# encoding=utf8
import logging
from math import ceil

from numpy import argmin, argsort, log, sum, fmax, sqrt, full, exp, eye, diag, apply_along_axis, round, any, asarray, dot, random as rand, tile, inf, where, append
from numpy.linalg import norm, cholesky as chol, eig, solve, lstsq

from NiaPy.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm, Individual, defaultIndividualInit
from NiaPy.util.utility import objects2array

logger = logging.getLogger('NiaPy.algorithms.basic')

__all__ = ['EvolutionStrategy1p1', 'EvolutionStrategyMp1', 'EvolutionStrategyMpL', 'EvolutionStrategyML', 'CovarianceMatrixAdaptionEvolutionStrategy']

class IndividualES(Individual):
	r"""Individual for Evolution Strategies.

	See Also:
		* :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.Individual`
	def __init__(self, **kwargs):
		r"""Initialize individual.

			kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Individual.__init__`
		Individual.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self.rho = kwargs.get('rho', 1)

class EvolutionStrategy1p1(Algorithm):
	r"""Implementation of (1 + 1) evolution strategy algorithm. Uses just one individual.

		(1 + 1) Evolution Strategy Algorithm


		Klemen Berkovič


	Reference URL:

	Reference paper:

		Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm names.
		mu (int): Number of parents.
		k (int): Number of iterations before checking and fixing rho.
		c_a (float): Search range amplification factor.
		c_r (float): Search range reduction factor.

	See Also:
		* :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm`
	Name = ['EvolutionStrategy1p1', 'EvolutionStrategy(1+1)', 'ES(1+1)']

	def typeParameters():
		r"""Get dictionary with functions for checking values of parameters.

			Dict[str, Callable]:
				* mu (Callable[[int], bool])
				* k (Callable[[int], bool])
				* c_a (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool])
				* c_r (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool])
				* epsilon (Callable[[float], bool])
		return {
			'mu': lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0,
			'k': lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0,
			'c_a': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 1,
			'c_r': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and 0 < x < 1,
			'epsilon': lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and 0 < x < 1

	def setParameters(self, mu=1, k=10, c_a=1.1, c_r=0.5, epsilon=1e-20, **ukwargs):
		r"""Set the arguments of an algorithm.

			mu (Optional[int]): Number of parents
			k (Optional[int]): Number of iterations before checking and fixing rho
			c_a (Optional[float]): Search range amplification factor
			c_r (Optional[float]): Search range reduction factor

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.setParameters`
		Algorithm.setParameters(self, NP=mu, itype=ukwargs.pop('itype', IndividualES), **ukwargs)
		self.mu, self.k, self.c_a, self.c_r, self.epsilon = mu, k, c_a, c_r, epsilon

	def mutate(self, x, rho):
		r"""Mutate individual.

			x (Individual): Current individual.
			rho (float): Current standard deviation.

			Individual: Mutated individual.
		return x + self.normal(0, rho, len(x))

	def updateRho(self, rho, k):
		r"""Update standard deviation.

			rho (float): Current standard deviation.
			k (int): Number of succesfull mutations.

			float: New standard deviation.
		phi = k / self.k
		if phi < 0.2: return self.c_r * rho if rho > self.epsilon else 1
		elif phi > 0.2: return self.c_a * rho if rho > self.epsilon else 1
		else: return rho

	def initPopulation(self, task):
		r"""Initialize starting individual.

			task (Task): Optimization task.

			Tuple[Individual, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1, Initialized individual.
				2, Initialized individual fitness/function value.
				3. Additional arguments:
					* ki (int): Number of successful rho update.
		c, ki = IndividualES(task=task, rnd=self.Rand), 0
		return c, c.f, {'ki': ki}

