import warnings

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from rest_framework.response import Response

class BaseMultipleModelMixin(object):
    Base class that holds functions need for all MultipleModelMixins/Views
    querylist = None

    # Keys required for every item in a querylist
    required_keys = ['queryset', 'serializer_class']

    # default pagination state. Gets overridden if pagination is active
    is_paginated = False

    def get_querylist(self):
        assert self.querylist is not None, (
            '{} should either include a `querylist` attribute, '
            'or override the `get_querylist()` method.'.format(

        return self.querylist

    def check_query_data(self, query_data):
        All items in a `querylist` must at least have `queryset` key and a
        `serializer_class` key. Any querylist item lacking both those keys
        will raise a ValidationError
        for key in self.required_keys:
            if key not in query_data:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'All items in the {} querylist attribute should contain a '
                    '`{}` key'.format(self.__class__.__name__, key)

    def load_queryset(self, query_data, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetches the queryset and runs any necessary filtering, both
        built-in rest_framework filters and custom filters passed into
        the querylist
        queryset = query_data.get('queryset', [])

        if isinstance(queryset, QuerySet):
            # Ensure queryset is re-evaluated on each request.
            queryset = queryset.all()

        # run rest_framework filters
        queryset = self.filter_queryset(queryset)

        # run custom filters
        filter_fn = query_data.get('filter_fn', None)
        if filter_fn is not None:
            queryset = filter_fn(queryset, request, *args, **kwargs)

        page = self.paginate_queryset(queryset)
        self.is_paginated = page is not None

        return page if page is not None else queryset

    def get_empty_results(self):
        Because the base result type is different depending on the return structure
        (e.g. list for flat, dict for object), `get_result_type` initials the
        `results` variable to the proper type
        assert self.result_type is not None, (
            '{} must specify a `result_type` value or overwrite the '
            '`get_empty_result` method.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)

        return self.result_type()

    def add_to_results(self, data, label, results):
        responsible for updating the running `results` variable with the
        data from this queryset/serializer combo
        raise NotImplementedError(
            '{} must specify how to add data to the running results tally '
            'by overriding the `add_to_results` method.'.format(

    def format_results(self, results, request):
        hook for processing/formatting the entire returned data set, once
        the querylist has been evaluated
        return results

    def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        querylist = self.get_querylist()

        results = self.get_empty_results()

        for query_data in querylist:

            queryset = self.load_queryset(query_data, request, *args, **kwargs)

            # Run the paired serializer
            context = self.get_serializer_context()
            data = query_data['serializer_class'](queryset, many=True, context=context).data

            label = self.get_label(queryset, query_data)

            # Add the serializer data to the running results tally
            results = self.add_to_results(data, label, results)

        formatted_results = self.format_results(results, request)

        if self.is_paginated:
                formatted_results = self.paginator.format_response(formatted_results)
            except AttributeError:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "{} cannot use the regular Rest Framework or Django paginators as is. "
                    "Use one of the included paginators from `drf_multiple_models.pagination "
                    "or subclass a paginator to add the `format_response` method."

        return Response(formatted_results)

class FlatMultipleModelMixin(BaseMultipleModelMixin):
    Create a List of objects from multiple models/serializers.

    Mixin is expecting the view will have a querylist variable, which is
    a list/tuple of dicts containing, at mininum, a `queryset` key and a
    `serializer_class` key,  as below:

    queryList = [
        {'queryset': MyModalA.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': MyModelASerializer ),
        {'queryset': MyModalB.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': MyModelBSerializer ),
        {'queryset': MyModalC.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': MyModelCSerializer ),

    This mixin returns a list of serialized data merged together in a single list, eg:

        { 'id': 1, 'type': 'myModelA', 'title': 'some_object' },
        { 'id': 4, 'type': 'myModelB', 'title': 'some_other_object' },
        { 'id': 8, 'type': 'myModelA', 'title': 'anotherother_object' },
    # Optional keyword to sort flat lasts by given attribute
    # note that the attribute must by shared by ALL models
    sorting_field = None
    sorting_fields = None

    # A mapping, similar to Django's `OrderingFilter`. In the following format: {parameter name: result field name}
    # If request query param contains sorting parameter (by default - 'o'), result will be sorted by this parameter.
    # Django-like model lookups are supported via '__', but you have to be sure that all querysets will return results
    # with corresponding structure.
    sorting_fields_map = {}
    sorting_parameter_name = 'o'

