
# This Flask app is a heavily modified version of Reachview
# modified to be used as a front end for GNSS base
# author: Stéphane Péneau
# source: https://github.com/Stefal/rtkbase

# ReachView code is placed under the GPL license.
# Written by Egor Fedorov (egor.fedorov@emlid.com)
# Copyright (c) 2015, Emlid Limited
# All rights reserved.

# If you are interested in using ReachView code as a part of a
# closed source project, please contact Emlid Limited (info@emlid.com).

# This file is part of ReachView.

# ReachView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# ReachView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ReachView.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#from gevent import monkey
import eventlet

import time
import json
import os
import signal
import sys
import requests

from threading import Thread
from RTKLIB import RTKLIB
from port import changeBaudrateTo115200
from reach_tools import reach_tools, provisioner
from ServiceController import ServiceController
from RTKBaseConfigManager import RTKBaseConfigManager

#print("Installing all required packages")

#import reach_bluetooth.bluetoothctl
#import reach_bluetooth.tcp_bridge

from threading import Thread
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
from flask import Flask, render_template, session, request, flash, url_for
from flask import send_file, send_from_directory, safe_join, redirect, abort
from flask import g
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import PasswordField, BooleanField, SubmitField
from flask_login import LoginManager, login_user, logout_user, login_required, current_user, UserMixin
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError, DataRequired, EqualTo
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, disconnect
import subprocess

from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash
from werkzeug.security import check_password_hash
from werkzeug.urls import url_parse

app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = False
app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "secret!"
#app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../logs")
app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data")
app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = False

path_to_rtklib = "/usr/local/bin"

login.login_view = 'login_page'
socketio = SocketIO(app)
bootstrap = Bootstrap(app)

rtk = RTKLIB(socketio, rtklib_path=path_to_rtklib, log_path=app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"])
services_list = [{"service_unit" : "str2str_tcp.service", "name" : "main"},
                 {"service_unit" : "str2str_ntrip.service", "name" : "ntrip"},
                 {"service_unit" : "str2str_rtcm_svr.service", "name" : "rtcm_svr"},
                 {"service_unit" : "str2str_file.service", "name" : "file"},
                 {'service_unit' : 'rtkbase_archive.timer'}, 
                 {'service_unit' : 'rtkbase_archive.service'},

#Delay before rtkrcv will stop if no user is on status.html page
rtkcv_standby_delay = 600

#Get settings from settings.conf.default and settings.conf
rtkbaseconfig = RTKBaseConfigManager(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../settings.conf.default"), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../settings.conf"))

class User(UserMixin):
    """ Class for user authentification """
    def __init__(self, username):
        self.password_hash = rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "web_password_hash")

    def check_password(self, password):
        return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password)

class LoginForm(FlaskForm):
    """ Class for the loginform"""
    #username = StringField('Username', validators=[DataRequired()])
    password = PasswordField('Please enter the password:', validators=[DataRequired()])
    remember_me = BooleanField('Remember Me')
    submit = SubmitField('Sign In')

def update_password(config_object):
        Check in settings.conf if web_password entry contains a value
        If yes, this function will generate a new hash for it and
        remove the web_password value
        :param config_object: a RTKBaseConfigManager instance
    new_password = config_object.get("general", "new_web_password")
    if new_password != "":
        config_object.update_setting("general", "web_password_hash", generate_password_hash(new_password))
        config_object.update_setting("general", "new_web_password", "")
def manager():
    """ This manager runs inside a thread
        It checks how long rtkrcv is running since the last user leaves the
        status web page, and stop rtkrcv when sleep_count reaches rtkrcv_standby delay
    while True:
        if rtk.sleep_count > rtkcv_standby_delay and rtk.state != "inactive":
            rtk.sleep_count = 0
        elif rtk.sleep_count > rtkcv_standby_delay:
            print("I'd like to stop rtkrcv (sleep_count = {}), but rtk.state is: {}".format(rtk.sleep_count, rtk.state))

