from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import colorsys
from enum import Enum

from fs_helpers import *

  import pyfastbti
except ImportError:

  import pyfasttextureutils
except ImportError:

class TooManyColorsError(Exception):

class ImageFormat(Enum):
  I4     =   0
  I8     =   1
  IA4    =   2
  IA8    =   3
  RGB565 =   4
  RGB5A3 =   5
  RGBA32 =   6
  C4     =   8
  C8     =   9
  C14X2  = 0xA
  CMPR   = 0xE

class PaletteFormat(Enum):
  IA8    = 0
  RGB565 = 1
  RGB5A3 = 2

  ImageFormat.I4    : 8,
  ImageFormat.I8    : 8,
  ImageFormat.IA4   : 8,
  ImageFormat.IA8   : 4,
  ImageFormat.RGB565: 4,
  ImageFormat.RGB5A3: 4,
  ImageFormat.RGBA32: 4,
  ImageFormat.C4    : 8,
  ImageFormat.C8    : 8,
  ImageFormat.C14X2 : 4,
  ImageFormat.CMPR  : 8,
  ImageFormat.I4    : 8,
  ImageFormat.I8    : 4,
  ImageFormat.IA4   : 4,
  ImageFormat.IA8   : 4,
  ImageFormat.RGB565: 4,
  ImageFormat.RGB5A3: 4,
  ImageFormat.RGBA32: 4,
  ImageFormat.C4    : 8,
  ImageFormat.C8    : 4,
  ImageFormat.C14X2 : 4,
  ImageFormat.CMPR  : 8,
  ImageFormat.I4    : 32,
  ImageFormat.I8    : 32,
  ImageFormat.IA4   : 32,
  ImageFormat.IA8   : 32,
  ImageFormat.RGB565: 32,
  ImageFormat.RGB5A3: 32,
  ImageFormat.RGBA32: 64,
  ImageFormat.C4    : 32,
  ImageFormat.C8    : 32,
  ImageFormat.C14X2 : 32,
  ImageFormat.CMPR  : 32,




  ImageFormat.C4   : 1<<4,
  ImageFormat.C8   : 1<<8,
  ImageFormat.C14X2: 1<<14,

def get_rgba(color):
  if len(color) == 4:
    r, g, b, a = color
    r, g, b = color
    a = 0xFF
  return (r, g, b, a)

def swizzle_3_bit_to_8_bit(v):
  # 00000123 -> 12312312
  return (v << 5) | (v << 2) | (v >> 1)

def swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(v):
  # 00001234 -> 12341234
  return (v << 4) | (v >> 0)

def swizzle_5_bit_to_8_bit(v):
  # 00012345 -> 12345123
  return (v << 3) | (v >> 2)

def swizzle_6_bit_to_8_bit(v):
  # 00123456 -> 12345612
  return (v << 2) | (v >> 4)

def convert_rgb_to_greyscale(r, g, b):
  return round(((r * 30) + (g * 59) + (b * 11)) / 100)

def convert_rgb565_to_color(rgb565):
  r = ((rgb565 >> 11) & 0x1F)
  g = ((rgb565 >> 5) & 0x3F)
  b = ((rgb565 >> 0) & 0x1F)
  r = swizzle_5_bit_to_8_bit(r)
  g = swizzle_6_bit_to_8_bit(g)
  b = swizzle_5_bit_to_8_bit(b)
  return (r, g, b, 255)

def convert_color_to_rgb565(color):
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  r = r >> 3
  g = g >> 2
  b = b >> 3
  rgb565 = 0x0000
  rgb565 |= ((r & 0x1F) << 11)
  rgb565 |= ((g & 0x3F) << 5)
  rgb565 |= ((b & 0x1F) << 0)
  return rgb565

def convert_rgb5a3_to_color(rgb5a3):
  # RGB5A3 format.
  # Each color takes up two bytes.
  # Format depends on the most significant bit. Two possible formats:
  # Top bit is 0: 0AAARRRRGGGGBBBB
  # Top bit is 1: 1RRRRRGGGGGBBBBB (Alpha set to 0xff)
  if (rgb5a3 & 0x8000) == 0:
    a = ((rgb5a3 >> 12) & 0x7)
    r = ((rgb5a3 >> 8) & 0xF)
    g = ((rgb5a3 >> 4) & 0xF)
    b = ((rgb5a3 >> 0) & 0xF)
    a = swizzle_3_bit_to_8_bit(a)
    r = swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(r)
    g = swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(g)
    b = swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(b)
    a = 255
    r = ((rgb5a3 >> 10) & 0x1F)
    g = ((rgb5a3 >> 5) & 0x1F)
    b = ((rgb5a3 >> 0) & 0x1F)
    r = swizzle_5_bit_to_8_bit(r)
    g = swizzle_5_bit_to_8_bit(g)
    b = swizzle_5_bit_to_8_bit(b)
  return (r, g, b, a)

