from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connection
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import translation

from localized_fields.fields import LocalizedFloatField

from .fake_model import get_fake_model

class LocalizedFloatFieldTestCase(TestCase):
    """Tests whether the :see:LocalizedFloatField and :see:LocalizedFloatValue
    works properly."""

    TestModel = None

    def setUpClass(cls):

        cls.TestModel = get_fake_model({"score": LocalizedFloatField()})

    def test_basic(self):
        """Tests the basics of storing float values."""

        obj = self.TestModel()
        for index, (lang_code, _) in enumerate(settings.LANGUAGES):
            obj.score.set(lang_code, index + 1.0)

        obj = self.TestModel.objects.all().first()
        for index, (lang_code, _) in enumerate(settings.LANGUAGES):
            assert obj.score.get(lang_code) == index + 1.0

    def test_primary_language_required(self):
        """Tests whether the primary language is required by default and all
        other languages are optiona."""

        # not filling in anything should raise IntegrityError,
        # the primary language is required
        with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
            obj = self.TestModel()

        # when filling all other languages besides the primary language
        # should still raise an error because the primary is always required
        with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
            obj = self.TestModel()
            for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
                if lang_code == settings.LANGUAGE_CODE:
                obj.score.set(lang_code, 23.0)

    def test_default_value_none(self):
        """Tests whether the default value for optional languages is

        obj = self.TestModel()
        obj.score.set(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, 1234.0)

        for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
            if lang_code == settings.LANGUAGE_CODE:

            assert obj.score.get(lang_code) is None

    def test_translate(self):
        """Tests whether casting the value to an float results in the value
        being returned in the currently active language as an float."""

        obj = self.TestModel()
        for index, (lang_code, _) in enumerate(settings.LANGUAGES):
            obj.score.set(lang_code, index + 1.0)

        for index, (lang_code, _) in enumerate(settings.LANGUAGES):
            with translation.override(lang_code):
                assert float(obj.score) == index + 1.0
                assert obj.score.translate() == index + 1.0

    def test_translate_primary_fallback(self):
        """Tests whether casting the value to an float results in the value
        begin returned in the active language and falls back to the primary
        language if there is no value in that language."""

        obj = self.TestModel()
        obj.score.set(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, 25.0)

        secondary_language = settings.LANGUAGES[-1][0]
        assert obj.score.get(secondary_language) is None

        with translation.override(secondary_language):
            assert obj.score.translate() == 25.0
            assert float(obj.score) == 25.0

    def test_get_default_value(self):
        """Tests whether getting the value in a specific language properly
        returns the specified default in case it is not available."""

        obj = self.TestModel()
        obj.score.set(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, 25.0)

        secondary_language = settings.LANGUAGES[-1][0]
        assert obj.score.get(secondary_language) is None
        assert obj.score.get(secondary_language, 1337.0) == 1337.0

    def test_completely_optional(self):
        """Tests whether having all languages optional works properly."""

        model = get_fake_model(
            {"score": LocalizedFloatField(null=True, required=[], blank=True)}

        obj = model()

        for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
            assert getattr(obj.score, lang_code) is None

    def test_store_string(self):
        """Tests whether the field properly raises an error when trying to
        store a non-float."""

        for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
            obj = self.TestModel()
            with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
                obj.score.set(lang_code, "haha")

    def test_none_if_illegal_value_stored(self):
        """Tests whether None is returned for a language if the value stored in
        the database is not an float."""

        obj = self.TestModel()
        obj.score.set(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, 25.0)

        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            table_name = self.TestModel._meta.db_table
            cursor.execute("update %s set score = 'en=>haha'" % table_name)

        assert obj.score.get(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) is None

    def test_default_value(self):
        """Tests whether a default is properly set when specified."""

        model = get_fake_model(
                "score": LocalizedFloatField(
                    default={settings.LANGUAGE_CODE: 75.0}

        obj = model.objects.create()
        assert obj.score.get(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) == 75.0

        obj = model()
        for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
            obj.score.set(lang_code, None)

        for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
            if lang_code == settings.LANGUAGE_CODE:
                assert obj.score.get(lang_code) == 75.0
                assert obj.score.get(lang_code) is None