# Functions for making joyplots.
# Taken from:
# https://github.com/sbebo/joypy
# 12/09/17

import numpy as np
from pandas.plotting._tools import (_subplots, _flatten)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import (DataFrame, Series)
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_number
from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from warnings import warn
from matplotlib import ticker

_DEBUG = False

def _x_range(data, extra=0.2):
    """ Compute the x_range, i.e., the values for which the
        density will be computed. It should be slightly larger than
        the max and min so that the plot actually reaches 0, and
        also has a bit of a tail on both sides.
        sample_range = np.nanmax(data) - np.nanmin(data)
    except ValueError:
        return []
    if sample_range < 1e-6:
        return [np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data)]
    return np.linspace(np.nanmin(data) - extra*sample_range,
                       np.nanmax(data) + extra*sample_range, 1000)

def _setup_axis(ax, x_range, col_name=None, grid=False, x_spacing=None):
    """ Setup the axis for the joyploy:
        - add the y label if required (as an ytick)
        - add y grid if required
        - make the background transparent
        - set the xlim according to the x_range
        - hide the xaxis and the spines
    if col_name is not None:
    ax.set_xlim([min(x_range), max(x_range)])
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0, pad=10)
    if x_spacing is not None:

def _is_numeric(x):
    """ Whether the array x is numeric. """
    return all(is_number(i) for i in x)

def _get_alpha(i, n, start=0.4, end=1.0):
    """ Compute alpha value at position i out of n """
    return start + (1 + i)*(end - start)/n

def _remove_na(l):
    """ Remove NA values. Should work for lists, arrays, series. """
    return Series(l).dropna().values

def _moving_average(a, n=3, zero_padded=False):
    """ Moving average of order n.
        If zero padded, returns an array of the same size as
        the input: the values before a[0] are considered to be 0.
        Otherwise, returns an array of length len(a) - n + 1 """
    ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float)
    ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n]
    if zero_padded:
        return ret / n
        return ret[n - 1:] / n

def joyplot(data, column=None, by=None, grid=False,
            xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None, yrot=None,
            ax=None, figsize=None,
            hist=False, bins=10,
            fade=False, ylim='max',
            fill=True, linecolor=None,
            overlap=1, background=None,
            labels=None, xlabels=True, ylabels=True, label_strings=[],
            x_range=None, x_spacing=None,
            title=None, x_title=None,
    Draw joyplot of a DataFrame, or appropriately nested collection,
    using matplotlib and pandas.

    A joyplot is a stack of vertically aligned density plots / histograms.
    By default, if 'data' is a DataFrame,
    this function will plot a density plot for each column.

    This wrapper method tries to convert whatever structure is given
    to a nested collection of lists with additional information
    on labels, and use the private _joyploy function to actually
    draw theh plot.

    data : DataFrame, Series or nested collection
    column : string or sequence
        If passed, will be used to limit data to a subset of columns
    by : object, optional
        If passed, used to form separate plot groups
    grid : boolean, default True
        Whether to show axis grid lines
    labels : boolean or list, default True.
        If list, must be the same size of the de
    xlabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the x-axis label size
    xrot : float, default None
        rotation of x axis labels
    ylabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the y-axis label size
    label_strings : if not None, will change the labels to the list of strings. Must be the
        same length as the column headers that are plotted.
    yrot : float, default None
        rotation of y axis labels
    ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
    figsize : tuple
        The size of the figure to create in inches by default
    hist : boolean, default False
    bins : integer, default 10
        Number of histogram bins to be used
    kwds : other plotting keyword arguments
        To be passed to hist/kde plot function

    if column is not None:
        if not isinstance(column, (list, np.ndarray)):
            column = [column]

    def _grouped_df_to_standard(grouped, column):
        converted = []
        labels = []
        for i, (key, group) in enumerate(grouped):
            if column is not None:
                group = group[column]
            converted.append([_remove_na(group[c]) for c in group.columns if _is_numeric(group[c])])
            if i == 0:
                sublabels = [col for col in group.columns if _is_numeric(group[col])]
        return converted, labels, sublabels

