#!/usr/bin/env python3
High-level tests for the overall functionallity and things in kc.py
import os
import unittest

from ruamel import yaml

from kerncraft.kernel import KernelCode, KernelDescription

class TestKernel(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        with open(self._find_file('2d-5pt.c')) as f:
            self.twod_code = f.read()
        with open(self._find_file('3d-7pt.c')) as f:
            self.threed_code = f.read()
        with open(self._find_file('2d-5pt.yml')) as f:
            self.twod_description = yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=yaml.Loader)
        with open(self._find_file('copy-2d-linearized.c')) as f:
            self.twod_linear = f.read()

    def _find_file(name):
        testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        name = os.path.join(testdir, 'test_files', name)
        assert os.path.exists(name)
        return name

    def test_array_sizes_2d(self):
        k = KernelCode(self.twod_code, machine=None)
        k.set_constant('N', 10)
        k.set_constant('M', 20)
        sizes = k.array_sizes(in_bytes=True, subs_consts=True)
        # 8 byte per double
        checked_sizes = {'a': 20 * 10 * 8, 'b': 20 * 10 * 8}
        self.assertEqual(sizes, checked_sizes)

    def test_array_sizes_3d(self):
        k = KernelCode(self.threed_code, machine=None)
        k.set_constant('N', 10)
        k.set_constant('M', 20)
        sizes = k.array_sizes(in_bytes=True, subs_consts=True)
        # 8 byte per double
        checked_sizes = {'a': 20 * 10 * 10 * 8, 'b': 20 * 10 * 10 * 8}
        self.assertEqual(sizes, checked_sizes)

    def test_iterations_sizes_2d_linear(self):
        k = KernelCode(self.twod_linear, machine=None)
        k.set_constant('N', 10)
        k.set_constant('M', 20)
        self.assertEqual(k.iteration_length(), 200)

    def test_global_offsets_2d(self):
        k = KernelCode(self.twod_code, machine=None)
        k.set_constant('N', 10)
        k.set_constant('M', 20)
        sizes = k.array_sizes(in_bytes=True, subs_consts=True)
        offsets = k.compile_global_offsets(iteration=0, spacing=0)
        read_offsets, write_offsets = list(offsets)[0]
        # read access to a[j][i-1], a[j][i+1], a[j-1][i], a[j+1][i]
            [(1 * 10 + 0) * 8, (1 * 10 + 2) * 8, (0 * 10 + 1) * 8, (2 * 10 + 1) * 8],
        # write access to b[i][j]
            [sizes['a'] + (1 * 10 + 1) * 8],

    def test_global_offsets_3d(self):
        k = KernelCode(self.threed_code, machine=None)
        k.set_constant('N', 10)
        k.set_constant('M', 20)
        sizes = k.array_sizes(in_bytes=True, subs_consts=True)
        offsets = k.compile_global_offsets(iteration=0, spacing=0)
        read_offsets, write_offsets = list(offsets)[0]
        # read access to a[k][j][i], a[k][j][i-1], a[k][j][i+1], a[k][j-1][i],
        #                a[k][j+1][i], a[k+1][j][i], a[k-1][j][i]
        self.assertCountEqual([(1 * 10 * 10 + 1 * 10 + 1) * 8, (1 * 10 * 10 + 1 * 10 + 0) * 8,
                               (1 * 10 * 10 + 1 * 10 + 2) * 8,
                               (1 * 10 * 10 + 0 * 10 + 1) * 8, (1 * 10 * 10 + 2 * 10 + 1) * 8,
                               (2 * 10 * 10 + 1 * 10 + 1) * 8,
                               (0 * 10 * 10 + 1 * 10 + 1) * 8],
        # write access to b[i][j]
        self.assertCountEqual([sizes['a'] + (1 * 10 * 10 + 1 * 10 + 1) * 8], write_offsets)

    def test_global_offsets_consts_array(self):
        k = KernelCode('''
            double Y[s][n];
            double F[s][n];
            double A[s][s];
            double y[n];

            for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
              Y[0][j] += A[0][0] * F[0][j];
              Y[0][j] += A[0][1] * F[1][j];
              Y[1][j] += A[1][0] * F[0][j];
              Y[1][j] += A[1][1] * F[1][j];
              Y[0][j] = Y[0][j] + y[j];
              Y[1][j] = Y[1][j] + y[j];
            }''', machine=None)
        k.set_constant('n', 100000000)
        k.set_constant('s', 2)

        offsets_warmup = k.compile_global_offsets(iteration=range(0,10000), spacing=0)
        for l,s in offsets_warmup:
            self.assertEqual(len(l), 5, msg="Number of load offsets")
            self.assertEqual(len(s), 2, msg="Number of store offsets")

    def test_global_offsets_variable_small_array(self):
        k = KernelCode('''
            double Y[s][n];
            double y[n];

            for (int l = 0; l < s; l++)
              for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                Y[l][j] = Y[l][j] + y[j];''', machine=None)
        k.set_constant('n', 100000000)
        k.set_constant('s', 2)

        offsets_warmup = k.compile_global_offsets(iteration=range(0, 10000), spacing=0)
        for l, s in offsets_warmup:
            self.assertEqual(len(l), 2, msg="Number of load offsets")
            self.assertEqual(len(s), 1, msg="Number of store offsets")

    def test_from_description(self):
        k_descr = KernelDescription(self.twod_description)
        k_code = KernelCode(self.twod_code, machine=None)

        self.assertEqual(k_descr._flops, k_code._flops)
        self.assertEqual(k_descr.sources, k_code.sources)
        self.assertEqual(k_descr.destinations, k_code.destinations)
        self.assertEqual(k_descr.datatype, k_code.datatype)
        self.assertEqual(k_descr.variables, k_code.variables)
        self.assertEqual(k_descr._loop_stack, k_code._loop_stack)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestKernel)
    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, buffer=True).run(suite)