DC2 Object Catalog Reader

import os
import re
import warnings
import itertools
import shutil

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from GCR import BaseGenericCatalog

from .dc2_dm_catalog import DC2DMTractCatalog
from .dc2_dm_catalog import convert_flux_to_mag, convert_flux_to_nanoJansky, convert_nanoJansky_to_mag, convert_flux_err_to_mag_err

__all__ = ['DC2ObjectCatalog', 'DC2ObjectParquetCatalog']

FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
FILE_PATTERN = r'(?:merged|object)_tract_\d+\.hdf5$'
GROUP_PATTERN = r'(?:coadd|object)_\d+_\d\d$'
SCHEMA_FILENAME = 'schema.yaml'
META_PATH = os.path.join(FILE_DIR, 'catalog_configs/_dc2_object_meta.yaml')

def convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_mag(flux, dm_ref_zp=27):
    """Convert the listed DM coadd-reported flux values to AB mag

    Eventually this function should be a no-op.  But presently
    The processing of Run 1.1, 1.2 to date (2019-02-17) have
    calibrated flux values with respect to a reference ZP=27 mag
    The reference catalog is on an AB system.
    Re-check dm_ref_zp if calibration is updated.
    Eventually we will get nJy from the final calibrated DRP processing.
    flux_nJ = convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_nanoJansky(flux, dm_ref_zp=dm_ref_zp)
    mag_AB = convert_nanoJansky_to_mag(flux_nJ)
    return mag_AB

def convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_nanoJansky(flux, dm_ref_zp=27):
    """Convert the listed DM coadd-reported flux values to nanoJansky.

    Eventually this function should be a no-op.  But presently
    The processing of Run 1.1, 1.2 to date (2019-02-17) have
    calibrated flux values with respect to a reference ZP=27 mag
    The reference catalog is on an AB system.
    Re-check dm_ref_zp if calibration is updated.
    Eventually we will get nJy from the final calibrated DRP processing.
    AB_mag_zp_wrt_Jansky = 8.90  # Definition of AB
    AB_mag_zp_wrt_nanoJansky = 2.5 * 9 + AB_mag_zp_wrt_Jansky  # 9 is from nano=10**(-9)
    calibrated_flux_to_nanoJansky = 10**((AB_mag_zp_wrt_nanoJansky - dm_ref_zp)/2.5)

    return calibrated_flux_to_nanoJansky * flux

def create_basic_flag_mask(*flags):
    """Generate a mask for a set of flags

    For each item the mask will be true if and only if all flags are false

        *flags (ndarray): Variable number of arrays with booleans or equivalent

        The combined mask array

    out = np.ones(len(flags[0]), np.bool)
    for flag in flags:
        out &= (~flag)

    return out

class TableWrapper():
    """Wrapper class for pandas HDF5 storer

    Provides a unified API to access both fixed and table formats.

    Takes a file_handle to the HDF5 file
    An HDF group key
    And a schema to specify dtypes and default values for missing columns.

    _default_values = {'i': -1, 'b': False, 'U': ''}

    def __init__(self, file_handle, key, schema=None):
        if not file_handle.is_open:
            raise ValueError('file handle has been closed!')

        self.storer = file_handle.get_storer(key)
        self.is_table = self.storer.is_table

        if not self.is_table and not self.storer.format_type == 'fixed':
            raise ValueError('storer format type not supported!')

        self._schema = {} if schema is None else dict(schema)
        self._native_schema = None
        self._len = None
        self._cache = None
        self._constant_arrays = dict()

    def native_schema(self):
        """Get the native schema from either 'fixed' or 'table' formatted HDF5 files."""
        if self._native_schema is None:
            self._native_schema = {}
            if self.is_table:
                for i in itertools.count():
                        dtype = getattr(self.storer.table.attrs, 'values_block_{}_dtype'.format(i))
                    except AttributeError:
                    for col in getattr(self.storer.table.attrs, 'values_block_{}_kind'.format(i)):
                        self._native_schema[col] = {'dtype': dtype}
                for i in range(self.storer.nblocks):
                    dtype = getattr(self.storer.group, 'block{}_values'.format(i)).dtype.name
                    for col in getattr(self.storer.group, 'block{}_items'.format(i)):
                        self._native_schema[col.decode()] = {'dtype': dtype}
        return self._native_schema

    def columns(self):
        """Get columns from either 'fixed' or 'table' formatted HDF5 files."""
        return set(self.native_schema)

    def __len__(self):
        if self._len is None:
            if self.is_table:
                self._len = self.storer.nrows
                self._len = self.storer.group.axis1.nrows
        return self._len

