"""Internal representation of email messages."""

from builtins import str
from builtins import set
from builtins import list
from builtins import dict
from builtins import object

import re
import time
import email
import hashlib
import calendar
import functools
import ipaddress
import email.utils
import html.parser
import collections
import email.header
import email.errors
import email.mime.base
import email.mime.text
import email.feedparser
import email.mime.multipart

from future.utils import PY3

import oa
import oa.context

from oa.received_parser import ReceivedParser
from oa.rules.ruleset import RuleSet
from oa.regex import Regex

URL_RE = Regex(r"""
    \b                      # the preceding character must not be alphanumeric
            (?:https? | ftp)  # capture the protocol
            ://               # skip the boilerplate
        (?= ftp\.[^\.\s<>"'\x7f-\xff] )|  # allow the protocol to be missing,
        (?= www\.[^\.\s<>"'\x7f-\xff] )   # but only if the rest of the url
                                          # starts with "www.x" or "ftp.x"
    (?:[^\s<>"'\x7f-\xff]+)  # capture the guts
""", re.VERBOSE)

IPFRE = Regex(r"[\[ \(]{1}[a-fA-F\d\.\:]{7,}?[\] \n;\)]{1}")

STRICT_CHARSETS = frozenset(("quopri-codec", "quopri", "quoted-printable",

class _ParseHTML(html.parser.HTMLParser):
    """Extract data from HTML parts."""

    def __init__(self, collector):
            html.parser.HTMLParser.__init__(self, convert_charrefs=False)
        except TypeError:
            # Python 2 does not have the convert_charrefs argument.
        self.collector = collector

    def handle_data(self, data):
        """Keep track of the data."""
        data = data.strip()
        if data:

class _Headers(collections.defaultdict):
    """Like a defaultdict that returns an empty list by default, but the
    keys are all case insensitive.

    def __init__(self):
        collections.defaultdict.__init__(self, list)

    def get(self, k, d=None):
        return super(_Headers, self).get(k.lower(), d)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        super(_Headers, self).__setitem__(key.lower(), value)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return super(_Headers, self).__getitem__(key.lower())

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return super(_Headers, self).__contains__(key.lower())

class _memoize(object):
    """Memoize the result of the function in a cache. Used to prevent
    superfluous parsing of headers.

    def __init__(self, cache_name):
        self._cache_name = cache_name

    def __call__(self, func):
        """Check if the information is available in a cache, if not call the
        function and cache the result.
        def wrapped_func(fself, name):
            from oa.config import LAZY_MODE
            if LAZY_MODE:
                return func(fself, name)
            cache = getattr(fself, self._cache_name)
            result = cache.get(name)
            if result is None:
                result = func(fself, name)
                cache[name] = result
            return result

        return wrapped_func

    "X-Sender", "X-Envelope-From", "Envelope-Sender", "Return-Path"

class Message(oa.context.MessageContext):
    """Internal representation of an email message. Used for rule matching."""

    def __init__(self, global_context, raw_msg):
        """Parse the message, extracts and decode all headers and all
        text parts.
        self.missing_boundary_header = False
        self.missing_header_body_separator = False
        super(Message, self).__init__(global_context)
        self.raw_msg = self.translate_line_breaks(raw_msg)
        self.msg = email.message_from_string(self.raw_msg)
        self.headers = _Headers()
        self.raw_headers = _Headers()
        self.addr_headers = _Headers()
        self.name_headers = _Headers()
        self.mime_headers = _Headers()
        self.received_headers = list()
        self.raw_mime_headers = _Headers()
        self.header_ips = _Headers()
        self.text = ""
        self.raw_text = ""
        self.uri_list = set()
        self.score = 0
        self.rules_checked = dict()
        self.interpolate_data = dict()
        self.rules_descriptions = dict()
        self.plugin_tags = dict()
        # Data
        self.sender_address = ""
        self.hostname_with_ip = list()
        self.internal_relays = []
        self.external_relays = []
        self.last_internal_relay_index = 0
        self.last_trusted_relay_index = 0
        self.trusted_relays = []
        self.untrusted_relays = []

