# -*-mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; encoding: utf-8-dos; coding: utf-8 -*-

Backtest recipes with chefs, and serve the results as metrics and plots.

The subcommands are:
* omlette   - An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the data from a backtest
* feed      - Create feeds (pandas DataFrames) from CSV OHLCV files
* recipe    - Set the recipe that the chef will use, and make the ingredients from the feeds
* chef      - Set the chef that we will use, and cook from the ingredients and the feeds
* servings  - List the servings the chef has cooked, and dish out the servings
* plot      - Plot the servings the chef has cooked, using matplotlib

SDOC = __doc__

import sys
import os
import traceback
from optparse import make_option
from pprint import pprint, pformat

    from OpenTrader.deps import tabview
except ImportError:
    # depends on curses
    tabview = None

from OpenTrader.OTUtils import sStripCreole, lConfigToList
from OpenTrader.doer import Doer


LOPTIONS = [make_option("-C", "--chef",
                          # no default here - we want it to come from the ini
                          help="the backtest package (one of: PybacktestChef)"),
              make_option("-R", "--recipe",
                          # no default here - we want it to come from the ini
                          help="recipe to backtest (one of SMARecipe"),
              make_option("-H", "--history_dir",
                          # no default here
                          help="directory for creating Create feeds from CSV OHLCV files")


#? feed rename delete


def oEnsureOmlette(ocmd2, _oValues, sNewOmlette=""):
    from OpenTrader.Omlettes import Omlette
    if not sNewOmlette and hasattr(ocmd2, 'oOm') and ocmd2.oOm:
        return ocmd2.oOm
    oOm = Omlette.Omlette(oFd=sys.stdout)
    if sNewOmlette:
        # The default is no HDF file - it's not in ocmd2.oOptions.sOmlette

    ocmd2.oOm = oOm
    return oOm

def oEnsureRecipe(ocmd2, oValues, sNewRecipe=""):
    oOm = oEnsureOmlette(ocmd2, oValues)
    if not sNewRecipe and hasattr(oOm, 'oRecipe') and oOm.oRecipe:
        return oOm.oRecipe
    if not sNewRecipe:
        # The are set earlier in the call to do_back
        sNewRecipe = ocmd2.sRecipe
    if hasattr(oOm, 'oRecipe') and oOm.oRecipe:
        sOldName = oOm.oRecipe.sName
        sOldName = ""
    oRecipe = oOm.oAddRecipe(sNewRecipe)
    if sOldName and sOldName != sNewRecipe:
        #? do we invalidate the current servings if the recipe changed?
        vClearOven(ocmd2, oValues)
    return oRecipe

def oEnsureChef(ocmd2, oValues, sNewChef=""):
    oOm = oEnsureOmlette(ocmd2, oValues)
    if not sNewChef and hasattr(oOm, 'oChefModule') and oOm.oChefModule:
        return oOm.oChefModule
    if not sNewChef:
        # The are set earlier in the call to do_back
        sNewChef = ocmd2.sChef
    if hasattr(oOm, 'oChefModule') and oOm.oChefModule and oOm.oChefModule.sChef:
        sOldName = oOm.oChefModule.sChef
        sOldName = ""
    oChefModule = oOm.oAddChef(sNewChef)
    if sOldName and sOldName != sNewChef:
        #? do we invalidate the current servings if the chef changed?
        vClearOven(ocmd2, oValues)
    return oOm.oChefModule

def vClearOven(ocmd2, oValues):
    oOm = oEnsureOmlette(ocmd2, oValues)
    oOm.oBt = None

class DoBacktest(Doer):
    __doc__ = SDOC
    # putting this as a module variable backtest it available
    # before an instance has been instantiated.
    global LCOMMANDS

    dhelp = {'': __doc__}

    def __init__(self, ocmd2):
        Doer.__init__(self, ocmd2, 'backtest')
        self._G = self.ocmd2._G

    LCOMMANDS += ['omlette']
    def backtest_omlette(self):
        """backtest omlette

An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the information from a backtest,
including the metadata: all of parameter values that were used in the recipe,
the parameters used by the cook, and the servings results.