@socketio.on("check update", namespace="/test")
def check_update(source_url = None, current_release = None, prerelease=False, emit = True):
        Check if a RTKBase update exists
        :param source_url: the url where we will try to find an update. It uses the github api.
        :param current_release: The current RTKBase release
        :param prerelease: True/False Get prerelease or not
        :param emit: send the result to the web front end with socketio
        :return The new release version inside a dict (release version and url for this release)
    new_release = {}
    source_url = source_url if source_url is not None else "https://api.github.com/repos/stefal/rtkbase/releases"
    current_release = current_release if current_release is not None else rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "version").strip("v")
    current_release = current_release.replace("-beta", "").replace("-alpha", "").replace("-rc", "")
        response = requests.get(source_url)
        response = response.json()
        for release in response:
            if release.get("prerelease") & prerelease or release.get("prerelease") == False:
                latest_release = release.get("tag_name").strip("v").replace("-beta", "").replace("-alpha", "").replace("-rc", "")
                if latest_release > current_release and latest_release <= rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "checkpoint_version"):
                    new_release = {"new_release" : release.get("tag_name"), "url" : release.get("assets")[0].get("browser_download_url"), "comment" : release.get("body")}
    except Exception as e:
        print("Check update error: ", e)
    if emit:
        socketio.emit("new release", json.dumps(new_release), namespace="/test")
    return new_release

@socketio.on("update rtkbase", namespace="/test")       
def update_rtkbase():
        Check if a RTKBase exists, download it and update rtkbase
    #Check if an update is available
    update_url = check_update(emit=False).get("url")
    if update_url is None:

    import tarfile
    #Download update
    update_archive = "/var/tmp/rtkbase_update.tar.gz"
        response = requests.get(update_url)
        with open(update_archive, "wb") as f:
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error: Can't download update - ", e)

    #Get the "root" folder in the archive
    tar = tarfile.open(update_archive)
    for tarinfo in tar:
        if tarinfo.isdir():
            primary_folder = tarinfo.name
    #Extract archive

    #launch update script
    rtkbase_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../"))
    source_path = os.path.join("/var/tmp/", primary_folder)
    script_path = os.path.join(source_path, "rtkbase_update.sh")
    current_release = rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "version").strip("v")
    standard_user = rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "user")
    os.execl(script_path, "unused arg0", source_path, rtkbase_path, app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"].split("/")[-1], current_release, standard_user)

def inject_release():
        Insert the RTKBase release number as a global variable for Flask/Jinja
    g.version = rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "version")

def load_user(id):
    return User(id)

def status_page():
        The status web page with the gnss satellites levels and a map
    base_position = rtkbaseconfig.get("main", "position").replace("'", "").split()
    base_coordinates = {"lat" : base_position[0], "lon" : base_position[1]}
    return render_template("status.html", base_coordinates = base_coordinates, tms_key = {"maptiler_key" : rtkbaseconfig.get("general", "maptiler_key")})

def settings_page():
        The settings page where you can manage the various services, the parameters, update, power...
    main_settings = rtkbaseconfig.get_main_settings()
    ntrip_settings = rtkbaseconfig.get_ntrip_settings()
    file_settings = rtkbaseconfig.get_file_settings()
    rtcm_svr_settings = rtkbaseconfig.get_rtcm_svr_settings()

    return render_template("settings.html", main_settings = main_settings,
                                            ntrip_settings = ntrip_settings,
                                            file_settings = file_settings,
                                            rtcm_svr_settings = rtcm_svr_settings)

def logs_page():
        The data web pages where you can download/delete the raw gnss data
    return render_template("logs.html")

def downloadLog(log_name):
    """ Route for downloading raw gnss data"""
        full_log_path = rtk.logm.log_path + "/" + log_name
        return send_file(full_log_path, as_attachment = True)
    except FileNotFoundError:

@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login_page():
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect(url_for('status_page'))
    loginform = LoginForm()
    if loginform.validate_on_submit():
        user = User('admin')
        password = loginform.password.data
        if not user.check_password(password):
            return abort(401)
        login_user(user, remember=loginform.remember_me.data)
        next_page = request.args.get('next')
        if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '':
            next_page = url_for('status_page')

        return redirect(next_page)
    return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', form=loginform)

def logout():
    return redirect(url_for('login_page'))

def diagnostic():
    Get services journal and status
    logs = []
    for service in services_list:
        sysctl_status = subprocess.run(['systemctl', 'status', service['service_unit']],
        journalctl = subprocess.run(['journalctl', '--since', '7 days ago', '-u', service['service_unit']], 
        #Replace carrier return to <br> for html view
        sysctl_status = sysctl_status.stdout.replace('\n', '<br>') 
        journalctl = journalctl.stdout.replace('\n', '<br>')
        active_state = "Active" if service['active'] == True else "Inactive"
        logs.append({'name' : service['service_unit'], 'active' : active_state, 'sysctl_status' : sysctl_status, 'journalctl' : journalctl})
    return render_template('diagnostic.html', logs = logs)

#### Handle connect/disconnect events ####

@socketio.on("connect", namespace="/test")
def testConnect():
    print("Browser client connected")

@socketio.on("disconnect", namespace="/test")
def testDisconnect():
    print("Browser client disconnected")

#### Log list handling ###

@socketio.on("get logs list", namespace="/test")
def getAvailableLogs():
    print("DEBUG updating logs")
    print("Updated logs list is " + str(rtk.logm.available_logs))
    rtk.socketio.emit("available logs", rtk.logm.available_logs, namespace="/test")

#### str2str launch/shutdown handling ####

@socketio.on("launch base", namespace="/test")
def launchBase():

@socketio.on("shutdown base", namespace="/test")
def shutdownBase():

#### str2str start/stop handling ####

@socketio.on("start base", namespace="/test")
def startBase():

@socketio.on("stop base", namespace="/test")
def stopBase():

@socketio.on("on graph", namespace="/test")
def continueBase():
    rtk.sleep_count = 0
#### Free space handler

@socketio.on("get available space", namespace="/test")
def getAvailableSpace():
    rtk.socketio.emit("available space", reach_tools.getFreeSpace(path_to_gnss_log), namespace="/test")

#### Delete log button handler ####

@socketio.on("delete log", namespace="/test")
def deleteLog(json):
    # Sending the the new available logs

#### Download and convert log handlers ####

@socketio.on("process log", namespace="/test")
def processLog(json):
    log_name = json.get("name")

    print("Got signal to process a log, name = " + str(log_name))
    print("Path to log == " + rtk.logm.log_path + "/" + str(log_name))

    raw_log_path = rtk.logm.log_path + "/" + log_name

@socketio.on("cancel log conversion", namespace="/test")
def cancelLogConversion(json):
    log_name = json.get("name")
    raw_log_path = rtk.logm.log_path + "/" + log_name

#### RINEX versioning ####

@socketio.on("read RINEX version", namespace="/test")
def readRINEXVersion():
    rinex_version = rtk.logm.getRINEXVersion()
    rtk.socketio.emit("current RINEX version", {"version": rinex_version}, namespace="/test")

@socketio.on("write RINEX version", namespace="/test")
def writeRINEXVersion(json):
    rinex_version = json.get("version")

#### Device hardware functions ####

@socketio.on("reboot device", namespace="/test")
def rebootRtkbase():
    #socketio.stop() hang. I disabled it

@socketio.on("shutdown device", namespace="/test")
def shutdownRtkbase():
    #socketio.stop() hang. I disabled it
    subprocess.check_output(["shutdown", "now"])

@socketio.on("turn off wi-fi", namespace="/test")
def turnOffWiFi():
    print("Turning off wi-fi")
#    subprocess.check_output("rfkill block wlan", shell = True)