def convert_color_to_rgb5a3(color):
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  if a != 255:
    a = a >> 5
    r = r >> 4
    g = g >> 4
    b = b >> 4
    rgb5a3 = 0x0000
    rgb5a3 |= ((a & 0x7) << 12)
    rgb5a3 |= ((r & 0xF) << 8)
    rgb5a3 |= ((g & 0xF) << 4)
    rgb5a3 |= ((b & 0xF) << 0)
    r = r >> 3
    g = g >> 3
    b = b >> 3
    rgb5a3 = 0x8000
    rgb5a3 |= ((r & 0x1F) << 10)
    rgb5a3 |= ((g & 0x1F) << 5)
    rgb5a3 |= ((b & 0x1F) << 0)
  return rgb5a3

def convert_ia4_to_color(ia4):
  low_nibble = ia4 & 0xF
  high_nibble = (ia4 >> 4) & 0xF
  r = g = b = swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(low_nibble)
  a = swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(high_nibble)
  return (r, g, b, a)

def convert_color_to_ia4(color):
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  l = convert_rgb_to_greyscale(r, g, b)
  ia4 = 0x00
  ia4 |= ((l >> 4) & 0xF)
  ia4 |= (a & 0xF0)
  return ia4

def convert_ia8_to_color(ia8):
  low_byte = ia8 & 0xFF
  high_byte = (ia8 >> 8) & 0xFF
  r = g = b = low_byte
  a = high_byte
  return (r, g, b, a)

def convert_color_to_ia8(color):
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  l = convert_rgb_to_greyscale(r, g, b)
  ia8 = 0x0000
  ia8 |= l & 0x00FF
  ia8 |= (a << 8) & 0xFF00
  return ia8

def convert_i4_to_color(i4):
  r = g = b = a = swizzle_4_bit_to_8_bit(i4)
  return (r, g, b, a)

def convert_color_to_i4(color):
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  l = convert_rgb_to_greyscale(r, g, b)
  i4 = ((l >> 4) & 0xF)
  return i4

def convert_i8_to_color(i8):
  r = g = b = a = i8
  return (r, g, b, a)

def convert_color_to_i8(color):
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  l = convert_rgb_to_greyscale(r, g, b)
  i8 = l & 0xFF
  return i8

def get_interpolated_cmpr_colors(color_0_rgb565, color_1_rgb565):
  color_0 = convert_rgb565_to_color(color_0_rgb565)
  color_1 = convert_rgb565_to_color(color_1_rgb565)
  r0, g0, b0, _ = color_0
  r1, g1, b1, _ = color_1
  if color_0_rgb565 > color_1_rgb565:
    color_2 = (
      (2*r0 + 1*r1)//3,
      (2*g0 + 1*g1)//3,
      (2*b0 + 1*b1)//3,
    color_3 = (
      (1*r0 + 2*r1)//3,
      (1*g0 + 2*g1)//3,
      (1*b0 + 2*b1)//3,
    color_2 = (r0//2+r1//2, g0//2+g1//2, b0//2+b1//2, 255)
    color_3 = (0, 0, 0, 0)
  colors = [color_0, color_1, color_2, color_3]
  return colors

def get_best_cmpr_key_colors(all_colors):
    return pyfastbti.get_best_cmpr_key_colors(all_colors)
  max_dist = -1
  color_1 = None
  color_2 = None
  for i in range(len(all_colors)):
    curr_color_1 = all_colors[i]
    for j in range(i+1, len(all_colors)):
      curr_color_2 = all_colors[j]
      curr_dist = get_color_distance_fast(curr_color_1, curr_color_2)
      if curr_dist > max_dist:
        max_dist = curr_dist
        color_1 = curr_color_1
        color_2 = curr_color_2
  if max_dist == -1:
    return ((0, 0, 0, 0xFF), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))
    r1, g1, b1, a1 = color_1
    color_1 = (r1, g1, b1, 0xFF)
    r2, g2, b2, a2 = color_2
    color_2 = (r2, g2, b2, 0xFF)
    if (r1 >> 3) == (r2 >> 3) and (g1 >> 2) == (g2 >> 2) and (b1 >> 3) == (b2 >> 3):
      if (r1 >> 3) == 0 and (g1 >> 2) == 0 and (b1 >> 3) == 0:
        color_2 = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)
        color_2 = (0, 0, 0, 0xFF)
    return (color_1, color_2)