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.native_schema

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Return the values of the column specified by 'key'

        Uses cached values, if available.
        if self._cache is None:
            self._cache = self.storer.read()

            return self._cache[key].values
        except KeyError:
            return self._get_constant_array(key)

    get = __getitem__

    def _get_default_value(cls, dtype, key=None): # pylint: disable=W0613
        return cls._default_values.get(np.dtype(dtype).kind, np.nan)

    def _get_constant_array(self, key):
        Get a constant array for a column; `key` should be the column name.
        Find dtype and default value in `self._schema`.
        If not found, default to np.float64 and np.nan.
        schema_this = self._schema.get(key, {})
        dtype = schema_this.get('dtype', np.float64)
        default = schema_this.get(
            self._get_default_value(dtype, key)
        return self._generate_constant_array(dtype=dtype, value=default)

    def _generate_constant_array(self, dtype, value):
        Actually generate a constant array according to `dtype` and `value`
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        # here `key` is used to cache the constant array
        # has nothing to do with column name
        key = (dtype.str, value)
        if key not in self._constant_arrays:
            self._constant_arrays[key] = np.asarray(np.repeat(value, len(self)), dtype=dtype)
        return self._constant_arrays[key]

    def clear_cache(self):
        clear cached data
        self._native_schema = self._len = self._cache = None

class ObjectTableWrapper(TableWrapper):
    """Same as TableWrapper but add tract and patch info"""

    def __init__(self, file_handle, key, schema=None):
        key_items = key.split('_')
        self.tract = int(key_items[1])
        self.patch = ','.join(key_items[2])
        super(ObjectTableWrapper, self).__init__(file_handle, key, schema)
        # Add the schema info for tract, path
        # These values will be read by `get_constant_array`
        self._schema['tract'] = {'dtype': 'int64', 'default': self.tract}
        self._schema['patch'] = {'dtype': '<U', 'default': self.patch}

    def _get_default_value(cls, dtype, key=None):
        if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'b' and key and (
                key.endswith('_flag_bad') or key.endswith('_flag_noGoodPixels')):
            return True
        return super()._get_default_value(dtype, key)

    def tract_and_patch(self):
        """Return a dict of the tract and patch info."""
        return {'tract': self.tract, 'patch': self.patch}

class DC2ObjectCatalog(BaseGenericCatalog):
    r"""DC2 Object Catalog reader

    base_dir          (str): Directory of data files being served, required
    filename_pattern  (str): The optional regex pattern of served data files
    groupname_pattern (str): The optional regex pattern of groups in data files
    schema_filename   (str): The optional location of the schema file
                             Relative to base_dir, unless specified as absolute path.
    pixel_scale     (float): scale to convert pixel to arcsec (default: 0.2)
    use_cache        (bool): Whether or not to cache read data in memory
    is_dpdd          (bool): Whether or not to the files are already in DPDD-format

    base_dir                     (str): The directory of data files being served
    available_tracts             (list): Sorted list of available tracts
    available_tracts_and_patches (list): Available tracts and patches as dict objects

    The initialization sets the version of the catalog based on the existence
    of certain columns and sets a version accordingly.
    This version setting should be improved and standardized as we work towardj
    providing the version in the catalog files in the scripts in `DC2-production`.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    _native_filter_quantities = {'tract', 'patch'}

    def _subclass_init(self, **kwargs):
        self.base_dir = kwargs['base_dir']
        self._filename_re = re.compile(kwargs.get('filename_pattern', FILE_PATTERN))
        self._groupname_re = re.compile(kwargs.get('groupname_pattern', GROUP_PATTERN))