You should open an omlette before you backtest giving it a filename,
and close it after the 'chef cook' and 'servings'.
back omlette open FILE           - open an HDF file to save all the backtest parts
back omlette check               - show the current omlette filename
back omlette display             - display the current omlette HDF sections
back omlette close               - close the HDF file saving the omlette
Real Soon Now you will be able to enjoy them more by reloading previously saved
omlettes, plotting the data or the results, and adding or editing comments.
        sDo = 'omlette'
        #!WTF local variable '__doc__' referenced before assignment
        self.dhelp['omlette'] = __doc__

        # is this a backtest command or should it move up
        # leave it here for now, and move it up later

        global sCURRENT_OMLETTE_DIR
        # ingredients recipe dish
        # plot sSection
        lArgs = self.lArgs
        _lCmds = ['load', 'open', 'check', 'save', 'close', 'display']
        assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds)
        sCmd = lArgs[1]
        assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds)

        oValues = self.oValues
        oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self.ocmd2, oValues, sNewOmlette="")
        if sCmd == 'check':
            assert hasattr(oOm, 'oHdfStore')
            assert oOm.oHdfStore is not None
            # FixMe: something better than filename
            self.poutput(sDo +" filename: " +oOm.oHdfStore.filename)

        if sCmd == 'display':
            # display gives a complete listing of the contents of the HDF file
            assert hasattr(oOm, 'oHdfStore') and oOm.oHdfStore

        ## if sCmd == 'save':
        ##     return

        if sCmd == 'close':
            assert oOm.oHdfStore is not None, \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +"; not open: use '" +sDo +" open FILE'"

        assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \
               "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " +" FILENAME"
        sFile = lArgs[2]

        if sCmd == 'open':
            o = oOm.oAddHdfStore(sFile)
            assert o is not None and oOm.oHdfStore is not None
            sCURRENT_OMLETTE_DIR = os.path.dirname(sFile)

        if sCmd == 'load':
            assert os.path.isfile(sFile), \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" file not found " +sFile
            sCURRENT_OMLETTE_DIR = os.path.dirname(sFile)
            raise RuntimeError(NotImplemented)

        self.vError("Unrecognized omlette command: " + str(lArgs) +'\n' +__doc__)

    # Create feeds (pandas DataFrames) from CSV OHLCV files
    LCOMMANDS += ['feed']
    def backtest_feed(self):
==== OTCmd2 backtest feed

Create feeds (pandas DataFrames) from CSV OHLCV files.
back feed dir                                  - NotImplemented
back feed dir dirname                          - NotImplemented

back feed read_mt4_csv SYMBOL TIMEFRAME [YEAR] - read a CSV file from Mt4 into pandas
back feed read_yahoo_csv SYMBOL [STARTYEAR]    - read a Yahoo internet feed into pandas
back feed list                                 - list the feeds we have read
back feed get                                  - get the key name of the current feed
back feed info                                 - concise summary of the DataFrame
back feed plot                                 - plot the CSV data using OTPpnAmgc
               This plots the feed, with SMA, RSIs and MACDs, using matplotlib.
        global dFEED_CACHE
        global sFEED_CACHE_KEY
        sDo = 'feed'
        #!WTF local variable '__doc__' referenced before assignment
        self.dhelp['feed'] = __doc__
        lArgs = self.lArgs
        oValues = self.oValues

        #? rename delete
        _lCmds = ['dir', 'list', 'get', 'set',
                  'read_mt4_csv', 'read_yahoo_csv', 'info', 'plot', 'to_hdf']
        assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " +sDo +" command required: " +str(_lCmds)
        sCmd = lArgs[1]
        assert lArgs[1] in _lCmds, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +str(_lCmds)

        if sCmd == 'dir':
            if len(lArgs) == 2:
                if not self.ocmd2.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']:
                    self.poutput("No default history directory set: use \"feed dir dir\"")
                elif not os.path.isdir(self.ocmd2.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir']):
                    self.poutput("History directory not found: use \"feed dir dir\": " + \
                    self.poutput("Default history directory: " + \

