# This is a definition of a maze environment simulation engine. It provides 
# routines to read maze configuration and build related simulation environment
# from it. Also it provides method to simulate the behavior of the navigating agent 
# and interaction with his sensors.
import math

import agent
import geometry

from scipy.spatial import distance

from novelty_archive import NoveltyItem

# The maximal allowed speed for the maze solver agent

def maze_novelty_metric(first_item, second_item):
    The function to calculate the novelty metric score as a distance between two
    data vectors in provided NoveltyItems
        first_item:     The first NoveltyItem
        second_item:    The second NoveltyItem
        The novelty metric as a distance between two
        data vectors in provided NoveltyItems
    if not (hasattr(first_item, "data") or hasattr(second_item, "data")):
        return NotImplemented

    if len(first_item.data) != len(second_item.data):
        # can not be compared
        return 0.0

    diff_accum = 0.0
    size = len(first_item.data)
    for i in range(size):
        diff = abs(first_item.data[i] - second_item.data[i])
        diff_accum += diff
    return diff_accum / float(size)

def maze_novelty_metric_euclidean(first_item, second_item):
    The function to calculate the novelty metric score as a distance between two
    data vectors in provided NoveltyItems
        first_item:     The first NoveltyItem
        second_item:    The second NoveltyItem
        The novelty metric as a distance between two
        data vectors in provided NoveltyItems
    if not (hasattr(first_item, "data") or hasattr(second_item, "data")):
        return NotImplemented

    if len(first_item.data) != len(second_item.data):
        # can not be compared
        return 0.0

    return distance.euclidean(first_item.data, second_item.data)

class MazeEnvironment:
    This class encapsulates the maze simulation environment.
    def __init__(self, agent, walls, exit_point, exit_range=5.0):
        Creates new maze environment with specified walls and exit point.
            agent:      The maze navigating agent
            walls:      The maze walls
            exit_point: The maze exit point
            exit_range: The range arround exit point marking exit area
        self.walls = walls
        self.exit_point = exit_point
        self.exit_range = exit_range
        # The maze navigating agent
        self.agent = agent
        # The flag to indicate if exit was found
        self.exit_found = False
        # The initial distance of agent from exit
        self.initial_distance = self.agent_distance_to_exit()

        # Update sensors

    def agent_distance_to_exit(self):
        The function to estimate distance from maze solver agent to the maze exit.
            The distance from maze solver agent to the maze exit.
        return self.agent.location.distance(self.exit_point)

    def test_wall_collision(self, loc):
        The function to test if agent at specified location collides with any
        of the maze walls.
            loc: The new agent location to test for collision.
            The True if agent at new location will collide with any of the maze walls.
        for w in self.walls:
            if w.distance(loc) < self.agent.radius:
                return True

        return False
    def create_net_inputs(self):
        The function to create the ANN input values from the simulation environment.
            The list of ANN inputs consist of values get from solver agent sensors.
        inputs = []
        # The range finders
        for ri in self.agent.range_finders:

        # The radar sensors
        for rs in self.agent.radar:

        return inputs

    def apply_control_signals(self, control_signals):
        The function to apply control signals received from control ANN to the
        maze solver agent.
            control_signals: The control signals received from the control ANN
        self.agent.angular_vel  += (control_signals[0] - 0.5)
        self.agent.speed        += (control_signals[1] - 0.5)

        # constrain the speed & angular velocity
        if self.agent.speed > MAX_AGENT_SPEED:
            self.agent.speed = MAX_AGENT_SPEED
        if self.agent.speed < -MAX_AGENT_SPEED:
            self.agent.speed = -MAX_AGENT_SPEED
        if self.agent.angular_vel > MAX_AGENT_SPEED:
            self.agent.angular_vel = MAX_AGENT_SPEED
        if self.agent.angular_vel < -MAX_AGENT_SPEED:
            self.agent.angular_vel = -MAX_AGENT_SPEED
    def update_rangefinder_sensors(self):
        The function to update the agent range finder sensors.
        for i, angle in enumerate(self.agent.range_finder_angles):
            rad = geometry.deg_to_rad(angle)
            # project a point from agent location outwards
            projection_point = geometry.Point(
                x = self.agent.location.x + math.cos(rad) * self.agent.range_finder_range,
                y = self.agent.location.y + math.sin(rad) * self.agent.range_finder_range
            # rotate the projection point by the agent's heading angle to
            # align it with heading direction
            projection_point.rotate(self.agent.heading, self.agent.location)
            # create the line segment from the agent location to the projected point
            projection_line = geometry.Line(
                a = self.agent.location,
                b = projection_point
            # set range to maximum detection range
            min_range = self.agent.range_finder_range

            # now test against maze walls to see if projection line hits any wall
            # and find the closest hit
            for wall in self.walls:
                found, intersection = wall.intersection(projection_line)
                if found:
                    found_range = intersection.distance(self.agent.location)
                    # we are interested in the closest hit
                    if found_range < min_range:
                        min_range = found_range