	def runIteration(self, task, c, fpop, xb, fxb, ki, **dparams):
		r"""Core function of EvolutionStrategy(1+1) algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			pop (Individual): Current position.
			fpop (float): Current position function/fitness value.
			xb (Individual): Global best position.
			fxb (float): Global best function/fitness value.
			ki (int): Number of successful updates before rho update.
			**dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[Individual, float, Individual, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1, Initialized individual.
				2, Initialized individual fitness/function value.
				3. New global best solution.
				4. New global best soluitons fitness/objective value.
				5. Additional arguments:
					* ki (int): Number of successful rho update.
		if task.Iters % self.k == 0: c.rho, ki = self.updateRho(c.rho, ki), 0
		cn = objects2array([task.repair(self.mutate(c.x, c.rho), self.Rand) for _i in range(self.mu)])
		cn_f = asarray([task.eval(cn[i]) for i in range(len(cn))])
		ib = argmin(cn_f)
		if cn_f[ib] < c.f:
			c.x, c.f, ki = cn[ib], cn_f[ib], ki + 1
			if cn_f[ib] < fxb: xb, fxb = self.getBest(cn[ib], cn_f[ib], xb, fxb)
		return c, c.f, xb, fxb, {'ki': ki}

class EvolutionStrategyMp1(EvolutionStrategy1p1):
	r"""Implementation of (mu + 1) evolution strategy algorithm. Algorithm creates mu mutants but into new generation goes only one individual.

		(:math:`\mu + 1`) Evolution Strategy Algorithm


		Klemen Berkovič


	Reference URL:

	Reference paper:

		Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm names.

	See Also:
		* :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.EvolutionStrategy1p1`
	Name = ['EvolutionStrategyMp1', 'EvolutionStrategy(mu+1)', 'ES(m+1)']

	def setParameters(self, **kwargs):
		r"""Set core parameters of EvolutionStrategy(mu+1) algorithm.

			**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]):

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.EvolutionStrategy1p1.setParameters`
		mu = kwargs.pop('mu', 40)
		EvolutionStrategy1p1.setParameters(self, mu=mu, **kwargs)

class EvolutionStrategyMpL(EvolutionStrategy1p1):
	r"""Implementation of (mu + lambda) evolution strategy algorithm. Mulation creates lambda individual. Lambda individual compete with mu individuals for survival, so only mu individual go to new generation.

		(:math:`\mu + \lambda`) Evolution Strategy Algorithm


		Klemen Berkovič


	Reference URL:

	Reference paper:

		Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm names
		lam (int): TODO

	See Also:
		* :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.EvolutionStrategy1p1`
	Name = ['EvolutionStrategyMpL', 'EvolutionStrategy(mu+lambda)', 'ES(m+l)']

	def typeParameters():

			Dict[str, Any]:
				* lam (Callable[[int], bool]): TODO.

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.EvolutionStrategy1p1`
		d = EvolutionStrategy1p1.typeParameters()
		d['lam'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0
		return d

	def setParameters(self, lam=45, **ukwargs):
		r"""Set the arguments of an algorithm.

			lam (int): Number of new individual generated by mutation.

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.es.EvolutionStrategy1p1.setParameters`
		EvolutionStrategy1p1.setParameters(self, InitPopFunc=defaultIndividualInit, **ukwargs)
		self.lam = lam

	def updateRho(self, pop, k):
		r"""Update standard deviation for population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population.
			k (int): Number of successful mutations.
		phi = k / self.k
		if phi < 0.2:
			for i in pop: i.rho = self.c_r * i.rho
		elif phi > 0.2:
			for i in pop: i.rho = self.c_a * i.rho

	def changeCount(self, c, cn):
		r"""Update number of successful mutations for population.

			c (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population.
			cn (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): New population.

			int: Number of successful mutations.
		k = 0
		for e in cn:
			if e not in c: k += 1
		return k

	def mutateRand(self, pop, task):
		r"""Mutate random individual form population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population.
			task (Task): Optimization task.

			numpy.ndarray: Random individual from population that was mutated.
		i = self.randint(self.mu)
		return task.repair(self.mutate(pop[i].x, pop[i].rho), rnd=self.Rand)

	def initPopulation(self, task):
		r"""Initialize starting population.

			task (Task): Optimization task.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Individual], numpy.ndarray[float], Dict[str, Any]]:
				1. Initialized populaiton.
				2. Initialized populations function/fitness values.
				3. Additional arguments:
					* ki (int): Number of successful mutations.