            sDir = lArgs[2]
            assert os.path.isdir(sDir)
            self.ocmd2.oConfig['feed']['sHistoryDir'] = sDir

        if sCmd == 'read_mt4_csv':
            from OpenTrader.PandasMt4 import oReadMt4Csv
            assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" FILENAME [SYMBOL TIMEFRAME YEAR]"
            sFile = lArgs[2]
            if not os.path.isabs(sFile):
               sFile = os.path.join(self.ocmd2.sRoot, sFile)
            if False and not os.path.isfile(sFile):
                #? was self.ocmd2.oOptions.sMt4Dir
                sHistoryDir = os.path.join(self.ocmd2.oConfig['OTCmd2']['sMt4Dir'], 'history')
                if os.path.isdir(sHistoryDir):
                    import glob
                    l = glob.glob(sHistoryDir +"/*/" +sFile)
                    if l:
                        sFile = l[0]
                        self.vInfo("Found history file: " + sFile)
            assert os.path.isfile(sFile), \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" file not found " +sFile
            if len(lArgs) > 5:
                sSymbol = lArgs[3]
                sTimeFrame = lArgs[4]
                sYear = lArgs[5]
                lCooked = os.path.split(sFile)[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')
                if len(lCooked) > 1:
                    sYear = lCooked[-1]
                    sYear = ""
                sSymbol = lCooked[0][:6]
                sTimeFrame = lCooked[0][6:]

            self.vDebug(sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + \
                       "sSymbol=" +sSymbol \
                       +", sYear=" +sYear \
                       +", sTimeFrame=" +sTimeFrame)

            mFeedOhlc = oReadMt4Csv(sFile, sTimeFrame, sSymbol, sYear="")
            assert mFeedOhlc is not None, "oReadMt4Csv failed on " + sFile
            mFeedOhlc.info(True, sys.stdout)

            # NaturalNameWarning: object name is not a valid Python identifier: 'Mt4_csv|EURUSD|1440|2014'; it does not match the pattern ``^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$``;
            sKey = 'Mt4_csv' +'_' +sSymbol +'_' +sTimeFrame +'_' +sYear
            oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self.ocmd2, oValues)
            _dCurrentFeedFrame = oOm.dGetFeedFrame(sFile,
            from OpenTrader.PandasMt4 import oReadMt4Csv, oPreprocessOhlc, vResampleFiles
            mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(_dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'])
            sys.stdout.write('INFO:  Data Open length: %d\n' % len(mFeedOhlc))
            _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc'] = mFeedOhlc

            dFEED_CACHE[sKey] = _dCurrentFeedFrame
            sFEED_CACHE_KEY = sKey

        _lFeedCacheKeys = dFEED_CACHE.keys()
        if sCmd == 'list':
            self.poutput("Feed keys: %r" % (self.G(_lFeedCacheKeys,)))

        if sCmd == 'get':
            self.poutput("Current Feed key: %s" % (self.G(sFEED_CACHE_KEY,)))

        if sCmd == 'set':
            assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + '|'.join(_lFeedCacheKeys)
            sKey = lArgs[2]
            assert sKey in _lFeedCacheKeys, \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" " + '|'.join(_lFeedCacheKeys)
            sFEED_CACHE_KEY = sKey

        # The following all require that a feed has been loaded
        if not sFEED_CACHE_KEY or sFEED_CACHE_KEY not in dFEED_CACHE:
            self.vError("Run \"back read_*\" first to read a DataFrame")
        _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY]

        if _dCurrentFeedFrame is None:
            self.vError("Run \"back read_*\" first to read a DataFrame")
        sSymbol = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sSymbol']
        sKey = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sKey']
        sTimeFrame = _dCurrentFeedFrame['sTimeFrame']
        mFeedOhlc = _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc']

        if sCmd in ['to_hdf']:
            """ DataFrame.to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, **kwargs)
            activate the HDFStore
            Parameters :
              path_or_buf : the path (string) or buffer to put the store
              key : string indentifier for the group in the store

            assert len(lArgs) >= 3, \
                   "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd +" fixed|table filename"
            sType = lArgs[2]
            assert sType in ['fixed', 'table']
            sFile = lArgs[3]
            # FixME: if absolute assert os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(sFile))
            #? lArgs[4:] -> **kw ?
            vRetval = mFeedOhlc.to_hdf(sFile, sKey, format=sType)

