import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import numpy.matlib as matlib
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import scipy.signal as signal
# For progress bar
import time
from tqdm import tqdm

def alignTraces(data):
    Aligns the traces in the profile such that their maximum 
    amplitudes align at the average two-way travel time of the 
    maximum amplitudes 

    data       data matrix whose columns contain the traces

    newdata    data matrix with aligned traces
    maxlen = data.shape[0]
    newdata = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(data.shape))    
    # Go through all traces to find maximum spike
    maxind = np.zeros(data.shape[1], dtype=int)
    for tr in range(0,data.shape[1]):
        maxind[tr] = int(np.argmax(np.abs(data[:,tr])))
    # Find the mean spike point
    meanind = int(np.round(np.mean(maxind)))
    # Shift all traces. If max index is smaller than
    # mean index, then prepend zeros, otherwise append
    for tr in range(0,data.shape[1]):
        if meanind > maxind[tr]:
            differ = int(meanind - maxind[tr])
            newdata[:,tr] = np.vstack([np.zeros((differ,1)), data[0:(maxlen-differ),tr]])
        elif meanind < maxind[tr]:
            differ = maxind[tr] - meanind
            newdata[:,tr] = np.vstack([data[differ:maxlen,tr], np.zeros((differ,1))])
            newdata[:,tr] = data[:,tr]
    return newdata

def dewow(data,window):
    Subtracts from each sample along each trace an 
    along-time moving average.

    Can be used as a low-cut filter.

    data       data matrix whose columns contain the traces 
    window     length of moving average window 
               [in "number of samples"]

    newdata    data matrix after dewow
    totsamps = data.shape[0]
    # If the window is larger or equal to the number of samples,
    # then we can do a much faster dewow
    if (window >= totsamps):
        newdata = data-np.matrix.mean(data,0)            
        newdata = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(data.shape))
        halfwid = int(np.ceil(window/2.0))
        # For the first few samples, it will always be the same
        newdata[0:halfwid+1,:] = data[0:halfwid+1,:]-avgsmp

        # for each sample in the middle
        for smp in tqdm(range(halfwid,totsamps-halfwid+1)):
            winstart = int(smp - halfwid)
            winend = int(smp + halfwid)
            avgsmp = np.matrix.mean(data[winstart:winend+1,:],0)
            newdata[smp,:] = data[smp,:]-avgsmp

        # For the last few samples, it will always be the same
        avgsmp = np.matrix.mean(data[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:],0)
        newdata[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:] = data[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:]-avgsmp
    print('done with dewow')
    return newdata

def smooth(data,window):
    Replaces each sample along each trace with an 
    along-time moving average.

    Can be used as high-cut filter.

    data      data matrix whose columns contain the traces 
    window    length of moving average window
              [in "number of samples"]

    newdata   data matrix after applying smoothing
    totsamps = data.shape[0]
    # If the window is larger or equal to the number of samples,
    # then we can do a much faster dewow
    if (window >= totsamps):
        newdata = np.matrix.mean(data,0)
    elif window == 1:
        newdata = data
    elif window == 0:
        newdata = data
        newdata = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(data.shape))
        halfwid = int(np.ceil(window/2.0))
        # For the first few samples, it will always be the same
        newdata[0:halfwid+1,:] = np.matrix.mean(data[0:halfwid+1,:],0)

        # for each sample in the middle
        for smp in tqdm(range(halfwid,totsamps-halfwid+1)):
            winstart = int(smp - halfwid)
            winend = int(smp + halfwid)
            newdata[smp,:] = np.matrix.mean(data[winstart:winend+1,:],0)

        # For the last few samples, it will always be the same
        newdata[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:] = np.matrix.mean(data[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:],0)
    print('done with smoothing')
    return newdata

def remMeanTrace(data,ntraces):
    Subtracts from each trace the average trace over
    a moving average window.