# Picks a color from a palette that is visually the closest to the given color.
# Based off Aseprite's code:
def get_nearest_color_slow(color, palette):
  if color in palette:
    return color
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  if a == 0: # Transparent
    for indexed_color in palette:
      if len(indexed_color) == 4 and indexed_color[3] == 0:
        return indexed_color
  min_dist = 9999999999.0
  value = None
  col_diff_g = []
  col_diff_r = []
  col_diff_b = []
  col_diff_a = []
  for i in range(128):
  for i in range(1, 63+1):
    k = i*i
    col_diff_g[i] = col_diff_g[128-i] = k * 59 * 59
    col_diff_r[i] = col_diff_r[128-i] = k * 30 * 30
    col_diff_b[i] = col_diff_b[128-i] = k * 11 * 11
    col_diff_a[i] = col_diff_a[128-i] = k * 8 * 8
  for indexed_color in palette:
    r1, g1, b1, a1 = get_rgba(color)
    r2, g2, b2, a2 = get_rgba(indexed_color)
    r1 >>= 3
    g1 >>= 3
    b1 >>= 3
    a1 >>= 3
    r2 >>= 3
    g2 >>= 3
    b2 >>= 3
    a2 >>= 3
    coldiff = col_diff_g[g2 - g1 & 127]
    if coldiff < min_dist:
      coldiff += col_diff_r[r2 - r1 & 127]
      if coldiff < min_dist:
        coldiff += col_diff_b[b2 - b1 & 127]
        if coldiff < min_dist:
          coldiff += col_diff_a[a2 - a1 & 127]
          if coldiff < min_dist:
            min_dist = coldiff
            value = indexed_color
  return value

def get_nearest_color_fast(color, palette):
  if color in palette:
    return color
  r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
  if a < 16: # Transparent
    for indexed_color in palette:
      if len(indexed_color) == 4 and indexed_color[3] == 0:
        return indexed_color
  min_dist = 0x7FFFFFFF
  best_color = palette[0]
  for indexed_color in palette:
    curr_dist = get_color_distance_fast(color, indexed_color)
    if curr_dist < min_dist:
      if curr_dist == 0:
        return indexed_color
      min_dist = curr_dist
      best_color = indexed_color
  return best_color

def get_color_distance_fast(color_1, color_2):
  dist  = abs(color_1[0] - color_2[0])
  dist += abs(color_1[1] - color_2[1])
  dist += abs(color_1[2] - color_2[2])
  return dist

# Generates a palette with a certain number of colors or less based on an image (color quantization).
def create_limited_palette_from_image(image, max_colors):
  pixels = image.load()
  # (2**depth) will be max_colors.
  if max_colors == 16:
    depth = 4
  elif max_colors == 256:
    depth = 8
  elif max_colors == 16384:
    depth = 14
    raise Exception("Unsupported maximum number of colors to generate a palette for: %d" % max_colors)
  all_pixel_colors = []
  for y in range(0, image.height):
    for x in range(0, image.width):
      color = pixels[x, y]
  palette = split_colors_into_buckets(all_pixel_colors, depth)
  return palette

def split_colors_into_buckets(all_pixel_colors, depth):
  if depth == 0:
    return [average_colors_together(all_pixel_colors)]
  r_range = max(r for r,g,b,a in all_pixel_colors) - min(r for r,g,b,a in all_pixel_colors)
  g_range = max(g for r,g,b,a in all_pixel_colors) - min(g for r,g,b,a in all_pixel_colors)
  b_range = max(b for r,g,b,a in all_pixel_colors) - min(b for r,g,b,a in all_pixel_colors)
  channel_index_with_highest_range = 0
  if g_range >= r_range and g_range >= b_range:
    channel_index_with_highest_range = 1
  elif r_range >= g_range and r_range >= b_range:
    channel_index_with_highest_range = 0
  elif b_range >= r_range and b_range >= g_range:
    channel_index_with_highest_range = 2
  all_pixel_colors.sort(key=lambda color: color[channel_index_with_highest_range])
  median_index = (len(all_pixel_colors)+1)//2
  palette = []
  palette += split_colors_into_buckets(all_pixel_colors[:median_index], depth-1)
  palette += split_colors_into_buckets(all_pixel_colors[median_index:], depth-1)
  return palette

