
""" A set of utilities for comparing results.

from __future__ import division

import matplotlib
from matplotlib.compat import subprocess
from matplotlib.testing.noseclasses import ImageComparisonFailure
from matplotlib.testing import image_util
from matplotlib import _png
from matplotlib import _get_cachedir
from matplotlib import cbook
from distutils import version
import hashlib
import math
import os
import numpy as np
import shutil
import sys
from functools import reduce


__all__ = [


def make_test_filename(fname, purpose):
    Make a new filename by inserting `purpose` before the file's
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
    return '%s-%s%s' % (base, purpose, ext)

def compare_float( expected, actual, relTol = None, absTol = None ):
   """Fail if the floating point values are not close enough, with
      the givem message.

   You can specify a relative tolerance, absolute tolerance, or both.
   if relTol is None and absTol is None:
      exMsg = "You haven't specified a 'relTol' relative tolerance "
      exMsg += "or a 'absTol' absolute tolerance function argument.  "
      exMsg += "You must specify one."
      raise ValueError(exMsg)

   msg = ""

   if absTol is not None:
      absDiff = abs( expected - actual )
      if absTol < absDiff:
         expectedStr = str( expected )
         actualStr = str( actual )
         absDiffStr = str( absDiff )
         absTolStr = str( absTol )

         msg += "\n"
         msg += "  Expected: " + expectedStr + "\n"
         msg += "  Actual:   " + actualStr + "\n"
         msg += "  Abs Diff: " + absDiffStr + "\n"
         msg += "  Abs Tol:  " + absTolStr + "\n"

   if relTol is not None:
      # The relative difference of the two values.  If the expected value is
      # zero, then return the absolute value of the difference.
      relDiff = abs( expected - actual )
      if expected:
         relDiff = relDiff / abs( expected )

      if relTol < relDiff:

         # The relative difference is a ratio, so it's always unitless.
         relDiffStr = str( relDiff )
         relTolStr = str( relTol )

         expectedStr = str( expected )
         actualStr = str( actual )

         msg += "\n"
         msg += "  Expected: " + expectedStr + "\n"
         msg += "  Actual:   " + actualStr + "\n"
         msg += "  Rel Diff: " + relDiffStr + "\n"
         msg += "  Rel Tol:  " + relTolStr + "\n"

   if msg:
      return msg
      return None

# A dictionary that maps filename extensions to functions that map
# parameters old and new to a list that can be passed to Popen to
# convert files with that extension to png format.
def get_cache_dir():
   cachedir = _get_cachedir()
   if cachedir is None:
      raise RuntimeError('Could not find a suitable configuration directory')
   cache_dir = os.path.join(cachedir, 'test_cache')
   if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
      except IOError:
         return None
   if not os.access(cache_dir, os.W_OK):
      return None
   return cache_dir

def get_file_hash(path, block_size=2**20):
   md5 = hashlib.md5()
   with open(path, 'rb') as fd:
      while True:
         data = fd.read(block_size)
         if not data:
   return md5.hexdigest()

converter = { }

def make_external_conversion_command(cmd):
   def convert(old, new):
      cmdline = cmd(old, new)
      pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
      stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()
      errcode = pipe.wait()
      if not os.path.exists(new) or errcode:
         msg = "Conversion command failed:\n%s\n" % ' '.join(cmdline)
         if stdout:
            msg += "Standard output:\n%s\n" % stdout
         if stderr:
            msg += "Standard error:\n%s\n" % stderr
         raise IOError(msg)

   return convert

gs, gs_v = matplotlib.checkdep_ghostscript()
if gs_v is not None:
    cmd = lambda old, new: \
        [gs, '-q', '-sDEVICE=png16m', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dBATCH',
        '-sOutputFile=' + new, old]
    converter['pdf'] = make_external_conversion_command(cmd)
    converter['eps'] = make_external_conversion_command(cmd)

if matplotlib.checkdep_inkscape() is not None:
   cmd = lambda old, new: \
             ['inkscape', '-z', old, '--export-png', new]
   converter['svg'] = make_external_conversion_command(cmd)

def comparable_formats():
   '''Returns the list of file formats that compare_images can compare
   on this system.'''
   return ['png'] + converter.keys()

def convert(filename, cache):
   Convert the named file into a png file.  Returns the name of the
   created file.

   If *cache* is True, the result of the conversion is cached in
   `~/.matplotlib/test_cache/`.  The caching is based on a hash of the
   exact contents of the input file.  The is no limit on the size of
   the cache, so it may need to be manually cleared periodically.
   base, extension = filename.rsplit('.', 1)
   if extension not in converter:
      raise ImageComparisonFailure("Don't know how to convert %s files to png" % extension)
   newname = base + '_' + extension + '.png'
   if not os.path.exists(filename):
      raise IOError("'%s' does not exist" % filename)

   # Only convert the file if the destination doesn't already exist or
   # is out of date.
   if (not os.path.exists(newname) or
       os.stat(newname).st_mtime < os.stat(filename).st_mtime):
      if cache:
         cache_dir = get_cache_dir()
         cache_dir = None

      if cache_dir is not None:
         hash = get_file_hash(filename)
         new_ext = os.path.splitext(newname)[1]
         cached_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, hash + new_ext)
         if os.path.exists(cached_file):
            shutil.copyfile(cached_file, newname)
            return newname

      converter[extension](filename, newname)

      if cache_dir is not None:
         shutil.copyfile(newname, cached_file)

   return newname

verifiers = { }

def verify(filename):
   Verify the file through some sort of verification tool.
   if not os.path.exists(filename):
      raise IOError("'%s' does not exist" % filename)
   base, extension = filename.rsplit('.', 1)
   verifier = verifiers.get(extension, None)
   if verifier is not None:
      cmd = verifier(filename)
      pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
      stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()
      errcode = pipe.wait()
      if errcode != 0:
         msg = "File verification command failed:\n%s\n" % ' '.join(cmd)
         if stdout:
            msg += "Standard output:\n%s\n" % stdout
         if stderr:
            msg += "Standard error:\n%s\n" % stderr
         raise IOError(msg)

