import torch
import torchvision
import os
import math
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

# matplotlib backend, required for plotting of images to tensorboard

# setting font sizes
title_font_size = 60
axes_font_size = 45
legend_font_size = 36
ticks_font_size = 48

# setting seaborn specifics
colors = sns.color_palette("Set2")
pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(10, light=0.0)
linestyles = [(0, (1, 3)),  # 'dotted'
              (0, (1, 1)),  # 'densely dotted'
              (0, (2, 2)),  # 'dashed'
              (0, (3, 1)),  # 'densely dashed'
              (0, (3, 3, 1, 3)),  # 'dashdotted'
              (0, (3, 1, 1, 1)),  # 'densely dashdotted'
              (0, (3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3)),  # 'dashdotdotted'
              (0, (3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))]  # 'densely dashdotdotted'

def args_to_tensorboard(writer, args):
    Takes command line parser arguments and formats them to
    display them in TensorBoard text.

        writer (tensorboard.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard SummaryWriter instance.
        args (dict): dictionary of command line arguments

    txt = ""
    for arg in vars(args):
        txt += arg + ": " + str(getattr(args, arg)) + "<br/>"

    writer.add_text('command_line_parameters', txt, 0)

def visualize_image_grid(images, writer, count, name, save_path):
    Visualizes a grid of images and saves it to both hard-drive as well as TensorBoard

        images (torch.Tensor): Tensor of images.
        writer (tensorboard.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard SummaryWriter instance.
        count (int): counter usually specifying steps/epochs/time.
        name (str): name of the figure in tensorboard.
        save_path (str): path where image grid is going to be saved.
    size = images.size(0)
    imgs = torchvision.utils.make_grid(images, nrow=int(math.sqrt(size)), padding=5)
    torchvision.utils.save_image(images, os.path.join(save_path, name + '_epoch_' + str(count + 1) + '.png'),
                                 nrow=int(math.sqrt(size)), padding=5)
    writer.add_image(name, imgs, count)

def visualize_confusion(writer, step, matrix, class_dict, save_path):
    Visualization of confusion matrix. Is saved to hard-drive and TensorBoard.

        writer (tensorboard.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard SummaryWriter instance.
        step (int): Counter usually specifying steps/epochs/time.
        matrix (numpy.array): Square-shaped array of size class x class.
            Should specify cross-class accuracies/confusion in percent
            values (range 0-1).
        class_dict (dict): Dictionary specifying class names as keys and
            corresponding integer labels/targets as values.
        save_path (str): Path used for saving

    all_categories = sorted(class_dict, key=class_dict.get)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    cax = ax.matshow(matrix)
    fig.colorbar(cax, boundaries=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1])

    # Set up axes
    ax.set_xticklabels([''] + all_categories, rotation=90)
    ax.set_yticklabels([''] + all_categories)

    # Force label at every tick

    # Turn off the grid for this plot

    writer.add_figure("Training data", fig, global_step=str(step))
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, 'confusion_epoch_' + str(step) + '.png'), bbox_inches='tight')

def visualize_dataset_in_2d_embedding(writer, encoding_list, dataset_name, save_path, task=1):
    Visualization of 2-D latent embedding. Is saved to both hard-disc as well as TensorBoard.

        writer (tensorboard.SummaryWriter): TensorBoard SummaryWriter instance.
        encoding_list (list): List of Tensors containing encoding values
        dataset_name (str): Dataset name.
        save_path (str): Path used for saving.
        task (int): task counter. Used for naming.

    num_classes = len(encoding_list)
    encoded_classes = []
    for i in range(len(encoding_list)):
        if isinstance(encoding_list[i], torch.Tensor):
            encoded_classes.append([i] * encoding_list[i].size(0))
            device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
            encoding_list[i] = torch.Tensor(encoding_list[i]).to(device)
            encoded_classes.append([i] * 0)
    encoded_classes = np.concatenate(np.asarray(encoded_classes), axis=0)
    encoding =, dim=0)

    if encoding.size(1) != 2:
        print("Skipping visualization of latent space because it is not 2-D")

    # select first and second dimension
    encoded_dim1 = np.squeeze(encoding.narrow(1, 0, 1).cpu().numpy())
    encoded_dim2 = np.squeeze(encoding.narrow(1, 1, 1).cpu().numpy())

    xlabel = 'z dimension 1'
    ylabel = 'z dimension 2'

    my_cmap = ListedColormap(sns.color_palette("Paired", num_classes).as_hex())
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.scatter(encoded_dim1, encoded_dim2, c=encoded_classes, cmap=my_cmap)

    plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=axes_font_size)

    cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=np.linspace(0, num_classes-1, num_classes))[str(i) for i in range(num_classes)])


    writer.add_figure('latent_embedding', fig, global_step=task)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, dataset_name + '_latent_2d_embedding_task_' +
                             str(task) + '.png'), bbox_inches='tight')

def visualize_means(means, classes_order, data_name, save_path, name):
    Visualization of means, e.g. of latent code z.

