#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Main entry-point into the 'GitLab Tools' Flask application.

This is a GitLab Tools

License: GPL-3.0
Website: https://github.com/Salamek/gitlab-tools

Command details:
    server              Run the application using the Flask Development
                        Server. Auto-reloads files when they change.
    shell               Starts a Python interactive shell with the Flask
                        application context.
    create_all          Only create database tables if they don't exist and
                        then exit
    migrations          Migrations
    list_routes         List all available routes
    post_install        Post install script
    celerybeat          Run a Celery Beat periodic task scheduler.
    celeryworker        Run a Celery worker process.
    celerydev           Starts a Celery worker with Celery Beat in the same
    setup               Setup application

    gitlab-tools server [-p NUM] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools list_routes
    gitlab-tools shell [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools create_all [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools post_install [--config_prod] [--user=USER]
    gitlab-tools migrations (upgrade|current|migrate|history|heads|show|stamp|downgrade|init|revision|merge|branches|edit) [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools migrations stamp <revision> [--config_prod] [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [--sql] [--tag TAG]
    gitlab-tools celerydev [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools celerybeat [-s FILE] [--pid=FILE] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools celeryworker [-n NUM] [-l DIR] [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools setup [--config_prod]
    gitlab-tools (-h | --help)

    --config_prod               Load the production configuration instead of
    -l DIR --log_dir=DIR        Log all statements to file in this directory
                                instead of stdout.
                                Only ERROR statements will go to stdout. stderr
                                is not used.
    -n NUM --name=NUM           Celery Worker name integer.
                                [default: 1]
    --pid=FILE                  Celery Beat PID file.
                                [default: ./celery_beat.pid]
    -p NUM --port=NUM           Flask will listen on this port number.
    -s FILE --schedule=FILE     Celery Beat schedule database file.
                                [default: ./celery_beat.db]

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib.parse
from functools import wraps

import flask
import yaml
from celery.app.log import Logging
from celery.bin.celery import main as celery_main
from docopt import docopt
from flask_migrate import MigrateCommand, stamp
from flask_script import Shell, Manager

from gitlab_tools.application import create_app, get_config
from gitlab_tools.config import Config
from gitlab_tools.extensions import db
from gitlab_tools.tools.crypto import random_password
from gitlab_tools.tools.helpers import get_home_dir, get_user_group_id, get_user_id, get_repository_storage, \

OPTIONS = docopt(__doc__)

class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    LEVEL_MAP = {logging.FATAL: 'F', logging.ERROR: 'E', logging.WARN: 'W', logging.INFO: 'I', logging.DEBUG: 'D'}

    def format(self, record):
        record.levelletter = self.LEVEL_MAP[record.levelno]
        return super(CustomFormatter, self).format(record)

def setup_logging(name: str=None, level: int=logging.DEBUG):
    """Setup Google-Style logging for the entire application.

    At first I hated this but I had to use it for work, and now I prefer it. Who knew?
    From: https://github.com/twitter/commons/blob/master/src/python/twitter/common/log/formatters/glog.py

    Always logs DEBUG statements somewhere.

    Positional arguments:
    name -- Append this string to the log file filename.
    log_to_disk = False
    if OPTIONS['--log_dir']:
        if not os.path.isdir(OPTIONS['--log_dir']):
            print('ERROR: Directory {} does not exist.'.format(OPTIONS['--log_dir']))
        if not os.access(OPTIONS['--log_dir'], os.W_OK):
            print('ERROR: No permissions to write to directory {}.'.format(OPTIONS['--log_dir']))
        log_to_disk = True

    fmt = '%(levelletter)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(process)d %(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s'
    datefmt = '%m%d %H:%M:%S'
    formatter = CustomFormatter(fmt, datefmt)

    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

    root = logging.getLogger()

    if log_to_disk:
        file_name = os.path.join(OPTIONS['--log_dir'], 'gitlab-tools_{}.log'.format(name))
        file_handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(file_name, when='d', backupCount=7)

def log_messages(app):
    """Log messages common to Tornado and devserver."""
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    log.info('Server is running at http://{}:{}/'.format(app.config['HOST'], app.config['PORT']))
    log.info('Flask version: {}'.format(flask.__version__))
    log.info('DEBUG: {}'.format(app.config['DEBUG']))
    log.info('STATIC_FOLDER: {}'.format(app.static_folder))

def parse_options() -> Config:
    """Parses command line options for Flask.

