## LSDMap_Subplots.py
## These functions are tools to deal with creating nice subplots from multiple
## rasters
## FJC
## 22/12/2016
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from glob import glob
import os.path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import string
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.cm as cmx
from matplotlib import rcParams
from . import LSDMap_GDALIO as LSDMap_IO
from . import LSDMap_BasicPlotting as LSDMap_BP
from . import labels as lsdlabels

# Convert cm to inch for figure sizing
def cm2inch(value):
    Convert cm to inch for figure sizing
    return value/2.54

# Function to create nice field sites figure from all the hillshades in a folder
# N_HSFiles = number of field sites
# Also reads in a series of map files to show locations of each site. At the moment
# you have to manually indicate on these maps where the field site is - would
# be nice to automate this when I have some time to mess around with it.
# FJC 22/12/16

def field_sites(DataDirectory, N_HSFiles, NRows, NCols, n_target_ticks):

    # Set up fonts
    rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif'
    rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Liberation Sans']
    rcParams['font.size'] = 6

    # Read in the files for each site
    HSFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_HS.bil'), key=str)
    MapFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_map.eps'), key=str)

    n_files = len(HSFiles)+len(MapFiles)
    print("Number of files = ", n_files)

    # Now make the subplots
    fig, ax = pp.subplots(NRows,NCols, figsize=(cm2inch(12),cm2inch(15)), frameon=False)
    ax = ax.ravel()

    #get a list to label the subfigures
    alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
    file_counter = 0

    for i in range (n_files):

        if i < N_HSFiles:
        # first deal with the hillshade files. If there are more hillshade files simply
        # change the value of N_HSFiles
            print("The hillshade file name is: ", HSFiles[i])

            hillshade_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSFiles[i])
            hillshade_raster = np.ma.masked_where(hillshade_raster == -9999, hillshade_raster)

            # now get the extent
            extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(HSFiles[i])

            # get DEM info
            CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(HSFiles[i])
            print(YMin, YMax)

            #plot the rasters
            ax[i].imshow(hillshade_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmx.gray)
            ax[i].text(0.05,0.97, alphabet[i], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', pad=3), fontsize = 8, transform=ax[i].transAxes)

            #change ticks
            # xlocs = ax[i].xaxis.get_ticklocs()
            # ylocs = ax[i].yaxis.get_ticklocs()

            # new_xlocs,new_ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(HSFiles[i],xlocs.max(),xlocs.min(),ylocs.max(),ylocs.min(),n_target_ticks)
            # # change the location of the ticks depending on subplot placement
            # if i < 2:
            #     ax[i].xaxis.tick_top()
            # if i % 2 != 0:
            #     ax[i].yaxis.tick_right()

            #ax[i].tick_params(axis='x', pad=7)
            #ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', pad=7)

        if i >= N_HSFiles:
            print("The map file name is: ", MapFiles[file_counter])
            # add in the location maps for the sites (e.g. USA, UK)
            img = mpimg.imread(MapFiles[file_counter])
            ax[i].text(0.02,1.00, alphabet[i], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize = 8, transform=ax[i].transAxes)

            #remove border

    # Save figure

    # Add a big subplot to get a common x and y label for the subplots
    fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
    # hide tick and tick label of the big axes
    pp.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off')

    #pp.xlabel('Easting (m)', fontsize=8, labelpad=-122)
    #pp.ylabel('Northing (m)', fontsize=8, labelpad=10, position=(0.0,0.67))
    pp.tight_layout(pad=0.1, w_pad = 0.1, h_pad = 0.2)
    OutputFigureName = "field_sites"
    OutputFigureFormat = 'pdf'
    pp.savefig(DataDirectory+OutputFigureName + '.' + OutputFigureFormat, format=OutputFigureFormat, dpi=300)

# Function to create comparison plots for floodplain mapping between the published
# flood maps and the geometric method
# FJC 22/12/16

def multiple_flood_maps(DataDirectory):
    Make nice subplots of floodplain rasters for different field sites

    import seaborn as sns

    # Set up fonts
    rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif'
    rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Liberation Sans']
    rcParams['font.size'] = 12

    # Read in the files for each site
    FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_FP*.bil'), key=str)

    n_files = len(FPFiles)
    print("Number of files = ", n_files)