            # Update sensor value
            self.agent.range_finders[i] = min_range

    def update_radars(self):
        The function to update the agent radar sensors.
        target = geometry.Point(self.exit_point.x, self.exit_point.y)
        # rotate target with respect to the agent's heading to align it with heading direction
        target.rotate(self.agent.heading, self.agent.location)
        # translate with respect to the agent's location
        target.x -= self.agent.location.x
        target.y -= self.agent.location.y
        # the angle between maze exit point and the agent's heading direction
        angle = target.angle()
        # find the appropriate radar sensor to be fired
        for i, r_angles in enumerate(self.agent.radar_angles):
            self.agent.radar[i] = 0.0 # reset specific radar 

            if (angle >= r_angles[0] and angle < r_angles[1]) or (angle + 360 >= r_angles[0] and angle + 360 < r_angles[1]):
                self.agent.radar[i] = 1.0 # fire the radar

    def update(self, control_signals):
        The function to update solver agent position within maze. After agent position
        updated it will be checked to find out if maze exit was reached afetr that.
            control_signals: The control signals received from the control ANN
            The True if maze exit was found after update or maze exit was already
            found in previous simulation cycles.
        if self.exit_found:
            # Maze exit already found
            return True

        # Apply control signals

        # get X and Y velocity components
        vx = math.cos(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed
        vy = math.sin(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed

        # Update current Agent's heading (we consider the simulation time step size equal to 1s
        # and the angular velocity as degrees per second)
        self.agent.heading += self.agent.angular_vel

        # Enforce angular velocity bounds by wrapping
        if self.agent.heading > 360:
            self.agent.heading -= 360
        elif self.agent.heading < 0:
            self.agent.heading += 360

        # find the next location of the agent
        new_loc = geometry.Point(
            x = self.agent.location.x + vx, 
            y = self.agent.location.y + vy

        if not self.test_wall_collision(new_loc):
            self.agent.location = new_loc

        # update agent's sensors

        # check if agent reached exit point
        distance = self.agent_distance_to_exit()
        self.exit_found = (distance < self.exit_range)
        return self.exit_found

    def __str__(self):
        Returns the nicely formatted string representation of this environment.
        str = "MAZE\nAgent at: (%.1f, %.1f)" % (self.agent.location.x, self.agent.location.y)
        str += "\nExit  at: (%.1f, %.1f), exit range: %.1f" % (self.exit_point.x, self.exit_point.y, self.exit_range)
        str += "\nWalls [%d]" % len(self.walls)
        for w in self.walls:
            str += "\n\t%s" % w
        return str

def read_environment(file_path):
    The function to read maze environment configuration from provided
        file_path: The path to the file to read maze configuration from.
        The initialized maze environment.
    num_lines, index = -1, 0
    walls = []
    maze_agent, maze_exit = None, None
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        for line in file.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
                # skip empty lines

            if index == 0:
                # read the number of line segments
                num_lines = int(line)
            elif index == 1:
                # read the agent's position
                loc = geometry.read_point(line)
                maze_agent = agent.Agent(location=loc)
            elif index == 2:
                # read the agent's initial heading
                maze_agent.heading = float(line)
            elif index == 3:
                # read the maze exit location
                maze_exit = geometry.read_point(line)
                # read the walls
                wall = geometry.read_line(line)

            # increment cursor
            index += 1

    assert len(walls) == num_lines

    print("Maze environment configured successfully from the file: %s" % file_path)
    # create and return the maze environment
    return MazeEnvironment(agent=maze_agent, walls=walls, exit_point=maze_exit)

def maze_simulation_evaluate(env, net, time_steps, n_item=None, path_points=None):
    The function to evaluate maze simulation for specific environment
    and controll ANN provided. The results will be saved into provided
    agent record holder.
        env:            The maze configuration environment.
        net:            The maze solver agent's control ANN.
        time_steps:     The number of time steps for maze simulation.
        n_item:         The NoveltyItem to store evaluation results.
        path_points:    The holder for path points collected during simulation. If
                        provided None then nothing will be collected.
        The goal-oriented fitness value, i.e., how close is agent to the exit at
        the end of simulation.
    exit_found = False
    for i in range(time_steps):
        if maze_simulation_step(env, net):
            print("Maze solved in %d steps" % (i + 1))
            exit_found = True

        if path_points is not None:
            # collect current position
            path_points.append(geometry.Point(env.agent.location.x, env.agent.location.y))

        if exit_found:

    # store final agent coordinates as genome's novelty characteristics
    if n_item is not None:

    return env.agent_distance_to_exit()

def maze_simulation_step(env, net):
    The function to perform one step of maze simulation.
        env: The maze configuration environment.
        net: The maze solver agent's control ANN
        The True if maze agent solved the maze.
    # create inputs from the current state of the environment
    inputs = env.create_net_inputs()
    # load inputs into controll ANN and get results
    output = net.activate(inputs)
    # apply control signal to the environment and update
    return env.update(output)