    Config instance to pass into create_app().
    # Figure out which class will be imported.
    if OPTIONS['--config_prod']:
        config_class_string = 'gitlab_tools.config.Production'
        config_class_string = 'gitlab_tools.config.Config'
    config_obj = get_config(config_class_string)

    # Force port from commandline
    if OPTIONS['--port']:
        if not OPTIONS['--port'].isdigit():
            print('ERROR: Port should be a number.')
        config_obj.PORT = OPTIONS['--port']

    return config_obj

def command(func):
    """Decorator that registers the chosen command/function.

    If a function is decorated with @command but that function name is not a valid "command" according to the docstring,
    a KeyError will be raised, since that's a bug in this script.

    If a user doesn't specify a valid command in their command line arguments, the above docopt(__doc__) line will print
    a short summary and call sys.exit() and stop up there.

    If a user specifies a valid command, but for some reason the developer did not register it, an AttributeError will
    raise, since it is a bug in this script.

    Finally, if a user specifies a valid command and it is registered with @command below, then that command is "chosen"
    by this decorator function, and set as the attribute `chosen`. It is then executed below in
    `if __name__ == '__main__':`.

    Doing this instead of using Flask-Script.

    Positional arguments:
    func -- the function to decorate
    def wrapped():
        return func()

    # Register chosen function.
    if func.__name__ not in OPTIONS:
        raise KeyError('Cannot register {}, not mentioned in docstring/docopt.'.format(func.__name__))
    if OPTIONS[func.__name__]:
        command.chosen = func

    return wrapped

def server() -> None:
    options = parse_options()
    setup_logging('server', logging.DEBUG if options.DEBUG else logging.WARNING)
    app = create_app(options)
    app.run(host=app.config['HOST'], port=int(app.config['PORT']), debug=app.config['DEBUG'])

def shell() -> None:
    app = create_app(parse_options())
    Shell(make_context=lambda: dict(app=app, db=db)).run(no_ipython=False, no_bpython=False)

def create_all() -> None:
    app = create_app(parse_options())
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    with app.app_context():
        tables_before = set(db.engine.table_names())
        tables_after = set(db.engine.table_names())
    created_tables = tables_after - tables_before
    for table in created_tables:
        log.info('Created table: {}'.format(table))

def list_routes() -> None:
    output = []
    app = create_app(parse_options())
    app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'example.com'
    with app.app_context():
        for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():

            integer_replaces = {}
            options = {}
            integer = 0
            for arg in rule.arguments:
                options[arg] = str(integer)
                integer_replaces[str(integer)] = "[{0}]".format(arg)
                integer = +1

            methods = ','.join(rule.methods)
            url = flask.url_for(rule.endpoint, **options)
            for integer_replace in integer_replaces:
                url = url.replace(integer_replace, integer_replaces[integer_replace])
            line = urllib.parse.unquote("{:50s} {:20s} {}".format(rule.endpoint, methods, url))

        for line in sorted(output):

def post_install() -> None:
    if not os.geteuid() == 0:
        sys.exit('Script must be run as root')

    app = create_app(parse_options())
    config_path = os.path.join('/', 'etc', 'gitlab-tools', 'config.yml')

    configuration = {}
    if os.path.isfile(config_path):
        with open(config_path) as f:
            loaded_data = yaml.load(f)
            if isinstance(loaded_data, dict):

    if not configuration.get('USER') and OPTIONS['--user']:
        app.config['USER'] = configuration['USER'] = OPTIONS['--user']

    # Generate database and config if nothing is specified
    if 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI' not in configuration or not configuration['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']:

        database_path = 'sqlite:///{}/gitlab-tools.db'.format(get_home_dir(app.config['USER']))

        configuration['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = database_path

        # We need to set DB config to make stamp work
        app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = configuration['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']