        _schema_filename = kwargs.get('schema_filename', SCHEMA_FILENAME)
        # If _schema_filename is an absolute path, os.path.join will just return _schema_filename
        self._schema_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, _schema_filename)

        self.pixel_scale = float(kwargs.get('pixel_scale', 0.2))
        self.use_cache = bool(kwargs.get('use_cache', True))

        if not os.path.isdir(self.base_dir):
            raise ValueError('`base_dir` {} is not a valid directory'.format(self.base_dir))

        self._schema = None
        if self._schema_path and os.path.isfile(self._schema_path):
            self._schema = self._generate_schema_from_yaml(self._schema_path)

        self._file_handles = dict()
        self._datasets = self._generate_datasets() # uses self._schema when available
        if not self._datasets:
            err_msg = 'No catalogs were found in `base_dir` {}'
            raise RuntimeError(err_msg.format(self.base_dir))

        if not self._schema:
            warnings.warn('Falling back to reading all datafiles for column names')
            self._schema = self._generate_schema_from_datafiles(self._datasets)

        if kwargs.get('is_dpdd'):
            self._quantity_modifiers = {col: None for col in self._schema}
            bands = [col[0] for col in self._schema if len(col) == 5 and col.startswith('mag_')]

            # A slightly crude way of checking for version of schema to have modelfit mag
            # A future improvement will be to explicitly store version information in the datasets
            # and just rely on that versioning.
            has_modelfit_mag = any(col.endswith('_modelfit_mag') for col in self._schema)
            has_modelfit_flux = any('_modelfit_CModel_' in col for col in self._schema)
            has_modelfit_flag = any(col.endswith('_modelfit_CModel_flag') for col in self._schema)

            if not (has_modelfit_mag or has_modelfit_flux):
                warnings.warn("No modelfit infomation is available in the columns.")

            if any(col.endswith('_fluxSigma') for col in self._schema):
                dm_schema_version = 1
            elif any(col.endswith('_fluxErr') for col in self._schema):
                dm_schema_version = 2
            elif any(col == 'base_Blendedness_abs_instFlux' for col in self._schema):
                dm_schema_version = 3
                dm_schema_version = 4

            bands = [col[0] for col in self._schema if len(col) == 5 and col.endswith('_mag')]

            self._quantity_modifiers = self._generate_modifiers(
                self.pixel_scale, bands, has_modelfit_mag, has_modelfit_flux, has_modelfit_flag, dm_schema_version)

        self._quantity_info_dict = self._generate_info_dict(META_PATH, bands)
        self._len = None

    def __del__(self):

    def _generate_modifiers(pixel_scale=0.2, bands='ugrizy',
                            has_modelfit_mag=True, has_modelfit_flux=True, has_modelfit_flag=True,
        """Creates a dictionary relating native and homogenized column names

            pixel_scale (float): Scale of pixels in coadd images
            bands       (list):  List of photometric bands as strings
            has_modelfit_mag (bool): Whether or not pre-calculated model fit magnitudes are present
            dm_schema_version (int): DM schema version (1, 2, 3, 4)

            A dictionary of the form {<homogenized name>: <native name>, ...}

        if dm_schema_version not in (1, 2, 3, 4):
            raise ValueError('Only supports dm_schema_version == 1, 2, 3, 4')

        FLUX = 'flux' if dm_schema_version <= 2 else 'instFlux'
        ERR = 'Sigma' if dm_schema_version <= 1 else 'Err'
        BLENDEDNESS_SUFFIX = '_%s' % FLUX if dm_schema_version <= 3 else ''

        modifiers = {
            'objectId': 'id',
            'parentObjectId': 'parent',
            'ra': (np.rad2deg, 'coord_ra'),
            'dec': (np.rad2deg, 'coord_dec'),
            'x': 'base_SdssCentroid_x',
            'y': 'base_SdssCentroid_y',
            'xErr': 'base_SdssCentroid_x{}'.format(ERR),
            'yErr': 'base_SdssCentroid_y{}'.format(ERR),
            'xy_flag': 'base_SdssCentroid_flag',
            'psNdata': 'base_PsfFlux_area',
            'extendedness': 'base_ClassificationExtendedness_value',
            'blendedness': 'base_Blendedness_abs{}'.format(BLENDEDNESS_SUFFIX),

        not_good_flags = (

        modifiers['good'] = (create_basic_flag_mask,) + not_good_flags
        modifiers['clean'] = (
        ) + not_good_flags