#### Systemd Services functions ####

def load_units(services):
        load unit service before getting status
        :param services: A list of systemd services (dict) containing a service_unit key:value
        :return The dict list updated with the pystemd ServiceController object

            services = [{"service_unit" : "str2str_tcp.service"}]
            return will be [{"service_unit" : "str2str_tcp.service", "unit" : a pystemd object}]
    for service in services:
        service["unit"] = ServiceController(service["service_unit"])
    return services

def update_std_user(services):
        check which user run str2str_file service and update settings.conf
        :param services: A list of systemd services (dict) containing a service_unit key:value
    service = next(x for x in services_list if x["name"] == "file")
    user = service["unit"].getUser()
    rtkbaseconfig.update_setting("general", "user", user)

def restartServices(restart_services_list):
        Restart already running services
        This function will refresh all services status, then compare the global services_list and 
        the restart_services_list to find the services we need to restart.
        #TODO I don't really like this global services_list use.
    #Update services status
    for service in services_list:
        service["active"] = service["unit"].isActive()

    #Restart running services
    for restart_service in restart_services_list:
        for service in services_list:
            if service["name"] == restart_service and service["active"] is True:
                print("Restarting service: ", service["name"])
    #refresh service status

@socketio.on("get services status", namespace="/test")
def getServicesStatus():
        Get the status of services listed in services_list
        (services_list is global)

    print("Getting services status")
    for service in services_list:
        service["active"] = service["unit"].isActive()

    services_status = []
    for service in services_list: 
        services_status.append({key:service[key] for key in service if key != 'unit'})
    socketio.emit("services status", json.dumps(services_status), namespace="/test")
    return services_status

@socketio.on("services switch", namespace="/test")
def switchService(json):
        Start or stop some systemd services
        As a service could need some time to start or stop, there is a 5 seconds sleep
        before refreshing the status.
        param: json: A json var from the web front end containing one or more service
        name with their new status.
    print("Received service to switch", json)
        for service in services_list:
            if json["name"] == service["name"] and json["active"] == True:
                print("Trying to start service {}".format(service["name"]))
            elif json["name"] == service["name"] and json["active"] == False:
                print("Trying to stop service {}".format(service["name"]))

    except Exception as e:

@socketio.on("form data", namespace="/test")
def update_settings(json):
        Get the form data from the web front end, and save theses values to settings.conf
        Then restart the services which have a dependency with these parameters.
        param json: A json variable containing the source fom and the new paramaters
    print("received settings form", json)
    source_section = json.pop().get("source_form")
    print("section: ", source_section)
    if source_section == "change_password":
        if json[0].get("value") == json[1].get("value"):
            rtkbaseconfig.update_setting("general", "new_web_password", json[0].get("value"))
            socketio.emit("password updated", namespace="/test")

            print("ERREUR, MAUVAIS PASS")
        for form_input in json:
            print("name: ", form_input.get("name"))
            print("value: ", form_input.get("value"))
            rtkbaseconfig.update_setting(source_section, form_input.get("name"), form_input.get("value"), write_file=False)

        #Restart service if needed
        if source_section == "main":
            restartServices(("main", "ntrip", "rtcm_svr", "file"))
        elif source_section == "ntrip":
        elif source_section == "rtcm_svr":
        elif source_section == "local_storage":

if __name__ == "__main__":
        #check if a new password is defined in settings.conf
        #check if authentification is required
        if not rtkbaseconfig.get_web_authentification():
            app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = True
        #get data path
        app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"] = rtkbaseconfig.get("local_storage", "datadir")
        #load services status managed with systemd
        services_list = load_units(services_list)
        #Update standard user in settings.conf
        #Start a "manager" thread
        manager_thread = Thread(target=manager, daemon=True)

        app.secret_key = rtkbaseconfig.get_secret_key()
        socketio.run(app, host = "", port = 80)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Server interrupted by user!!")

        # clean up broadcast and blink threads
        rtk.server_not_interrupted = False
#        rtk.led.blinker_not_interrupted = False
        rtk.waiting_for_single = False

        if rtk.coordinate_thread is not None:

        if rtk.satellite_thread is not None:

#        if rtk.led.blinker_thread is not None:
#            rtk.led.blinker_thread.join()