#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import os
from tqdm import tqdm

import torch
from torch import nn

from itertools import islice
from parlai.core.torch_agent import TorchAgent, Output
from parlai.core.thread_utils import SharedTable
from parlai.core.utils import round_sigfigs, padded_3d, warn_once, padded_tensor
from parlai.core.distributed_utils import is_distributed

class TorchRankerAgent(TorchAgent):
    def add_cmdline_args(cls, argparser):
        super(TorchRankerAgent, cls).add_cmdline_args(argparser)
        agent = argparser.add_argument_group('TorchRankerAgent')
            '-cands', '--candidates', type=str, default='inline',
            choices=['batch', 'inline', 'fixed', 'batch-all-cands'],
            help='The source of candidates during training '
                 '(see TorchRankerAgent._build_candidates() for details).')
            '-ecands', '--eval-candidates', type=str, default='inline',
            choices=['batch', 'inline', 'fixed', 'vocab', 'batch-all-cands'],
            help='The source of candidates during evaluation (defaults to the same'
                 'value as --candidates if no flag is given)')
            '-fcp', '--fixed-candidates-path', type=str,
            help='A text file of fixed candidates to use for all examples, one '
                 'candidate per line')
            '--fixed-candidate-vecs', type=str, default='reuse',
            help='One of "reuse", "replace", or a path to a file with vectors '
                 'corresponding to the candidates at --fixed-candidates-path. '
                 'The default path is a /path/to/model-file.<cands_name>, where '
                 '<cands_name> is the name of the file (not the full path) passed by '
                 'the flag --fixed-candidates-path. By default, this file is created '
                 'once and reused. To replace it, use the "replace" option.')
            '--encode-candidate-vecs', type='bool', default=False,
            help='Cache and save the encoding of the candidate vecs. This '
                 'might be used when interacting with the model in real time '
                 'or evaluating on fixed candidate set when the encoding of '
                 'the candidates is independent of the input.')
            '--init-model', type=str, default=None,
            help='Initialize model with weights from this file.')
            '--train-predict', type='bool', default=False,
            help='Get predictions and calculate mean rank during the train '
                 'step. Turning this on may slow down training.'
            '--cap-num-predictions', type=int, default=100,
            help='Limit to the number of predictions in output.text_candidates')
            '--ignore-bad-candidates', type='bool', default=False,
            help='Ignore examples for which the label is not present in the '
                 'label candidates. Default behavior results in RuntimeError. ')

    def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
        # Must call _get_init_model() first so that paths are updated if necessary
        # (e.g., a .dict file)
        init_model, _ = self._get_init_model(opt, shared)
        opt['rank_candidates'] = True
        super().__init__(opt, shared)

        if shared:
            self.model = shared['model']
            self.metrics = shared['metrics']
            states = None
            # Note: we cannot change the type of metrics ahead of time, so you
            # should correctly initialize to floats or ints here
            self.metrics = {
                'loss': 0.0,
                'examples': 0,
                'rank': 0.0,
                'mrr': 0.0,
                'train_accuracy': 0.0
            if self.fp16:
                self.model = self.model.half()
            if init_model:
                print('Loading existing model parameters from ' + init_model)
                states = self.load(init_model)
                states = {}

        self.rank_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduce=True, size_average=False)
        if self.use_cuda:

        # Vectorize and save fixed/vocab candidates once upfront if applicable

        if shared:
            # We don't use get here because hasattr is used on optimizer later.
            if 'optimizer' in shared:
                self.optimizer = shared['optimizer']
            optim_params = [p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
                states.get('optimizer'), states.get('optimizer_type')

        if shared is None and is_distributed():
            self.model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(

    def score_candidates(self, batch, cand_vecs, cand_encs=None):
        Given a batch and candidate set, return scores (for ranking).

