns      :
            Brk_spc  : (ndarray)    2D Array containing the Bark scaled magnitude spectra.
        W_short = self.W[:, 0:self.nfreqs]
        Brk_spc = np.dot(W_short,spc)
        return Brk_spc

    def backward(self, Brk_spc):
        """ Method to reconstruct FT domain from Bark.
        Args         :
            Brk_spc  : (ndarray)    2D Array containing the Bark scaled magnitude spectra.
        Returns      :
            Xhat     : (ndarray)    2D Array containing the reconstructed magnitude spectra.
        Xhat = np.dot(self.W_inv,Brk_spc)
        return Xhat

    def OutMidCorrection(self, correctionType, firOrd, fs):
        Method to "correct" the middle outer ear transfer function.
            As appears in :
            - A. Härmä, and K. Palomäki, ''HUTear – a free Matlab toolbox for modeling of human hearing'',
            in Proceedings of the Matlab DSP Conference, pp 96-99, Espoo, Finland 1999.
        # Lookup tables for correction
        f1 = np.array([20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, \
        125, 150, 177, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, \
        600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 2828, 3000, \
        3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, \
        12748, 15000])

        ELC = np.array([ 31.8, 26.0, 21.7, 18.8, 17.2, 15.4, 14.0, 12.6, 11.6, 10.6, \
            9.2, 8.2, 7.7, 6.7, 5.3, 4.6, 3.9, 2.9, 2.7, 2.3, \
            2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 2.9, 3.4, 3.9, 3.9, 3.9, 2.7, \
            0.9, -1.3, -2.5, -3.2, -4.4, -4.1, -2.5, -0.5, 2.0, 5.0, \
            10.2, 15.0, 17.0, 15.5, 11.0, 22.0])

        MAF = np.array([ 73.4, 65.2, 57.9, 52.7, 48.0, 45.0, 41.9, 39.3, 36.8, 33.0, \
            29.7, 27.1, 25.0, 22.0, 18.2, 16.0, 14.0, 11.4, 9.2, 8.0, \
             6.9,  6.2,  5.7,  5.1,  5.0,  5.0,  4.4,  4.3, 3.9, 2.7, \
             0.9, -1.3, -2.5, -3.2, -4.4, -4.1, -2.5, -0.5, 2.0, 5.0, \
            10.2, 15.0, 17.0, 15.5, 11.0, 22.0])

        f2  = np.array([  125,  250,  500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000,  \
            4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 14000, 16000])

        MAP = np.array([ 30.0, 19.0, 12.0,  9.0, 11.0, 16.0, 16.0, \
            14.0, 14.0,  9.9, 24.7, 32.7, 44.1, 63.7])

        if correctionType == 'ELC':
            freqTable = f1
            CorrectionTable = ELC
        elif correctionType == 'MAF':
            freqTable = f1
            CorrectionTable = MAF
        elif correctionType == 'MAP':
            freqTable = f2
            CorrectionTable = MAP
        else :
            print('Unrecongised operation: ELC will be used instead...')
            freqTable = f1
            CorrectionTable = ELC

        freqN = np.arange(0, firOrd) * fs/2. / (firOrd-1)
        spline = uspline(freqTable, CorrectionTable)
        crc = spline(freqN)
        crclin = 10. ** (-crc/ 10.)
        return crclin, freqN, crc

    def MOEar(self, correctionType = 'ELC'):
        """ Method to approximate middle-outer ear transfer function for linearly scaled
            frequency representations, using an FIR approximation of order 600 taps.
            As appears in :
            - A. Härmä, and K. Palomäki, ''HUTear – a free Matlab toolbox for modeling of human hearing'',
            in Proceedings of the Matlab DSP Conference, pp 96-99, Espoo, Finland 1999.
        Arguments          :
            correctionType : (string)     String which specifies the type of correction :
                                          'ELC' - Equal Loudness Curves at 60 dB (default)
                                          'MAP' - Minimum Audible Pressure at ear canal
                                          'MAF' - Minimum Audible Field
        Returns            :
            LTq            : (ndarray)    1D Array containing the transfer function, without the DC sub-band.
        # Parameters
        firOrd = self.nfft
        Cr, fr, Crdb = self.OutMidCorrection(correctionType, firOrd, self.fs)
        Cr[self.nfft - 1] = 0.

        # FIR Design
        A = firwin2(firOrd, fr, Cr, nyq = self.fs/2)
        B = 1
        _, LTq = freqz(A, B, firOrd, self.fs)

        LTq = 20. * np.log10(np.abs(LTq))
        LTq -= max(LTq)
        return LTq[:self.nfft/2 + 1]

    def maskingThreshold(self, mX):
        """ Method to compute the masking threshold by non-linear superposition.
        As used in :
        - G. Schuller, B. Yu, D. Huang and B. Edler, "Perceptual Audio Coding Using Adaptive
        Pre and Post-filters and Lossless Compression", in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing,
        vol. 10, n. 6, pp. 379-390, September, 2002.
        As appears in :
        - F. Baumgarte, C. Ferekidis, H Fuchs,  "A Nonlinear Psychoacoustic Model Applied to ISO/MPEG Layer 3 Coder",
        in Proceedings of the 99th Audio Engineering Society Convention, October, 1995.