    Can be used to remove horizontal arrivals, 
    such as the airwave.

    data       data matrix whose columns contain the traces 
    ntraces    window width; over how many traces 
               to take the moving average.

    newdata    data matrix after subtracting average traces

    tottraces = data.shape[1]
    # For ridiculous ntraces values, just remove the entire average
    if ntraces >= tottraces:
        newdata = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(data.shape))    
        halfwid = int(np.ceil(ntraces/2.0))
        # First few traces, that all have the same average
        newdata[:,0:halfwid+1] = data[:,0:halfwid+1]-avgtr
        # For each trace in the middle
        for tr in tqdm(range(halfwid,tottraces-halfwid+1)):   
            winstart = int(tr - halfwid)
            winend = int(tr + halfwid)
            newdata[:,tr] = data[:,tr] - avgtr

        # Last few traces again have the same average    
        newdata[:,tottraces-halfwid:tottraces+1] = data[:,tottraces-halfwid:tottraces+1]-avgtr

    print('done with removing mean trace')
    return newdata

def profileSmooth(data,profilePos,ntraces=1,noversample=1):
    First creates copies of each trace and appends the copies 
    next to each trace, then replaces each trace with the 
    average trace over a moving average window.

    Can be used to smooth-out noisy reflectors appearing 
    in neighboring traces, or simply to increase the along-profile 
    resolution by interpolating between the traces.

    data            data matrix whose columns contain the traces 
    profilePos      profile coordinates for the traces in data
    ntraces         window width [in "number of samples"]; 
                    over how many traces to take the moving average. 
    noversample     how many copies of each trace

    newdata         data matrix after along-profile smoothing 
    newProfilePos   profile coordinates for output data matrix
    # New profile positions
    newProfilePos = np.linspace(profilePos[0],
    # First oversample the data
    data = np.asmatrix(np.repeat(data,noversample,1))
    tottraces = data.shape[1]
    if ntraces == 1:
        newdata = data
    elif ntraces == 0:
        newdata = data
    elif ntraces >= tottraces:
        newdata = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(data.shape))    
        halfwid = int(np.ceil(ntraces/2.0))
        # First few traces, that all have the same average
        newdata[:,0:halfwid+1] = np.matrix.mean(data[:,0:halfwid+1],1)
        # For each trace in the middle
        for tr in tqdm(range(halfwid,tottraces-halfwid+1)):   
            winstart = int(tr - halfwid)
            winend = int(tr + halfwid)
            newdata[:,tr] = np.matrix.mean(data[:,winstart:winend+1],1) 

        # Last few traces again have the same average    
        newdata[:,tottraces-halfwid:tottraces+1] = np.matrix.mean(data[:,tottraces-halfwid:tottraces+1],1)

    print('done with profile smoothing')
    return newdata, newProfilePos

def tpowGain(data,twtt,power):
    Apply a t-power gain to each trace with the given exponent.

    data      data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    twtt      two-way travel time values for the rows in data
    power     exponent

    newdata   data matrix after t-power gain
    factor = np.reshape(twtt**(float(power)),(len(twtt),1))
    factmat = matlib.repmat(factor,1,data.shape[1])  
    return np.multiply(data,factmat)

def agcGain(data,window):
    Apply automated gain controll (AGC) by normalizing the energy
    of the signal over a given window width in each trace

    data       data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    window     window width [in "number of samples"]
    newdata    data matrix after AGC gain
    totsamps = data.shape[0]
    # If window is a ridiculous value
    if (window>totsamps):
        # np.maximum is exactly the right thing (not np.amax or np.max)
        energy = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(data,axis=0),eps)
        # np.divide automatically divides each row of "data"
        # by the elements in "energy"
        newdata = np.divide(data,energy)
        # Need to go through the samples
        newdata = np.asmatrix(np.zeros(data.shape))
        halfwid = int(np.ceil(window/2.0))
        # For the first few samples, it will always be the same
        energy = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(data[0:halfwid+1,:],axis=0),eps)
        newdata[0:halfwid+1,:] = np.divide(data[0:halfwid+1,:],energy)
        for smp in tqdm(range(halfwid,totsamps-halfwid+1)):
            winstart = int(smp - halfwid)
            winend = int(smp + halfwid)
            energy = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(data[winstart:winend+1,:],axis=0),eps)
            newdata[smp,:] = np.divide(data[smp,:],energy)

        # For the first few samples, it will always be the same
        energy = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(data[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:],axis=0),eps)
        newdata[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:] = np.divide(data[totsamps-halfwid:totsamps+1,:],energy)          
    return newdata

def prepTopo(topofile,delimiter=',',xStart=0):
    Reads an ASCII text file containing either profile/topo coordinates 
    (if given as two columns) or x,y,z or Easting,Northing,Elevation
    (if given as three columns)

    topofile    file name for the ASCII text file
    delimiter   delimiter by which the entries are separated 
                (e.g. ',' or tab '\t') [default: ',']
    xStart      if three-dimensional topo data is given:
                profile position of the first x,y,z entry
                [default: 0]

