# Copyright (c) 2017 NVIDIA Corporation
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn.init as weight_init
from torch.autograd import Variable

def activation(input, kind):
  #print("Activation: {}".format(kind))
  if kind == 'selu':
    return F.selu(input)
  elif kind == 'relu':
    return F.relu(input)
  elif kind == 'relu6':
    return F.relu6(input)
  elif kind == 'sigmoid':
    return F.sigmoid(input)
  elif kind == 'tanh':
    return F.tanh(input)
  elif kind == 'elu':
    return F.elu(input)
  elif kind == 'lrelu':
    return F.leaky_relu(input)
  elif kind == 'swish':
    return input*F.sigmoid(input)
  elif kind == 'none':
    return input
    raise ValueError('Unknown non-linearity type')

def MSEloss(inputs, targets, size_average=False):
  mask = targets != 0
  num_ratings = torch.sum(mask.float())
  criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum' if not size_average else 'mean')
  return criterion(inputs * mask.float(), targets), Variable(torch.Tensor([1.0])) if size_average else num_ratings

class AutoEncoder(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, layer_sizes, nl_type='selu', is_constrained=True, dp_drop_prob=0.0, last_layer_activations=True):
    Describes an AutoEncoder model
    :param layer_sizes: Encoder network description. Should start with feature size (e.g. dimensionality of x).
    For example: [10000, 1024, 512] will result in:
      - encoder 2 layers: 10000x1024 and 1024x512. Representation layer (z) will be 512
      - decoder 2 layers: 512x1024 and 1024x10000.
    :param nl_type: (default 'selu') Type of no-linearity
    :param is_constrained: (default: True) Should constrain decoder weights
    :param dp_drop_prob: (default: 0.0) Dropout drop probability
    :param last_layer_activations: (default: True) Whether to apply activations on last decoder layer
    super(AutoEncoder, self).__init__()
    self._dp_drop_prob = dp_drop_prob
    self._last_layer_activations = last_layer_activations
    if dp_drop_prob > 0:
      self.drop = nn.Dropout(dp_drop_prob)
    self._last = len(layer_sizes) - 2
    self._nl_type = nl_type
    self.encode_w = nn.ParameterList(
      [nn.Parameter(torch.rand(layer_sizes[i + 1], layer_sizes[i])) for i in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1)])
    for ind, w in enumerate(self.encode_w):

    self.encode_b = nn.ParameterList(
      [nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(layer_sizes[i + 1])) for i in range(len(layer_sizes) - 1)])

    reversed_enc_layers = list(reversed(layer_sizes))

    self.is_constrained = is_constrained
    if not is_constrained:
      self.decode_w = nn.ParameterList(
      [nn.Parameter(torch.rand(reversed_enc_layers[i + 1], reversed_enc_layers[i])) for i in range(len(reversed_enc_layers) - 1)])
      for ind, w in enumerate(self.decode_w):
    self.decode_b = nn.ParameterList(
      [nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(reversed_enc_layers[i + 1])) for i in range(len(reversed_enc_layers) - 1)])

    print("Dropout drop probability: {}".format(self._dp_drop_prob))
    print("Encoder pass:")
    for ind, w in enumerate(self.encode_w):
    print("Decoder pass:")
    if self.is_constrained:
      print('Decoder is constrained')
      for ind, w in enumerate(list(reversed(self.encode_w))):
        print(w.transpose(0, 1).size())
      for ind, w in enumerate(self.decode_w):

  def encode(self, x):
    for ind, w in enumerate(self.encode_w):
      x = activation(input=F.linear(input=x, weight=w, bias=self.encode_b[ind]), kind=self._nl_type)
    if self._dp_drop_prob > 0: # apply dropout only on code layer
      x = self.drop(x)
    return x

  def decode(self, z):
    if self.is_constrained:
      for ind, w in enumerate(list(reversed(self.encode_w))): # constrained autoencode re-uses weights from encoder
        z = activation(input=F.linear(input=z, weight=w.transpose(0, 1), bias=self.decode_b[ind]),
                     # last layer or decoder should not apply non linearities
                     kind=self._nl_type if ind!=self._last or self._last_layer_activations else 'none')
        #if self._dp_drop_prob > 0 and ind!=self._last: # and no dp on last layer
        #  z = self.drop(z)
      for ind, w in enumerate(self.decode_w):
        z = activation(input=F.linear(input=z, weight=w, bias=self.decode_b[ind]),
                     # last layer or decoder should not apply non linearities
                     kind=self._nl_type if ind!=self._last or self._last_layer_activations else 'none')
        #if self._dp_drop_prob > 0 and ind!=self._last: # and no dp on last layer
        #  z = self.drop(z)
    return z

  def forward(self, x):
    return self.decode(self.encode(x))