def average_colors_together(colors):
  r_sum = sum(r for r,g,b,a in colors)
  g_sum = sum(g for r,g,b,a in colors)
  b_sum = sum(b for r,g,b,a in colors)
  a_sum = sum(a for r,g,b,a in colors)
  average_color = (
  return average_color

def decode_palettes(palette_data, palette_format, num_colors, image_format):
  if not isinstance(image_format, ImageFormat):
    raise Exception("Invalid image format: %s" % image_format)
  if image_format not in IMAGE_FORMATS_THAT_USE_PALETTES:
    return []
  colors = []
  offset = 0
  for i in range(num_colors):
    raw_color = read_u16(palette_data, offset)
    color = decode_color(raw_color, palette_format)
    offset += 2
  return colors

def decode_color(raw_color, palette_format):
  if palette_format == PaletteFormat.IA8:
    color = convert_ia8_to_color(raw_color)
  elif palette_format == PaletteFormat.RGB565:
    color = convert_rgb565_to_color(raw_color)
  elif palette_format == PaletteFormat.RGB5A3:
    color = convert_rgb5a3_to_color(raw_color)
  return color

def generate_new_palettes_from_image(image, image_format, palette_format):
  if image_format not in IMAGE_FORMATS_THAT_USE_PALETTES:
    return ([],{})
  pixels = image.load()
  width, height = image.size
  encoded_colors = []
  colors_to_color_indexes = {}
  for y in range(height):
    for x in range(width):
      color = pixels[x,y]
      encoded_color = encode_color(color, palette_format)
      if encoded_color not in encoded_colors:
      if color not in colors_to_color_indexes:
        colors_to_color_indexes[color] = encoded_colors.index(encoded_color)
  if len(encoded_colors) > MAX_COLORS_FOR_IMAGE_FORMAT[image_format]:
    # If the image has more colors than the selected image format can support, we automatically reduce the number of colors.
    limited_palette = create_limited_palette_from_image(image, MAX_COLORS_FOR_IMAGE_FORMAT[image_format])
    encoded_colors = []
    colors_to_color_indexes = {}
    for y in range(height):
      for x in range(width):
        color = pixels[x,y]
        new_color = get_nearest_color_fast(color, limited_palette)
        encoded_color = encode_color(new_color, palette_format)
        if encoded_color not in encoded_colors:
        if color not in colors_to_color_indexes:
          colors_to_color_indexes[color] = encoded_colors.index(encoded_color)
  return (encoded_colors, colors_to_color_indexes)

def generate_new_palettes_from_colors(colors, palette_format):
  encoded_colors = []
  for color in colors:
    encoded_color = encode_color(color, palette_format)
  return encoded_colors

def encode_color(color, palette_format):
  if palette_format == PaletteFormat.IA8:
    raw_color = convert_color_to_ia8(color)
  elif palette_format == PaletteFormat.RGB565:
    raw_color = convert_color_to_rgb565(color)
  elif palette_format == PaletteFormat.RGB5A3:
    raw_color = convert_color_to_rgb5a3(color)
  return raw_color

def encode_palette(encoded_colors, palette_format, image_format):
  if image_format not in IMAGE_FORMATS_THAT_USE_PALETTES:
    return BytesIO()
  if len(encoded_colors) > MAX_COLORS_FOR_IMAGE_FORMAT[image_format]:
    raise TooManyColorsError(
      "Maximum number of colors supported by image format %s is %d, but replacement image has %d colors" % (, MAX_COLORS_FOR_IMAGE_FORMAT[image_format], len(encoded_colors)
  offset = 0
  new_palette_data = BytesIO()
  for raw_color in encoded_colors:
    write_u16(new_palette_data, offset, raw_color)
    offset += 2
  return new_palette_data

def decode_image(image_data, palette_data, image_format, palette_format, num_colors, image_width, image_height):
  colors = decode_palettes(palette_data, palette_format, num_colors, image_format)
  block_width = BLOCK_WIDTHS[image_format]
  block_height = BLOCK_HEIGHTS[image_format]
  block_data_size = BLOCK_DATA_SIZES[image_format]
  image ="RGBA", (image_width, image_height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
  pixels = image.load()
  offset = 0
  block_x = 0
  block_y = 0
  while block_y < image_height:
    pixel_color_data = decode_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
    for i, color in enumerate(pixel_color_data):
      x_in_block = i % block_width
      y_in_block = i // block_width
      x = block_x+x_in_block
      y = block_y+y_in_block
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
      pixels[x,y] = color
    offset += block_data_size
    block_x += block_width
    if block_x >= image_width:
      block_x = 0
      block_y += block_height
  return image