        _dPlotParams = self.ocmd2.oConfig['feed.plot.params']

        if sCmd == 'info':
            """Concise summary of a DataFrame.
            Parameters :
            verbose : boolean, default True
                    If False, don’t print column count summary
            buf : writable buffer, defaults to sys.stdout
            import yaml

            mFeedOhlc.info(True, sys.stdout)

            s = '|  %s  |' % ("Plot Params",)
            self.poutput('-' * len(s))
            self.poutput('-' * len(s))
            self.poutput('-' * len(s))

        # 'download_hst_zip'
        if sCmd == 'plot':

            import matplotlib
            if 'matplotlib.rcParams' in self.ocmd2.oConfig:
                for sKey, gVal in self.ocmd2.oConfig['matplotlib.rcParams'].items():
                    matplotlib.rcParams[sKey] = gVal
            import numpy as np
            from OpenTrader.OTPpnAmgc import vGraphData

            from OpenTrader.OTBackTest import oPreprocessOhlc
            mFeedOhlc = oPreprocessOhlc(mFeedOhlc)
            # (Pdb) pandas.tseries.converter._dt_to_float_ordinal(mFeedOhlc.index)[0]
            # 735235.33333333337
            nDates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(mFeedOhlc.index.to_pydatetime())
            nVolume = 1000*np.random.normal(size=len(mFeedOhlc))

            self.vInfo("This may take minutes to display depending on your computer's speed")
            vGraphData(sSymbol, nDates,
                       mFeedOhlc.C.values, mFeedOhlc.H.values, mFeedOhlc.L.values, mFeedOhlc.O.values,

        self.vError("Unrecognized feed command: " + str(lArgs) +'\n' +__doc__)

    # Set the recipe that the chef will use, and make the ingredients from the feeds
    LCOMMANDS += ['recipe']
    def backtest_recipe(self):
==== OTCmd2 backtest recipe

Set the recipe that the chef will use, and make the ingredients from the feeds.
back recipe list                        - list the known recipes
back recipe get                         - show the current recipe
back recipe set RECIPE                  - set the current recipe
back recipe ingredients                 - make the ingredients
back recipe config                      - show the current recipe config
back recipe config KEY                  - show the current config of KEY
back recipe config KEY VAL              - set the current config of KEY to VAL
back recipe config tabview              - view the config with tabview
        global dFEED_CACHE
        global sFEED_CACHE_KEY
        lArgs = self.lArgs
        oValues = self.oValues
        sDo = 'recipe'
        #!WTF local variable '__doc__' referenced before assignment
        self.dhelp['recipe'] = __doc__
        lArgs = self.lArgs

        import warnings
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # ignore problems during import
            from OpenTrader.Omlettes import lKnownRecipes
        # self.vDebug("lKnownRecipes: " + repr(lKnownRecipes))
        # are ingredients under chef?
        _lCmds = ['set', 'list', 'get', 'make', 'ingredients', 'config']

        sCmd = str(lArgs[1])
        if sCmd == 'list':
            self.poutput("Known Recipes: %r" % (self.G(lKnownRecipes,)))

        if sCmd == 'get' or (sCmd == 'set' and len(lArgs) == 2):
            self.poutput("Current Recipe: %s" % (self.ocmd2.sRecipe,))

        assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: not enough args: " +sDo +str(_lCmds)
        assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: %s %s not in: %r " % (
            sDo, sCmd, _lCmds)

        if sCmd == 'config':
            oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues)
            self.ocmd2.vConfigOp(lArgs, oRecipe.oConfig)

        if sCmd == 'set':
            assert len(lArgs) > 2, \
                   "ERROR: %s %s requires one of: %s" % (
                sDo, sCmd, '|'.join(lKnownRecipes))
            sNewRecipe = str(lArgs[2])
            assert sNewRecipe in lKnownRecipes, \
                   "ERROR: %s %s %s not in: %s" % (
                sDo, sCmd, sNewRecipe, '|'.join(lKnownRecipes))
            if self.ocmd2.sRecipe != sNewRecipe:
                self.ocmd2.sRecipe = sNewRecipe
                oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues, sNewRecipe=sNewRecipe)
            #? do we update the config file? - I think not
            #? self.ocmd2.oConfig['backtest']['sRecipe'] = sNewRecipe