    # Now make the subplots
    fig, ax = pp.subplots(2,3, figsize=(cm2inch(15),cm2inch(11)))
    ax = ax.ravel()

    #use seaborn to get a nice color palette
    cmap_oranges = sns.light_palette("#ff8f66", input="hex", as_cmap=True, reverse=True)
    cmap_ice = sns.light_palette("#00ffff", input="hex", as_cmap=True, reverse=True)

    alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase)

    for i in range (n_files):
        print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i])

        # get the name of the field site
        fname = FPFiles[i].split('/')
        split_fname = fname[-1].split('_')
        HSFile = DataDirectory+split_fname[1]+'_'+split_fname[2]+"_HS.bil"

        hillshade_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSFile)
        FP_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FPFiles[i])
        FP_raster = np.ma.masked_where(FP_raster <= 0, FP_raster)

        # now get the extent
        extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(HSFile)

        # get DEM info
        CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(HSFile)
        print(YMin, YMax)

        #plot the rasters
        ax[i].imshow(hillshade_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmx.gray)

        if i < 3:
            ax[i].imshow(FP_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmap_oranges, alpha=0.8)
            ax[i].imshow(FP_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmap_ice, alpha=0.6)

        ax[i].text(0.03,0.97, alphabet[i], bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', pad=5), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax[i].transAxes)
        #scalebars.add_scalebar(ax[i], matchx=False, sizex=500.0, loc=3, borderpad =1, lw=3, matchy=False, hidex=False, hidey=False)


        ax[i].tick_params(axis='x', pad=3)
        ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', pad=3)

    # Save figure
    pp.tight_layout(pad=0.5, h_pad=0, w_pad=0.1)
    OutputFigureName = "Comparison_published_maps"
    OutputFigureFormat = 'pdf'
    pp.savefig(DataDirectory+OutputFigureName + '.' + OutputFigureFormat, format=OutputFigureFormat, transparent=True, dpi=300)

#    Make subplots showing the difference between the mapped and predicted
#    floodplain initiation points. Uses Fiona (yaaay) to read in the shapefiles
#    FJC 05/01/17

def flood_maps_with_shapefile(DataDirectory):

    from fiona import collection
    from descartes import PolygonPatch

    # Set up fonts
    rcParams['font.family'] = 'sans-serif'
    rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Liberation Sans']
    rcParams['font.size'] = 8

    # Read in the files for each site
    HSFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_HS*.bil'), key=str)
    FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_FIPs_FP*.shp'), key=str)
    PointFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_FIPs_MP*.shp'), key=str)

    n_files = len(FPFiles)
    print("Number of files = ", n_files)

    # Now make the subplots
    fig, ax = pp.subplots(1,2, figsize=(cm2inch(12),cm2inch(7)))
    ax = ax.ravel()

    #get a list with the figure letterings
    figure_letter = ["a", "b"]
    titles = ["Mid Bailey Run, OH", "Coweeta, NC"]

    for i in range (n_files):

        print("The hillshade file name is: ", HSFiles[i])
        print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i])
        print("The shapefile name is: ", PointFiles[i])

        # get the name of the field site
        split_fname = FPFiles[i].split('_FP')

        hillshade_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSFiles[i])

        # now get the extent
        extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(HSFiles[i])

        # get DEM info
        CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(HSFiles[i])
        print(YMin, YMax)

        # plot the raster
        ax[i].imshow(hillshade_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmx.gray)

        # plot the floodplain shapefile using fiona and descartes
        with collection(FPFiles[i], 'r') as input:
            for f in input:
                ax[i].add_patch(PolygonPatch(f['geometry'], fc='blue', ec='blue', lw=0.1, alpha=0.8))

        #plot the mapped points
        with collection(PointFiles[i],'r') as input:
            for point in input:
                x = point['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
                y = point['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
                ax[i].scatter(x,y, c="red", s=15, zorder=100)

        #ax[i].text(0.03,0.97, figure_letter[i], bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', pad=3), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize = 8, transform=ax[i].transAxes)

        #change ticks
        xlocs = ax[i].xaxis.get_ticklocs()
        ylocs = ax[i].yaxis.get_ticklocs()

        n_target_tics = 10
        new_xlocs,new_ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(HSFiles[i],xlocs.max(),xlocs.min(),ylocs.max(),ylocs.min(),n_target_tics)

        ax[i].set_xticklabels(new_x_labels, rotation=30)

        #set axis limits

        if i == 0:
            ax[i].set_xlabel('Easting (m)', position=(1,0))
            ax[i].set_ylabel('Northing (m)')
        if i > 0:

        ax[i].tick_params(axis='x', pad=2)
        ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', pad=2)

        ax[i].set_title(titles[i], fontsize=9)

