#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""env.py - sets environment for rickslab-gpu-utils and establishes global variables

    Copyright (C) 2019  RicksLab

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
__author__ = 'RueiKe'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2019 RicksLab'
__credits__ = ['Craig Echt - Testing, Debug, and Verification']
__license__ = 'GNU General Public License'
__program_name__ = 'gpu-utils'
__maintainer__ = 'RueiKe'
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
# pylint: disable=multiple-statements
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# pylint: disable=bad-continuation

import re
import subprocess
import platform
import sys
import os
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import shutil
import time
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Union, List
from GPUmodules import __version__, __status__

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('gpu-utils')

class GutConst:
    GPU Utils constants used throughout the project.
    _verified_distros: List[str] = ['Debian', 'Ubuntu', 'Gentoo', 'Arch']
    _dpkg_tool: Dict[str, str] = {'Debian': 'dpkg', 'Ubuntu': 'dpkg', 'Arch': 'pacman', 'Gentoo': 'equery'}
    _all_args: List[str] = ['execute_pac', 'debug', 'pdebug', 'sleep', 'no_fan', 'ltz', 'simlog', 'log', 'force_write']
    PATTERNS = {'HEXRGB':       re.compile(r'^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}'),
                'PCIIID_L0':    re.compile(r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}.*'),
                'PCIIID_L1':    re.compile(r'^\t[0-9a-fA-F]{4}.*'),
                'PCIIID_L2':    re.compile(r'^\t\t[0-9a-fA-F]{4}.*'),
                'END_IN_ALPHA': re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+$'),
                'ALPHA':        re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+'),
                'AMD_GPU':      re.compile(r'(AMD|amd|ATI|ati)'),
                'NV_GPU':       re.compile(r'(NVIDIA|nvidia|nVidia)'),
                'INTC_GPU':     re.compile(r'(INTEL|intel|Intel)'),
                'ASPD_GPU':     re.compile(r'(ASPEED|aspeed|Aspeed)'),
                'MTRX_GPU':     re.compile(r'(MATROX|matrox|Matrox)'),
                'MHz':          re.compile(r'M[Hh]z'),
                'PPM_CHK':      re.compile(r'[*].*'),
                'PCI_GPU':      re.compile(r'(VGA|3D|Display)'),
                'PCI_ADD':      re.compile(r'^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}.[0-9a-fA-F])'),
                'PPM_NOTCHK':   re.compile(r'[ ]+'),
                'VALID_PS_STR': re.compile(r'[0-9]+(\s[0-9])*'),
                'IS_FLOAT':     re.compile(r'[-+]?\d*\.?\d+|[-+]?\d+'),
                'DIGITS':       re.compile(r'^[0-9]+[0-9]*$'),
                'VAL_ITEM':     re.compile(r'.*_val$'),
                'GPUMEMTYPE':   re.compile(r'^mem_(gtt|vram)_.*')}

    _sys_pciid_list = ['/usr/share/misc/pci.ids', '/usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids']
    _local_icon_list = ['{}/.local/share/rickslab-gpu-utils/icons'.format(str(Path.home())),
    featuremask = '/sys/module/amdgpu/parameters/ppfeaturemask'
    card_root = '/sys/class/drm/'
    hwmon_sub = 'hwmon/hwmon'
    gui_window_title = 'Ricks-Lab GPU Utilities'

    def __init__(self):
        self.args = None
        self.repository_module_path = os.path.dirname(str(Path(__file__).resolve()))
        self.repository_path = os.path.join(self.repository_module_path, '..')

        # Set pciid Path
        for try_pciid_path in GutConst._sys_pciid_list:
            if os.path.isfile(try_pciid_path):
                self.sys_pciid = try_pciid_path
            self.sys_pciid = None

        # Set Icon Path
        self._local_icon_list.append(os.path.join(self.repository_path, 'icons'))
        for try_icon_path in GutConst._local_icon_list:
            if os.path.isdir(try_icon_path):
                self.icon_path = try_icon_path
            self.icon_path = None

        self.distro: Dict[str, Union[str, None]] = {'Distributor': None, 'Description': None}
        self.amdfeaturemask = ''
        self.log_file_ptr = ''

        # From args
        self.execute_pac = False
        self.DEBUG = False
        self.PDEBUG = False
        self.SIMLOG = False
        self.LOG = False
        self.PLOT = False
        self.show_fans = True
        self.write_delta_only = False
        self.SLEEP = 2
        self.USELTZ = False
        # Time
        self.TIME_FORMAT = '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S'
        self.LTZ = datetime.utcnow().astimezone().tzinfo
        # GPU platform capability
        self.amd_read = None
        self.amd_write = None
        self.nv_read = None
        self.nv_write = None
        # Command access
        self.cmd_lsb_release = None
        self.cmd_lspci = None
        self.cmd_clinfo = None
        self.cmd_dpkg = None
        self.cmd_nvidia_smi = None

    def set_args(self, args) -> None:
        Set arguments for the give args object.

