import errno
import os
import select
import signal
import socket
import struct
import time

import dateutil.parser
import docker
import structlog
from docker import constants as docker_consts
from docker.errors import DockerException
from docker.types import Ulimit
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from . import config, exceptions

logger = structlog.get_logger()


#: Recoverable IO/OS Errors.

def get_docker_client(base_url=None, retry_read=config.DOCKER_MAX_READ_RETRIES,
    client_key = (retry_read, retry_status_forcelist)
    if client_key not in _DOCKER_CLIENTS:
        client = docker.DockerClient(base_url=base_url or config.DOCKER_URL,
        retries = Retry(total=config.DOCKER_MAX_TOTAL_RETRIES,
        http_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
        client.api.mount('http://', http_adapter)
        _DOCKER_CLIENTS[client_key] = client
    return _DOCKER_CLIENTS[client_key]

def inspect_container_node(container):
    # 404 No such container may be returned when TimeoutError occurs
    # on container creation.
    docker_client = get_docker_client(retry_status_forcelist=(404, 500))
        container = docker_client.containers.get(
    except (RequestException, DockerException) as e:
        logger.exception("Failed to get the container", container=container)
        raise exceptions.DockerError(str(e))
    if 'Node' not in container.attrs:
        # Remote Docker side is not a Docker Swarm cluster
        return None
    return container.attrs['Node']['Name']

def inspect_exited_container_state(container):
    except (RequestException, DockerException) as e:
        logger.exception("Failed to load the container from the Docker engine",
        raise exceptions.DockerError(str(e))
    started_at = dateutil.parser.parse(container.attrs['State']['StartedAt'])
    finished_at = dateutil.parser.parse(container.attrs['State']['FinishedAt'])
    duration = finished_at - started_at
    duration_seconds = duration.total_seconds()
    if duration_seconds < 0:
        duration_seconds = -1
    return {
        'exit_code': container.attrs['State']['ExitCode'],
        'duration': duration_seconds,
        'oom_killed': container.attrs['State'].get('OOMKilled', False),

def demultiplex_docker_stream(data):
    Demultiplex the raw docker stream into separate stdout and stderr streams.

    Docker multiplexes streams together when there is no PTY attached, by
    sending an 8-byte header, followed by a chunk of data.

    The first 4 bytes of the header denote the stream from which the data came
    (i.e. 0x01 = stdout, 0x02 = stderr). Only the first byte of these initial 4
    bytes is used.

    The next 4 bytes indicate the length of the following chunk of data as an
    integer in big endian format. This much data must be consumed before the
    next 8-byte header is read.


    :param bytes data: A raw stream data.
    :return: A tuple `(stdout, stderr)` of bytes objects.
    data_length = len(data)
    stdout_chunks = []
    stderr_chunks = []
    walker = 0
    while data_length - walker >= 8:
        header = data[walker:walker + docker_consts.STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES]
        stream_type, length = struct.unpack_from('>BxxxL', header)
        start = walker + docker_consts.STREAM_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES
        end = start + length
        walker = end
        if stream_type == 1:
        elif stream_type == 2:
    return b''.join(stdout_chunks), b''.join(stderr_chunks)

def _socket_read(sock, n=4096):
    Read at most `n` bytes of data from the `sock` socket.

    :return: A bytes object or `None` at end of stream.
        data =, n)
    except EnvironmentError as e:
        if e.errno in ERRNO_RECOVERABLE:
            return b''
        raise e
    if data:
        return data

def _socket_write(sock, data):
    Write as much data from the `data` buffer to the `sock` socket as possible.

    :return: The number of bytes sent.
        return os.write(sock.fileno(), data)
    except EnvironmentError as e:
        if e.errno in ERRNO_RECOVERABLE:
            return 0
        raise e

def docker_communicate(container, stdin=None, start_container=True,
    Interact with the container: Start it if required. Send data to stdin.
    Read data from stdout and stderr, until end-of-file is reached.

    :param Container container: A container to interact with.
    :param bytes stdin: The data to be sent to the standard input of the
                        container, or `None`, if no data should be sent.
    :param bool start_container: Whether to start the container after
                                 attaching to it.
    :param int timeout: Time in seconds to wait for the container to terminate,
        or `None` to make it unlimited.

    :return: A tuple `(stdout, stderr)` of bytes objects.

    :raise TimeoutError: If the container does not terminate after `timeout`
                         seconds. The container is not killed automatically.
    :raise RequestException, DockerException, OSError: If an error occurred
        with the underlying docker system.
    # Retry on 'No such container' since it may happen when the attach/start
    # is called immediately after the container is created.
    docker_client = get_docker_client(retry_status_forcelist=(404, 500))
    log = logger.bind(container=container)
    params = {
        # Attach to stdin even if there is nothing to send to it to be able
        # to properly close it (stdin of the container is always open).
        'stdin': 1,
        'stdout': 1,
        'stderr': 1,
        'stream': 1,
        'logs': 0,
    sock = docker_client.api.attach_socket(, params=params)
    sock._sock.setblocking(False)  # Make socket non-blocking"Attached to the container", params=params, fd=sock.fileno(),
    if not stdin:
        log.debug("There is no input data. Shut down the write half "
                  "of the socket.")
    if start_container:
        container.start()"Container started")

    stream_data = b''
    start_time = time.time()
    while timeout is None or time.time() - start_time < timeout:
        read_ready, write_ready, _ =[sock], [sock], [], 1)
        is_io_active = False
        if read_ready:
            is_io_active = True
                data = _socket_read(sock)
            except ConnectionResetError:
                log.warning("Connection reset caught on reading the container "
                            "output stream. Break communication")
            if data is None:
                log.debug("Container output reached EOF. Closing the socket")
            stream_data += data

        if write_ready and stdin:
            is_io_active = True
                written = _socket_write(sock, stdin)
            except BrokenPipeError:
                # Broken pipe may happen when a container terminates quickly
                # (e.g. OOM Killer) and docker manages to close the socket
                # almost immediately before we're trying to write to stdin.
                log.warning("Broken pipe caught on writing to stdin. Break "
            stdin = stdin[written:]
            if not stdin:
                log.debug("All input data has been sent. Shut down the write "
                          "half of the socket.")

        if not is_io_active:
            # Save CPU time
        raise TimeoutError("Container didn't terminate after timeout seconds")
    return demultiplex_docker_stream(stream_data)

def filter_filenames(files):
    return [file['name'] for file in files if 'name' in file]

def merge_limits_defaults(limits):
    if not limits:
        return config.DEFAULT_LIMITS
    is_realtime_specified = 'realtime' in limits
    for limit_name, default_value in config.DEFAULT_LIMITS.items():
        if limit_name not in limits:
            limits[limit_name] = default_value
    if not is_realtime_specified:
        limits['realtime'] = limits['cputime'] * config.CPU_TO_REAL_TIME_FACTOR
    return limits

def create_ulimits(limits):
    ulimits = []
    if limits['cputime']:
        cpu = limits['cputime']
        ulimits.append(Ulimit(name='cpu', soft=cpu, hard=cpu))
    if 'file_size' in limits:
        fsize = limits['file_size']
        ulimits.append(Ulimit(name='fsize', soft=fsize, hard=fsize))
    return ulimits or None

def truncate_result(result):
    truncated = {}
    for k, v in result.items():
        if k in ['stdout', 'stderr']:
            if len(v) > MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH:
                v = v[:MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH] + b' *** truncated ***'
        truncated[k] = v
    return truncated

def is_killed_by_sigkill_or_sigxcpu(status):
    return status - 128 in [signal.SIGKILL, signal.SIGXCPU]