    topoPos     the along-profile coordinates for the elevation points      
    topoVal     the elevation values for the given profile coordinates
    threeD      n x 3 matrix containing the x, y, z values for the 
                topography points
    # Read topofile, see if it is two columns or three columns.
    # Here I'm using numpy's loadtxt. There are more advanced readers around
    # but this one should do for this simple situation
    topotable = np.loadtxt(topofile,delimiter=delimiter)
    topomat = np.asmatrix(topotable)
    # Depending if the table has two or three columns,
    # need to treat it differently
    if topomat.shape[1] is 3:
        # Save the three columns
        threeD = topomat
        # Turn the three-dimensional positions into along-profile
        # distances
        topoVal = topomat[:,2]
        npos = topomat.shape[0]
        steplen = np.sqrt(
            np.power( topomat[1:npos,0]-topomat[0:npos-1,0] ,2.0) + 
            np.power( topomat[1:npos,1]-topomat[0:npos-1,1] ,2.0) +
            np.power( topomat[1:npos,2]-topomat[0:npos-1,2] ,2.0)
        alongdist = np.cumsum(steplen)
        topoPos = np.append(xStart,alongdist+xStart)
    elif topomat.shape[1] is 2:
        threeD = None
        topoPos = topomat[:,0]
        topoVal = topomat[:,1]
        topoPos = np.squeeze(np.asarray(topoPos))
        print("Something is wrong with the topogrphy file")
        topoPos = None
        topoVal = None
        threeD = None
    return topoPos, topoVal, threeD

def correctTopo(data, velocity, profilePos, topoPos, topoVal, twtt):
    Corrects for topography along the profile by shifting each 
    Trace up or down depending on provided coordinates.

    data          data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    velocity      subsurface RMS velocity in m/ns
    profilePos    along-profile coordinates of the traces
    topoPos       along-profile coordinates for provided elevation
                  in meters
    topoVal       elevation values for provided along-profile 
                  coordinates, in meters
    twtt          two-way travel time values for the samples, in ns

    newdata       data matrix with shifted traces, padded with NaN 
    newtwtt       twtt for the shifted / padded data matrix
    maxElev       maximum elevation value
    minElev       minimum elevation value
    # We assume that the profilePos are the correct along-profile
    # points of the measurements (they can be correted with adj profile)
    # For some along-profile points, we have the elevation from prepTopo
    # So we can just interpolate    
    if not ((all(np.diff(topoPos)>0)) or  (all(np.diff(topoPos)<0))):
        raise ValueError('\x1b[1;31;47m' + 'The profile vs topo file does not have purely increasing or decreasing along-profile positions' + '\x1b[0m')        
        elev = interp.pchip_interpolate(topoPos,topoVal,profilePos)
        elevdiff = elev-np.min(elev)
        # Turn each elevation point into a two way travel-time shift.
        # It's two-way travel time
        etime = 2*elevdiff/velocity
        # Calculate the time shift for each trace
        tshift = (np.round(etime/timeStep)).astype(int)
        maxup = np.max(tshift)
        # We want the highest elevation to be zero time.
        # Need to shift by the greatest amount, where  we are the lowest
        tshift = np.max(tshift) - tshift
        # Make new datamatrix
        newdata = np.empty((data.shape[0]+maxup,data.shape[1]))
        newdata[:] = np.nan
        # Set new twtt
        newtwtt = np.arange(0, twtt[-1] + maxup*timeStep, timeStep)
        nsamples = len(twtt)
        # Enter every trace at the right place into newdata
        for pos in range(0,len(profilePos)):
            newdata[tshift[pos][0]:tshift[pos][0]+nsamples ,pos] = np.squeeze(data[:,pos])
        return newdata, newtwtt, np.max(elev), np.min(elev)


def prepVTK(profilePos,gpsmat=None,smooth=True,win_length=51,porder=3):
    Calculates the three-dimensional coordinates for each trace
    by interpolating the given three dimensional points along the

    profilePos    the along-profile coordinates of the traces
    gpsmat        n x 3 matrix containing the x, y, z coordinates 
                  of given three-dimensional points for the profile
    smooth        Want to smooth the profile's three-dimensional alignment
                  instead of piecewise linear? [Default: True]
    win_length    If smoothing, the window length for 
                  scipy.signal.savgol_filter [default: 51]
    porder        If smoothing, the polynomial order for
                  scipy.signal.savgol_filter [default: 3]