        :param Batch batch:
            a Batch object (defined in torch_agent.py)
        :param LongTensor cand_vecs:
            padded and tokenized candidates
        :param FloatTensor cand_encs:
            encoded candidates, if these are passed into the function (in cases
            where we cache the candidate encodings), you do not need to call
            self.model on cand_vecs
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Abstract class: user must implement score()')

    def build_model(self):
        """Build a new model (implemented by children classes)"""
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Abstract class: user must implement build_model()')

    def get_batch_train_metrics(self, scores):
        batchsize = scores.size(0)
        # get accuracy
        targets = scores.new_empty(batchsize).long()
        targets = torch.arange(batchsize, out=targets)
        nb_ok = (scores.max(dim=1)[1] == targets).float().sum().item()
        self.metrics['train_accuracy'] += nb_ok
        # calculate mean_rank
        above_dot_prods = scores - scores.diag().view(-1, 1)
        ranks = (above_dot_prods > 0).float().sum(dim=1) + 1
        mrr = 1.0 / (ranks + 0.00001)
        self.metrics['rank'] += torch.sum(ranks).item()
        self.metrics['mrr'] += torch.sum(mrr).item()

    def get_train_preds(self, scores, label_inds, cands, cand_vecs):
        # TODO: speed these calculations up
        batchsize = scores.size(0)
        _, ranks = scores.sort(1, descending=True)
        for b in range(batchsize):
            rank = (ranks[b] == label_inds[b]).nonzero().item()
            self.metrics['rank'] += 1 + rank
            self.metrics['mrr'] += 1.0 / (1 + rank)

        # Get predictions but not full rankings for the sake of speed
        if cand_vecs.dim() == 2:
            preds = [cands[ordering[0]] for ordering in ranks]
        elif cand_vecs.dim() == 3:
            preds = [cands[i][ordering[0]] for i, ordering in enumerate(ranks)]
        return Output(preds)

    def is_valid(self, obs):
        """Override from TorchAgent."""
        if not self.opt.get('ignore_bad_candidates', False):
            return super().is_valid(obs)

        if 'text_vec' not in obs and 'image' not in obs:
            return False

        # skip examples for which the set of label candidates do not
        # contain the label
        if 'labels_vec' in obs and 'label_candidates_vecs' in obs:
            cand_vecs = obs['label_candidates_vecs']
            label_vec = obs['labels_vec']
            matches = [x for x in cand_vecs if torch.equal(x, label_vec)]
            if len(matches) == 0:
                    'At least one example has a set of label candidates that '
                    'does not contain the label.'
                return False

        return True

    def train_step(self, batch):
        """Train on a single batch of examples."""
        if batch.text_vec is None:
        batchsize = batch.text_vec.size(0)

        cands, cand_vecs, label_inds = self._build_candidates(
            batch, source=self.opt['candidates'], mode='train')
            scores = self.score_candidates(batch, cand_vecs)
            loss = self.rank_loss(scores, label_inds)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            # catch out of memory exceptions during fwd/bck (skip batch)
            if 'out of memory' in str(e):
                print('| WARNING: ran out of memory, skipping batch. '
                      'if this happens frequently, decrease batchsize or '
                      'truncate the inputs to the model.')
                return Output()
                raise e

        # Update loss
        self.metrics['loss'] += loss.item()
        self.metrics['examples'] += batchsize

        # Get train predictions
        if self.opt['candidates'] == 'batch':
            return Output()
        if not self.opt.get('train_predict', False):
                "Some training metrics are omitted for speed. Set the flag "
                "`--train-predict` to calculate train metrics."
            return Output()
        return self.get_train_preds(scores, label_inds, cands, cand_vecs)

    def eval_step(self, batch):
        """Evaluate a single batch of examples."""
        if batch.text_vec is None:
        batchsize = batch.text_vec.size(0)

        cands, cand_vecs, label_inds = self._build_candidates(
            batch, source=self.opt['eval_candidates'], mode='eval')

        cand_encs = None
        if self.opt['encode_candidate_vecs']:
            # if we cached candidate encodings for a fixed list of candidates,
            # pass those into the score_candidates function
            if self.opt['eval_candidates'] == 'fixed':
                cand_encs = self.fixed_candidate_encs
            elif self.opt['eval_candidates'] == 'vocab':
                cand_encs = self.vocab_candidate_encs

        scores = self.score_candidates(batch, cand_vecs, cand_encs=cand_encs)
        _, ranks = scores.sort(1, descending=True)

