# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Apr 21 13:53 2017

@author: Denis Tome'
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as sio
from lifting.upright_fast import pick_e

from lifting import config

__all__ = ['Prob3dPose']

class Prob3dPose:

    def __init__(self, prob_model_path):
        model_param = sio.loadmat(prob_model_path)
        self.mu = np.reshape(
            model_param['mu'], (model_param['mu'].shape[0], 3, -1))
        self.e = np.reshape(model_param['e'], (model_param['e'].shape[
                            0], model_param['e'].shape[1], 3, -1))
        self.sigma = model_param['sigma']
        self.cam = np.array(
            [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])

    def cost3d(model, gt):
        """3d error in mm"""
        out = np.sqrt(((gt - model) ** 2).sum(1)).mean(-1)
        return out

    def renorm_gt(gt):
        """Compel gt data to have mean joint length of one"""
        _POSE_TREE = np.asarray([
            [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [0, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [0, 7], [7, 8],
            [8, 9], [9, 10], [8, 11], [11, 12], [12, 13], [8, 14], [14, 15],
            [15, 16]]).T
        scale = np.sqrt(((gt[:, :, _POSE_TREE[0]] -
                          gt[:, :, _POSE_TREE[1]]) ** 2).sum(2).sum(1))
        return gt / scale[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

    def build_model(a, e, s0):
        """Build 3D model"""
        assert (s0.shape[1] == 3)
        assert (e.shape[2] == 3)
        assert (a.shape[1] == e.shape[1])
        out = np.einsum('...i,...ijk', a, e)
        out += s0
        return out

    def build_and_rot_model(a, e, s0, r):
        Build model and rotate according to the identified rotation matrix
        from numpy.core.umath_tests import matrix_multiply

        r2 = Prob3dPose.upgrade_r(r.T).transpose((0, 2, 1))
        mod = Prob3dPose.build_model(a, e, s0)
        mod = matrix_multiply(r2, mod)
        return mod

    def upgrade_r(r):
        Upgrades complex parameterisation of planar rotation to tensor
        containing per frame 3x3 rotation matrices
        assert (r.ndim == 2)
        # Technically optional assert, but if this fails data is probably
        # transposed
        assert (r.shape[1] == 2)
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(r)))
        norm = np.sqrt((r[:, :2] ** 2).sum(1))
        assert (np.all(norm > 0))
        r /= norm[:, np.newaxis]
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(r)))
        newr = np.zeros((r.shape[0], 3, 3))
        newr[:, :2, 0] = r[:, :2]
        newr[:, 2, 2] = 1
        newr[:, 1::-1, 1] = r[:, :2]
        newr[:, 0, 1] *= -1
        return newr

    def centre(data_2d):
        """center data according to each of the coordiante components"""
        return (data_2d.T - data_2d.mean(1)).T

    def centre_all(data):
        """center all data"""
        if data.ndim == 2:
            return Prob3dPose.centre(data)
        return (data.transpose(2, 0, 1) - data.mean(2)).transpose(1, 2, 0)

    def normalise_data(d2, weights):
        """Normalise data according to height"""

        # the joints with weight set to 0 should not be considered in the
        # normalisation process
        d2 = d2.reshape(d2.shape[0], -1, 2).transpose(0, 2, 1)
        idx_consider = weights[0, 0].astype(np.bool)
        if np.sum(weights[:, 0].sum(1) >= config.MIN_NUM_JOINTS) == 0:
            raise Exception('Not enough 2D joints identified to generate 3D pose')
        d2[:, :, idx_consider] = Prob3dPose.centre_all(d2[:, :, idx_consider])

        # Height normalisation (2 meters)
        m2 = d2[:, 1, idx_consider].min(1) / 2.0
        m2 -= d2[:, 1, idx_consider].max(1) / 2.0
        crap = m2 == 0
        m2[crap] = 1.0
        d2[:, :, idx_consider] /= m2[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        return d2, m2

    def transform_joints(pose_2d, visible_joints):
        Transform the set of joints according to what the probabilistic model
        expects as input.

        It returns the new set of joints of each of the people and the set of
        weights for the joints.

