# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Utilities related to conversion."""

from typing import Union, Tuple, Any
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from math import ceil

import dateutil.parser
from dateutil import tz

def utc_to_local(utc_dt: Union[datetime, str]) -> datetime:
    """Convert a UTC ``datetime`` object or string to a local timezone ``datetime``.

        utc_dt: Input UTC `datetime` or string.

        A ``datetime`` with the local timezone.

        TypeError: If the input parameter value is not valid.
    if isinstance(utc_dt, str):
        utc_dt = dateutil.parser.parse(utc_dt)
    if not isinstance(utc_dt, datetime):
        raise TypeError('Input `utc_dt` is not string or datetime.')
    utc_dt = utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    local_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(tz.tzlocal())  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    return local_dt

def local_to_utc(local_dt: Union[datetime, str]) -> datetime:
    """Convert a local ``datetime`` object or string to a UTC ``datetime``.

        local_dt: Input local `datetime` or string.

        A ``datetime`` in UTC.

        TypeError: If the input parameter value is not valid.
    if isinstance(local_dt, str):
        local_dt = dateutil.parser.parse(local_dt)
    if not isinstance(local_dt, datetime):
        raise TypeError('Input `local_dt` is not string or datetime.')

    # Input is considered local if it's ``utcoffset()`` is ``None`` or none-zero.
    if local_dt.utcoffset() is None or local_dt.utcoffset() != timedelta(0):
        local_dt = local_dt.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzlocal())
        return local_dt.astimezone(tz.UTC)
    return local_dt  # Already in UTC.

def utc_to_local_all(data: Any) -> Any:
    """Recursively convert all ``datetime`` in the input data from local time to UTC.

        Only lists and dictionaries are traversed.

        data: Data to be converted.

        Converted data.
    if isinstance(data, datetime):
        return utc_to_local(data)
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        return [utc_to_local_all(elem) for elem in data]
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        return {key: utc_to_local_all(elem) for key, elem in data.items()}
    return data

def seconds_to_duration(seconds: float) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]:
    """Converts seconds in a datetime delta to a duration.

        seconds: Number of seconds in time delta.

        A tuple containing the duration in terms of days,
        hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
    days = int(seconds // (3600 * 24))
    hours = int((seconds // 3600) % 24)
    minutes = int((seconds // 60) % 60)
    seconds = seconds % 60
    millisec = 0
    if seconds < 1:
        millisec = int(ceil(seconds*1000))
        seconds = 0
        seconds = int(seconds)
    return days, hours, minutes, seconds, millisec

def duration_difference(date_time: datetime) -> str:
    """Compute the estimated duration until the given datetime.

        date_time: The input local datetime.

        String giving the estimated duration.
    time_delta = date_time.replace(tzinfo=None) - datetime.now()
    time_tuple = seconds_to_duration(time_delta.total_seconds())
    # The returned tuple contains the duration in terms of
    # days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
    time_str = ''
    if time_tuple[0]:
        time_str += '{} days'.format(time_tuple[0])
        time_str += ' {} hrs'.format(time_tuple[1])
    elif time_tuple[1]:
        time_str += '{} hrs'.format(time_tuple[1])
        time_str += ' {} min'.format(time_tuple[2])
    elif time_tuple[2]:
        time_str += '{} min'.format(time_tuple[2])
        time_str += ' {} sec'.format(time_tuple[3])
    elif time_tuple[3]:
        time_str += '{} sec'.format(time_tuple[3])
    return time_str