        # Update metrics
        if label_inds is not None:
            loss = self.rank_loss(scores, label_inds)
            self.metrics['loss'] += loss.item()
            self.metrics['examples'] += batchsize
            for b in range(batchsize):
                rank = (ranks[b] == label_inds[b]).nonzero().item()
                self.metrics['rank'] += 1 + rank
                self.metrics['mrr'] += 1.0 / (1 + rank)

        ranks = ranks.cpu()
        max_preds = self.opt['cap_num_predictions']
        cand_preds = []
        for i, ordering in enumerate(ranks):
            if cand_vecs.dim() == 2:
                cand_list = cands
            elif cand_vecs.dim() == 3:
                cand_list = cands[i]
            if len(ordering) != len(cand_list):
                # ignore padding
                true_ordering = [x for x in ordering if x < len(cand_list)]
                ordering = true_ordering
            # using a generator instead of a list comprehension allows
            # to cap the number of elements.
            cand_preds_generator = (cand_list[rank] for rank in ordering)
            cand_preds.append(list(islice(cand_preds_generator, max_preds)))

        preds = [cand_preds[i][0] for i in range(batchsize)]
        return Output(preds, cand_preds)

    def _set_label_cands_vec(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Sets the 'label_candidates_vec' field in the observation.

        Useful to override to change vectorization behavior"""
        obs = args[0]
        cands_key = ('candidates' if 'labels' in obs else
                     'eval_candidates' if 'eval_labels' in obs else None)
        if (cands_key is not None and self.opt[cands_key] not in
                ['inline', 'batch-all-cands']):
            # vectorize label candidates if and only if we are using inline
            # candidates
            return obs
        return super()._set_label_cands_vec(*args, **kwargs)

    def _build_candidates(self, batch, source, mode):
        Build a candidate set for this batch

        :param batch:
            a Batch object (defined in torch_agent.py)
        :param source:
            the source from which candidates should be built, one of
            ['batch', 'batch-all-cands', 'inline', 'fixed']
        :param mode:
            'train' or 'eval'

        :return: tuple of tensors (label_inds, cands, cand_vecs)
            label_inds: A [bsz] LongTensor of the indices of the labels for each
                example from its respective candidate set
            cands: A [num_cands] list of (text) candidates
                OR a [batchsize] list of such lists if source=='inline'
            cand_vecs: A padded [num_cands, seqlen] LongTensor of vectorized candidates
                OR a [batchsize, num_cands, seqlen] LongTensor if source=='inline'

        Possible sources of candidates:
            * batch: the set of all labels in this batch
                Use all labels in the batch as the candidate set (with all but the
                example's label being treated as negatives).
                Note: with this setting, the candidate set is identical for all
                examples in a batch. This option may be undesirable if it is possible
                for duplicate labels to occur in a batch, since the second instance of
                the correct label will be treated as a negative.
            * batch-all-cands: the set of all candidates in this batch
                Use all candidates in the batch as candidate set.
                Note 1: This can result in a very large number of
                        of candidates.
                Note 2: In this case we will deduplicate candidates.
                Note 3: just like with 'batch' the candidate set is identical
                        for all examples in a batch.
            * inline: batch_size lists, one list per example
                If each example comes with a list of possible candidates, use those.
                Note: With this setting, each example will have its own candidate set.
            * fixed: one global candidate list, provided in a file from the user
                If self.fixed_candidates is not None, use a set of fixed candidates for
                all examples.
                Note: this setting is not recommended for training unless the
                universe of possible candidates is very small.
            * vocab: one global candidate list, extracted from the vocabulary with the
                exception of self.NULL_IDX.
        label_vecs = batch.label_vec  # [bsz] list of lists of LongTensors
        label_inds = None
        batchsize = batch.text_vec.shape[0]

