#!/usr/bin/env python3

 Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Alan Yorinks - All Rights Reserved.

 Python Banyan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 or (at your option) any later version.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import argparse
import logging
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from os.path import expanduser
from subprocess import Popen

import psutil
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from python_banyan.banyan_base import BanyanBase

class BLC(BanyanBase):
    This is the banyan launcher client. It receives launch instructions
    from the server and then locally launches and manages those processes.

    def __init__(self, subscriber_port='43125', publisher_port='43124',
                 back_plane_ip_address=None, topic=None):
        :param back_plane_ip_address: address of backplane. This is a required
        :param subscriber_port: backplane subscriber port
        :param publisher_port:  backplane publisher port
        :param topic: subscriber topic containing launch instructions. This is
                      a required parameter

        # To use this class the backplane address is a required parameter
        if not any((back_plane_ip_address, topic)):
            print('You must specify both the backplane ip address and topic.')

        # start the logging process

        # get the home directory path
        home = expanduser("~")

        # set up the log file
        logging.basicConfig(filename=home + '/banyan_launcher.log', filemode='w',

        # a popen process object
        self.proc = None

        # maintain a database of information pertaining to each launch item
        # this will be an array of dictionaries, with each row describing a single launched process
        self.launch_db = []

        # the keys defined for a given row are as follows:
        # auto_restart - restart process if it dies
        # append_bp_address - the backplane ip address appended to
        #                     the command_string with -b option
        # command_string - the command used to launch the process
        # process - the value returned from popen after launching process
        # process_id - pid of launched process
        # spawn - spawn process in its own window
        # topic - used to publish to remote launcher
        # reply_topic - reply topic from remote launcher

        # call the parent class to attach this banyan component to the backplane
        super(BLC, self).__init__(back_plane_ip_address=back_plane_ip_address,
                                  process_name='Banyan Launch Client',

        print('Listening for ' + topic + ' messages.')

        # subscribe to the launch topic specified in the init parameter

        # subscribe to the killall topic to exit this program via message

        # start the background scheduler to periodically run check_processes and confirm
        self.scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
        self.job = self.scheduler.add_job(self.check_local_processes, 'interval', seconds=.5)


            # initial launching is complete, so just wait to receive incoming messages.
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

    def spawn_local(self, idx):
        This method launches processes that are needed to run on this computer.
        :param idx: An index into launch_db

        # get the launch entry in launch_db
        db_entry = self.launch_db[idx]

        # skip over the entry for the backplane.
        # there shouldn't be one for the client, but the code is
        # kept consist with the server.
        # launch the process either in its own window or just launch it.
        # differentiate between windows and other os's.
        if not db_entry['command_string'] == 'backplane':
            if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
                if db_entry['spawn'] == 'yes':
                    self.proc = Popen(db_entry['command_string'],
                    command_list = db_entry['command_string']
                    self.proc = Popen(command_list, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP)
                if db_entry['spawn'] == 'yes':
                    self.proc = Popen(['xterm', '-e', db_entry['command_string']],
                                      stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                    command_list = db_entry['command_string'].split(' ')
                    self.proc = Popen(command_list)

            # update the entry with the launch information
            db_entry['process'] = self.proc
            db_entry['process_id'] = self.proc.pid
            print('{:35} PID = {}'.format(db_entry['command_string'], str(self.proc.pid)))

            # allow a little time for the process to startup
            except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                # self.scheduler.shutdown()
    def check_local_processes(self):

        # This method is called by the scheduler periodically.
        # Check to make sure if a local process previously started is still running.
        # If a process is not dead, print that to the console and if the process
        # has the restart flag set, then restart it.
        for x, record in enumerate(self.launch_db):

            # ignore backplane
            if not record['command_string'] == 'backplane':
                # get a list of all pids running
                pids = psutil.pids()

                status = None
                # check to see if the process in the launch_db is in this list
                if record['process'].pid in pids:
                    proc = psutil.Process(record['process'].pid)

                    # get the status for this process
                    status = proc.status()

                # if it is not in the list, declare it a zombie to force the print
                if not record['process'].pid in pids:
                    status = psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE

                if status == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE:
                    log_string = '{:35} PID = {} DIED'.format(record['command_string'], str(record['process'].pid))

                    # log_string = record['command_string'] + " PID = " + str(record['process'].pid + 'DIED')
                    logger = logging.getLogger()

                    # reset its state and process, and process ID
                    record['process'] = None
                    record['process_id'] = None

                    # do we need to restart it?
                    if record['auto_restart'] == 'yes':
    def check_local_processes(self):
        This method is called by the scheduler periodically.
        Check to make sure if a local process previously started is still running.
        If a process is dead, print that to the console and if the process
        has the restart flag set, then restart it.