        # Create empty database
        with app.app_context():

        with app.app_context():

        # Generate secret key
    if 'SECRET_KEY' not in configuration or not configuration['SECRET_KEY']:
        app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = configuration['SECRET_KEY'] = random_password()

    # Set port and host
    if 'HOST' not in configuration or not configuration['HOST']:
        configuration['HOST'] = ''

    if 'PORT' not in configuration or not configuration['PORT']:
        configuration['PORT'] = 80

    # Write new configuration
    with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
        yaml.dump(configuration, f, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)

def setup() -> None:
    if not os.geteuid() == 0:
        sys.exit('Script must be run as root')

    app = create_app(parse_options())
    config_path = os.path.join('/', 'etc', 'gitlab-tools', 'config.yml')

    configuration = {}
    if os.path.isfile(config_path):
        with open(config_path) as f:
            loaded_data = yaml.load(f)
            if isinstance(loaded_data, dict):

    def required_input(text):
        return input(text) or required_input(text)

    def database_sqlite():
        print('SQLite configuration:')

        home_dir = get_home_dir(configuration['USER'])
        database_path_default = os.path.join(home_dir, 'gitlab-tools.db')
        connection_info = urllib.parse.urlparse(
            configuration.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI', 'sqlite:///{}'.format(database_path_default))

        if connection_info.scheme == 'sqlite':
            database_path = os.path.join('/', connection_info.path.lstrip('/'))
            database_path = database_path_default

        database_location = input('Location [{}]: '.format(database_path)) or database_path

        app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = configuration['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///{}'.format(database_location)

    def database_mysql():
        print('MySQL configuration:')

    def database_postgresql():
        print('PostgreSQL configuration:')

    def database_login(database_type):

        connection_info = urllib.parse.urlparse(
            configuration.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI', '{}://gitlab-tools:password@'.format(database_type))

        if connection_info.scheme == database_type:
            database_name = connection_info.path
            database_server = connection_info.netloc
            database_user = connection_info.username
            database_password = connection_info.password
            database_name = 'gitlab-tools'
            database_server = ''
            database_user = 'gitlab-tools'
            database_password = None

        database_server = input('Server [{}]: '.format(database_server)) or database_server
        database_name = input('Database [{}]: '.format(database_name)) or database_name
        database_user = input('User [{}]: '.format(database_user)) or database_user
        if not database_password:
            database_password = required_input('Password (required):')
            database_password = input('Password [{}]: '.format('*' * len(database_password))) or database_password

        app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = configuration['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = '{}://{}:{}@{}/{}'.format(

    def ignore():

    print('Default application user (must exists):')
    default_user = configuration.get('USER', app.config.get('USER'))
    app.config['USER'] = configuration['USER'] = input('[{}]: '.format(default_user)) or default_user

    # Check if repository storage directory exists
    repository_storage_path = get_repository_storage(app.config['USER'])
    if not os.path.isdir(repository_storage_path):
        print('Creating {}'.format(repository_storage_path))

    os.chown(repository_storage_path, get_user_id(app.config['USER']), get_user_group_id(app.config['USER']))

    # Check if ssh storage directory exists
    ssh_storage_path = get_ssh_storage(app.config['USER'])
    if not os.path.isdir(ssh_storage_path):
        print('Creating {}'.format(ssh_storage_path))

    os.chown(ssh_storage_path, get_user_id(app.config['USER']), get_user_group_id(app.config['USER']))

    database_types = {
        0: {'name': 'Ignore', 'default': True, 'call': ignore},
        1: {'name': 'SQLite', 'default': False, 'call': database_sqlite},
        2: {'name': 'PostgreSQL [Recommended]', 'default': False, 'call': database_postgresql},
        3: {'name': 'MySQL', 'default': False, 'call': database_mysql},

    print('Choose database type you want to use:')
    db_type_default = None
    for db_type in database_types:
        if database_types[db_type]['default']:
            db_type_default = db_type
        print('{}) {}{}'.format(
            ' (default)' if database_types[db_type]['default'] else '')