# Turning this off, because it seems to cause multiprocessing issues
if matplotlib.checkdep_xmllint() and False:
   verifiers['svg'] = lambda filename: [
      'xmllint', '--valid', '--nowarning', '--noout', filename]

def crop_to_same(actual_path, actual_image, expected_path, expected_image):
   # clip the images to the same size -- this is useful only when
   # comparing eps to pdf
   if actual_path[-7:-4] == 'eps' and expected_path[-7:-4] == 'pdf':
      aw, ah = actual_image.shape
      ew, eh = expected_image.shape
      actual_image = actual_image[int(aw/2-ew/2):int(aw/2+ew/2),int(ah/2-eh/2):int(ah/2+eh/2)]
   return actual_image, expected_image

def calculate_rms(expectedImage, actualImage):
   # calculate the per-pixel errors, then compute the root mean square error
   num_values = np.prod(expectedImage.shape)
   abs_diff_image = abs(expectedImage - actualImage)

   # On Numpy 1.6, we can use bincount with minlength, which is much faster than
   # using histogram
   expected_version = version.LooseVersion("1.6")
   found_version = version.LooseVersion(np.__version__)
   if found_version >= expected_version:
      histogram = np.bincount(abs_diff_image.ravel(), minlength=256)
      histogram = np.histogram(abs_diff_image, bins=np.arange(257))[0]

   sum_of_squares = np.sum(histogram * np.arange(len(histogram))**2)
   rms = np.sqrt(float(sum_of_squares) / num_values)

   return rms

def compare_images( expected, actual, tol, in_decorator=False ):
   '''Compare two image files - not the greatest, but fast and good enough.


   # img1 = "./baseline/plot.png"
   # img2 = "./output/plot.png"
   # compare_images( img1, img2, 0.001 ):

   - expected  The filename of the expected image.
   - actual    The filename of the actual image.
   - tol       The tolerance (a color value difference, where 255 is the
               maximal difference).  The test fails if the average pixel
               difference is greater than this value.
   - in_decorator If called from image_comparison decorator, this should be
               True. (default=False)


   # Convert the image to png
   extension = expected.split('.')[-1]

   if not os.path.exists(expected):
       raise IOError('Baseline image %r does not exist.' % expected)

   if extension != 'png':
      actual = convert(actual, False)
      expected = convert(expected, True)

   # open the image files and remove the alpha channel (if it exists)
   expectedImage = _png.read_png_int( expected )
   actualImage = _png.read_png_int( actual )
   expectedImage = expectedImage[:, :, :3]
   actualImage = actualImage[:, :, :3]

   actualImage, expectedImage = crop_to_same(actual, actualImage, expected, expectedImage)

   # convert to signed integers, so that the images can be subtracted without
   # overflow
   expectedImage = expectedImage.astype(np.int16)
   actualImage = actualImage.astype(np.int16)

   # compare the resulting image histogram functions
   expected_version = version.LooseVersion("1.6")
   found_version = version.LooseVersion(np.__version__)

   rms = calculate_rms(expectedImage, actualImage)

   diff_image = make_test_filename(actual, 'failed-diff')

   if rms <= tol:
      if os.path.exists(diff_image):
      return None

   save_diff_image( expected, actual, diff_image )

   if in_decorator:
      results = dict(
         rms = rms,
         expected = str(expected),
         actual = str(actual),
         diff = str(diff_image),
      return results
      # old-style call from mplTest directory
      msg = "  Error: Image files did not match.\n"       \
            "  RMS Value: " + str( rms ) + "\n" \
            "  Expected:\n    " + str( expected ) + "\n"  \
            "  Actual:\n    " + str( actual ) + "\n"      \
            "  Difference:\n    " + str( diff_image ) + "\n"      \
            "  Tolerance: " + str( tol ) + "\n"
      return msg

def save_diff_image( expected, actual, output ):
   expectedImage = _png.read_png( expected )
   actualImage = _png.read_png( actual )
   actualImage, expectedImage = crop_to_same(actual, actualImage, expected, expectedImage)
   expectedImage = np.array(expectedImage).astype(np.float)
   actualImage = np.array(actualImage).astype(np.float)
   assert expectedImage.ndim==actualImage.ndim
   assert expectedImage.shape==actualImage.shape
   absDiffImage = abs(expectedImage-actualImage)

   # expand differences in luminance domain
   absDiffImage *= 255 * 10
   save_image_np = np.clip(absDiffImage, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
   height, width, depth = save_image_np.shape

   # The PDF renderer doesn't produce an alpha channel, but the
   # matplotlib PNG writer requires one, so expand the array
   if depth == 3:
      with_alpha = np.empty((height, width, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
      with_alpha[:,:,0:3] = save_image_np
      save_image_np = with_alpha

   # Hard-code the alpha channel to fully solid
   save_image_np[:,:,3] = 255

   _png.write_png(save_image_np.tostring(), width, height, output)