        # cross-band average, second moment values
        modifiers['I_flag'] = 'ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag'
        for ax in ['xx', 'yy', 'xy']:
            modifiers['I{}'.format(ax)] = 'ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_{}'.format(ax)
            modifiers['I{}PSF'.format(ax)] = 'base_SdssShape_psf_{}'.format(ax)

        for band in bands:
            modifiers['mag_{}'.format(band)] = '{}_mag'.format(band)
            modifiers['magerr_{}'.format(band)] = '{}_mag_err'.format(band)
            modifiers['psFlux_{}'.format(band)] = (convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_nanoJansky,
                                                   '{}_base_PsfFlux_{}'.format(band, FLUX))
            modifiers['psFlux_flag_{}'.format(band)] = '{}_base_PsfFlux_flag'.format(band)
            modifiers['psFluxErr_{}'.format(band)] = (convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_nanoJansky,
                                                      '{}_base_PsfFlux_{}{}'.format(band, FLUX, ERR))

            modifiers['I_flag_{}'.format(band)] = '{}_base_SdssShape_flag'.format(band)

            for ax in ['xx', 'yy', 'xy']:
                modifiers['I{}_{}'.format(ax, band)] = '{}_base_SdssShape_{}'.format(band, ax)
                modifiers['I{}PSF_{}'.format(ax, band)] = '{}_base_SdssShape_psf_{}'.format(band, ax)

            modifiers['psf_fwhm_{}'.format(band)] = (
                lambda xx, yy, xy: pixel_scale * 2.355 * (xx * yy - xy * xy) ** 0.25,

            if has_modelfit_flux:
                # The zp=27.0 is based on the default calibration for the coadds
                # as specified in the DM code.  It's correct for Run 1.1p.
                modifiers['cModelFlux_{}'.format(band)] = (convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_nanoJansky,
                                                           '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}'.format(band, FLUX))
                modifiers['cModelFluxErr_{}'.format(band)] = (convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_nanoJansky,
                                                              '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}{}'.format(band, FLUX, ERR))
                if has_modelfit_flag:
                    modifiers['cModelFlux_flag_{}'.format(band)] = '{}_modelfit_CModel_flag'.format(band)

                if not has_modelfit_mag:
                    modifiers['mag_{}_cModel'.format(band)] = (convert_dm_ref_zp_flux_to_mag,
                                                               '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}'.format(band, FLUX))
                    modifiers['magerr_{}_cModel'.format(band)] = (convert_flux_err_to_mag_err,
                                                                  '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}'.format(band, FLUX),
                                                                  '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}{}'.format(band, FLUX, ERR))
                    modifiers['snr_{}_cModel'.format(band)] = (
                        '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}'.format(band, FLUX),
                        '{}_modelfit_CModel_{}{}'.format(band, FLUX, ERR),

            if has_modelfit_mag:
                modifiers['mag_{}_cModel'.format(band)] = '{}_modelfit_mag'.format(band)
                modifiers['magerr_{}_cModel'.format(band)] = '{}_modelfit_mag_err'.format(band)
                modifiers['snr_{}_cModel'.format(band)] = '{}_modelfit_SNR'.format(band)

        return modifiers

    def _generate_info_dict(meta_path, bands='ugrizy'):
        """Creates a 2d dictionary with information for each homogenized quantity

        Separate entries for each band are created for any key in the yaml
        dictionary at meta_path containing the substring '<band>'.

            meta_path (path): Path of yaml config file with object meta data
            bands     (list): List of photometric bands as strings

            Dictionary of the form
                {<homonogized value (str)>: {<meta value (str)>: <meta data>}, ...}

        with open(meta_path, 'r') as ofile:
            base_dict = yaml.safe_load(ofile)

        info_dict = dict()
        for quantity, info_list in base_dict.items():
            quantity_info = dict(

            if '<band>' in quantity:
                for band in bands:
                    band_quantity = quantity.replace('<band>', band)
                    band_quantity_info = quantity_info.copy()
                    band_quantity_info['description'] = band_quantity_info['description'].replace('`<band>`', '{} band'.format(band))
                    info_dict[band_quantity] = band_quantity_info

                info_dict[quantity] = quantity_info

        return info_dict

    def _get_quantity_info_dict(self, quantity, default=None):
        """Return a dictionary with descriptive information for a quantity

        Returned information includes a quantity description, quantity units, whether
        the quantity is defined in the DPDD, and if the quantity is available in GCRbase.