def decode_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  if image_format == ImageFormat.I4:
    return decode_i4_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.I8:
    return decode_i8_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.IA4:
    return decode_ia4_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.IA8:
    return decode_ia8_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.RGB565:
    return decode_rgb565_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.RGB5A3:
    return decode_rgb5a3_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.RGBA32:
    return decode_rgba32_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.C4:
    return decode_c4_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.C8:
    return decode_c8_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.C14X2:
    return decode_c14x2_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.CMPR:
    return decode_cmpr_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors)
    raise Exception("Unknown image format: %s" %

def decode_i4_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for byte_index in range(block_data_size):
    byte = read_u8(image_data, offset+byte_index)
    for nibble_index in range(2):
      i4 = (byte >> (1-nibble_index)*4) & 0xF
      color = convert_i4_to_color(i4)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_i8_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size):
    i8 = read_u8(image_data, offset+i)
    color = convert_i8_to_color(i8)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_ia4_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size):
    ia4 = read_u8(image_data, offset+i)
    color = convert_ia4_to_color(ia4)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_ia8_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size//2):
    ia8 = read_u16(image_data, offset+i*2)
    color = convert_ia8_to_color(ia8)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_rgb565_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size//2):
    rgb565 = read_u16(image_data, offset+i*2)
    color = convert_rgb565_to_color(rgb565)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_rgb5a3_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size//2):
    rgb5a3 = read_u16(image_data, offset+i*2)
    color = convert_rgb5a3_to_color(rgb5a3)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_rgba32_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(16):
    a = read_u8(image_data, offset+(i*2))
    r = read_u8(image_data, offset+(i*2)+1)
    g = read_u8(image_data, offset+(i*2)+32)
    b = read_u8(image_data, offset+(i*2)+33)
    color = (r, g, b, a)
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_c4_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for byte_index in range(block_data_size):
    byte = read_u8(image_data, offset+byte_index)
    for nibble_index in range(2):
      color_index = (byte >> (1-nibble_index)*4) & 0xF
      if color_index >= len(colors):
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color = None
        color = colors[color_index]
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_c8_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size):
    color_index = read_u8(image_data, offset+i)
    if color_index >= len(colors):
      # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
      color = None
      color = colors[color_index]
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_c14x2_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = []
  for i in range(block_data_size//2):
    color_index = read_u16(image_data, offset+i*2) & 0x3FFF
    if color_index >= len(colors):
      # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
      color = None
      color = colors[color_index]
  return pixel_color_data

def decode_cmpr_block(image_format, image_data, offset, block_data_size, colors):
  pixel_color_data = [None]*64
  subblock_offset = offset
  for subblock_index in range(4):
    subblock_x = (subblock_index%2)*4
    subblock_y = (subblock_index//2)*4
    color_0_rgb565 = read_u16(image_data, subblock_offset)
    color_1_rgb565 = read_u16(image_data, subblock_offset+2)
    colors = get_interpolated_cmpr_colors(color_0_rgb565, color_1_rgb565)
    color_indexes = read_u32(image_data, subblock_offset+4)
    for i in range(16):
      color_index = ((color_indexes >> ((15-i)*2)) & 3)
      color = colors[color_index]
      x_in_subblock = i % 4
      y_in_subblock = i // 4
      pixel_index_in_block = subblock_x + subblock_y*8 + y_in_subblock*8 + x_in_subblock
      pixel_color_data[pixel_index_in_block] = color
    subblock_offset += 8
  return pixel_color_data

def encode_image_from_path(new_image_file_path, image_format, palette_format, mipmap_count=1):
  image =
  image_width, image_height = image.size
  new_image_data, new_palette_data, encoded_colors = encode_image(image, image_format, palette_format, mipmap_count=mipmap_count)
  return (new_image_data, new_palette_data, encoded_colors, image_width, image_height)

def encode_image(image, image_format, palette_format, mipmap_count=1):
  image = image.convert("RGBA")
  image_width, image_height = image.size
  if mipmap_count < 1:
    mipmap_count = 1
  encoded_colors, colors_to_color_indexes = generate_new_palettes_from_image(image, image_format, palette_format)
  block_width = BLOCK_WIDTHS[image_format]
  block_height = BLOCK_HEIGHTS[image_format]
  block_data_size = BLOCK_DATA_SIZES[image_format]
  new_image_data = BytesIO()
  mipmap_image = image
  mipmap_width = image_width
  mipmap_height = image_height
  for i in range(mipmap_count):
    if i != 0:
      mipmap_width //= 2
      mipmap_height //= 2
      mipmap_image = image.resize((mipmap_width, mipmap_height), Image.NEAREST)
    mipmap_image_data = encode_mipmap_image(
      mipmap_image, image_format,
      block_width, block_height,
      mipmap_width, mipmap_height
  new_palette_data = encode_palette(encoded_colors, palette_format, image_format)
  return (new_image_data, new_palette_data, encoded_colors)