    def clear_matches(self):
        """Clear any already checked rules."""
        self.rules_checked = dict()
        self.score = 0

    def translate_line_breaks(text):
        """Convert any EOL style to Linux EOL."""
        text = text.replace("\r\n", "\n")
        return text.replace("\r", "\n")

    def normalize_html_part(payload):
        """Strip all HTML tags."""
        data = list()
        stripper = _ParseHTML(data)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, html.parser.HTMLParseError):
            # We can't parse the HTML, so just strip it.  This is still
            # better than including generic HTML/CSS text.
        return data

    def _decode_header(header):
        """Decodes an email header and returns it as a string. Any  parts of
        the header that cannot be decoded are simply ignored.
        parts = list()
            decoded_header = email.header.decode_header(header)
        except (ValueError, email.header.HeaderParseError):

        for value, encoding in decoded_header:
            if encoding:
                    parts.append(value.decode(encoding, "ignore"))
                except (LookupError, UnicodeError, AssertionError):
                    parts.append(value.decode("utf-8", "ignore"))
                except AttributeError:
        return "".join(parts)

    def get_raw_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of raw headers with this name."""
        # This is just for consistencies, the raw headers should have been
        # parsed together with the message.
        return self.raw_headers.get(header_name, list())

    def get_headers(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of headers which were added by plugins"""
        return self.headers.get(header_name, list())

    def get_decoded_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of decoded headers with this name."""
        values = list()
        for value in self.get_raw_header(header_name):

        for value in self.get_headers(header_name):
        return values

    def get_untrusted_ips(self):
        """Returns the untrusted IPs based on the users trusted
        network settings.

        :return: A list of `ipaddress.ip_address`.
        ips = [ip for ip in self.get_header_ips()
               if ip not in self.ctxt.networks.trusted]
        return ips

    def get_header_ips(self):
        values = list()
        for header in self.received_headers:
        return values

    def get_addr_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of the first addresses from this header."""
        values = list()
        for value in self.get_decoded_header(header_name):
            for dummy, addr in email.utils.getaddresses([value]):
                if addr:
        return values

    def get_all_addr_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of all the addresses from this header."""
        values = list()
        for value in self.get_decoded_header(header_name):
            for dummy, addr in email.utils.getaddresses([value]):
                if addr:
        return values

    def get_all_from_headers_addr(self):
        all_from_headers = ['From', 'Envelope-Sender',
                            'Resent-Sender', 'X-Envelope-From',
                            'EnvelopeFrom', 'Resent-From']
        sender_addr = self.sender_address
        for header in all_from_headers:
            if header == 'EnvelopeFrom' and sender_addr:
                yield sender_addr
                for addr in self.get_all_addr_header(header):
                    yield addr

    def get_name_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of the first names from this header."""
        values = list()
        for value in self.get_decoded_header(header_name):
            for name, dummy in email.utils.getaddresses([value]):
                if name:
        return values

    def get_raw_mime_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of raw MIME headers with this name."""
        # This is just for consistencies, the raw headers should have been
        # parsed together with the message.
        return self.raw_mime_headers.get(header_name, list())

    def get_decoded_mime_header(self, header_name):
        """Get a list of raw MIME headers with this name."""
        values = list()
        for value in self.get_raw_mime_header(header_name):
        return values

    def iter_decoded_headers(self):
        """Iterate through all the decoded headers.