        means (torch.Tensor): 2-D Tensor with one mean z vector per class.
        classes_order (dict): Defines mapping between integer indices and class names (strings).
        data_name (str): Dataset name. Used for naming.
        save_path (str): Saving path.
        name (str): Name for type of mean, e.g. "z".
    classes_order = sorted(classes_order)
    classes = []
    for key in classes_order:

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    ax = sns.heatmap(means.cpu().numpy(), cmap="BrBG")
    ax.set_title(data_name, fontsize=title_font_size)
    ax.set_xlabel(name + ' mean activations', fontsize=axes_font_size)
    ax.set_yticklabels(classes, rotation=0)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, name + '_mean_activations.png'), bbox_inches='tight')

def visualize_classification_uncertainty(data_mus, data_sigmas, other_data_dicts, other_data_mu_key,
                                         data_name, num_samples, save_path):
    Visualization of prediction uncertainty computed over multiple samples for each input.

        data_mus (list or torch.Tensor): Encoded mu values for trained dataset's validation set.
        data_sigmas (list or torch.Tensor): Encoded sigma values for trained dataset's validation set.
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries): A dataset with values per dictionary, among them mus and sigmas
        other_data_mu_key (str): Dictionary key for the mus
        other_data_sigma_key (str): Dictionary key for the sigmas
        data_name (str): Original dataset's name.
        num_samples (int): Number of used samples to obtain prediction values.
        save_path (str): Saving path.

    data_mus = [y for x in data_mus for y in x]
    data_sigmas = [y for x in data_sigmas for y in x]

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 14))
    plt.scatter(data_mus, data_sigmas, label=data_name, s=75, c=colors[0], alpha=1.0)

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        other_data_mus = [y for x in other_data_dict[other_data_mu_key] for y in x]
        other_data_sigmas = [y for x in other_data_dict[other_data_sigma_key] for y in x]
        plt.scatter(other_data_mus, other_data_sigmas, label=other_data_name, s=75, c=colors[c], alpha=0.3,
        c += 1

    plt.xlabel("Prediction mean", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Prediction standard deviation", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.05, right=1.05)
    plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=0.55)
    plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize=legend_font_size)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_vs_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys())) +
                             '_classification_uncertainty_' + str(num_samples) + '_samples.pdf'),

def visualize_classification_scores(data, other_data_dicts, dict_key, data_name, save_path):
    Visualization of classification scores per dataset.

        data (list): Classification scores.
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries): Dictionary of key-value pairs per dataset
        dict_key (string): Dictionary key to plot
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        save_path (str): Saving path.

    data = [y for x in data for y in x]

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.hist(data, label=data_name, alpha=1.0, bins=20, color=colors[0])

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        other_data = [y for x in other_data_dict[dict_key] for y in x]
        plt.hist(other_data, label=other_data_name, alpha=0.5, bins=20, color=colors[c])
        c += 1

    plt.title("Dataset classification", fontsize=title_font_size)
    plt.xlabel("Classification confidence", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Number of images", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.0, right=1.05)

    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys()))
                             + '_classification_scores.png'),

def visualize_entropy_histogram(data, other_data_dicts, max_entropy, dict_key, data_name, save_path):
    Visualization of the entropy the datasets.

        data (list):
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries): Dictionary of key-value pairs per dataset
        dict_key (str): Dictionary key to plot
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        save_path (str): Saving path.
    data = [x for x in data]

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.hist(data, label=data_name, alpha=1.0, bins=25, color=colors[0])

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        other_data = [x for x in other_data_dict[dict_key]]
        plt.hist(other_data, label=other_data_name, alpha=0.5, bins=25, color=colors[c])
        c += 1

    plt.title("Dataset classification entropy", fontsize=title_font_size)
    plt.xlabel("Classification entropy", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Number of images", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.0, right=max_entropy)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys()))
                             + '_classification_entropies.png'),

def visualize_recon_loss_histogram(data, other_data_dicts, max_recon_loss, dict_key, data_name, save_path):
    Visualization of the entropy the datasets.

        data (list):
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries): Dictionary of key-value pairs per dataset
        dict_key (str): Dictionary key to plot
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        save_path (str): Saving path.
    data = [x for x in data]

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.hist(data, label=data_name, alpha=1.0, bins=25, color=colors[0])

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        other_data = [x for x in other_data_dict[dict_key]]
        plt.hist(other_data, label=other_data_name, alpha=0.5, bins=25, color=colors[c])
        c += 1

    plt.title("Dataset reconstruction", fontsize=title_font_size)
    plt.xlabel("Reconstruction loss (nats)", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Number of images", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.0, right=max_recon_loss)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys()))
                             + '_reconstruction_losses.png'),

def visualize_weibull_outlier_probabilities(data_outlier_probs, other_data_outlier_probs_dict,
                                            data_name, save_path, tailsize):
    Visualization of Weibull CDF outlier probabilites.

        data_outlier_probs (np.array): Outlier probabilities for each input of the trained dataset's validation set.
        other_data_outlier_probs_dict (dictionary): Outlier probabilities for each input of an unseen dataset.
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        save_path (str): Saving path.
        tailsize (int): Fitted Weibull model's tailsize.