        if label_vecs is not None:
            assert label_vecs.dim() == 2

        if source == 'batch':
                '[ Executing {} mode with batch labels as set of candidates. ]'
            if batchsize == 1:
                    "[ Warning: using candidate source 'batch' and observed a "
                    "batch of size 1. This may be due to uneven batch sizes at "
                    "the end of an epoch. ]"
            if label_vecs is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If using candidate source 'batch', then batch.label_vec cannot be "

            cands = batch.labels
            cand_vecs = label_vecs
            label_inds = label_vecs.new_tensor(range(batchsize))

        elif source == 'batch-all-cands':
                '[ Executing {} mode with all candidates provided in the batch ]'
            if batch.candidate_vecs is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If using candidate source 'batch-all-cands', then batch."
                    "candidate_vecs cannot be None. If your task does not have "
                    "inline candidates, consider using one of "
                    "".format(m='candidates' if mode == 'train' else 'eval-candidates'))
            # initialize the list of cands with the labels
            cands = []
            all_cands_vecs = []
            # dictionary used for deduplication
            cands_to_id = {}
            for i, cands_for_sample in enumerate(batch.candidates):
                for j, cand in enumerate(cands_for_sample):
                    if cand not in cands_to_id:
                        cands_to_id[cand] = len(cands_to_id)
            cand_vecs, _ = padded_tensor(all_cands_vecs, self.NULL_IDX,
            label_inds = label_vecs.new_tensor([cands_to_id[label]
                                                for label in batch.labels])

        elif source == 'inline':
                '[ Executing {} mode with provided inline set of candidates ]'
            if batch.candidate_vecs is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If using candidate source 'inline', then batch.candidate_vecs "
                    "cannot be None. If your task does not have inline candidates, "
                    "consider using one of --{m}={{'batch','fixed','vocab'}}."
                    "".format(m='candidates' if mode == 'train' else 'eval-candidates'))

            cands = batch.candidates
            cand_vecs = padded_3d(batch.candidate_vecs, self.NULL_IDX,
                                  use_cuda=self.use_cuda, fp16friendly=self.fp16)
            if label_vecs is not None:
                label_inds = label_vecs.new_empty((batchsize))
                for i, label_vec in enumerate(label_vecs):
                    label_vec_pad = (label_vec.new_zeros(cand_vecs[i].size(1))
                    if cand_vecs[i].size(1) < len(label_vec):
                        label_vec = label_vec[0:cand_vecs[i].size(1)]
                    label_vec_pad[0:label_vec.size(0)] = label_vec
                    label_inds[i] = self._find_match(
                        cand_vecs[i], label_vec_pad)

        elif source == 'fixed':
                "[ Executing {} mode with a common set of fixed candidates "
                "(n = {}). ]".format(mode, len(self.fixed_candidates))
            if self.fixed_candidates is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If using candidate source 'fixed', then you must provide the path "
                    "to a file of candidates with the flag --fixed-candidates-path")

            cands = self.fixed_candidates
            cand_vecs = self.fixed_candidate_vecs

            if label_vecs is not None:
                label_inds = label_vecs.new_empty((batchsize))
                for i, label_vec in enumerate(label_vecs):
                    label_vec_pad = (label_vec.new_zeros(cand_vecs[i].size(0))
                    if cand_vecs[i].size(0) < len(label_vec):
                        label_vec = label_vec[0:cand_vecs[i].size(1)]
                    label_vec_pad[0:label_vec.size(0)] = label_vec
                    label_inds[i] = self._find_match(cand_vecs, label_vec_pad)

        elif source == 'vocab':
                '[ Executing {} mode with tokens from vocabulary as candidates. ]'
            cands = self.vocab_candidates
            cand_vecs = self.vocab_candidate_vecs
            # NOTE: label_inds is None here, as we will not find the label in
            # the set of vocab candidates
            raise Exception("Unrecognized source: %s" % source)

        return (cands, cand_vecs, label_inds)

    def _find_match(cand_vecs, label_vec):
        matches = ((cand_vecs == label_vec).sum(1) == cand_vecs.size(1)).nonzero()
        if len(matches) > 0:
            return matches[0]
        raise RuntimeError(
            'At least one of your examples has a set of label candidates '
            'that does not contain the label. To ignore this error '
            'set `--ignore-bad-candidates True`.'

