
import sys

import pytest

from django.conf import settings
from django.test import TestCase

from localized_fields.fields import LocalizedBleachField
from localized_fields.value import LocalizedValue

    import bleach

    from django_bleach.utils import get_bleach_default_options
except ImportError:
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
        pytest.skip("feature not ready for python 3.9", allow_module_level=True)

class ModelTest:
    """Used to declare a bleach-able field on."""

    def __init__(self, value):
        """Initializes a new instance of :see:ModelTest.

            The value to initialize with.

        self.value = value

class LocalizedBleachFieldTestCase(TestCase):
    """Tests the :see:LocalizedBleachField class."""

    def test_pre_save(self):
        """Tests whether the :see:pre_save function bleaches all values in a

        value = self._get_test_value()
        model, field = self._get_test_model(value)

        bleached_value = field.pre_save(model, False)
        self._validate(value, bleached_value)

    def test_pre_save_none(self):
        """Tests whether the :see:pre_save function works properly when
        specifying :see:None."""

        model, field = self._get_test_model(None)

        bleached_value = field.pre_save(model, False)
        assert not bleached_value

    def test_pre_save_none_values(self):
        """Tests whether the :see:pre_save function works properly when one of
        the languages has no text and is None."""

        value = self._get_test_value()
        value.set(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, None)

        model, field = self._get_test_model(value)

        bleached_value = field.pre_save(model, False)
        self._validate(value, bleached_value)

    def _get_test_model(value):
        """Gets a test model and a artifically constructed
        :see:LocalizedBleachField instance to test with."""

        model = ModelTest(value)

        field = LocalizedBleachField()
        field.attname = "value"
        return model, field

    def _get_test_value():
        """Gets a :see:LocalizedValue instance for testing."""

        value = LocalizedValue()

        for lang_code, lang_name in settings.LANGUAGES:
            value.set(lang_code, "<script>%s</script>" % lang_name)

        return value

    def _validate(non_bleached_value, bleached_value):
        """Validates whether the specified non-bleached value ended up being
        correctly bleached.

                The value before bleaching.

                The value after bleaching.

        for lang_code, _ in settings.LANGUAGES:
            if not non_bleached_value.get(lang_code):
                assert not bleached_value.get(lang_code)

            expected_value = bleach.clean(
                non_bleached_value.get(lang_code), get_bleach_default_options()

            assert bleached_value.get(lang_code) == expected_value