    data_outlier_probs = np.concatenate(data_outlier_probs, axis=0)

    data_weights = np.ones_like(data_outlier_probs) / float(len(data_outlier_probs))

    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.hist(data_outlier_probs, label=data_name, weights=data_weights, bins=50, color=colors[0],
             alpha=1.0, edgecolor='white', linewidth=5)

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_outlier_probs in other_data_outlier_probs_dict.items():
        other_data_outlier_probs = np.concatenate(other_data_outlier_probs, axis=0)
        other_data_weights = np.ones_like(other_data_outlier_probs) / float(len(other_data_outlier_probs))
        plt.hist(other_data_outlier_probs, label=other_data_name, weights=other_data_weights,
                 bins=50, color=colors[c], alpha=0.5, edgecolor='white', linewidth=5)
        c += 1

    plt.title("Outlier probabilities: tailsize " + str(tailsize), fontsize=title_font_size)
    plt.xlabel("Outlier probability according to Weibull CDF", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Percentage", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.05, right=1.05)
    plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=1.05)

    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_outlier_probs_dict.keys()))
                             + '_weibull_outlier_probabilities_tailsize_'
                             + str(tailsize) + '.png'), bbox_inches='tight')

def visualize_openset_classification(data, other_data_dicts, dict_key, data_name,
                                     thresholds, save_path, tailsize):
    Visualization of percentage of datasets considered as statistical outliers evaluated for different
    Weibull CDF rejection priors.

        data (list): Dataset outlier percentages per rejection prior value for the trained dataset's validation set.
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries):
            Dataset outlier percentages per rejection prior value for an unseen dataset.
        dict_key (str): Dictionary key of the values to visualize
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        thresholds (list): List of integers with rejection prior values.
        save_path (str): Saving path.
        tailsize (int): Weibull model's tailsize.

    lw = 10
    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.plot(thresholds, data, label=data_name, color=colors[0], linestyle='solid', linewidth=lw)

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        plt.plot(thresholds, other_data_dict[dict_key], label=other_data_name, color=colors[c],
                 linestyle=linestyles[c % len(linestyles)], linewidth=lw)
        c += 1

    plt.xlabel(r"Weibull CDF outlier rejection prior $\Omega_t$", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Percentage of dataset outliers", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.05, right=1.05)
    plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=1.05)
    plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=legend_font_size - 15)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys())) +
                             '_outlier_classification' + '_tailsize_' + str(tailsize) + '.pdf'),

def visualize_entropy_classification(data, other_data_dicts, dict_key, data_name,
                                     thresholds, save_path):
    Visualization of percentage of datasets considered as statistical outliers evaluated for different
    entropy thresholds.

        data (list): Dataset outlier percentages per rejection prior value for the trained dataset's validation set.
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries):
            Dataset outlier percentages per rejection prior value for an unseen dataset.
        dict_key (str): Dictionary key of the values to visualize
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        thresholds (list): List of integers with rejection prior values.
        save_path (str): Saving path.

    lw = 10
    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.plot(thresholds, data, label=data_name, color=colors[0], linestyle='solid', linewidth=lw)

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        plt.plot(thresholds, other_data_dict[dict_key], label=other_data_name, color=colors[c],
                 linestyle=linestyles[c % len(linestyles)], linewidth=lw)
        c += 1

    plt.xlabel(r"Predictive entropy", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Percentage of dataset outliers", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.05, right=thresholds[-1])
    plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=1.05)
    plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=legend_font_size - 15)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys())) +
                             '_entropy_outlier_classification' + '.pdf'),

def visualize_reconstruction_classification(data, other_data_dicts, dict_key, data_name,
                                            thresholds, save_path, autoregression=False):
    Visualization of percentage of datasets considered as statistical outliers evaluated for different
    entropy thresholds.

        data (list): Dataset outlier percentages per rejection prior value for the trained dataset's validation set.
        other_data_dicts (dictionary of dictionaries):
            Dataset outlier percentages per rejection prior value for an unseen dataset.
        dict_key (str): Dictionary key of the values to visualize
        data_name (str): Original trained dataset's name.
        thresholds (list): List of integers with rejection prior values.
        save_path (str): Saving path.

    lw = 10
    plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    plt.plot(thresholds, data, label=data_name, color=colors[0], linestyle='solid', linewidth=lw)

    c = 0
    for other_data_name, other_data_dict in other_data_dicts.items():
        plt.plot(thresholds, other_data_dict[dict_key], label=other_data_name, color=colors[c],
                 linestyle=linestyles[c % len(linestyles)], linewidth=lw)
        c += 1

    if autoregression:
        plt.xlabel(r"Dataset reconstruction loss (bits per dim)", fontsize=axes_font_size)
        plt.xlabel(r"Dataset reconstruction loss (nats)", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.ylabel("Percentage of dataset outliers", fontsize=axes_font_size)
    plt.xlim(left=-0.05, right=thresholds[-1])
    plt.ylim(bottom=-0.05, top=1.05)
    plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=legend_font_size - 15)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, data_name + '_' + ",".join(list(other_data_dicts.keys())) +
                             '_reconstruction_loss_outlier_classification' + '.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')