        _H36M_ORDER = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 0, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4]
        _W_POS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

        def swap_xy(poses):
            tmp = np.copy(poses[:, :, 0])
            poses[:, :, 0] = poses[:, :, 1]
            poses[:, :, 1] = tmp
            return poses

        assert (pose_2d.ndim == 3)
        new_pose = pose_2d.copy()
        # new_pose = swap_xy(new_pose)      # not used
        new_pose = new_pose[:, _H36M_ORDER]

        # defining weights according to occlusions
        weights = np.zeros((pose_2d.shape[0], 2, config.H36M_NUM_JOINTS))
        ordered_visibility = np.repeat(
            visible_joints[:, _H36M_ORDER, np.newaxis], 2, 2
        ).transpose([0, 2, 1])
        weights[:, :, _W_POS] = ordered_visibility
        return new_pose, weights

    def affine_estimate(self, w, depth_reg=0.085, weights=None, scale=10.0,
                        scale_mean=0.0016 * 1.8 * 1.2, scale_std=1.2 * 0,
        Quick switch to allow reconstruction at unknown scale returns a,r
        and scale
        weights = np.zeros((0, 0, 0)) if weights is None else weights

        s = np.empty((self.sigma.shape[0], self.sigma.shape[1] + 4))  # e,y,x,z
        s[:, :4] = 10 ** -5  # Tiny but makes stuff well-posed
        s[:, 0] = scale_std
        s[:, 4:] = self.sigma
        s[:, 4:-1] *= scale

        e2 = np.zeros((self.e.shape[0], self.e.shape[
                      1] + 4, 3, self.e.shape[3]))
        e2[:, 1, 0] = 1.0
        e2[:, 2, 1] = 1.0
        e2[:, 3, 0] = 1.0
        # This makes the least_squares problem ill posed, as X,Z are
        # interchangable
        # Hence regularisation above to speed convergence and stop blow-up
        e2[:, 0] = self.mu
        e2[:, 4:] = self.e
        t_m = np.zeros_like(self.mu)

        res, a, r = pick_e(w, e2, t_m, self.cam, s, weights=weights,
                           interval=0.01, depth_reg=depth_reg,

        scale = a[:, :, 0]
        reestimate = scale > cap_scale
        m = self.mu * cap_scale
        for i in range(scale.shape[0]):
            if reestimate[i].sum() > 0:
                ehat = e2[i:i + 1, 1:]
                mhat = m[i:i + 1]
                shat = s[i:i + 1, 1:]
                (res2, a2, r2) = pick_e(
                    w[reestimate[i]], ehat, mhat, self.cam, shat,
                    interval=0.01, depth_reg=depth_reg,
                res[i:i + 1, reestimate[i]] = res2
                a[i:i + 1, reestimate[i], 1:] = a2
                a[i:i + 1, reestimate[i], 0] = cap_scale
                r[i:i + 1, :, reestimate[i]] = r2
        scale = a[:, :, 0]
        a = a[:, :, 1:] / a[:, :, 0][:, :, np.newaxis]
        return res, e2[:, 1:], a, r, scale

    def better_rec(self, w, model, s=1, weights=1, damp_z=1):
        """Quick switch to allow reconstruction at unknown scale
        returns a,r and scale"""
        from numpy.core.umath_tests import matrix_multiply
        proj = matrix_multiply(self.cam[np.newaxis], model)
        proj[:, :2] = (proj[:, :2] * s + w * weights) / (s + weights)
        proj[:, 2] *= damp_z
        out = matrix_multiply(self.cam.T[np.newaxis], proj)
        return out

    def create_rec(self, w2, weights, res_weight=1):
        """Reconstruct 3D pose given a 2D pose"""
        _SIGMA_SCALING = 5.2

        res, e, a, r, scale = self.affine_estimate(
            w2, scale=_SIGMA_SCALING, weights=weights,
            depth_reg=0, cap_scale=-0.001, scale_mean=-0.003

        remaining_dims = 3 * w2.shape[2] - e.shape[1]
        assert (remaining_dims >= 0)
        llambda = -np.log(self.sigma)
        lgdet = np.sum(llambda[:, :-1], 1) + llambda[:, -1] * remaining_dims
        score = (res * res_weight + lgdet[:, np.newaxis] * (scale ** 2))
        best = np.argmin(score, 0)
        index = np.arange(best.shape[0])
        a2 = a[best, index]
        r2 = r[best, :, index].T
        rec = Prob3dPose.build_and_rot_model(a2, e[best], self.mu[best], r2)
        rec *= -np.abs(scale[best, index])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

        rec = self.better_rec(w2, rec, 1, 1.55 * weights, 1) * -1
        rec = Prob3dPose.renorm_gt(rec)
        rec *= 0.97
        return rec

    def compute_3d(self, pose_2d, weights):
        """Reconstruct 3D poses given 2D estimations"""

        _J_POS = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
        _SCALE_3D = 1174.88312988

        if pose_2d.shape[1] != config.H36M_NUM_JOINTS:
            # need to call the linear regressor
            reg_joints = np.zeros(
                (pose_2d.shape[0], config.H36M_NUM_JOINTS, 2))
            for oid, singe_pose in enumerate(pose_2d):
                reg_joints[oid, _J_POS] = singe_pose

            norm_pose, _ = Prob3dPose.normalise_data(reg_joints, weights)
            norm_pose, _ = Prob3dPose.normalise_data(pose_2d, weights)

        pose_3d = self.create_rec(norm_pose, weights) * _SCALE_3D
        return pose_3d