        :param args: The object return by args parser.
        self.args = args
        for target_arg in self._all_args:
            if target_arg in self.args:
                if target_arg == 'debug': self.DEBUG = self.args.debug
                elif target_arg == 'execute_pac': self.execute_pac = self.args.execute_pac
                elif target_arg == 'pdebug': self.PDEBUG = self.args.pdebug
                elif target_arg == 'sleep': self.SLEEP = self.args.sleep
                elif target_arg == 'no_fan': self.show_fans = not self.args.no_fan
                elif target_arg == 'ltz': self.USELTZ = self.args.ltz
                elif target_arg == 'simlog': self.SIMLOG = self.args.simlog
                elif target_arg == 'log': self.LOG = self.args.log
                elif target_arg == 'force_write': self.write_delta_only = not self.args.force_write
                else: print('Invalid arg: {}'.format(target_arg))
        LOGGER.propagate = False
        formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(module)s.%(funcName)s:%(message)s")
        stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        if self.DEBUG:
            file_handler = logging.FileHandler(
                'debug_gpu-utils_{}.log'.format(datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")), 'w')
        LOGGER.debug('Command line arguments:\n  %s', args)
        LOGGER.debug('Local TZ: %s', self.LTZ)
        LOGGER.debug('pciid path set to: %s', self.sys_pciid)
        LOGGER.debug('Icon path set to: %s', self.icon_path)

    def now(ltz: bool = False) -> datetime:
        Get the current datetime object.

        :param ltz: Flag to get local time instead of UTC
        :return: datetime obj of current time
        return datetime.now() if ltz else datetime.utcnow()

    def utc2local(utc: datetime) -> datetime:
        Return local time for given UTC time.

        :param utc: Time for UTC
        :return: Time for local time zone
        .. note:: from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770297/convert-utc-datetime-string-to-local-datetime
        epoch = time.mktime(utc.timetuple())
        offset = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch) - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch)
        return utc + offset

    def read_amdfeaturemask(self) -> int:
        Read and return the amdfeaturemask as an int.

        :return: AMD Feature Mask
            with open(self.featuremask) as fm_file:
                self.amdfeaturemask = int(fm_file.readline())
        except OSError as err:
            LOGGER.debug('Could not read AMD Featuremask [%s]', err)
            self.amdfeaturemask = 0
        return self.amdfeaturemask

    def check_env(self) -> int:
        Check the compatibility of the user environment.

        :return: Return status: ok=0, python issue= -1, kernel issue= -2, command issue= -3
        # Check python version
        required_pversion = (3, 6)
        (python_major, python_minor, python_patch) = platform.python_version_tuple()
        LOGGER.debug('Using python: %s.%s.%s', python_major, python_minor, python_patch)
        if int(python_major) < required_pversion[0]:
            print('Using python {}, but {} requires python {}.{} or higher.'.format(python_major, __program_name__,
            return -1
        if int(python_major) == required_pversion[0] and int(python_minor) < required_pversion[1]:
            print('Using python {}.{}.{}, but {} requires python {}.{} or higher.'.format(python_major, python_minor,
            return -1

        # Check Linux Kernel version
        required_kversion = (4, 8)
        linux_version = platform.release()
        LOGGER.debug('Using Linux Kernel: %s', linux_version)
        if int(linux_version.split('.')[0]) < required_kversion[0]:
            print('Using Linux Kernel {}, but {} requires > {}.{}.'.format(linux_version, __program_name__,
                  required_kversion[0], required_kversion[1]), file=sys.stderr)
            return -2
        if int(linux_version.split('.')[0]) == required_kversion[0] and \
                int(linux_version.split('.')[1]) < required_kversion[1]:
            print('Using Linux Kernel {}, but {} requires > {}.{}.'.format(linux_version, __program_name__,
                  required_kversion[0], required_kversion[1]), file=sys.stderr)
            return -2

        # Check Linux Distro
        self.cmd_lsb_release = shutil.which('lsb_release')
        if self.cmd_lsb_release:
            lsbr_out = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split('{} -a'.format(self.cmd_lsb_release)),
                                               shell=False, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode().split('\n')
            for lsbr_line in lsbr_out:
                if 'Distributor ID' in lsbr_line:
                    lsbr_item = re.sub(r'Distributor ID:[\s]*', '', lsbr_line)
                    LOGGER.debug('Using Linux Distro: %s', lsbr_item)
                    self.distro['Distributor'] = lsbr_item.strip()
                if 'Description' in lsbr_line:
                    lsbr_item = re.sub(r'Description:[\s]*', '', lsbr_line)
                    LOGGER.debug('Linux Distro Description: %s', lsbr_item)
                    self.distro['Description'] = lsbr_item.strip()

            if self.distro['Distributor'] and self.DEBUG:
                print('{}: '.format(self.distro['Distributor']), end='')
                if self.distro['Distributor'] in GutConst._verified_distros: print('Validated')
                else: print('Unverified')
            print('OS command [lsb_release] executable not found.')