    # - given a grouped DataFrame, a group by key, or a dict of dicts of Series/lists/arrays
    # - select the required columns/Series/lists/arrays
    # - convert to standard format: list of lists of non-null arrays
    #   + extra parameters (labels and sublabels)
    if isinstance(data, DataFrameGroupBy):
        grouped = data
        converted, _labels, sublabels = _grouped_df_to_standard(grouped, column)
        if labels is None:
            labels = _labels
    elif by is not None and isinstance(data, DataFrame):
        grouped = data.groupby(by)
        if column is None:
            # Remove the groupby key. It's not automatically removed by pandas.
            column = list(data.columns).remove(by)
        converted, _labels, sublabels = _grouped_df_to_standard(grouped, column)
        if labels is None:
            labels = _labels
        # If there is at least an element which is not a list of lists.. go on.
    elif isinstance(data, dict) and all(isinstance(g, dict) for g in data.values()):
        grouped = data
        if labels is None:
            labels = list(grouped.keys())
        converted = []
        for i, (key, group) in enumerate(grouped.items()):
            if column is not None:
                converted.append([_remove_na(g) for k,g in group.items() if _is_numeric(g) and k in column])
                if i == 0:
                    sublabels = [k for k,g in group.items() if _is_numeric(g)]
                converted.append([_remove_na(g) for k,g in group.items() if _is_numeric(g)])
                if i == 0:
                    sublabels = [k for k,g in group.items() if _is_numeric(g)]
    # PLAIN:
    # - given a DataFrame or list/dict of Series/lists/arrays
    # - select the required columns/Series/lists/arrays
    # - convert to standard format: list of lists of non-null arrays + extra parameter (labels)
    elif isinstance(data, DataFrame):
        if column is not None:
            data = data[column]
        converted = [[_remove_na(data[col])] for col in data.columns if _is_numeric(data[col])]
        labels = [col for col in data.columns if _is_numeric(data[col])]
        print ("PRINTING THE LABELS")
        print (labels)
        sublabels = None
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        if column is not None:
            converted = [[_remove_na(g)] for k,g in data.items() if _is_numeric(g) and k in column]
            labels = [k for k,g in data.items() if _is_numeric(g) and k in column]
            converted = [[_remove_na(g)] for k,g in data.items() if _is_numeric(g)]
            labels = [k for k,g in data.items() if _is_numeric(g)]
        sublabels = None
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        if column is not None:
            converted = [_remove_na(g) for g in data if _is_numeric(g) and i in column]
            converted = [_remove_na(g) for g in data if _is_numeric(g)]
        labels = None
        sublabels = None
        raise TypeError("Unknown type for 'data': {!r}".format(type(data)))

    if ylabels is False:
        labels = None

    if all(len(subg)==0 for g in converted for subg in g):
        raise ValueError("No numeric values found. Joyplot requires at least a numeric column/group.")

    if any(len(subg)==0 for g in converted for subg in g):
        warn("At least a column/group has no numeric values.")

    return _joyplot(converted, labels=labels, sublabels=sublabels,
                    xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot, label_strings=label_strings,
                    ax=ax, figsize=figsize,
                    hist=hist, bins=bins,
                    fade=fade, ylim=ylim,
                    fill=fill, linecolor=linecolor,
                    overlap=overlap, background=background,
                    range_style=range_style, x_range=x_range,
                    title=title, x_title=x_title, x_spacing=x_spacing,


def plot_density(ax, x_range, v, kind="kde", bw_method=None,
                 fill=False, linecolor=None, clip_on=True, **kwargs):
    """ Draw a density plot given an axis, an array of values v and an array
        of x positions where to return the estimated density.
    v = _remove_na(v)
    if len(v) == 0 or len(x_range) == 0:

    if kind == "kde":
        gkde = gaussian_kde(v, bw_method=bw_method)
        y = gkde.evaluate(x_range)
    elif kind == "counts":
        y, bin_edges = np.histogram(v, bins=bins, range=(min(x_range), max(x_range)))
        # np.histogram returns the edges of the bins.
        # We compute here the middle of the bins.
        x_range = _moving_average(bin_edges, 2)
    elif kind == "normalized_counts":
        y, bin_edges = np.histogram(v, bins=bins, density=False,
                                    range=(min(x_range), max(x_range)))
        # np.histogram returns the edges of the bins.
        # We compute here the middle of the bins.
        y = y / len(v)
        x_range = _moving_average(bin_edges, 2)
    elif kind == "values":
        # Warning: to use values and get a meaningful visualization,
        # x_range must also be manually set in the main function.
        y = v
        x_range = list(range(len(y)))
        raise NotImplementedError

    if fill:
        ax.fill_between(x_range, 0.0, y, clip_on=clip_on, **kwargs)

        # Hack to have a border at the bottom at the fill patch
        # (of the same color of the fill patch)
        # so that the fill reaches the same bottom margin as the edge lines
        # with y value = 0.0
        kw = kwargs
        kw["label"] = None
        ax.plot(x_range, [0.0]*len(x_range), clip_on=clip_on, **kw)

    if linecolor is not None:
        kwargs["color"] = linecolor

    # Remove the legend labels if we are plotting filled curve:
    # we only want one entry per group in the legend (if shown).
    if fill:
        kwargs["label"] = None

    ax.plot(x_range, y, clip_on=clip_on, **kwargs)


def _joyplot(data,
             labels=None, sublabels=None,
             xlabels=True, label_strings = [],
             xlabelsize=None, xrot=None,
             ylabelsize=None, yrot=None,
             ax=None, figsize=None,
             hist=False, bins=10,
             xlim=None, ylim='max',
             fill=True, linecolor=None,
             overlap=1, background=None,
             range_style='all', x_range=None, tails=0.2,
             title=None, x_spacing=None,
             legend=False, loc="upper right",
             colormap=None, color=None, x_title=None,
    Internal method.
    Draw a joyplot from an appropriately nested collection of lists
    using matplotlib and pandas.

    data : DataFrame, Series or nested collection
    grid : boolean, default True
        Whether to show axis grid lines
    labels : boolean or list, default True.
        If list, must be the same size of the de
    xlabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the x-axis label size
    xrot : float, default None
        rotation of x axis labels
    ylabelsize : int, default None
        If specified changes the y-axis label size
    yrot : float, default None
        rotation of y axis labels
    ax : matplotlib axes object, default None
    figsize : tuple
        The size of the figure to create in inches by default
    hist : boolean, default False
    bins : integer, default 10
        Number of histogram bins to be used
    kwarg : other plotting keyword arguments
        To be passed to hist/kde plot function

    if fill is True and linecolor is None:
        linecolor = "k"

    if sublabels is None:
        legend = False

    def _get_color(i, num_axes, j, num_subgroups):
        if isinstance(color, list):
            return color[i]
        elif color is not None:
            return color
        elif isinstance(colormap, list):
            return colormap[j](i/num_axes)
        elif color is None and colormap is None:
            return plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'][j]
            return colormap(i/num_axes)

    ygrid = (grid is True or grid == 'y' or grid == 'both')
    xgrid = (grid is True or grid == 'x' or grid == 'both')

    num_axes = len(data)

    if x_range is None:
        global_x_range = _x_range([v for g in data for sg in g for v in sg])
        global_x_range = _x_range(x_range, 0.0)
    global_x_min, global_x_max = min(global_x_range), max(global_x_range)

    # Each plot will have its own axis
    fig, axes = _subplots(naxes=num_axes, ax=ax, squeeze=False,
                          sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=figsize,
    _axes = _flatten(axes)

    # The legend must be drawn in the last axis if we want it at the bottom.
    if loc in (3, 4, 8) or 'lower' in str(loc):
        legend_axis = num_axis - 1
        legend_axis = 0