def encode_mipmap_image(image, image_format, colors_to_color_indexes, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  pixels = image.load()
  offset_in_image_data = 0
  block_x = 0
  block_y = 0
  mipmap_image_data = BytesIO()
  while block_y < image_height:
    block_data = encode_image_to_block(
      pixels, colors_to_color_indexes,
      block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height
    assert len(block_data) == BLOCK_DATA_SIZES[image_format]
    write_bytes(mipmap_image_data, offset_in_image_data, block_data)
    offset_in_image_data += BLOCK_DATA_SIZES[image_format]
    block_x += BLOCK_WIDTHS[image_format]
    if block_x >= image_width:
      block_x = 0
      block_y += BLOCK_HEIGHTS[image_format]
  return mipmap_image_data

def encode_image_to_block(image_format, pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  if image_format == ImageFormat.I4:
    return encode_image_to_i4_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.I8:
    return encode_image_to_i8_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.IA4:
    return encode_image_to_ia4_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.IA8:
    return encode_image_to_ia8_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.RGB565:
    return encode_image_to_rgb563_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.RGB5A3:
    return encode_image_to_rgb5a3_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.RGBA32:
    return encode_image_to_rgba32_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.C4:
    return encode_image_to_c4_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.C8:
    return encode_image_to_c8_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.C14X2:
    return encode_image_to_c14x2_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
  elif image_format == ImageFormat.CMPR:
    return encode_image_to_cmpr_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height)
    raise Exception("Unknown image format: %s" % ImageFormat(image_format).name)

def encode_image_to_i4_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width, 2):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color_1_i4 = 0xF
        color_1 = pixels[x,y]
        color_1_i4 = convert_color_to_i4(color_1)
        assert 0 <= color_1_i4 <= 0xF
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color_2_i4 = 0xF
        color_2 = pixels[x+1,y]
        color_2_i4 = convert_color_to_i4(color_2)
        assert 0 <= color_2_i4 <= 0xF
      byte = ((color_1_i4 & 0xF) << 4) | (color_2_i4 & 0xF)
      write_u8(new_data, offset, byte)
      offset += 1

def encode_image_to_i8_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        i8 = 0xFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        i8 = convert_color_to_i8(color)
        assert 0 <= i8 <= 0xFF
      write_u8(new_data, offset, i8)
      offset += 1

def encode_image_to_ia4_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        ia4 = 0xFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        ia4 = convert_color_to_ia4(color)
        assert 0 <= ia4 <= 0xFF
      write_u8(new_data, offset, ia4)
      offset += 1

def encode_image_to_ia8_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        ia8 = 0xFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        ia8 = convert_color_to_ia8(color)
        assert 0 <= ia8 <= 0xFFFF
      write_u16(new_data, offset, ia8)
      offset += 2

def encode_image_to_rgb563_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        rgb565 = 0xFFFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        rgb565 = convert_color_to_rgb565(color)
      write_u16(new_data, offset, rgb565)
      offset += 2

def encode_image_to_rgb5a3_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        rgb5a3 = 0xFFFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        rgb5a3 = convert_color_to_rgb5a3(color)
      write_u16(new_data, offset, rgb5a3)
      offset += 2

def encode_image_to_rgba32_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  for i in range(16):
    x = block_x + (i % block_width)
    y = block_y + (i // block_width)
    if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
      # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
      r = g = b = a = 0xFF
      color = pixels[x, y]
      r, g, b, a = color
    write_u8(new_data, (i*2), a)
    write_u8(new_data, (i*2)+1, r)
    write_u8(new_data, (i*2)+32, g)
    write_u8(new_data, (i*2)+33, b)

def encode_image_to_c4_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width, 2):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color_1_index = 0xF
        color_1 = pixels[x,y]
        color_1_index = colors_to_color_indexes[color_1]
        assert 0 <= color_1_index <= 0xF
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color_2_index = 0xF
        color_2 = pixels[x+1,y]
        color_2_index = colors_to_color_indexes[color_2]
        assert 0 <= color_2_index <= 0xF
      byte = ((color_1_index & 0xF) << 4) | (color_2_index & 0xF)
      write_u8(new_data, offset, byte)
      offset += 1