        Affect the launch_db entry so that only one message is printed and the if
        the process to be restarted, it is restarted once.

        if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
            for x, record in enumerate(self.launch_db):

                # ignore backplane
                if not record['command_string'] == 'backplane':
                    # get a list of all pids running
                    pids = psutil.pids()

                    # status = None
                    # check to see if the process in the launch_db is in this list
                    if record['process'].pid in pids:
                        proc = psutil.Process(record['process'].pid)

                        # get the status for this process
                        status = proc.status()

                    elif not record['process'].pid in pids:
                        status = psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE

                        status = None

                    # print(status)
                    if status == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE:
                        log_string = '{:35} PID = {} DIED'.format(record['command_string'], str(record['process'].pid))

                        # log_string = record['command_string'] + " PID = " + str(record['process'].pid + 'DIED')
                        logger = logging.getLogger()

                        # reset its state and process, and process ID
                        record['process'] = None
                        record['process_id'] = None

                        # do we need to restart it?
                        if record['auto_restart'] == 'yes':
            for x, record in enumerate(self.launch_db):
                if not record['command_string'] == 'backplane':
                    if record['process_id']:
                        pids = psutil.pids()
                        # print(record)
                        # check to see if the process in the launch_db is in this list
                        # status = None

                            if record['process'].pid in pids:
                                proc = psutil.Process(record['process'].pid)
                                status = proc.status()
                                # print('command: ' + record['command_string'] + 'status: ' + status)

                                if status == psutil.STATUS_SLEEPING:

                                if not status:
                                    status = psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE

                                if status == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE:

                                    log_string = '{:35} PID = {} DIED'.format(record['command_string'],

                                    logger = logging.getLogger()

                                    # reset its process, and process ID
                                    record['process'] = None
                                    record['process_id'] = None

                                    # do we need to restart it?
                                    if record['auto_restart'] == 'yes':
                        except AttributeError:

    def incoming_message_processing(self, topic, payload):
        Messages are sent here from the receive_loop

        :param topic: Message Topic string
        :param payload: Message Data
        # make sure this is not a duplicate launch request

        if topic == 'killall':
            # self.scheduler.shutdown()
            # sys.exit(0)

            # check to see if the process was already launched and ignore
            # if it was
            for idx, record in enumerate(self.launch_db):
                if record['launch_id'] == payload['launch_id']:
            # print(topic, payload)
            # idx = len(self.launch_db)
            self.spawn_local(len(self.launch_db) - 1)

            record = self.launch_db[-1]

            # pid = str(record['process_id'])
            # send acknowledgement to server
            ack = {'command_string': record['command_string'],
                   'process_id': record['process_id'],
                   'launch_id': record['launch_id']}
            topic = record['reply_topic']
            self.publish_payload(ack, topic)

    def clean_up(self):
        Graceful shutdown - all newly opened windows and associated processes
        are killed
        # self.scheduler.shutdown()
        # self.publish_payload({'kill': True}, 'killall')
        # time.sleep(.5)
        for idx, record in enumerate(self.launch_db):
            if record['process']:
                print('{:35} PID = {} KILLED'.format(record['command_string'], str(record['process'].pid)))
                proc = psutil.Process(record['process'].pid)
                record['process'] = None
                record['process_id'] = None

def blc():
    # allow user to bypass the IP address auto-discovery. This is necessary if the component resides on a computer
    # other than the computing running the backplane.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument("-b", dest="back_plane_ip_address", default="None",
                        help="None or IP address used by Back Plane",
    parser.add_argument("-p", dest="publisher_port", default='43124',
                        help="Publisher IP port")
    parser.add_argument("-t", dest="topic", default='None',
                        help="Command Receiver Topic", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("-s", dest="subscriber_port", default='43125',
                        help="Subscriber IP port")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    kw_options = {
        'back_plane_ip_address': args.back_plane_ip_address,
        'publisher_port': args.publisher_port,
        'subscriber_port': args.subscriber_port,
        'topic': args.topic

    # replace with the name of your class

# signal handler function called when Control-C occurs
# noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
    print('Exiting Through Signal Handler')
    raise KeyboardInterrupt

# listen for SIGINT
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # replace with name of function you defined above