    x, y, z       three-dimensional coordinates for the traces
    if gpsmat is None:
        x = profilePos
        y = np.zeros(x.size)
        z = np.zeros(x.size)
        #gpstable = np.loadtxt(gpsfile,delimiter=delimiter)
        #gpsmat = np.asmatrix(gpstable)
        # Turn the three-dimensional positions into along-profile
        # distances
        if gpsmat.shape[1] is 3:
            npos = gpsmat.shape[0]
            steplen = np.sqrt(
                np.power( gpsmat[1:npos,0]-gpsmat[0:npos-1,0] ,2.0) + 
                np.power( gpsmat[1:npos,1]-gpsmat[0:npos-1,1] ,2.0) +
                np.power( gpsmat[1:npos,2]-gpsmat[0:npos-1,2] ,2.0)
            alongdist = np.cumsum(steplen)
            # gpsPos = np.append(0,alongdist)
            gpsPos = np.append(0,alongdist) + np.min(profilePos)
            # We assume that the profilePos are the correct along-profile
            # points of the measurements (they can be correted with adj profile)
            # For some along-profile points, we have the elevation from prepTopo
            # So we can just interpolate
            xval = gpsmat[:,0]
            yval = gpsmat[:,1]
            zval = gpsmat[:,2]                        
            x = interp.pchip_interpolate(gpsPos,xval,profilePos)
            y = interp.pchip_interpolate(gpsPos,yval,profilePos)
            z = interp.pchip_interpolate(gpsPos,zval,profilePos)
            npos = gpsmat.shape[0]
            steplen = np.sqrt(
                np.power( gpsmat[1:npos,0]-gpsmat[0:npos-1,0] ,2.0) + 
                np.power( gpsmat[1:npos,1]-gpsmat[0:npos-1,1] ,2.0)  
            alongdist = np.cumsum(steplen)
            # gpsPos = np.append(0,alongdist)
            gpsPos = np.append(0,alongdist) + np.min(profilePos)
            xval = gpsmat[:,0]
            zval = gpsmat[:,1]
            x = interp.pchip_interpolate(gpsPos,xval,profilePos)
            z = interp.pchip_interpolate(gpsPos,zval,profilePos)
            y = np.zeros(len(x))
        # Do some smoothing
        if smooth:
            win_length = min(int(len(x)/2),win_length)
            porder = min(int(np.sqrt(len(x))),porder)
            x = signal.savgol_filter(x.squeeze(), window_length=win_length,
            y = signal.savgol_filter(y.squeeze(), window_length=win_length,
            z = signal.savgol_filter(z.squeeze(), window_length=win_length,
    return x,y,z

def linStackedAmplitude(data,profilePos,twtt,vVals,tVals,typefact):
    Calculates the linear stacked amplitudes for each two-way 
    travel time sample and the provided velocity range 
    by summing the pixels of the data that follow a line given 
    by the two-way travel time zero offset and the velocity.

    data          data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    profilePos    along-profile coordinates of the traces
    twtt          two-way travel time values for the samples, in ns
    vVals         list of velocity values for which to calculate the
                  linear stacked amplitudes, in m/ns
    tVals         list of twtt zero-offsets for which to calculate
                  the linear stacked amplitudes, in ns
    typefact      factor for antenna separation depending if this is
                  for CMP (typefact=2) or WARR (typefact=1) data

    linStAmp      matrix containing the linear stacked amplitudes
                  for the given data, tVals, and vVals
    for vi in tqdm(range(0,len(vVals))):       
        for ti in range(0,len(tVals)):
            t = tVals[ti] + typefact*profilePos/vVals[vi]
            tindices = (np.round((t-twtt[0])/(twtt[3]-twtt[2]))).astype(int)
            # The tindices will be sorted, can use searchsorted because
            # the wave doesn't turn around
            maxi = np.searchsorted(tindices,len(twtt))
            pixels = data[(tindices[0:maxi],np.arange(0,maxi))]
    return linStAmp

def hypStackedAmplitude(data,profilePos,twtt,vVals,tVals,typefact):
    Calculates the hyperbolic stacked amplitudes for each two-way 
    travel time sample and the provided velocity range 
    by summing the pixels of the data that follow a hyperbola given 
    by the two-way travel time apex and the velocity.

