# Ravestate class which represents a cluster of module configurations
# for a single context instance.

from ravestate import module
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Any

import yaml
from yamlinclude import YamlIncludeConstructor


from reggol import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)

class Configuration:
    The Configuration class maintains a dictionary of key-value stores, which
    represent configuration entries for specific named modules. The key-value
    stores may be successively updated with consecutive yaml files, where each
    yaml document has the following content:

      module: module-name
        key-a: value-a
        key-b: value-b
        # etc

    def __init__(self, paths: List[str]):
        Constructor for a Configuration instance.

        * `paths`: Yaml file paths, where each file contains zero or more
        yaml documents according to the layout described above.
        self.parsed_config_per_module = defaultdict(lambda: {})
        self.config_per_module = {}
        for path in paths:

    def add_conf(self, mod: module.Module):
        Register a set of allowed config entries for a specific module.
        Correctly typed values for allowed keys, that were previously
        parsed during construction from the yaml files, will be applied

        * `mod`: A module object with a name and a conf dict.
        if mod.name in self.config_per_module:
            logger.warning(f"add_conf called repeatedly for module name {mod.name}!")
        self.config_per_module[mod.name] = mod.conf

    def get_conf(self, module_name: str):
        Retrieve updated config values for a module that was previously
        registered with add_conf.

        * `module_name`: The module name for which configuration should be retrieved.

        **Returns:** A dictionary which contains exactly the keys that were contained in
        the module configuration dictionary during add_conf, or an empty dictionary
        if the module name is unknown.
        if module_name not in self.config_per_module:
            logger.error(f"Bad request for unknown module config {module_name}!")
            return {}
        return self.config_per_module[module_name]

    def get(self, module_name: str, key: str) -> Any:
        Get the current value of a config entry.

        * `module_name`: The module that provides the config entry.

        * `key`: A config key for the module that was previously added through add_conf.

        **Returns:** The current value, or None, if the entry does not exist.
        if module_name not in self.config_per_module:
            logger.error(f"Attempt to run get() for unknown modname {module_name}!")
            return None
        target_conf = self.config_per_module[module_name]
        if key not in target_conf:
            logger.warning(f"Cannot read unknown conf key {key} for module {module_name}.")
            return None
        return target_conf[key]

    def set(self, module_name: str, key: str, value: Any):
        Set the current value of a config entry.

        * `module_name`: The module of the config entry.

        * `key`: A config key for the module that was previously added through add_conf.

        * `value`: The new value for the config entry. An error will be raised,
         if the type of the new value does not match the type of the old value.
        if module_name not in self.config_per_module:
            logger.error(f"Attempt to run set() for unknown modname {module_name}!")
        target_conf = self.config_per_module[module_name]
        if key not in target_conf:
            logger.warning(f"Not setting unknown conf key {key} for module {module_name}.")
        current_value = target_conf[key]
        if isinstance(current_value, list):
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                value = [value]
            if len(current_value) and len(value) and not isinstance(value[0], type(current_value[0])):
                value = [type(current_value[0])(item) for item in value]
        if not isinstance(value, type(current_value)):
                f"Config entry for {module_name}.{key} has conflicting type {type(value).__name__} " +
                f"(should be {type(current_value).__name__}).")
        target_conf[key] = value

    def write(self, path: str):
        Write all current config entries to a yaml file.

        * `path`: The file path to write. Will be overwritten!
        with open(path, mode='w') as file:
                {"module": module_name, "config": config_entries}
                for module_name, config_entries in self.config_per_module.items()),

    def read(self, path: str):
        Loads all documents from a yaml file and tries to interpret them
        as configuration objects as described above.

        * `path`: The yaml file path from which to load config documents.
        with open(path, mode='r') as file:
                configs = yaml.safe_load_all(file)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning(f"Could not load config file {path}")
            for config in configs:
                if not isinstance(config, dict) or "module" not in config or "config" not in config:
                    logger.warning(f"Skipping invalid entry for config file {path}.")
                module_name = config["module"]
                conf = config["config"]
                if not isinstance(conf, dict):
                    logger.warning(f"Skipping invalid config for {module_name} in {path}.")
                target_conf = self.parsed_config_per_module[module_name]

    def _apply_parsed_config(self, module_name: str):
        Apply loaded config values to the actual configuration of a specific module.
        Will be called when add_conf is called with a particular module.
        :param module_name:
        if module_name not in self.parsed_config_per_module:
        if module_name not in self.config_per_module:
            logger.error(f"Attempt to run _apply_parsed_config for unknown modname {module_name}!")

        config = self.parsed_config_per_module[module_name]

        for key, value in config.items():
            self.set(module_name, key, value)