            quantity   (str): The quantity to return information for
            default (object): Value to return if no information is available (default None)

            A dictionary with information about the provided quantity

        return self._quantity_info_dict.get(quantity, default)

    def _generate_datasets(self):
        """Return viable data sets from all files in self.base_dir

            A list of ObjectTableWrapper(<file path>, <key>) objects
            for all files and keys
        datasets = list()
        for fname in sorted(os.listdir(self.base_dir)):
            if not self._filename_re.match(fname):

            file_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, fname)
                fh = self._open_hdf5(file_path)

            except (IOError, OSError) as e:
                warnings.warn('Cannot access {}; skipped'.format(file_path))

            for key in fh:
                if self._groupname_re.match(key.lstrip('/')):
                    datasets.append(ObjectTableWrapper(fh, key, self._schema))

                warn_msg = 'incorrect group name "{}" in {}; skipped this group'
                warnings.warn(warn_msg.format(os.path.basename(file_path), key))

        return datasets

    def _generate_schema_from_yaml(schema_path):
        """Return a dictionary of columns based on schema in YAML file

            schema_path (string): <file path> to schema file.

            The columns defined in the schema.
            A dictionary of {<column_name>: {'dtype': ..., 'default': ...}, ...}

            If one or more column names are repeated.

        schema = None
            with open(schema_path, 'r') as schema_stream:
                schema = yaml.safe_load(schema_stream)
        except (IOError, OSError, yaml.YAMLError):

        if schema is None:
            warn_msg = 'No schema found or loaded in schema file {}'

        return schema

    def _generate_schema_from_datafiles(datasets):
        """Return the native schema for given datasets

            datasets (list): A list of tuples (<file path>, <key>)

            A dict of schema ({col_name: {'dtype': dtype}}) found in all data sets

        schema = {}
        for dataset in datasets:

        return schema

    def generate_schema_yaml(self, overwrite=False):
        Generate the schema from the datafiles and write as a yaml file.
        This function write the schema yaml file to the schema location specified for the catalog.
        One needs to set `overwrite=True` to overwrite an existing schema file.
        if self._schema_path and os.path.isfile(self._schema_path):
            if not overwrite:
                raise RuntimeError('Schema file `{}` already exists! Set `overwrite=True` to overwrite.'.format(self._schema_path))
            warnings.warn('Overwriting schema file `{0}`, which is backed up at `{0}.bak`'.format(self._schema_path))
            shutil.copyfile(self._schema_path, self._schema_path + '.bak')

        schema = self._generate_schema_from_datafiles(self._datasets)

        for col, schema_this in schema.items():
            if np.dtype(schema_this['dtype']).kind == 'b' and (
                    col.endswith('_flag_bad') or col.endswith('_flag_noGoodPixels')):
                schema_this['default'] = True

        with open(self._schema_path, 'w') as schema_stream:
            yaml.dump(schema, schema_stream)

    def available_tracts_and_patches(self):
        """Return a list of available tracts and patches as dict objects

            A list of dictionaries of the form:
               [{"tract": <tract (int)>, "patch": <patch (str)>}, ...]

        return [dataset.tract_and_patch for dataset in self._datasets]

    def available_tracts(self):
        """Returns a sorted list of available tracts

            A sorted list of available tracts as integers

        return sorted(set(dataset.tract for dataset in self._datasets))

    def clear_cache(self):
        """Empty the catalog reader cache and frees up memory allocation"""

        for dataset in self._datasets:

    def _open_hdf5(self, file_path):
        """Return the file handle of an HDF5 file as an pd.HDFStore object

        Cache and return the file handle for the HDF5 file at <file_path>

            file_path (str): The path of the desired file

            The cached file handle

        if (file_path not in self._file_handles or
                not self._file_handles[file_path].is_open):
            self._file_handles[file_path] = pd.HDFStore(file_path, 'r')

        return self._file_handles[file_path]

    def close_all_file_handles(self):
        """Clear all cached file handles"""

        if isinstance(getattr(self, "_file_handles", None), dict):
            for fh in self._file_handles.values():

    def _generate_native_quantity_list(self):
        """Return a set of native quantity names as strings"""

        return set(self._schema).union(self._native_filter_quantities)

    def _iter_native_dataset(self, native_filters=None):
        # pylint: disable=C0330
        for dataset in self._datasets:
            if (native_filters is None or
                yield dataset.get
                if not self.use_cache:

    def __len__(self):
        if self._len is None:
            # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
            self._len = sum(len(dataset) for dataset in self._datasets)
        return self._len

class DC2ObjectParquetCatalog(DC2DMTractCatalog):
    r"""DC2 Object (Parquet) Catalog reader

    base_dir          (str): Directory of data files being served, required
    filename_pattern  (str): The optional regex pattern of served data files
    is_dpdd          (bool): File are already in DPDD-format.  No translation.

