WaveLink Playlist Example.

Please understand Music bots are complex, and that even this basic example can be daunting to a beginner.
For this reason it's highly advised you familiarize yourself with discord.py, python and asyncio, BEFORE
you attempt to write a music bot.

This example makes use of: Python 3.7, WaveLink(https://github.com/EvieePy/Wavelink) and LavaLink.

This is a very basic playlist example, which allows per guild playback of unique queues.

The commands implement very basic logic for basic usage. But allow for expansion. It would be advisable to implement
your own permissions and usage logic for commands.

e.g You might like to implement a vote before skipping the song or only allow admins to stop the player.

Music bots require lots of work, and tuning. Goodluck.
If you find any bugs feel free to ping me on discord. @Eviee#0666
import asyncio
import datetime
import discord
import humanize
import itertools
import re
import sys
import traceback
import wavelink
from discord.ext import commands
from typing import Union

RURL = re.compile('https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?.+')

class Bot(commands.Bot):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Bot, self).__init__(command_prefix=['audio ', 'wave ', 'aw ', 'link '])


    async def on_ready(self):
        print(f'Logged in as {self.user.name} | {self.user.id}')

class MusicController:

    def __init__(self, bot, guild_id):
        self.bot = bot
        self.guild_id = guild_id
        self.channel = None

        self.next = asyncio.Event()
        self.queue = asyncio.Queue()

        self.volume = 40
        self.now_playing = None


    async def controller_loop(self):
        await self.bot.wait_until_ready()

        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(self.guild_id)
        await player.set_volume(self.volume)

        while True:
            if self.now_playing:
                await self.now_playing.delete()


            song = await self.queue.get()
            await player.play(song)
            self.now_playing = await self.channel.send(f'Now playing: `{song}`')

            await self.next.wait()

class Music(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.controllers = {}

        if not hasattr(bot, 'wavelink'):
            self.bot.wavelink = wavelink.Client(bot=self.bot)


    async def start_nodes(self):
        await self.bot.wait_until_ready()

        # Initiate our nodes. For this example we will use one server.
        # Region should be a discord.py guild.region e.g sydney or us_central (Though this is not technically required)
        node = await self.bot.wavelink.initiate_node(host='x.x.x.x',

        # Set our node hook callback

    async def on_event_hook(self, event):
        """Node hook callback."""
        if isinstance(event, (wavelink.TrackEnd, wavelink.TrackException)):
            controller = self.get_controller(event.player)

    def get_controller(self, value: Union[commands.Context, wavelink.Player]):
        if isinstance(value, commands.Context):
            gid = value.guild.id
            gid = value.guild_id

            controller = self.controllers[gid]
        except KeyError:
            controller = MusicController(self.bot, gid)
            self.controllers[gid] = controller

        return controller

    async def cog_check(self, ctx):
        """A local check which applies to all commands in this cog."""
        if not ctx.guild:
            raise commands.NoPrivateMessage
        return True

    async def cog_command_error(self, ctx, error):
        """A local error handler for all errors arising from commands in this cog."""
        if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
                return await ctx.send('This command can not be used in Private Messages.')
            except discord.HTTPException:

        print('Ignoring exception in command {}:'.format(ctx.command), file=sys.stderr)
        traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)

    async def connect_(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel=None):
        """Connect to a valid voice channel."""
        if not channel:
                channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
            except AttributeError:
                raise discord.DiscordException('No channel to join. Please either specify a valid channel or join one.')

        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        await ctx.send(f'Connecting to **`{channel.name}`**', delete_after=15)
        await player.connect(channel.id)

        controller = self.get_controller(ctx)
        controller.channel = ctx.channel

    async def play(self, ctx, *, query: str):
        """Search for and add a song to the Queue."""
        if not RURL.match(query):
            query = f'ytsearch:{query}'

        tracks = await self.bot.wavelink.get_tracks(f'{query}')

        if not tracks:
            return await ctx.send('Could not find any songs with that query.')

        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        if not player.is_connected:
            await ctx.invoke(self.connect_)

        track = tracks[0]

        controller = self.get_controller(ctx)
        await controller.queue.put(track)
        await ctx.send(f'Added {str(track)} to the queue.', delete_after=15)

    async def pause(self, ctx):
        """Pause the player."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        if not player.is_playing:
            return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!', delete_after=15)

        await ctx.send('Pausing the song!', delete_after=15)
        await player.set_pause(True)

    async def resume(self, ctx):
        """Resume the player from a paused state."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        if not player.paused:
            return await ctx.send('I am not currently paused!', delete_after=15)

        await ctx.send('Resuming the player!', delete_after=15)
        await player.set_pause(False)

    async def skip(self, ctx):
        """Skip the currently playing song."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)

        if not player.is_playing:
            return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!', delete_after=15)

        await ctx.send('Skipping the song!', delete_after=15)
        await player.stop()

    async def volume(self, ctx, *, vol: int):
        """Set the player volume."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        controller = self.get_controller(ctx)

        vol = max(min(vol, 1000), 0)
        controller.volume = vol

        await ctx.send(f'Setting the player volume to `{vol}`')
        await player.set_volume(vol)

    @commands.command(aliases=['np', 'current', 'nowplaying'])
    async def now_playing(self, ctx):
        """Retrieve the currently playing song."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)

        if not player.current:
            return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!')

        controller = self.get_controller(ctx)
        await controller.now_playing.delete()

        controller.now_playing = await ctx.send(f'Now playing: `{player.current}`')

    async def queue(self, ctx):
        """Retrieve information on the next 5 songs from the queue."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        controller = self.get_controller(ctx)

        if not player.current or not controller.queue._queue:
            return await ctx.send('There are no songs currently in the queue.', delete_after=20)

        upcoming = list(itertools.islice(controller.queue._queue, 0, 5))

        fmt = '\n'.join(f'**`{str(song)}`**' for song in upcoming)
        embed = discord.Embed(title=f'Upcoming - Next {len(upcoming)}', description=fmt)

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    @commands.command(aliases=['disconnect', 'dc'])
    async def stop(self, ctx):
        """Stop and disconnect the player and controller."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)

            del self.controllers[ctx.guild.id]
        except KeyError:
            await player.disconnect()
            return await ctx.send('There was no controller to stop.')

        await player.disconnect()
        await ctx.send('Disconnected player and killed controller.', delete_after=20)

    async def info(self, ctx):
        """Retrieve various Node/Server/Player information."""
        player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
        node = player.node

        used = humanize.naturalsize(node.stats.memory_used)
        total = humanize.naturalsize(node.stats.memory_allocated)
        free = humanize.naturalsize(node.stats.memory_free)
        cpu = node.stats.cpu_cores

        fmt = f'**WaveLink:** `{wavelink.__version__}`\n\n' \
              f'Connected to `{len(self.bot.wavelink.nodes)}` nodes.\n' \
              f'Best available Node `{self.bot.wavelink.get_best_node().__repr__()}`\n' \
              f'`{len(self.bot.wavelink.players)}` players are distributed on nodes.\n' \
              f'`{node.stats.players}` players are distributed on server.\n' \
              f'`{node.stats.playing_players}` players are playing on server.\n\n' \
              f'Server Memory: `{used}/{total}` | `({free} free)`\n' \
              f'Server CPU: `{cpu}`\n\n' \
              f'Server Uptime: `{datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=node.stats.uptime)}`'
        await ctx.send(fmt)

bot = Bot()