        Args         :
            mX       : (ndarray)    2D Array containing the magnitude spectra (1 time frame x frequency subbands)
        Returns      :
            mT       : (ndarray)    2D Array containing the masking threshold.

        Authors      : Gerald Schuller('shl'), S.I. Mimilakis ('mis')
        # Bark Scaling with the initialized, from the class, matrix W.
        if mX.shape[1] % 2 == 0:
            nyq = False
            mX = np.dot(np.abs(mX), self.W[:, :self.nfreqs].T)
        else :
            nyq = True
            mX = np.dot(np.abs(mX), self.W[:, :self.nfreqs + 1].T)

        # Parameters
        Numsubbands = mX.shape[1]
        timeFrames = mX.shape[0]
        fc = self._maxb*Numsubbands

        # Initialization of the matrix containing the masking threshold
        maskingThreshold = np.zeros((timeFrames, Numsubbands))

        for frameindx in xrange(mX.shape[0]) :
            mT = np.zeros((Numsubbands))
            for n in xrange(Numsubbands):
                for m in xrange(0, n):
                    mT[n] += (mX[frameindx, m] * self._fa * (self._fb ** ((n - m) * fc))) ** self._alpha

                for m in xrange(n+1, Numsubbands):
                    mT[n] += (mX[frameindx, m] * self._fa * (self._fbb ** ((m - n) * fc))) ** self._alpha

                mT[n] = mT[n] ** (self._fd)

            maskingThreshold[frameindx, :] = mT

        # Inverse the bark scaling with the initialized, from the class, matrix W_inv.
        if nyq == False:
            maskingThreshold = np.dot(maskingThreshold, self.W_inv[:-1, :self.nfreqs].T)
        else :
            maskingThreshold = np.dot(maskingThreshold, self.W_inv[:, :self.nfreqs].T)

        return maskingThreshold

    def NMREval(self, xn, xnhat):
        """ Method to perform NMR perceptual evaluation of audio quality between two signals.
        Args        :
            xn      :   (ndarray) 1D Array containing the true time domain signal.
            xnhat   :   (ndarray) 1D Array containing the estimated time domain signal.
        Returns     :
            NMR     :   (float)   A float measurement in dB providing a perceptually weighted
                        evaluation. Below -9 dB can be considered as in-audible difference/error.
        As appears in :
        - K. Brandenburg and T. Sporer,  “NMR and Masking Flag: Evaluation of Quality Using Perceptual Criteria,” in
        Proceedings of the AES 11th International Conference on Test and Measurement, Portland, USA, May 1992, pp. 169–179
        - J. Nikunen and T. Virtanen, "Noise-to-mask ratio minimization by weighted non-negative matrix factorization," in
         Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, Dallas, TX, 2010, pp. 25-28.
        mX, _ = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(xn, hanning(self.nfft/2 + 1), self.nfft, self.nfft/4)
        mXhat, _ = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(xnhat, hanning(self.nfft/2 + 1), self.nfft, self.nfft/4)

        # Compute Error
        Err = np.abs(mX - mXhat) ** 2.

        # Acquire Masking Threshold
        mT = self.maskingThreshold(mX)

        # Inverse the filter of masking threshold
        imT = 1./(mT + eps)

        # Outer/Middle Ear transfer function on the diagonal
        LTq = 10 ** (self.MOEar()/20.)

        # NMR computation
        NMR = 10. * np.log10((1./mX.shape[0]) * self._maxb * np.sum((imT * (Err*LTq))))
        return NMR

class WDODisjointness:
    """ A Class that measures the disjointness of a Time-frequency decomposition
    given the true and estimated signals. As appears in :
    - O. Yılmaz and S. Rickard, “Blind separation of speech mixtures
    via time-frequency masking,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1830–1847, Jul. 2004.
    - J.J. Burred, "From Sparse Models to Timbre Learning: New Methods for Musical Source Separation", PhD Thesis,
    TU Berlin, 2009.
    - D. Gianoulis, D. Barchiesi, A. Klapuri, and M. D. Plumbley. "On the disjointness of sources
    in music using different time-frequency representations", in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of
    Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 2011.

