#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

All functions here must be written with function doc.
And all exceptions must be handled in this module....
Don't Import Any Unnecessary things.
Use remote ipc to inject, don't import them in remote process in case of reload.

from __future__ import print_function

def get_insts(class_name):
    """get_insts(class_name) -> instance_list"""
    ins_list = []
    import gc
    for obj in gc.get_objects():
            if getattr(obj, "__class__", None):
                if obj.__class__.__name__ == class_name:
        # weak ref items will raise an exc here
        except ReferenceError:
    return ins_list

def get_classes(class_name):
    """get_classes(class_name) -> class_object_list : cast new type class only"""
    cls_list = []
    import gc
    import inspect
    for obj in gc.get_objects():
            if getattr(obj, "__class__", None):
                if inspect.isclass(obj) and obj.__name__ == class_name:
        # weak ref items will raise an exc here
        except ReferenceError:
    return cls_list

def cast_id(object_id):
    """cast_id(object_id) -> object"""
    if not getattr(cast_id, 'ensured', False):
        print("""Warning: If you provide an invalid or expired id, this call will cause a segment fault,
the attached process will be killed.
cast_id will do nothing this time. If you know whats going on, recall this function to execute.""")
        setattr(cast_id, 'ensured', True)
    import ctypes
    return ctypes.cast(object_id, ctypes.py_object).value

def get_source_code(obj):
    """get_source_code(obj) -> source_code_string : print it for pretty format"""
    import inspect
        return ''.join(inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[0])
    except Exception as e:
        print('failed, error:', e)

def print_source_code(obj):
    """print_source_code(obj) -> None : print source code."""

def inspect_threads(thread_names=[]):
    """inspect_threads() -> {thread_name: {"locals": {}, "stack": ""}} : return threads' locals and stack"""
    import threading
    import sys
    import traceback
    pylane_thread_name = "pylane-shell-thread"
    stacks = {}
    frames = sys._current_frames()
    threads = threading.enumerate()
    for thread in threads:
        if thread.name == pylane_thread_name:
        if thread_names and thread.name not in thread_names:
        frame = frames.get(thread.ident)
        stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame)) if frame else ''
        stacks[thread.name] = {
            "locals": frame.f_locals,
            "stack": stack
    return stacks

def print_threads(thread_names=[]):
    """print_threads() -> None : print threads' stack and locals"""
    stacks = inspect_threads(thread_names)
    for name, thread_info in stacks.items():
        print("\nThread:", name)
        print("Stack:\n", thread_info['stack'])
        print("Locals:\n", thread_info['locals'])

def log_it(func):
    """log_it(func) -> decoratored_func : a decorator to print func input and output in log"""
    import logging
    import time

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        start = time.time()
        ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
        duration = time.time() - start
        logging.warning("func: %s sec_cost: %s input: %s output %s" % (
            func.__name__, round(duration, 4), repr((args, kwargs)), repr(ret)
        return ret
    return wrapper