        # Check access/paths to system commands
        command_access_fail = False
        self.cmd_lspci = shutil.which('lspci')
        if not self.cmd_lspci:
            print('Error: OS command [lspci] executable not found.')
            command_access_fail = True
        LOGGER.debug('lspci path: %s', self.cmd_lspci)

        self.cmd_clinfo = shutil.which('clinfo')
        if not self.cmd_clinfo:
            print('Package addon [clinfo] executable not found.  Use sudo apt-get install clinfo to install')
        LOGGER.debug('clinfo path: %s', self.cmd_clinfo)

        # Package Reader
        if self.distro['Distributor'] in GutConst._dpkg_tool:
            pkg_tool = GutConst._dpkg_tool[self.distro['Distributor']]
            self.cmd_dpkg = shutil.which(pkg_tool)
            if not self.cmd_dpkg:
                print('OS command [{}] executable not found.'.format(pkg_tool))
            self.cmd_dpkg = None
        LOGGER.debug('%s package query tool: %s', self.distro["Distributor"], self.cmd_dpkg)

        self.cmd_nvidia_smi = shutil.which('nvidia-smi')
        if self.cmd_nvidia_smi:
            print('OS command [nvidia-smi] executable found: [{}]'.format(self.cmd_nvidia_smi))
        if command_access_fail:
            return -3
        return 0

    def read_amd_driver_version(self) -> bool:
        Read the AMD driver version and store in GutConst object.

        :return: True on success.
        if not self.cmd_dpkg:
            print('Can not access package read utility to verify AMD driver.')
            return False
        if re.search(r'([uU]buntu|[dD]ebian)', self.distro['Distributor']):
            return self.read_amd_driver_version_debian()
        if re.search(r'([gG]entoo)', self.distro['Distributor']):
            return self.read_amd_driver_version_gentoo()
        if re.search(r'([aA]rch)', self.distro['Distributor']):
            return self.read_amd_driver_version_arch()
        return False

    def read_amd_driver_version_gentoo(self) -> bool:
        Read the AMD driver version and store in GutConst object.

        :return: True if successful
        for pkgname in ['dev-libs/amdgpu', 'dev-libs/amdgpu-pro-opencl', 'dev-libs/rocm', 'dev-libs/rocm-utils']:
                dpkg_out = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split('{} list {}'.format(self.cmd_dpkg, pkgname)),
                                                   shell=False, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode().split('\n')
            except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
            for dpkg_line in dpkg_out:
                if '!!!' in dpkg_line:
                for driverpkg in ['amdgpu', 'rocm']:
                    if re.search('Searching', dpkg_line):
                    if re.search(driverpkg, dpkg_line):
                        dpkg_line = re.sub(r'.*\][\s]*', '', dpkg_line)
                        print('AMD: {} version: {}'.format(driverpkg, dpkg_line))
                        return True
        print('amdgpu/rocm version: UNKNOWN')
        return False

    def read_amd_driver_version_arch(self) -> bool:
        Read the AMD driver version and store in GutConst object.

        :return: True if successful
        for pkgname in ['amdgpu', 'rocm', 'rocm-utils']:
                dpkg_out = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split('{} -Qs {}'.format(self.cmd_dpkg, pkgname)),
                                                   shell=False, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode().split('\n')
            except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
            for dpkg_line in dpkg_out:
                for driverpkg in ['amdgpu', 'rocm']:
                    if re.search(driverpkg, dpkg_line):
                        dpkg_items = dpkg_line.split()
                        if len(dpkg_items) >= 2:
                            print('AMD: {} version: {}'.format(driverpkg, dpkg_items[1]))
                            return True
        print('amdgpu/rocm version: UNKNOWN')
        return False

    def read_amd_driver_version_debian(self) -> bool:
        Read the AMD driver version and store in GutConst object.

        :return: True if successful
        for pkgname in ['amdgpu', 'amdgpu-core', 'amdgpu-pro', 'rocm-utils']:
                dpkg_out = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split('{} -l {}'.format(self.cmd_dpkg, pkgname)),
                                                   shell=False, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode().split('\n')
            except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):
            for dpkg_line in dpkg_out:
                for driverpkg in ['amdgpu', 'rocm']:
                    if re.search(driverpkg, dpkg_line):
                        dpkg_items = dpkg_line.split()
                        if len(dpkg_items) > 2:
                            if re.fullmatch(r'.*none.*', dpkg_items[2]): continue
                            print('AMD: {} version: {}'.format(driverpkg, dpkg_items[2]))
                            return True
        print('amdgpu/rocm version: UNKNOWN')
        return False

GUT_CONST = GutConst()

def about() -> None:
    Display details of this module.
    print('Author: ', __author__)
    print('Copyright: ', __copyright__)
    print('Credits: ', *['\n      {}'.format(item) for item in __credits__])
    print('License: ', __license__)
    print('Version: ', __version__)
    print('Maintainer: ', __maintainer__)
    print('Status: ', __status__)

if __name__ == '__main__':