    In addition to this, measures of sparsity (l1/l2 norms) are provided.

    def PSR(Mask, TrueTarget):
        """ Method to compute the Preserved-Signal Ratio (PSR) measure.
                Mask         : 	 (2D array)  Computed Upper Bound Binary Mask to
                                             estimate the target source.
                TrueTarget   :   (2D array)  Computed Time-Frequency decomposition
                                             of target source to be separated.
                (float) Ratio of the squared Frobenious norms of each quantity.
        num = ((np.sqrt(np.sum((Mask * TrueTarget) ** 2.))) ** 2.) + eps
        denom = ((np.sqrt(np.sum(TrueTarget ** 2.))) ** 2.) + eps
        return num/denom

    def SIR(Mask, TrueTarget, InterferingSources):
        """ Method to compute the Signal to Interference Ratio(SIR) measure.
                Mask                 : 	 (2D array)  Computed Upper Bound Binary Mask to
                                                     estimate the target source.
                TrueTarget           :   (2D array)  Computed Time-Frequency decomposition
                                                     of target source to be separated.
                InterferingSources   :   (2D array)  Computed Time-Frequency decomposition
                                                     of interfering sources.
                (float) Ratio of the squared Frobenious norms of each quantity.
        num = ((np.sqrt(np.sum( (Mask * TrueTarget) ** 2.))) ** 2.) + eps
        denom = ((np.sqrt(np.sum( (Mask * InterferingSources) ** 2.))) ** 2.) + eps
        return num/denom

    def WDO(PSR, SIR):
        """ Method to compute the objective W-Disjoint Orthogonality(WDO) measure.
                PSR   : (float)  Computed Preserved-Signal Ratio (PSR) measure.
                SIR   : (float)  Signal to Interference Ratio(SIR) measure.

                (float) WDO Measure
        return PSR - ((PSR + eps)/(SIR + eps))

    def l1l2_sparsity_measure(mX):
        """ Method to compute the sparsity of a representation. As appears in :
            -A. Repetti, M.Q. Pham,L. Duval, E. Chouzenoux and J.C. Pesquet, "Euclid in a Taxicab:
            Sparse Blind Deconvolution with Smoothed l1/l2 Regularization", 2015, IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
            -N. Hurley and S. Rickard, "Comparing Measures of Sparsity,"
            in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 4723-4741, Oct. 2009.

                mX      : (2D Array)  Time-frequency decomposition of a mixture signal.

                (float) : Sparsity Measure

        return np.sum(np.abs((mX + eps) / ((np.sqrt(np.sum(mX ** 2.))) + eps)))

    def gini_index(mX):
        """ Method to compute the sparsity of a given representation. As appears in :
            -N. Hurley and S. Rickard, "Comparing Measures of Sparsity,"
            in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 4723-4741, Oct. 2009.

                mX      : (2D Array)  Time-frequency decomposition of a mixture signal.

                GI      : (1D Array)  Sparsity Measure

        GI = np.zeros(mX.shape[0], dtype = np.float32)
        for frame in xrange(0, mX.shape[0]):
            vector = mX[frame, :]
            sortedVector = np.sort(np.abs(vector), axis = 0)
            l1norm = np.sum(sortedVector) + eps
            if l1norm == 0 or l1norm <= eps:
                GI[frame] = 0
            else :
                cgi = 0.
                k = np.arange(len(sortedVector)) + 1
                cgi = (sortedVector[k - 1]/l1norm) * ((len(sortedVector) - k + 0.5)/len(sortedVector))
                GI[frame] = (1./len(sortedVector) + 1. - 2.* np.sum(cgi))

        return GI

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import IOMethods as IO
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Test
    #kSin = np.cos(np.arange(88200) * (1000.0 * (3.1415926 * 2.0) / 44100)) * 0.5
    mix, fs = IO.AudioIO.wavRead('testFiles/supreme_test.wav', mono = True)
    mix = mix[:15*fs]
    #mix = mix[44100*25:44100*25 + 882000] * 0.25
    # Approximate unity over the average magnitude of noise
    noise = np.random.uniform(-50., 50., len(mix))

    # STFT/iSTFT Test
    w = np.hanning(1025)
    magX, phsX =  TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(mix, w, 2048, 512)
    magN, phsN =  TimeFrequencyDecomposition.STFT(noise, w, 2048, 512)

    # Usage of psychoacoustic model
    # Initialize the model
    pm = PsychoacousticModel(N = 2048, fs = 44100, nfilts = 24)

    #magX = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.pqmf_analysis(mix)
    # Acquire the response
    #LTeq = 10 ** (pm.MOEar()/20.)
    # Compute masking threshold
    mt = pm.maskingThreshold(magX)

    # STFT/iSTFT Test
    sound = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.iSTFT(magX, phsX, 2048, 512)
    noise = TimeFrequencyDecomposition.iSTFT(magN * mt, phsN, 2048, 512)

    # Test the NMR Function
    #NMR = pm.NMREval(sound, sound+noise)
    #IO.AudioIO.wavWrite(sound + noise, fs, 16, 'sound2.wav')