import cv2 as cv

from staintools.tissue_masks.abc_tissue_locator import ABCTissueLocator
from staintools.utils.exceptions import TissueMaskException
from staintools.preprocessing.input_validation import is_uint8_image

class LuminosityThresholdTissueLocator(ABCTissueLocator):

    def get_tissue_mask(I, luminosity_threshold=0.8):
        Get a binary mask where true denotes pixels with a luminosity less than the specified threshold.
        Typically we use to identify tissue in the image and exclude the bright white background.

        :param I: RGB uint 8 image.
        :param luminosity_threshold: Luminosity threshold.
        :return: Binary mask.
        assert is_uint8_image(I), "Image should be RGB uint8."
        I_LAB = cv.cvtColor(I, cv.COLOR_RGB2LAB)
        L = I_LAB[:, :, 0] / 255.0  # Convert to range [0,1].
        mask = L < luminosity_threshold

        # Check it's not empty
        if mask.sum() == 0:
            raise TissueMaskException("Empty tissue mask computed")

        return mask