def encode_image_to_c8_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color_index = 0xFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        color_index = colors_to_color_indexes[color]
      write_u8(new_data, offset, color_index)
      offset += 1

def encode_image_to_c14x2_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  offset = 0
  for y in range(block_y, block_y+block_height):
    for x in range(block_x, block_x+block_width):
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
        color_index = 0x3FFF
        color = pixels[x,y]
        color_index = colors_to_color_indexes[color]
      write_u16(new_data, offset, color_index)
      offset += 2

def encode_image_to_cmpr_block(pixels, colors_to_color_indexes, block_x, block_y, block_width, block_height, image_width, image_height):
  new_data = BytesIO()
  subblock_offset = 0
  for subblock_index in range(4):
    subblock_x = block_x + (subblock_index%2)*4
    subblock_y = block_y + (subblock_index//2)*4
    all_colors_in_subblock = []
    needs_transparent_color = False
    for i in range(16):
      x_in_subblock = i % 4
      y_in_subblock = i // 4
      x = subblock_x+x_in_subblock
      y = subblock_y+y_in_subblock
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
      color = pixels[x,y]
      r, g, b, a = get_rgba(color)
      if a < 16:
        needs_transparent_color = True
    color_0, color_1 = get_best_cmpr_key_colors(all_colors_in_subblock)
    color_0_rgb565 = convert_color_to_rgb565(color_0)
    color_1_rgb565 = convert_color_to_rgb565(color_1)
    if needs_transparent_color and color_0_rgb565 > color_1_rgb565:
      color_0_rgb565, color_1_rgb565 = color_1_rgb565, color_0_rgb565
      color_0, color_1 = color_1, color_0
    elif not needs_transparent_color and color_0_rgb565 < color_1_rgb565:
      color_0_rgb565, color_1_rgb565 = color_1_rgb565, color_0_rgb565
      color_0, color_1 = color_1, color_0
    colors = get_interpolated_cmpr_colors(color_0_rgb565, color_1_rgb565)
    colors[0] = color_0
    colors[1] = color_1
    write_u16(new_data, subblock_offset, color_0_rgb565)
    write_u16(new_data, subblock_offset+2, color_1_rgb565)
    color_indexes = 0
    for i in range(16):
      x_in_subblock = i % 4
      y_in_subblock = i // 4
      x = subblock_x+x_in_subblock
      y = subblock_y+y_in_subblock
      if x >= image_width or y >= image_height:
        # This block bleeds past the edge of the image
      color = pixels[x,y]
      if color in colors:
        color_index = colors.index(color)
        new_color = get_nearest_color_fast(color, colors)
        color_index = colors.index(new_color)
      color_indexes |= (color_index << ((15-i)*2))
    write_u32(new_data, subblock_offset+4, color_indexes)
    subblock_offset += 8