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.algorithm.Algorithm.initPopulation`
		c, fc, d = Algorithm.initPopulation(self, task)
		d.update({'ki': 0})
		return c, fc, d

	def runIteration(self, task, c, fpop, xb, fxb, ki, **dparams):
		r"""Core function of EvolutionStrategyMpL algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			c (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			fpop (numpy.ndarray): Current populations fitness/function values.
			xb (numpy.ndarray): Global best individual.
			fxb (float): Global best individuals fitness/function value.
			ki (int): Number of successful mutations.
			**dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1. New population.
				2. New populations function/fitness values.
				3. New global best solution.
				4. New global best solutions fitness/objective value.
				5. Additional arguments:
					* ki (int): Number of successful mutations.
		if task.Iters % self.k == 0: _, ki = self.updateRho(c, ki), 0
		cn = objects2array([IndividualES(x=self.mutateRand(c, task), task=task, rnd=self.Rand) for _ in range(self.lam)])
		cn = append(cn, c)
		cn = objects2array([cn[i] for i in argsort([i.f for i in cn])[:self.mu]])
		ki += self.changeCount(c, cn)
		fcn = asarray([x.f for x in cn])
		xb, fxb = self.getBest(cn, fcn, xb, fxb)
		return cn, fcn, xb, fxb, {'ki': ki}

class EvolutionStrategyML(EvolutionStrategyMpL):
	r"""Implementation of (mu, lambda) evolution strategy algorithm. Algorithm is good for dynamic environments. Mu individual create lambda chields. Only best mu chields go to new generation. Mu parents are discarded.

		(:math:`\mu + \lambda`) Evolution Strategy Algorithm


		Klemen Berkovič


	Reference URL:

	Reference paper:

		Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm names

	See Also:
		* :class:`NiaPy.algorithm.basic.es.EvolutionStrategyMpL`
	Name = ['EvolutionStrategyML', 'EvolutionStrategy(mu,lambda)', 'ES(m,l)']

	def newPop(self, pop):
		r"""Return new population.

			pop (numpy.ndarray): Current population.

			numpy.ndarray: New population.
		pop_s = argsort([i.f for i in pop])
		if self.mu < self.lam: return objects2array([pop[i] for i in pop_s[:self.mu]])
		npop = list()
		for i in range(int(ceil(float(self.mu) / self.lam))): npop.extend(pop[:self.lam if (self.mu - i * self.lam) >= self.lam else self.mu - i * self.lam])
		return objects2array(npop)

	def initPopulation(self, task):
		r"""Initialize starting population.

			task (Task): Optimization task.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Individual], numpy.ndarray[float], Dict[str, Any]]:
				1. Initialized population.
				2. Initialized populations fitness/function values.
				2. Additional arguments.

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithm.basic.es.EvolutionStrategyMpL.initPopulation`
		c, fc, _ = EvolutionStrategyMpL.initPopulation(self, task)
		return c, fc, {}

	def runIteration(self, task, c, fpop, xb, fxb, **dparams):
		r"""Core function of EvolutionStrategyML algorithm.

			task (Task): Optimization task.
			c (numpy.ndarray): Current population.
			fpop (numpy.ndarray): Current population fitness/function values.
			xb (numpy.ndarray): Global best individual.
			fxb (float): Global best individuals fitness/function value.
			**dparams Dict[str, Any]: Additional arguments.

			Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]]:
				1. New population.
				2. New populations fitness/function values.
				3. New global best solution.
				4. New global best solutions fitness/objective value.
				5. Additional arguments.
		cn = objects2array([IndividualES(x=self.mutateRand(c, task), task=task, rand=self.Rand) for _ in range(self.lam)])
		c = self.newPop(cn)
		fc = asarray([x.f for x in c])
		xb, fxb = self.getBest(c, fc, xb, fxb)
		return c, fc, xb, fxb, {}