    data          data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    profilePos    along-profile coordinates of the traces
    twtt          two-way travel time values for the samples, in ns
    vVals         list of velocity values for which to calculate the
                  hyperbolic stacked amplitudes, in m/ns
    tVals         list of twtt zero-offsets for which to calculate
                  the hyperbolic stacked amplitudes, in ns
    typefact      factor for antenna separation depending if this is
                  for CMP (typefact=2) or WARR (typefact=1) data

    hypStAmp      matrix containing the hyperbolic stacked amplitudes
                  for the given data, tVals, and vVals
    x2 = np.power(typefact*profilePos,2.0)
    for vi in tqdm(range(0,len(vVals))):       
        for ti in range(0,len(tVals)):
            t = np.sqrt(x2 + 4*np.power(tVals[ti]/2.0 * vVals[vi],2.0))/vVals[vi]
            tindices = (np.round((t-twtt[0])/(twtt[3]-twtt[2]))).astype(int)
            # The tindices will be sorted, can use searchsorted because
            # the wave doesn't turn around
            maxi = np.searchsorted(tindices,len(twtt))
            pixels = data[(tindices[0:maxi],np.arange(0,maxi))]
    return hypStAmp

# ##### Some helper functions
# def nextpow2(i):
#     n = 1
#     while n < i: n *= 2
#     return n

# def padMat(mat,nrow,ncol):
#     padheight=nrow-mat.shape[0]
#     padwidth=ncol-mat.shape[1]
#     if padheight>0: 
#         mat = np.concatenate((mat,np.zeros((padheight,mat.shape[1]))))
#     if padwidth>0:    
#         pad = np.zeros((nrow,padwidth))
#         mat = np.concatenate((mat,pad),axis=1)
#     return mat

# def padVec(vec,totlen):
#     padwidth=totlen-len(vec)
#     if padwidth>0:
#         vec = np.append(vec,np.zeros(padwidth))
#     return vec

##### Testing / trying to improve performance:
def linStackedAmplitude_alt1(data,profilePos,twtt,vVals,tVals,typefact):
    Calculates the linear stacked amplitudes for each two-way 
    travel time sample and the provided velocity range 
    by summing the pixels of the data that follow a line given 
    by the two-way travel time zero offset and the velocity.

    data          data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    profilePos    along-profile coordinates of the traces
    twtt          two-way travel time values for the samples, in ns
    vVals         list of velocity values for which to calculate the
                  linear stacked amplitudes, in m/ns
    tVals         list of twtt zero-offsets for which to calculate
                  the linear stacked amplitudes, in ns
    typefact      factor for antenna separation depending if this is
                  for CMP (typefact=2) or WARR (typefact=1) data

    linStAmp      matrix containing the linear stacked amplitudes
                  for the given data, tVals, and vVals
    f = interp.interp2d(profilePos, twtt, data)        
    for vi in  tqdm(range(0,len(vVals))):
        for ti in range(0,len(tVals)):
            t = tVals[ti] + typefact*profilePos/vVals[vi]            
            vals = np.diagonal(np.asmatrix(f(profilePos, t)))
            linStAmp[ti,vi] = np.abs(sum(vals)/len(vals))
    return linStAmp

def linStackedAmplitude_alt2(data,profilePos,twtt,vVals,tVals,typefact):
    Calculates the linear stacked amplitudes for each two-way 
    travel time sample and the provided velocity range 
    by summing the pixels of the data that follow a line given 
    by the two-way travel time zero offset and the velocity.

    data          data matrix whose columns contain the traces
    profilePos    along-profile coordinates of the traces
    twtt          two-way travel time values for the samples, in ns
    vVals         list of velocity values for which to calculate the
                  linear stacked amplitudes, in m/ns
    tVals         list of twtt zero-offsets for which to calculate
                  the linear stacked amplitudes, in ns
    typefact      factor for antenna separation depending if this is
                  for CMP (typefact=2) or WARR (typefact=1) data

    linStAmp      matrix containing the linear stacked amplitudes
                  for the given data, tVals, and vVals
    tVals = np.asmatrix(tVals).transpose()   
    for vi in tqdm(range(0,len(vVals))):
        t = tVals + typefact*profilePos/vVals[vi]
        tindices = (np.round((t-twtt[0])/(twtt[3]-twtt[2]))).astype(int)
        for ti in range(0,len(tVals)):
            # The tindices will be sorted, can use searchsorted because
            # the wave doesn't turn around           
            maxi = np.searchsorted(np.ravel(tindices[ti,:]),len(twtt))
            pixels = data[(tindices[ti,0:maxi],np.arange(0,maxi))]
    return linStAmp