    # A couple of simple checks.
    if labels is not None:
        assert len(labels) == num_axes
    if sublabels is not None:
        assert all(len(g) == len(sublabels) for g in data)
    # if isinstance(color, list):
    #     assert all(len(g) == len(color) for g in data)
    if isinstance(colormap, list):
        assert all(len(g) == len(colormap) for g in data)

    for i, group in enumerate(data):
        a = _axes[i]
        group_zorder = i
        if fade:
            kwargs['alpha'] = _get_alpha(i, num_axes)

        num_subgroups = len(group)

        if hist:
            # matplotlib hist() already handles multiple subgroups in a histogram
            a.hist(group, label=sublabels, bins=bins,
                   range=[min(global_x_range), max(global_x_range)],
                   edgecolor=linecolor, zorder=group_zorder, **kwargs)
            for j, subgroup in enumerate(group):

                # Compute the x_range of the current plot
                if range_style == 'all':
                # All plots have the same range
                    x_range = global_x_range
                elif range_style == 'own':
                # Each plot has its own range
                    x_range = _x_range(subgroup, tails)
                elif range_style == 'group':
                # Each plot has a range that covers the whole group
                    x_range = _x_range(group, tails)
                elif isinstance(range_style, (list, np.ndarray)):
                # All plots have exactly the range passed as argument
                    x_range = _x_range(range_style, 0.0)
                    raise NotImplementedError("Unrecognized range style.")

                if sublabels is None:
                    sublabel = None
                    sublabel = sublabels[j]

                element_zorder = group_zorder + j/(num_subgroups+1)
                element_color = _get_color(i, num_axes, j, num_subgroups)

                if not fill and linecolor is None:
                    linecolor = element_color

                print ("LABEL STRINGS ARE")
                print (label_strings)

                if len(label_strings) == 0:
                    plot_density(a, x_range, subgroup,
                                 fill=fill, linecolor=linecolor, label=sublabel,
                                 zorder=element_zorder, color=element_color,
                                 bins=bins, **kwargs)
                    print ('string is: ' + label_strings[i])
                    plot_density(a, x_range, subgroup,
                                 fill=fill, linecolor=linecolor, label=label_strings[i],
                                 zorder=element_zorder, color=element_color,
                                 bins=bins, **kwargs)

        # Setup the current axis: transparency, labels, spines.
        if labels is None:
            _setup_axis(a, global_x_range, col_name=None, grid=ygrid, x_spacing=x_spacing)
            if len(label_strings) == 0:
                _setup_axis(a, global_x_range, col_name=labels[i], grid=ygrid, x_spacing=x_spacing)
                _setup_axis(a, global_x_range, col_name=label_strings[i], grid=ygrid, x_spacing=x_spacing)

        # When needed, draw the legend
        if legend and i == legend_axis:
            # Bypass alpha values, in case
            for p in a.get_legend().get_patches():
            for l in a.get_legend().get_lines():

    # Final adjustments

    # Set the y limit for the density plots.
    # Since the y range in the subplots can vary significantly,
    # different options are available.
    if ylim == 'max':
        # Set all yaxis limit to the same value (max range among all)
        max_ylim = max(a.get_ylim()[1] for a in _axes)
        min_ylim = min(a.get_ylim()[0] for a in _axes)
        for a in _axes:
            a.set_ylim([min_ylim - 0.1*(max_ylim-min_ylim), max_ylim])

    elif ylim == 'own':
        # Do nothing, each axis keeps its own ylim

        # Set all yaxis max lim to the argument value ylim
            for a in _axes:
            print("Warning: the value of ylim must be either 'max', 'own', or a tuple of length 2. The value you provided has no effect.")

    # Compute a final axis, used to apply global settings
    last_axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    # Background color
    if background is not None:

    for side in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']:

    # This looks hacky, but all the axes share the x-axis,
    # so they have the same lims and ticks
    if xlabels is True:
        for t in last_axis.get_xticklabels():

        # If grid is enabled, do not allow xticks (they are ugly)
        if xgrid:
            last_axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='both',length=0)


    # set the x axis title if you want it
    if x_title is not None:

    # Last axis on the back
    last_axis.zorder = min(a.zorder for a in _axes) - 1
    _axes = list(_axes) + [last_axis]

    if title is not None:

    # The magic overlap happens here.
    h_pad = 5 + (- 5*(1 + overlap))

    return fig, _axes