
# Standard library modules.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from operator import itemgetter
import bisect

# Third party modules.

# Local modules.

# Globals and constants variables.
_PREFIXES_FACTORS = {'Y': 1e24, 'Z': 1e21, 'E': 1e18, 'P': 1e15, 'T': 1e12,
                     'G': 1e9, 'M': 1e6, 'k': 1e3, 'd': 1e-1, 'c': 1e-2,
                     'm': 1e-3, u'\u00b5': 1e-6,
                     'u': 1e-6, 'n': 1e-9, 'p': 1e-12, 'f': 1e-15, 'a': 1e-18,
                     'z': 1e-21, 'y': 1e-24}

class _Dimension(object):

    def __init__(self, base_units, latexrepr=None):
        self._base_units = base_units
        self._units = {base_units: 1.0}
        if latexrepr is None:
            latexrepr = base_units
        self._latexrepr = {base_units: latexrepr}

    def add_units(self, units, factor, latexrepr=None):
        Add new possible units.
        :arg units: units
        :type units: :class:`str`
        :arg factor: multiplication factor to convert new units into base units 
        :type factor: :class:`float`
        :arg latexrepr: LaTeX representation of units (if ``None``, use *units)
        :type latexrepr: :class:`str`
        if units in self._units:
            raise ValueError('%s already defined' % units)
        if factor == 1:
            raise ValueError('Factor cannot be equal to 1')
        if latexrepr is None:
            latexrepr = units

        self._units[units] = factor
        self._latexrepr[units] = latexrepr

    def is_valid_units(self, units):
        return units in self._units and units in self._latexrepr

    def calculate_preferred(self, value, units):
        if units not in self._units:
            raise ValueError('Unknown units: %s' % units)
        base_value = value * self._units[units]

        units_factor = sorted(self._units.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        factors = [item[1] for item in units_factor]
        index = bisect.bisect_right(factors, base_value)
        newunits, factor = units_factor[index - 1]

        return base_value / factor, newunits

    def to_latex(self, units):
        if units not in self._latexrepr:
            raise ValueError('Unknown units: %s' % units)
        return self._latexrepr[units]

    def base_units(self):
        return self._base_units

class SILengthDimension(_Dimension):

    def __init__(self):
        super(SILengthDimension, self).__init__('m')
        for prefix, factor in _PREFIXES_FACTORS.items():
            latexrepr = None
            if prefix == u'\u00b5':
                latexrepr = '$\\mu$m'
            self.add_units(prefix + 'm', factor, latexrepr)

class SILengthReciprocalDimension(_Dimension):

    def __init__(self):
        super(SILengthReciprocalDimension, self).__init__('1/m', 'm$^{-1}$')
        for prefix, factor in _PREFIXES_FACTORS.items():
            latexrepr = '{0}m$^{{-1}}$'.format(prefix)
            if prefix == u'\u00b5':
                latexrepr = '$\\mu$m$^{-1}$'
            self.add_units('1/{0}m'.format(prefix), factor, latexrepr)

class ImperialLengthDimension(_Dimension):

    def __init__(self):
        super(ImperialLengthDimension, self).__init__('ft')
        self.add_units('th', 1 / 12000)
        self.add_units('in', 1 / 12)
        self.add_units('yd', 3)
        self.add_units('ch', 66)
        self.add_units('fur', 660)
        self.add_units('mi', 5280)
        self.add_units('lea', 15840)