    # Save figure
    OutputFigureName = "Comparison_with_mapped_FIPs"
    OutputFigureFormat = 'pdf'
    pp.savefig(DataDirectory+OutputFigureName + '.' + OutputFigureFormat, format=OutputFigureFormat, dpi=300)

def findmaxval_multirasters(FileList):
    Loops through a list or array of rasters (np arrays)
    and finds the maximum single value in the set of arrays.
    overall_max_val = 0

    for i in range (len(FileList)):

        raster_as_array = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileList[i])
        this_max_val = np.nanmax(raster_as_array)

        if this_max_val > overall_max_val:
            overall_max_val = this_max_val

    return overall_max_val

def findminval_multirasters(FileList):
    Loops through a list or array of rasters (np arrays)
    and finds the minimum single value in the set of arrays.
    overall_min_val = 0

    for i in range (len(FileList)):

        raster_as_array = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileList[i])
        this_min_val = np.nanmin(raster_as_array)

        if this_min_val > overall_min_val:
            overall_min_val = this_min_val

    return overall_min_val

def MultiDrapeFloodMaps(DataDir, ElevationRaster, DrapeRasterWild, cmap,
                        drape_min_threshold=None, drape_max=None, cbar_label=None):
    """Creates a figure with multiple drape maps over a hillshade.

    Plots flood extents from water depth rasters
    draped over the catchment elevation raster
    in a series of subplots

    Takes a wildcard for the drapes
    Expexts a fixed elevation raster, but this could be
    modified in future.

	DataDir (str): Path to the directory containing the data files
	ElevationRaster (str): Name of the elevation raster used to create the hillshade
	DrapeRasterWild (str): Wildcard string used to find all the drape files in the
	cmap: Can be the string name of a colourmap, or a Colourmap object
	drape_min (float, optional): Minimum value for the drape raster, i.e. values
		below this threshold will be masked and not plotted.
	drape_max (float, optional): Maximum value for the drape raster, i.e. values
		above this value will be masked and not plotted.
	cbar_label (str, optional): Label for the colourbar on the figure. This
		is the colourbar for the drape colourmap.

        Consider, if plotting multiple datasets, how you
        are going to deal with min a max values in the colur range.
        imshow will automatically set vmin and vmax and stretch the colour bar
        over this - which can be visually misleading. Ideally, you
        want to have the same colour map used for *all* subplots, and
        this is not default behaviour.

    Note: If `drape_max` is not set, the function searches for the maximum value
	in the range of rasters found by expanding the `DrapeRasterWild` argument
	and searching for the maximum value out of all rasters found.

	Exception: If the maximum value in the drape maps could not be found.


    f, ax_arr = pp.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True)
    ax_arr = ax_arr.ravel()

    FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDir+DrapeRasterWild), key=str)
    n_files = len(FPFiles)
    print("Number of files = ", n_files)

    elev_raster_file = DataDir + ElevationRaster

    hillshade = LSDMap_BP.Hillshade(elev_raster_file)
    #hillshade_array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(elev_raster_file)

    # now get the extent
    extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(elev_raster_file)

    x_min = extent_raster[0]
    x_max = extent_raster[1]
    y_min = extent_raster[2]
    y_max = extent_raster[3]

    # now get the tick marks
    n_target_tics = 5
    xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(elev_raster_file,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics)

    print("xmax: " + str(x_max))
    print("xmin: " + str(x_min))
    print("ymax: " + str(y_max))
    print("ymin: " + str(y_min))

    Find the maximum water depth in all rasters.
    You need this to normalize the colourscale accross
    all plots when teh imshow is done later.

        print("Calculating max drape raster value by scanning rasters...")
        max_water_depth = findmaxval_multirasters(FPFiles)
        drape_max = max_water_depth

        print("Something went wrong trying to obtain the max value in \
                your drape raster file list.")
        print("The drape(s) max value is set to: ", drape_max)

    #im = mpimg.AxesImage()

    for i in range(n_files):

        print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i])
        FP_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FPFiles[i])
        #FP_raster = np.ma.masked_where(FP_raster <= 0, FP_raster)

        filename = os.path.basename(FPFiles[i])
        title = lsdlabels.make_line_label(filename)

        low_values_index = FP_raster < drape_min_threshold
        FP_raster[low_values_index] = np.nan

        im = ax_arr[i].imshow(hillshade, "gray", extent=extent_raster, interpolation="nearest")
        Now we can set vmax to be the maximum water depth we calcualted earlier, making our separate
        subplots all have the same colourscale
        im = ax_arr[i].imshow(FP_raster, cmap, extent=extent_raster,
                                alpha=1.0, interpolation="nearest",
        pp.setp( ax_arr[i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 )

    cax = f.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8])

    cbar = f.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
    #cbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0, 8, 8))
    #cbar = LSDP.colours.colorbar_index(f, cax, 8, cmap,
    #                                     drape_min_threshold, drape_max)