def color_exchange(image, base_color, replacement_color, mask_path=None, validate_mask_colors=True, ignore_bright=False):
  if mask_path:
    mask_image ="RGBA")
    if image.size != mask_image.size:
      raise Exception("Mask image is not the same size as the texture.")
    image_bytes = image.tobytes()
    if mask_path:
      mask_bytes = mask_image.tobytes()
      mask_bytes = None
      new_image_bytes = pyfasttextureutils.color_exchange(
        image_bytes, base_color, replacement_color,
        mask_bytes, validate_mask_colors, ignore_bright
    except Exception as e:
      if str(e) == "Invalid color color in mask, only red (FF0000) and white (FFFFFF) should be present":
        # The exception given by PyFastTextureUtils for invalid colors is too vague. We list out all invalid colors when this happens with Python code instead.
        invalid_colors = []
        mask_pixels = mask_image.load()
        for x in range(image.width):
          for y in range(image.height):
            if mask_pixels[x, y] == (255, 0, 0, 255):
              # Red
            elif mask_pixels[x, y] == (255, 255, 255, 255):
              # White
            elif mask_pixels[x, y][3] == 0:
              # Completely transparent
              if mask_pixels[x, y] not in invalid_colors:
                invalid_colors.append(mask_pixels[x, y])
        invalid_colors_str = ", ".join("%02X%02X%02X%02X" % color for color in invalid_colors)
        new_err_message = "Mask %s has invalid colors in it. Only pure red (FF0000FF) and pure white (FFFFFFFF) are allowed.\n\nAll invalid colors in the mask are: %s" % (mask_path, invalid_colors_str)
        e.args = (new_err_message,)
    new_image = Image.frombytes(image.mode, (image.width, image.height), new_image_bytes)
    return new_image
  # When recoloring via native Python code, explicitly make a copy of the image and modify that.
  # This is for consistency with the C function, which has to return a copy.
  image = image.copy()
  if mask_path:
    mask_pixels = mask_image.load()
  base_r, base_g, base_b = base_color
  base_h, base_s, base_v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(base_r/255, base_g/255, base_b/255)
  base_h = int(base_h*360)
  base_s = int(base_s*100)
  base_v = int(base_v*100)
  replacement_r, replacement_g, replacement_b = replacement_color
  replacement_h, replacement_s, replacement_v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(replacement_r/255, replacement_g/255, replacement_b/255)
  replacement_h = int(replacement_h*360)
  replacement_s = int(replacement_s*100)
  replacement_v = int(replacement_v*100)
  s_change = replacement_s - base_s
  v_change = replacement_v - base_v
  pixels = image.load()
  for x in range(image.width):
    for y in range(image.height):
      if mask_path:
        if validate_mask_colors:
          if mask_pixels[x, y] == (255, 0, 0, 255):
            # Red, masked
          elif mask_pixels[x, y] == (255, 255, 255, 255):
            # White, unmasked
          elif mask_pixels[x, y][3] == 0:
            # Completely transparent, unmasked
            # Not red or white and also not completely transparent, so this is an invalid color.
            r, g, b, a = mask_pixels[x, y]
            raise Exception("Invalid color %02X%02X%02X%02X in mask %s" % (r, g, b, a, mask_path))
          if mask_pixels[x, y] != (255, 0, 0, 255):
      r, g, b, a = pixels[x, y]
      if ignore_bright and r > 128 and g > 128 and b > 128 and a == 0xFF:
      h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r/255, g/255, b/255)
      h = int(h*360)
      s = int(s*100)
      v = int(v*100)
      if s == 0:
        # Prevent issues when recoloring black/white/grey parts of a texture where the base color is not black/white/grey.
        s = base_s
      new_h = replacement_h
      new_s = s + s_change
      new_v = v + v_change
      new_h = new_h % 360
      new_s = max(0, min(100, new_s))
      new_v = max(0, min(100, new_v))
      r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(new_h/360, new_s/100, new_v/100)
      r = int(r*255)
      g = int(g*255)
      b = int(b*255)
      pixels[x, y] = (r, g, b, a)
  return image

def hsv_shift_image(image, h_shift, v_shift):
  pixels = image.load()
  for x in range(image.width):
    for y in range(image.height):
      pixels[x, y] = hsv_shift_color(pixels[x, y], h_shift, v_shift)
  return image

def hsv_shift_palette(colors, h_shift, v_shift):
  for i, color in enumerate(colors):
    colors[i] = hsv_shift_color(color, h_shift, v_shift)
  return colors

def hsv_shift_color(color, h_shift, v_shift):
  if len(color) == 4:
    r, g, b, a = color
    r, g, b = color
    a = None
  h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r/255, g/255, b/255)
  h = int(h*360)
  s = int(s*100)
  v = int(v*100)
  h += h_shift
  h %= 360
  orig_v = v
  v += v_shift
  if v < 0:
    v = 0
  if v > 100:
    v = 100
  if v < 30 and orig_v >= 30:
    v = 30
  if v > 90 and orig_v <= 90:
    v = 90
  v_diff = v - orig_v
  # Instead of shifting saturation separately, we simply make it relative to the value shift.
  # As value increases we want saturation to decrease and vice versa.
  # This is because bright colors look bad if they are too saturated, and dark colors look bland if they aren't saturated enough.
  orig_s = s
  if orig_s < 15 and v_shift > 0:
    # For colors that were originally very unsaturated, we want saturation to increase regardless of which direction value is shifting in.
    if orig_v < 30:
      # Very dark, nearly black. Needs extra saturation for the change to be noticeable.
      s += v_shift*2
      # Not that dark, probably grey or whitish.
      s += v_shift
    s -= v_diff
  if s < 0:
    s = 0
  if s > 100:
    s = 100
  if s < 5 and orig_s >= 5:
    s = 5
  if s > 80 and orig_s <= 80:
    s = 80
  r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h/360, s/100, v/100)
  r = int(r*255)
  g = int(g*255)
  b = int(b*255)
  if a is None:
    return (r, g, b)
    return (r, g, b, a)