# coding: utf8



# part of pybacktest package: https://github.com/ematvey/pybacktest

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import time
import warnings

from pandas.lib import cache_readonly

import pandas
from OpenTrader import PYBTDailyPerformance

class StatEngine(object):
    def __init__(self, equity_fn):
        self._stats = [i for i in dir(PYBTDailyPerformance) if not i.startswith('_')]
        self._equity_fn = equity_fn

    def __dir__(self):
        return dir(type(self)) + self._stats

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self._stats:
            equity = self._equity_fn()
            fn = getattr(PYBTDailyPerformance, attr)
                return fn(equity)
            except StandardError, e:
                sys.stdout.write("Error calling %s function: %s\n" % (attr, str(e),))
            raise IndexError(
                "Calculation of '%s' statistic is not supported" % attr)

def mExtractFrame(dDataDict, ext_mask, int_mask):
    May return None
    df = {}
    for f_int, f_ext in zip(int_mask, ext_mask):
        obj = dDataDict.get(f_ext)
        if isinstance(obj, pandas.Series):
            df[f_int] = obj
            df[f_int] = None
    if any(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, pandas.Series), df.values())):
        return pandas.DataFrame(df)
    return None

# are these specific to the chef or generic to the process?
lProducedServings = ['signals', 'trades', 'positions', 'equity', 'trade_price', 'reviews']

class ChefsOven(object):
    Backtest (Pandas implementation of vectorized backtesting).

    Lazily attempts to extract multiple pandas.Series with signals and prices
    from a given namespace and combine them into equity curve.

    # FixMe: ini file
    _lSignalFields = ('buy', 'sell', 'short', 'cover')
    _lSignalFieldsInt = ('Buy', 'Sell', 'Short', 'Cover')
    _lPriceFieldsInt = ('BuyPrice', 'SellPrice', 'ShortPrice', 'CoverPrice')
    # these are the results you can get back from this Chef

    def __init__(self, mOhlc, dDataDict, name='Unknown',
                 price_fields=('buyprice', 'sellprice', 'shortprice',

        *mOhlc* is a dataframe with the timeseries O H L C of the instrument.

        *dDataDict* should be dict-like structure containing signal series.
        The dict must contain pandas.Series with the names in
        signal_fields - default: ('buy', 'sell', 'short', 'cover')

        *name* is simply backtest/strategy name. Will be user for printing,
        potting, etc.

        *signal_fields* specifies names of signal Series that backtester will
        extract from dDataDict. By default follows AmiBroker's naming convention,
        which is ...?

        *price_fields* specifies names of price Series where trades will take
        place. If some price is not specified (NaN at signal's timestamp, or
        corresponding Series not present in dDataDict altogether), defaults to
        Open price of next bar. By default follows AmiBroker's naming
        convention: ('buyprice', 'sellprice', 'shortprice', 'coverprice'),

        self.sName = 'pybacktest'
        self._mOhlc = mOhlc
        self.name = name
        self.open_label = open_label
        self.close_label = close_label
        self._dDataDict = dict([(k.lower(), v) for k, v in dDataDict.iteritems()])
        if signal_fields is None:
            signal_fields = self._lSignalFields
            for sElt in signal_fields:
                assert sElt in dDataDict
                assert isinstance(dDataDict[sElt], pandas.Series)
        assert len(signal_fields) == len(price_fields)
        self._lSignalFieldsExt = signal_fields
        self._lPriceFieldsExt = price_fields

        self.run_time = time.strftime('%Y-%d-%m %H:%M %Z', time.localtime())
        self.stats = StatEngine(lambda: self.equity)
        # make things explicit with a functional programming style too
        self._mSignals = False
        self._rTradePrice = False
        self._rPositions = False
        self._mTrades = False
        self._rEquity = False

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Backtest(%s, %s)" % (self.name, self.run_time)

    def dDataDict(self):
        return self._dDataDict

    def signals(self):
        if self._mSignals is False:
            self._mSignals = self.mSignals()
        return self._mSignals
    def mSignals(self):
        assert self.dDataDict
        for sKey in self._lSignalFieldsExt:
            # signals must be in the dDataDict or we cant run
            assert sKey in self.dDataDict
        m = mExtractFrame(self.dDataDict, self._lSignalFieldsExt,
        assert m is not None
        return m.fillna(value=False)

    def prices(self):
        m = mExtractFrame(self.dDataDict, self._lPriceFieldsExt,
        # may be None
        return m
    def trade_price(self):
        if self._rTradePrice is False:
            self._rTradePrice = self.rTradePrice()
        return self._rTradePrice
    def rTradePrice(self):
        if self.prices is None:
            return getattr(self.ohlc, self.open_label)  # .shift(-1)
        dp = pandas.Series(dtype=float, index=self.prices.index)
        for pf, sf in zip(self._lPriceFieldsInt, self._lSignalFieldsInt):
            s = self.signals[sf]
            p = self.prices[pf]
            dp[s] = p[s]
        self.default_price = getattr(self.ohlc, self.open_label)  # .shift(-1)
        return dp.combine_first(self.default_price)