    # Flag to append the particular django model being used to the data
    add_model_type = True

    result_type = list

    _list_attribute_error = 'Invalid sorting field. Corresponding data item is a list: {}'

    def initial(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Overrides DRF's `initial` in order to set the `_sorting_field` from corresponding property in view.
        Protected property is required in order to support overriding of `sorting_field` via `@property`, we do this
        after original `initial` has been ran in order to make sure that view has all its properties set up.
        super(FlatMultipleModelMixin, self).initial(request, *args, **kwargs)
        assert not (self.sorting_field and self.sorting_fields), \
            '{} should either define ``sorting_field`` or ``sorting_fields`` property, not both.' \
        if self.sorting_field:
                '``sorting_field`` property is pending its deprecation. Use ``sorting_fields`` instead.',
            self.sorting_fields = [self.sorting_field]
        self._sorting_fields = self.sorting_fields

    def get_label(self, queryset, query_data):
        Gets option label for each datum. Can be used for type identification
        of individual serialized objects
        if query_data.get('label', False):
            return query_data['label']
        elif self.add_model_type:
                return queryset.model.__name__
            except AttributeError:
                return query_data['queryset'].model.__name__

    def add_to_results(self, data, label, results):
        Adds the label to the results, as needed, then appends the data
        to the running results tab
        for datum in data:
            if label is not None:
                datum.update({'type': label})


        return results

    def format_results(self, results, request):
        Prepares sorting parameters, and sorts results, if(as) necessary
        if self._sorting_fields:
            results = self.sort_results(results)

        if request.accepted_renderer.format == 'html':
            # Makes the the results available to the template context by transforming to a dict
            results = {'data': results}

        return results

    def _sort_by(self, datum, param, path=None):
        Key function that is used for results sorting. This is passed as argument to `sorted()`
        if not path:
            path = []
            if '__' in param:
                root, new_param = param.split('__')
                return self._sort_by(datum[root], param=new_param, path=path)

            data = datum[param]
            if isinstance(data, list):
                raise ValidationError(self._list_attribute_error.format(param))
            return data
        except TypeError:
            raise ValidationError(self._list_attribute_error.format('.'.join(path)))
        except KeyError:
            raise ValidationError('Invalid sorting field: {}'.format('.'.join(path)))

    def prepare_sorting_fields(self):
        Determine sorting direction and sorting field based on request query parameters and sorting options
        of self
        if self.sorting_parameter_name in self.request.query_params:
            # Extract sorting parameter from query string
            self._sorting_fields = [
                _.strip() for _ in self.request.query_params.get(self.sorting_parameter_name).split(',')

        if self._sorting_fields:
            # Create a list of sorting parameters. Each parameter is a tuple: (field:str, descending:bool)
            self._sorting_fields = [
                (self.sorting_fields_map.get(field.lstrip('-'), field.lstrip('-')), field[0] == '-')
                for field in self._sorting_fields

    def sort_results(self, results):
        for field, descending in reversed(self._sorting_fields):
            results = sorted(
                key=lambda x: self._sort_by(x, field)
        return results

class ObjectMultipleModelMixin(BaseMultipleModelMixin):
    Create a Dictionary of objects from multiple models/serializers.

    Mixin is expecting the view will have a querylist variable, which is
    a list/tuple of dicts containing, at mininum, a `queryset` key and a
    `serializer_class` key,  as below:

    queryList = [
        {'queryset': MyModalA.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': MyModelASerializer ),
        {'queryset': MyModalB.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': MyModelBSerializer ),
        {'queryset': MyModalC.objects.all(), 'serializer_class': MyModelCSerializer ),

    This mixin returns a dictionary of serialized data separated by object type, e.g.:

        'MyModelA': [
            { 'id': 1, 'type': 'myModelA', 'title': 'some_object' },
            { 'id': 8, 'type': 'myModelA', 'title': 'anotherother_object' },
        'MyModelB': [
            { 'id': 4, 'type': 'myModelB', 'title': 'some_other_object' },
    result_type = dict

    def add_to_results(self, data, label, results):
        results[label] = data

        return results

    def get_label(self, queryset, query_data):
        Gets option label for each datum. Can be used for type identification
        of individual serialized objects
        if query_data.get('label', False):
            return query_data['label']

            return queryset.model.__name__
        except AttributeError:
            return query_data['queryset'].model.__name__