    def share(self):
        """Share model parameters."""
        shared = super().share()
        shared['model'] = self.model
        if self.opt.get('numthreads', 1) > 1 and isinstance(self.metrics, dict):
            # move metrics and model to shared memory
            self.metrics = SharedTable(self.metrics)
        shared['metrics'] = self.metrics
        shared['fixed_candidates'] = self.fixed_candidates
        shared['fixed_candidate_vecs'] = self.fixed_candidate_vecs
        shared['fixed_candidate_encs'] = self.fixed_candidate_encs
        shared['vocab_candidates'] = self.vocab_candidates
        shared['vocab_candidate_vecs'] = self.vocab_candidate_vecs
        shared['optimizer'] = self.optimizer
        return shared

    def reset_metrics(self):
        """Reset metrics."""
        # Note: we cannot change the type of metrics ahead of time, so you
        # should correctly initialize to floats or ints here
        self.metrics['examples'] = 0
        self.metrics['loss'] = 0.0
        self.metrics['rank'] = 0.0
        self.metrics['mrr'] = 0.0
        self.metrics['train_accuracy'] = 0.0

    def report(self):
        """Report loss and mean_rank from model's perspective."""
        base = super().report()
        m = {}
        examples = self.metrics['examples']
        if examples > 0:
            m['examples'] = examples
            m['loss'] = self.metrics['loss']
            m['mean_loss'] = self.metrics['loss'] / examples
            batch_train = self.opt['candidates'] == 'batch' and self.is_training
            if (not self.is_training or self.opt.get('train_predict') or
                m['mean_rank'] = self.metrics['rank'] / examples
                m['mrr'] = self.metrics['mrr'] / examples
            if batch_train:
                m['train_accuracy'] = self.metrics['train_accuracy'] / examples
        for k, v in m.items():
            # clean up: rounds to sigfigs and converts tensors to floats
            base[k] = round_sigfigs(v, 4)
        return base

    def set_vocab_candidates(self, shared):
        Load the tokens from the vocab as candidates

        self.vocab_candidates will contain a [num_cands] list of strings
        self.vocab_candidate_vecs will contain a [num_cands, 1] LongTensor
        if shared:
            self.vocab_candidates = shared['vocab_candidates']
            self.vocab_candidate_vecs = shared['vocab_candidate_vecs']
            if 'vocab' in (self.opt['candidates'], self.opt['eval_candidates']):
                cands = []
                vecs = []
                for ind in range(1, len(self.dict)):
                self.vocab_candidates = cands
                self.vocab_candidate_vecs = torch.LongTensor(vecs).unsqueeze(1)
                print("[ Loaded fixed candidate set (n = {}) from vocabulary ]"
                if self.use_cuda:
                    self.vocab_candidate_vecs = self.vocab_candidate_vecs.cuda()
                self.vocab_candidates = None
                self.vocab_candidate_vecs = None

    def set_fixed_candidates(self, shared):
        Load a set of fixed candidates and their vectors (or vectorize them here)

        self.fixed_candidates will contain a [num_cands] list of strings
        self.fixed_candidate_vecs will contain a [num_cands, seq_len] LongTensor

        See the note on the --fixed-candidate-vecs flag for an explanation of the
        'reuse', 'replace', or path options.