    def positions(self):
        if self._rPositions is False:
            self._rPositions = self.rPositions()
        return self._rPositions
    def rPositions(self):
        Translate signal dataframe into positions series (trade prices aren't
        WARNING: In production, override default zero value in init_pos with
        extreme caution.
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # ignore problems during import
            from pybacktest import parts
        return parts.signals_to_positions(self.signals, init_pos=0,

    def trades(self):
        if self._mTrades is False:
            self._mTrades = self.mTrades()
        return self._mTrades
    def mTrades(self):
        p = self.positions.reindex(
        p = p[p != p.shift()]
        tp = self.trade_price
        assert p.index.tz == tp.index.tz, "ERROR: Cant operate on signals and prices " \
                                          "indexed as of different timezones"
        t = pandas.DataFrame({'pos': p})
        t['price'] = tp
        t = t.dropna()
        t['vol'] = t.pos.diff()
        return t.dropna()

    def equity(self):
        if self._rEquity is False:
            self._rEquity = self.rEquity()
        return self._rEquity
    def rEquity(self):
        # equity diff series
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # ignore problems during import
            from pybacktest import parts
        return parts.trades_to_equity(self.trades)

    def ohlc(self):
        return self._mOhlc

    def report(self):
        return PYBTDailyPerformance.dPerformanceSummary(self.equity)

    def summary(self):
    def vPrintSummary(self):
    def sSummary(self):
        import yaml
        s = '|  %s  |' % self
        d = self.dSummary()
        sRetval = ""
        sRetval += '-' * len(s) +'\n'
        sRetval += s +'\n'
        sRetval += '-' * len(s) +'\n'
        sRetval += yaml.dump(d, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False) +'\n'
        sRetval += '-' * len(s) +'\n'
        return sRetval
    def dSummary(self):
        return PYBTDailyPerformance.dPerformanceSummary(self.equity)
    def lSummary(self):
        dSummary = self.dSummary()
        l = []
        for sTop in dSummary.keys():
            for sMid in dSummary[sTop].keys():
                g = dSummary[sTop][sMid]
                if isinstance(g, dict):
                    for sBot in g.keys():
                        l.append([sTop +'_' +sBot +'_' +sBot, g[sBot]])
                    l.append([sTop +'_' +sMid, g])
        return l
    def vPlotTrades(self, subset=None):
        if subset is None:
            subset = slice(None, None)
        fr = self.trades.ix[subset]
        le = fr.price[(fr.pos > 0) & (fr.vol > 0)]
        se = fr.price[(fr.pos < 0) & (fr.vol < 0)]
        lx = fr.price[(fr.pos.shift() > 0) & (fr.vol < 0)]
        sx = fr.price[(fr.pos.shift() < 0) & (fr.vol > 0)]

        import matplotlib.pylab as pylab

        pylab.plot(le.index, le.values, '^', color='lime', markersize=12,
                   label='long enter')
        pylab.plot(se.index, se.values, 'v', color='red', markersize=12,
                   label='short enter')
        pylab.plot(lx.index, lx.values, 'o', color='lime', markersize=7,
                   label='long exit')
        pylab.plot(sx.index, sx.values, 'o', color='red', markersize=7,
                   label='short exit')
        eq = self.equity.ix[subset].cumsum()
        ix = eq.index
        oOS = getattr(self.ohlc, self.open_label)
        (eq + oOS[ix[0]]).plot(color='red', style='-', label='strategy')
        # self.ohlc.O.ix[ix[0]:ix[-1]].plot(color='black', label='price')
        oOS.ix[subset].plot(color='black', label='price')
        pylab.title('%s\nTrades for %s' % (self, subset))
def vPlotEquity(rEquityDiff, mOhlc, sPeriod='W',
    if subset is None:
        subset = slice(None, None)
        assert isinstance(subset, slice)
    rEquitySum = rEquityDiff[subset].cumsum()
    rEquitySum.plot(color='red', label='strategy')
    ix = mOhlc.ix[rEquitySum.index[0]:rEquitySum.index[-1]].index
    price = getattr(mOhlc, close_label)
    (price[ix] - price[ix][0]).resample(sPeriod, how='first').dropna() \
        .plot(color='black', alpha=0.5, label='underlying')

    import matplotlib.pylab as pylab


# pylint: disable=W0110,C0103,R0903,E1136,E1101
#    C0103 invalid-name	39,54,66,179,180,180,182,214,216,217,273,284,285,286,287,288,300,301,321
#    E1101 no-member	179,214,215,218,284,300
#    E1136 unsubscriptable-object	181,182
#    R0903 too-few-public-methods	28
#    W0110 deprecated-lambda	61

# the end