def CovarianceMaatrixAdaptionEvolutionStrategyF(task, epsilon=1e-20, rnd=rand):
	lam, alpha_mu, hs, sigma0 = (4 + round(3 * log(task.D))) * 10, 2, 0, 0.3 * task.bcRange()
	mu = int(round(lam / 2))
	w = log(mu + 0.5) - log(range(1, mu + 1))
	w = w / sum(w)
	mueff = 1 / sum(w ** 2)
	cs = (mueff + 2) / (task.D + mueff + 5)
	ds = 1 + cs + 2 * max(sqrt((mueff - 1) / (task.D + 1)) - 1, 0)
	ENN = sqrt(task.D) * (1 - 1 / (4 * task.D) + 1 / (21 * task.D ** 2))
	cc, c1 = (4 + mueff / task.D) / (4 + task.D + 2 * mueff / task.D), 2 / ((task.D + 1.3) ** 2 + mueff)
	cmu, hth = min(1 - c1, alpha_mu * (mueff - 2 + 1 / mueff) / ((task.D + 2) ** 2 + alpha_mu * mueff / 2)), (1.4 + 2 / (task.D + 1)) * ENN
	ps, pc, C, sigma, M = full(task.D, 0.0), full(task.D, 0.0), eye(task.D), sigma0, full(task.D, 0.0)
	x = rnd.uniform(task.bcLower(), task.bcUpper())
	x_f = task.eval(x)
	while not task.stopCondI():
		pop_step = asarray([rnd.multivariate_normal(full(task.D, 0.0), C) for _ in range(int(lam))])
		pop = asarray([task.repair(x + sigma * ps, rnd) for ps in pop_step])
		pop_f = apply_along_axis(task.eval, 1, pop)
		isort = argsort(pop_f)
		pop, pop_f, pop_step = pop[isort[:mu]], pop_f[isort[:mu]], pop_step[isort[:mu]]
		if pop_f[0] < x_f: x, x_f = pop[0], pop_f[0]
		M = sum(w * pop_step.T, axis=1)
		ps = solve(chol(C).conj() + epsilon, ((1 - cs) * ps + sqrt(cs * (2 - cs) * mueff) * M + epsilon).T)[0].T
		sigma *= exp(cs / ds * (norm(ps) / ENN - 1)) ** 0.3
		ifix = where(sigma == inf)
		if any(ifix): sigma[ifix] = sigma0
		if norm(ps) / sqrt(1 - (1 - cs) ** (2 * (task.Iters + 1))) < hth: hs = 1
		else: hs = 0
		delta = (1 - hs) * cc * (2 - cc)
		pc = (1 - cc) * pc + hs * sqrt(cc * (2 - cc) * mueff) * M
		C = (1 - c1 - cmu) * C + c1 * (tile(pc, [len(pc), 1]) * tile(pc.reshape([len(pc), 1]), [1, len(pc)]) + delta * C)
		for i in range(mu): C += cmu * w[i] * tile(pop_step[i], [len(pop_step[i]), 1]) * tile(pop_step[i].reshape([len(pop_step[i]), 1]), [1, len(pop_step[i])])
		E, V = eig(C)
		if any(E < epsilon):
			E = fmax(E, 0)
			C = lstsq(V.T, dot(V, diag(E)).T, rcond=None)[0].T
	return x, x_f

class CovarianceMatrixAdaptionEvolutionStrategy(Algorithm):
	r"""Implementation of (mu, lambda) evolution strategy algorithm. Algorithm is good for dynamic environments. Mu individual create lambda chields. Only best mu chields go to new generation. Mu parents are discarded.

		(:math:`\mu + \lambda`) Evolution Strategy Algorithm


		Klemen Berkovič


	Reference URL:

	Reference paper:
		Hansen, Nikolaus. "The CMA evolution strategy: A tutorial." arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.00772 (2016).

		Name (List[str]): List of names representing algorithm names
		epsilon (float): TODO
	Name = ['CovarianceMatrixAdaptionEvolutionStrategy', 'CMA-ES', 'CMAES']
	epsilon = 1e-20

	def typeParameters(): return {
			'epsilon': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and 0 < x < 1

	def setParameters(self, epsilon=1e-20, **ukwargs):
		r"""Set core parameters of CovarianceMatrixAdaptionEvolutionStrategy algorithm.

			epsilon (float): Small number.
			**ukwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.
		Algorithm.setParameters(self, **ukwargs)
		self.epsilon = epsilon

	def runTask(self, task):

			task (Task): Optimization task.

		return CovarianceMaatrixAdaptionEvolutionStrategyF(task, self.epsilon, rnd=self.Rand)

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