        Yields strings like "<header_name>: <header_value>"
        for header_name in self.raw_headers:
            for value in self.get_decoded_header(header_name):
                yield "%s: %s" % (header_name, value)

    def _create_plugin_tags(self, header):
        for key, value in header.items():
            self.plugin_tags[key.upper()] = value

    def _parse_sender(self):
        """Extract the envelope sender from the message."""

        always_trust_envelope_from = self.ctxt.conf[
        headers = self.ctxt.conf["envelope_sender_header"] or DEFAULT_SENDERH

        if self.external_relays:
            sender = self.external_relays[0].get("envfrom")
            if sender:
                self.sender_address = sender.strip()
            if self.trusted_relays and not always_trust_envelope_from:
                sender = self.trusted_relays[-1].get("envfrom")
                if sender:
                    self.sender_address = sender.strip()
            if self.untrusted_relays:
                sender = self.untrusted_relays[0].get("envfrom")
                if sender:
                    self.sender_address = sender.strip()

            for sender_header in headers:
                    sender = self.get_addr_header(sender_header)[0]
                except IndexError:
                if sender:
                    self.sender_address = sender.strip()
                    self.ctxt.log.debug("Using %s as sender: %s",
                                        sender_header, sender)

    def _parse_relays(self, relays):
        """Walks though a relays list to extract
        [un]trusted/internal/external relays"""
        is_trusted = True
        is_internal = True
        found_msa = False

        for position, relay in enumerate(relays):
            relay['msa'] = 0
            if relay['ip']:
                ip = ipaddress.ip_address(str(relay['ip']))
                in_internal = ip in self.ctxt.networks.internal
                in_trusted = ip in self.ctxt.networks.trusted
                in_msa = ip in self.ctxt.networks.msa
                has_auth = relay.get("auth", None)
                if is_trusted and not found_msa:
                    if self.ctxt.networks.configured:
                        if not in_trusted and not has_auth:
                            is_trusted = False
                            is_internal = False

                            if is_internal and not has_auth and not in_internal:
                                is_internal = False

                            if in_msa:
                                relay['msa'] = 1
                                found_msa = True

                    elif not ip.is_private and not has_auth:
                        is_internal = False
                        is_trusted = False

                relay['intl'] = int(is_internal)
                if is_internal:
                    self.last_internal_relay_index = position

                if is_trusted:
                    self.last_trusted_relay_index = position
        tag_template = ("[ ip={ip} rdns={rdns} helo={helo} by={by} "
                        "ident={ident} envfrom={envfrom} intl={intl} id={id} auth={auth} "
                        "msa={msa} ]")

        relays_tags = {
            "RELAYSTRUSTED": " ".join([tag_template.format(**x)
                                       for x in self.trusted_relays]),
            "RELAYSUNTRUSTED": " ".join([tag_template.format(**x)
                                         for x in self.untrusted_relays]),
            "RELAYSINTERNAL": " ".join([tag_template.format(**x)
                                        for x in self.internal_relays]),
            "RELAYSEXTERNAL": " ".join([tag_template.format(**x)
                                        for x in self.external_relays]),
        if self.external_relays:
                "LASTEXTERNALIP": self.external_relays[-1]['ip'],
                "LASTEXTERNALRDNS": self.external_relays[-1]['rdns'],
                "LASTEXTERNALHELO": self.external_relays[-1]['helo']


    def _parse_message(self):
        """Parse the message."""
        # Dump the message raw headers

        for line in self.raw_msg.splitlines():
            if not email.feedparser.headerRE.match(line):
                # If we saw the RFC defined header/body separator
                # (i.e. newline), just throw it away. Otherwise the line is
                # part of the body so push it back.
                if line.strip():
                    self.missing_header_body_separator = True

        for name, raw_value in self.msg._headers:

        # XXX This is strange, but it's what SA does.
        # The body starts with the Subject header(s)
        body = list(self.get_decoded_header("Subject"))
        raw_body = list()
        for payload, part in self._iter_parts(self.msg):
            if not part._headers:
                self.missing_boundary_header = True

            # Extract any MIME headers
            for name, raw_value in part._headers:
            text = None
            if payload is not None:
                # this must be a text part
                if part.get_content_subtype() == "html":
                    text = self.normalize_html_part(payload.replace("\n", " "))
                    text = " ".join(text)
                    text = payload.replace("\n", " ")
            self._hook_extract_metadata(payload, text, part)
        self.text = " ".join(body)
        self.raw_text = "\n".join(raw_body)

        received_headers = self.get_decoded_header("Received")
        for header in self.ctxt.conf["originating_ip_headers"]:
            headers = ["X-ORIGINATING-IP: %s" % x
                       for x in self.get_decoded_header(header)]
        received_obj = ReceivedParser(received_headers)
        self.received_headers = received_obj.received

        except IndexError:

        for header in self.received_headers:
            self.hostname_with_ip.append((header["rdns"], header["ip"]))

    def _iter_parts(msg):
        """Extract and decode the text parts from the parsed email message.
        For non-text parts the payload will be None.