    base_dir          (str): The directory of data files being served

    def _subclass_init(self, **kwargs):

        self.FILE_PATTERN = r'object_tract_\d+\.parquet$'
        self.META_PATH = META_PATH
        self._default_pixel_scale = 0.2
        self.pixel_scale = float(kwargs.get('pixel_scale', self._default_pixel_scale))


    def _detect_available_bands(self):
        return [col.rpartition('_')[0] for col in self._columns if col.endswith('_FLUXMAG0')]

    def _generate_modifiers(dm_schema_version=4, bands='ugrizy', pixel_scale=0.2, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        """Creates a dictionary relating native and homogenized column names

            pixel_scale (float): Scale of pixels in coadd images
            bands       (list):  List of photometric bands as strings

            A dictionary of the form {<homogenized name>: <native name>, ...}

        FLUX = 'flux' if dm_schema_version <= 2 else 'instFlux'
        ERR = 'Sigma' if dm_schema_version <= 1 else 'Err'

        modifiers = {
            'objectId': 'id',
            'parentObjectId': 'parent',
            'ra': (np.rad2deg, 'coord_ra'),
            'dec': (np.rad2deg, 'coord_dec'),
            'x': 'base_SdssCentroid_x',
            'y': 'base_SdssCentroid_y',
            'xErr': f'base_SdssCentroid_x{ERR}',
            'yErr': f'base_SdssCentroid_y{ERR}',
            'xy_flag': 'base_SdssCentroid_flag',
            'psNdata': 'base_PsfFlux_area',
            'extendedness': 'base_ClassificationExtendedness_value',
            'blendedness': 'base_Blendedness_abs',

        not_good_flags = (

        modifiers['good'] = (create_basic_flag_mask,) + not_good_flags
        modifiers['clean'] = (
        ) + not_good_flags

        # cross-band average, second moment values
        modifiers['I_flag'] = 'ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_flag'
        for ax in ['xx', 'yy', 'xy']:
            modifiers[f'I{ax}'] = f'ext_shapeHSM_HsmSourceMoments_{ax}'
            modifiers[f'I{ax}PSF'] = f'base_SdssShape_psf_{ax}'

        for band in bands:
            modifiers[f'psFlux_{band}'] = (convert_flux_to_nanoJansky,
            modifiers[f'psFlux_flag_{band}'] = f'{band}_slot_PsfFlux_flag'
            modifiers[f'psFluxErr_{band}'] = (convert_flux_to_nanoJansky,
            modifiers[f'mag_{band}'] = (convert_flux_to_mag,
            modifiers[f'magerr_{band}'] = (convert_flux_err_to_mag_err,

            modifiers[f'cModelFlux_{band}'] = (convert_flux_to_nanoJansky,
            modifiers[f'cModelFluxErr_{band}'] = (convert_flux_to_nanoJansky,
            modifiers[f'cModelFlux_flag_{band}'] = f'{band}_modelfit_CModel_flag'
            modifiers[f'mag_{band}_cModel'] = (convert_flux_to_mag,
            modifiers[f'magerr_{band}_cModel'] = (convert_flux_err_to_mag_err,
            modifiers[f'snr_{band}_cModel'] = (np.divide,

            # Per-band shape information
            modifiers[f'I_flag_{band}'] = f'{band}_base_SdssShape_flag'

            for ax in ['xx', 'yy', 'xy']:
                modifiers[f'I{ax}_{band}'] = f'{band}_base_SdssShape_{ax}'
                modifiers[f'I{ax}PSF_{band}'] = f'{band}_base_SdssShape_psf_{ax}'

            modifiers[f'psf_fwhm_{band}'] = (
                lambda xx, yy, xy: pixel_scale * 2.355 * (xx * yy - xy * xy) ** 0.25,

        return modifiers