        # The following all require that a feed has been loaded
        assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY
        assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY in dFEED_CACHE
        _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY]
        assert _dCurrentFeedFrame
        if sCmd == 'make' or sCmd == 'ingredients':
            assert _dCurrentFeedFrame
            oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues)
            # ugly
            dFeedParams = _dCurrentFeedFrame
            mFeedOhlc = _dCurrentFeedFrame['mFeedOhlc']
            dFeeds = dict(mFeedOhlc=mFeedOhlc, dFeedParams=dFeedParams)

            assert oRecipe.dIngredients

        self.vError("Unrecognized recipe command: " + str(lArgs) +'\n' +__doc__)

    LCOMMANDS += ['chef']
    def backtest_chef(self):
==== OTCmd2 backtest chef

Set the chef that we will use, and cook from the ingredients and the feeds.
back chef list                          - list the known chefs
back chef set                           - show the current chef
back chef set CHEF                      - set the current chef
back chef cook                          - cook the recipe by the chef
        global dFEED_CACHE
        global sFEED_CACHE_KEY
        lArgs = self.lArgs
        sDo = 'chef'
        #!WTF local variable '__doc__' referenced before assignment
        self.dhelp['chef'] = __doc__
        lArgs = self.lArgs

        from OpenTrader.Omlettes import lKnownChefs
        # self.vDebug("lKnownChefs: " + repr(lKnownChefs))

        _lCmds = ['get', 'set', 'list', 'cook']
        assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: not enough args: " +sDo +str(_lCmds)
        sCmd = lArgs[1]

        if sCmd == 'list':
            self.poutput("Known Chefs: %r" % (lKnownChefs,))

        if sCmd == 'get' or (sCmd == 'set' and len(lArgs) == 2):
            self.poutput("Current Chef: %s" % (self.ocmd2.sChef,))

        assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: not in: " +sDo +str(_lCmds)

        if sCmd == 'set':
            assert len(lArgs) > 2, \
                   "ERROR: %s %s needs one of: %s" % (
                sDo, sCmd, '|'.join(lKnownChefs))
            sNewChef = str(lArgs[2])
            assert sNewChef in lKnownChefs, \
                   "ERROR: %s %s %s not in: %s" % (
                sDo, sCmd, sNewChef, '|'.join(lKnownChefs))
            if self.ocmd2.sChef != sNewChef:
                self.ocmd2.sChef = sNewChef
                oChef = oEnsureChef(self.ocmd2, oValues, sNewChef=sNewChef)
            #? do we update the config file? - I think not
            #? self.ocmd2.oConfig['backtest']['sChef'] = sNewChef

        # The following all require that a feed has been loaded
        assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY
        assert sFEED_CACHE_KEY in dFEED_CACHE
        _dCurrentFeedFrame = dFEED_CACHE[sFEED_CACHE_KEY]
        assert _dCurrentFeedFrame

        # There's always a default provided of these
        oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self.ocmd2, oValues)

        if sCmd == 'cook':
            from OpenTrader.OTBackTest import oPyBacktestCook
            assert oRecipe.dIngredients
            # ugly
            dFeeds = _dCurrentFeedFrame

            oBt = oPyBacktestCook(dFeeds, oRecipe, oChefModule, oOm)
            assert oBt is not None
            if type(oBt) == str:
                raise RuntimeError(oBt)
            oOm.oBt = oBt
            # self.vDebug("Cooked " + oBt.sSummary())

        self.vError("Unrecognized chef command: " + str(lArgs) +'\n' +__doc__)

    # List the servings the chef has cooked, and dish out the servings
    LCOMMANDS += ['servings']
    def backtest_servings(self):
==== OTCmd2 backtest servings