    database_type = int(input('Database type [{}]: '.format(db_type_default)) or db_type_default)
    if database_type not in database_types:
        print('Invalid option selected')


    print('Webserver configuration:')
    webserver_host = configuration.get('HOST', '')
    webserver_port = configuration.get('PORT', '80')
    configuration['HOST'] = input('Host (for integrated web server - when used) [{}]: '.format(webserver_host)) or webserver_host
    configuration['PORT'] = input('Port (for integrated web server - when used) [{}]: '.format(webserver_port)) or webserver_port
    server_name = '{}:{}'.format(configuration['HOST'], configuration['PORT'])
    configuration['SERVER_NAME'] = input('Server name (on what domain or ip+port is this application available) [{}]: '.format(server_name)) or server_name

    print('Gitlab configuration:')
    default_gitlab_url = configuration.get('GITLAB_URL')
    default_gitlab_app_id = configuration.get('GITLAB_APP_ID')
    default_gitlab_app_secret = configuration.get('GITLAB_APP_SECRET')
    configuration['GITLAB_URL'] = input('Gitlab URL [{}]:'.format(default_gitlab_url)) or default_gitlab_url

    configuration['GITLAB_APP_ID'] = input('Gitlab APP ID [{}]:'.format(default_gitlab_app_id)) or default_gitlab_app_id
    configuration['GITLAB_APP_SECRET'] = input('Gitlab APP SECRET [{}]:'.format(default_gitlab_app_secret)) or default_gitlab_app_secret

    print('Save new configuration ?')

    for item in configuration:
        print('{}: {}'.format(item, configuration[item]))

    save_configuration = input('Save ? (y/n) [y]: ') or 'y'
    if save_configuration == 'y':
        # Write new configuration
        with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
            yaml.dump(configuration, f, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)

        print('Configuration saved.')

    recreate_database = input('Recreate database ? (y/n) [n]: ') or 'n'
    if recreate_database == 'y':
        # Create empty database
        with app.app_context():

            # Create tables

            # Since we are running this script as root,
            # make sure that SQlite database (if used) is writable by application user
            database_configuration_info = urllib.parse.urlparse(

            if database_configuration_info.scheme == 'sqlite':
                os.chown(database_configuration_info.path, get_user_id(app.config['USER']), get_user_group_id(app.config['USER']))

            # Stamp database to lates migration

            print('Database has been created')

    restart_services = input('Restart services to load new configuration ? (y/n) [n]: ') or 'n'
    if restart_services == 'y':
        subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'gitlab-tools_celeryworker'])
        subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'gitlab-tools_celerybeat'])
        subprocess.call(['systemctl', 'restart', 'gitlab-tools'])

def celerydev():
    app = create_app(parse_options(), no_sql=True)
    Logging._setup = True  # Disable Celery from setting up logging, already done in setup_logging().
    celery_args = ['celery', 'worker', '-B', '-s', '/tmp/celery.db', '--concurrency=5']
    with app.app_context():
        return celery_main(celery_args)

def celerybeat():
    options = parse_options()
    setup_logging('celerybeat', logging.DEBUG if options.DEBUG else logging.WARNING)
    app = create_app(options)
    Logging._setup = True
    celery_args = ['celery', 'beat', '-C', '--pidfile', OPTIONS['--pid'], '-s', OPTIONS['--schedule']]
    with app.app_context():
        return celery_main(celery_args)

def celeryworker():
    options = parse_options()
    setup_logging('celeryworker{}'.format(OPTIONS['--name']), logging.DEBUG if options.DEBUG else logging.WARNING)
    app = create_app(options, no_sql=True)
    Logging._setup = True
    celery_args = ['celery', 'worker', '-n', OPTIONS['--name'], '-C', '--autoscale=10,1', '--without-gossip']
    with app.app_context():
        return celery_main(celery_args)

def migrations() -> None:
    app = create_app(parse_options())
    manager = Manager(app)
    manager.add_command('migrations', MigrateCommand)

def main() -> None:
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *_: sys.exit(0))  # Properly handle Control+C
    getattr(command, 'chosen')()  # Execute the function specified by the user.

if __name__ == '__main__':