        Yields (payload, part)
        for part in msg.walk():
            if part.get_content_maintype() == "text":
                payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)

                charset = part.get_content_charset()
                errors = "ignore"
                if not charset:
                    charset = "ascii"
                elif charset.lower().replace("_", "-") in STRICT_CHARSETS:
                    errors = "strict"
                    payload = payload.decode(charset, errors)
                except (LookupError, UnicodeError, AssertionError):
                        payload = payload.decode("ascii", "ignore")
                    except UnicodeError:
                yield payload, part
                yield None, part

    def get_from_addresses(self):
        """Get addresses from 'Resent-From' header,
        and if there are no addresses, get from
        all FROM_HEADERS.
        addresses = self.get_all_addr_header('Resent-From')
        if addresses:
            for address in addresses:
                yield address
            for key in FROM_HEADERS:
                for address in self.get_all_addr_header(key):
                    yield address

    def get_to_addresses(self):
        """Get addresses from 'Resent-To' and 'Resent-Cc'
        headers, ad if there are no addresses, get from
        all TO_HEADERS.
        addresses = self.get_all_addr_header('Resent-To')
        if addresses:
            for address in addresses:
                yield address
            for key in TO_HEADERS:
                for address in self.get_all_addr_header(key):
                    yield address

    def msgid(self):
        """Generate a unique ID for the message.
        If the message already has an ID that should be unique, in the
        Message-ID header, then simply use that. Otherwise, generate an
        ID from the Date header and message content."""
        # SA potentially produces multiple IDs, and checks them both.
        # That seems an unnecessary complication, so just return the
        # first one that we manage to generate.
        msgid = self.msg[u"Message-ID"]
        if msgid and not re.match(r"^\s*<\s*(?:\@sa_generated)?>.*$", msgid):
            # Remove \r and < and > prefix / suffixes.
            return msgid.strip().strip(u"<").strip(u">")

        # Use the hexdigest of a SHA1 hash of (Date: and top N bytes of
        # body), where N is min(1024 bytes, 1/2 of body length).
        date = self.msg[u"Date"] or u"None"
        body = self.msg.as_string().split("\n\n", 1)[1]
        if len(body) > 64:
            keep = 1024 if len(body) > 2048 else (len(body) // 2)
            body = body[:keep]

        # Strip all CR and LF so that testing midstream from MTA and
        # post delivery don't generate different IDs simply because of
        # LF<->CR<->CRLF changes.
        body = body.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")

        combined = "{date}\x00{body}".format(date=date, body=body)
        msgid = u"%s@sa_generated" % hashlib.sha1(
        return msgid

    def receive_date(self):
        """Get the date from the headers."""
        received = self.msg.get_all("Received") or list()
        for header in received:
                ts = header.rsplit(";", 1)[1]
            except IndexError:
            ts = email.utils.parsedate(ts)
            return calendar.timegm(ts)
        # SA will look in other headers too. Perhaps we should also?
        return time.time()

FROM_HEADERS = ('From', "Envelope-Sender", 'Resent-From', 'X-Envelope-From',
TO_HEADERS = ('To', 'Resent-To', 'Resent-Cc', 'Apparently-To', 'Delivered-To',
              'Envelope-Recipients', 'Apparently-Resent-To', 'X-Envelope-To',
              'X-Delivered-To', 'X-Original-To', 'X-Rcpt-To', 'X-Real-To',