List the servings the chef has cooked, and dish out the servings.
back servings list            - list the servings that result from the recipe and chef
back servings signals         - show the signals: when to buy or sell
back servings trades          - show the trades: what was bought or sold
back servings positions       - show how the trades effected the positions
back servings equity          - show the results of the trades as equity differences
back servings reviews         - show the metrics and reviews of the trades
back servings tabview SERVING - view with tabview: the SERVING, or reviews
        #? back reviews get/set/servings/tabview

        lArgs = self.lArgs
        sDo = 'servings'
        #!WTF local variable '__doc__' referenced before assignment
        self.dhelp['servings'] = __doc__
        lArgs = self.lArgs

        # There's always a default provided of these
        oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self.ocmd2, oValues)

        if not hasattr(oOm, 'oBt') or not oOm.oBt:
            self.vError("You must use \"chef cook\" before you can have servings")
        oBt = oOm.oBt

        # ['signals', 'trades', 'positions', 'equity', 'reviews', 'trade_price']
        _lCmds = oChefModule.lProducedServings[:]
        if tabview and tabview not in _lCmds: _lCmds += ['tabview']

        if len(lArgs) == 1 or lArgs[1] == 'list':
            self.poutput("Produced Servings: %r" % (oChefModule.lProducedServings,))

        assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: argument required" +sDo +str(_lCmds)
        sCmd = lArgs[1]
        # self.vDebug("lProducedServings: " + repr(_lCmds))
        assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: %s %s not in %r" % (
            sDo, sCmd, _lCmds)

        oFd = sys.stdout
        # There's always a default provided of these
        oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self.ocmd2, oValues)

        ## oFun = getattr(self.ocmd2.oBt, sCmd)
        ## self.poutput(oFun())
        if sCmd == 'signals':
            # this was the same as: oBt._mSignals = bt.mSignals() or oBt.signals
            oOm.oBt._mSignals = oRecipe.mSignals(oOm.oBt)
            oFd.write('INFO:  bt.signals found: %d\n' % len(oOm.oBt.signals))
            oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mSignals', oOm.oBt.signals)

        if sCmd == 'trades':
            # this was the same as: oBt._mTrades =  oBt.mTrades() or oBt.trades
            oOm.oBt._mTrades = oRecipe.mTrades(oOm.oBt)
            oFd.write('INFO:  bt.trades found: %d\n' % len(oOm.oBt.trades))
            oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/mTrades', oOm.oBt.trades)

        if sCmd == 'positions':
            # this was the same as: oBt._rPositions = oBt.rPositions() or oBt.positions
            oOm.oBt._rPositions = oRecipe.rPositions(oOm.oBt, init_pos=0)
            oFd.write('INFO:  bt.positions found: %d\n' % len(oOm.oBt.positions))
            oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rPositions', oOm.oBt.positions)

        if sCmd == 'equity':
            # this was the same as: oBt._rEquity = oBt.rEquity() or oBt.equity
            oOm.oBt._rEquity = oRecipe.rEquity(oOm.oBt)
            oFd.write('INFO:  bt.equity found: %d\n' % len(oOm.oBt.equity))
            oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rEquity', oOm.oBt.equity)

        if sCmd == 'trade_price':
            # oFd.write('INFO:  bt.rTradePrice() found: %d\n' % len(oBt.rTradePrice()))
            oFd.write('INFO:  bt.trade_price found: %d\n' % len(oOm.oBt.trade_price))
            oOm.vAppendHdf('recipe/servings/rTradePrice', oOm.oBt.trade_price)

        if sCmd == 'metrics' or sCmd == 'reviews':
            oOm.vSetTitleHdf('recipe/servings', oOm.oChefModule.sChef)
            #? Leave this as derived or store it? reviews?
            oOm.vSetMetadataHdf('recipe/servings', oOm.oBt.dSummary())

        if tabview and sCmd == 'tabview':
            assert len(lArgs) > 2, "ERROR: " +sDo +" " +sCmd \
                   +": serving required, one of: reviews " +str(oChefModule.lProducedServings)

            sServing = lArgs[2]
            if sServing in ['metrics', 'reviews']:
                l = [['Metric', 'Value']]
                l += oOm.oBt.lSummary()
                # , hdr_rows=lHdrRows
                tabview.view(l, column_width='max')

            assert sServing in oChefModule.lProducedServings
            mDf = getattr(oOm.oBt, sServing)
            # FixMe: need index timestamp for mva

        self.vError("Unrecognized servings command: " + str(lArgs) +'\n' +__doc__)

