Launchers for invoking SIPp user agents
import subprocess
import os
import shlex
import select
import threading
import signal
import time
from . import utils
from pprint import pformat
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple

log = utils.get_logger()

Streams = namedtuple("Streams", "stdout stderr")

class TimeoutError(Exception):
    "SIPp process timeout exception"

class PopenRunner(object):
    """Run a sequence of SIPp agents asynchronously. If any process terminates
    with a non-zero exit code, immediately kill all remaining processes and
    collect std streams.

    Adheres to an interface similar to `multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult`.
    def __init__(
        # these could optionally be rpyc proxy objs
        self.spm = subprocmod
        self.osm = osmod
        self.poller = poller()
        # collector thread placeholder
        self._waiter = None
        # store proc results
        self._procs = OrderedDict()

    def __call__(self, cmds, block=True, rate=300, **kwargs):
        if self._waiter and self._waiter.is_alive():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Not all processes from a prior run have completed"
        if self._procs:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Process results have not been cleared from previous run"
        sp = self.spm
        os = self.osm
        DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
        fds2procs = OrderedDict()

        # run agent commands in sequence
        for cmd in cmds:
                "launching cmd:\n\"{}\"\n".format(cmd))
            proc = sp.Popen(
            fd = proc.stderr.fileno()
            log.debug("registering fd '{}' for pid '{}'".format(
                fd, proc.pid))
            fds2procs[fd] = self._procs[cmd] = proc
            # register for stderr hangup events
            self.poller.register(proc.stderr.fileno(), select.EPOLLHUP)
            # limit launch rate
            time.sleep(1. / rate)

        # launch waiter
        self._waiter = threading.Thread(target=self._wait, args=(fds2procs,))
        self._waiter.daemon = True

        return self.get(**kwargs) if block else self._procs

    def _wait(self, fds2procs):
        log.debug("started waiter for procs {}".format(fds2procs))
        signalled = None
        left = len(fds2procs)
        collected = 0
        while collected < left:
            pairs = self.poller.poll()  # wait on hangup events
            log.debug("received hangup for pairs '{}'".format(pairs))
            for fd, status in pairs:
                collected += 1
                proc = fds2procs[fd]
                # attach streams so they can be read more then once
                log.debug("collecting streams for {}".format(proc))
                proc.streams = Streams(*proc.communicate())  # timeout=2))
                if proc.returncode != 0 and not signalled:
                    # stop all other agents if there is a failure
                    signalled = self.stop()

        log.debug("terminating waiter thread")

    def get(self, timeout=180):
        '''Block up to `timeout` seconds for all agents to complete.
        Either return (cmd, proc) pairs or raise `TimeoutError` on timeout
        if self._waiter.is_alive():

            if self._waiter.is_alive():
                # kill them mfin SIPps
                signalled = self.stop()

                if self._waiter.is_alive():
                    # try to stop a few more times
                    for _ in range(3):
                        signalled = self.stop()

                    if self._waiter.is_alive():
                        # some procs failed to terminate via signalling
                        raise RuntimeError("Unable to kill all agents!?")

                # all procs were killed by SIGUSR1
                raise TimeoutError(
                    "pids '{}' failed to complete after '{}' seconds".format(
                        pformat([p.pid for p in signalled.values()]), timeout)

        return self._procs

    def stop(self):
        '''Stop all agents with SIGUSR1 as per SIPp's signal handling
        return self._signalall(signal.SIGUSR1)

    def terminate(self):
        '''Kill all agents with SIGTERM
        return self._signalall(signal.SIGTERM)

    def _signalall(self, signum):
        signalled = OrderedDict()
        for cmd, proc in self.iterprocs():
            log.warn("sent signal '{}' to cmd '{}' with pid '{}'"
                     .format(signum, cmd, proc.pid))
            signalled[cmd] = proc
        return signalled

    def iterprocs(self):
        '''Iterate all processes which are still alive yielding
        (cmd, proc) pairs
        return ((cmd, proc) for cmd, proc in self._procs.items()
                if proc and proc.poll() is None)

    def is_alive(self):
        '''Return bool indicating whether some agents are still alive
        return any(self.iterprocs())

    def ready(self):
        '''Return bool indicating whether all agents have completed
        return not self.is_alive()

    def clear(self):
        '''Clear all processes from the last run
        assert self.ready(), "Not all processes have completed"