        Note: TorchRankerAgent by default converts candidates to vectors by vectorizing
        in the common sense (i.e., replacing each token with its index in the
        dictionary). If a child model wants to additionally perform encoding, it can
        overwrite the vectorize_fixed_candidates() method to produce encoded vectors
        instead of just vectorized ones.
        if shared:
            self.fixed_candidates = shared['fixed_candidates']
            self.fixed_candidate_vecs = shared['fixed_candidate_vecs']
            self.fixed_candidate_encs = shared['fixed_candidate_encs']
            opt = self.opt
            cand_path = opt['fixed_candidates_path']
            if ('fixed' in (opt['candidates'], opt['eval_candidates']) and

                # Load candidates
                print("[ Loading fixed candidate set from {} ]".format(cand_path))
                with open(cand_path, 'r') as f:
                    cands = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]

                # Load or create candidate vectors
                if os.path.isfile(opt['fixed_candidate_vecs']):
                    vecs_path = opt['fixed_candidate_vecs']
                    vecs = self.load_candidates(vecs_path)
                    setting = opt['fixed_candidate_vecs']
                    model_dir, model_file = os.path.split(self.opt['model_file'])
                    model_name = os.path.splitext(model_file)[0]
                    cands_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cand_path))[0]
                    vecs_path = os.path.join(
                        model_dir, '.'.join([model_name, cands_name, 'vecs']))
                    if setting == 'reuse' and os.path.isfile(vecs_path):
                        vecs = self.load_candidates(vecs_path)
                    else:  # setting == 'replace' OR generating for the first time
                        vecs = self.make_candidate_vecs(cands)
                        self.save_candidates(vecs, vecs_path)

                self.fixed_candidates = cands
                self.fixed_candidate_vecs = vecs
                if self.use_cuda:
                    self.fixed_candidate_vecs = self.fixed_candidate_vecs.cuda()

                if self.opt.get('encode_candidate_vecs', False):
                    enc_path = os.path.join(
                        model_dir, '.'.join([model_name, cands_name, 'encs']))
                    if setting == 'reuse' and os.path.isfile(enc_path):
                        encs = self.load_candidates(
                            enc_path, cand_type='encodings')
                        encs = self.make_candidate_encs(self.fixed_candidate_vecs,
                        self.save_candidates(encs, path=enc_path,
                    self.fixed_candidate_encs = encs
                    if self.use_cuda:
                        self.fixed_candidate_encs = self.fixed_candidate_encs.cuda()
                    self.fixed_candidate_encs = None

                self.fixed_candidates = None
                self.fixed_candidate_vecs = None
                self.fixed_candidate_encs = None

    def load_candidates(self, path, cand_type='vectors'):
        print("[ Loading fixed candidate set {} from {} ]".format(cand_type,
        return torch.load(path, map_location=lambda cpu, _: cpu)

    def make_candidate_vecs(self, cands):
        cand_batches = [cands[i:i + 512] for i in range(0, len(cands), 512)]
        print("[ Vectorizing fixed candidate set ({} batch(es) of up to 512) ]"
        cand_vecs = []
        for batch in tqdm(cand_batches):
        return padded_3d([cand_vecs], dtype=cand_vecs[0].dtype).squeeze(0)

    def save_candidates(self, vecs, path, cand_type='vectors'):
        print("[ Saving fixed candidate set {} to {} ]".format(cand_type,
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            torch.save(vecs, f)

    def encode_candidates(self, padded_cands):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Abstract class: user must implement encode_candidates()')

    def make_candidate_encs(self, vecs, path):
        cand_encs = []
        vec_batches = [vecs[i:i + 256] for i in range(0, len(vecs), 256)]
        print("[ Vectorizing fixed candidates set from ({} batch(es) of up to 256) ]"
        with torch.no_grad():
            for vec_batch in tqdm(vec_batches):
        return torch.cat(cand_encs, 0)

    def vectorize_fixed_candidates(self, cands_batch):
        Convert a batch of candidates from text to vectors

        :param cands_batch:
            a [batchsize] list of candidates (strings)
            a [num_cands] list of candidate vectors

        By default, candidates are simply vectorized (tokens replaced by token ids).
        A child class may choose to overwrite this method to perform vectorization as
        well as encoding if so desired.
        return [self._vectorize_text(
                    cand, truncate=self.label_truncate, truncate_left=False)
                for cand in cands_batch]