    # Plot the servings the chef has cooked, using matplotlib
    LCOMMANDS += ['plot']
    def backtest_plot(self):
==== OTCmd2 backtest plot

Plot the servings the chef has cooked, using matplotlib.
back plot show      - show the current plot
back plot trades    - plot the trades
back plot equity    - plot the cumulative equity
        lArgs = self.lArgs
        sDo = 'plot'
        #!WTF local variable '__doc__' referenced before assignment
        self.dhelp['plot'] = __doc__
        lArgs = self.lArgs

        __doc__ = sBACplot__doc__
        _lCmds = ['show', 'trades', 'equity']
        if not hasattr(oOm, 'oBt') or not oOm.oBt:
            self.vError("You must use \"chef cook\" before you can plot")
        # FixMe:
        oBt = oOm.oBt

        assert len(lArgs) > 1, "ERROR: " +sDo +str(_lCmds)
        sCmd = lArgs[1]
        assert sCmd in _lCmds, "ERROR: " +sDo +str(_lCmds)

        import matplotlib
        import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
        if sCmd == 'show':

        # FixMe:
        matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5)

        if sCmd == 'equity':
            # FixMe: derive the period from the sTimeFrame
            sPeriod = 'W'
            close_label = 'C'
            mOhlc = oRecipe.dIngredients['mOhlc']
            oChefModule.vPlotEquity(oBt.equity, mOhlc, sTitle="%s\nEquity" % repr(oBt),

        if sCmd == 'trades':
            pylab.legend(loc='lower left')

        self.vError("Unrecognized plot command: " + str(lArgs))

    def bexecute(self, lArgs, oValues):
        """bexecute executes the backtest command.
        self.lArgs = lArgs
        self.oValues = oValues

        # self.vassert_args(lArgs, LCOMMANDS, imin=1)
        if self.bis_help(lArgs):

        sDo = lArgs[0]
        # An omlette is an HDF5 file that saves all the data from a backtest
        if sDo in ['omlette']:
            oMeth = getattr(self, 'backtest_' +sDo)

        if oValues.sRecipe:
            self.ocmd2.sRecipe = oValues.sRecipe
            self.poutput("DEBUG: backtest recipe from values: " + oValues.sRecipe)
        elif not hasattr(self.ocmd2, 'sRecipe') or not self.ocmd2.sRecipe:
            self.ocmd2.sRecipe = self.ocmd2.oConfig['backtest']['recipe']
            self.poutput("WARN: backtest recipe from config: " + self.ocmd2.sRecipe)
        if oValues.sChef:
            self.ocmd2.sChef = oValues.sChef
            self.poutput("DEBUG: backtest chef from values: " + oValues.sChef)
        elif not hasattr(self.ocmd2, 'sChef') or not self.ocmd2.sChef:
            self.ocmd2.sChef = self.ocmd2.oConfig['backtest']['chef']
            self.poutput("WARN: backtest chef from config: " + self.ocmd2.sChef)

        if sDo in ['feed', 'recipe', 'chef']:
            oMeth = getattr(self, 'backtest_' +sDo)

        # Set the chef that we will use, and cook from the ingredients and the feeds
        oOm = oEnsureOmlette(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oRecipe = oEnsureRecipe(self.ocmd2, oValues)
        oChefModule = oEnsureChef(self.ocmd2, oValues)

        if sDo in ['servings', 'plot']:
            oMeth = getattr(self, 'backtest_' +sDo)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            except Exception as e:
                # This is still in the process of getting wired up and tested

        self.poutput("ERROR: Unrecognized backtest command: " + str(lArgs) +'\n' +__doc__)

def vDoBacktestCmd(self, lArgs, oValues):
    __doc__ = sBAC__doc__