    #tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=8)
    #cbar.locator = tick_locator

    f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'Easting (m)', ha='center', fontsize=17)
    f.text(0.04, 0.5, 'Northing (m)', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=17)

def MultiDrapeErodeDiffMaps(DataDir, ElevationRaster, DrapeRasterWild, cmap,
                        drape_min_threshold=None, cbar_label=None,
    """Plots multiple drape maps of erosion/deposition (a DEM of difference)
       over a hillshade raster of the basin.

    Takes a wildcard for the drapes
    Expexts a single elevation raster for the background hillshade,
    but this could be modified in future.

	DataDir (str): Path to the directory containing the data files
	ElevationRaster (str): Name of the elevation raster used to create the hillshade
	DrapeRasterWild (str): Wildcard string used to find all the drape files in the
	cmap: Can be the string name of a colourmap, or a Colourmap object
	drape_min_threshold (float, optional): Minimum value for the drape raster, i.e. values
		below this threshold will be masked and not plotted.
	drape_max_threshold (float, optional): Maximum value for the drape raster, i.e. values
		above this value will be masked and not plotted.
	cbar_label (str, optional): Label for the colourbar on the figure. This
		is the colourbar for the drape colourmap.
     middle_mask_range (tuple, optional): A tuple or list of two values, used
                       to mask an inner range of values in the drape raster.
                       e.g. if you pass `(-0.1, 0.1)` then all the values
                       in the range -0.1 to 0.1 will be masked and not plotted
                       on the final map. Use for masking very small values
                       either side of zero.

        Consider, if plotting multiple datasets, how you
        are going to deal with min a max values in the colur range.
        imshow will automatically set vmin and vmax and stretch the colour bar
        over this - which can be visually misleading. Ideally, you
        want to have the same colour map used for *all* subplots, and
        this is not default behaviour.

    Note: If `drape_max_threshold` is not set, the function searches for the maximum value
	in the range of rasters found by expanding the `DrapeRasterWild` argument
	and searching for the maximum value out of all rasters found.

	Exception: If the maximum value in the drape maps could not be found.

    Author: DAV & FJC
    #import lsdmatplotlibextensions as mplext

    f, ax_arr = pp.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True)
    ax_arr = ax_arr.ravel()

    FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDir+DrapeRasterWild), key=str)
    n_files = len(FPFiles)
    print("Number of files = ", n_files)

    elev_raster_file = DataDir + ElevationRaster

    hillshade = LSDMap_BP.Hillshade(elev_raster_file)
    #hillshade_array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(elev_raster_file)

    # now get the extent
    extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(elev_raster_file)

    x_min = extent_raster[0]
    x_max = extent_raster[1]
    y_min = extent_raster[2]
    y_max = extent_raster[3]

    # now get the tick marks
    n_target_tics = 5
    xlocs, ylocs, new_x_labels, new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(

    print("xmax: " + str(x_max))
    print("xmin: " + str(x_min))
    print("ymax: " + str(y_max))
    print("ymin: " + str(y_min))

    Find the maximum water depth in all rasters.
    You need this to normalize the colourscale accross
    all plots when teh imshow is done later.
    if drape_max_threshold is None:
            print("Calculating max drape raster value by scanning rasters...")
            max_water_depth = findmaxval_multirasters(FPFiles)
            drape_max_threshold = max_water_depth

        except ValueError:
            print("Something went wrong trying to obtain the max value in \
                    your drape raster file list.")
            print("The drape(s) max value is set to: ", drape_max_threshold)

    if drape_min_threshold is None:
            print("Calculating min drape raster value by scanning rasters...")
            min_water_depth = findminval_multirasters(FPFiles)
            drape_min_threshold = min_water_depth

        except ValueError:
            print("Something went wrong trying to obtain the min value in \
                    your drape raster file list.")
            print("The drape(s) min value is set to: ", drape_min_threshold)

    for i in range(n_files):

        print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i])
        FP_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FPFiles[i])
        #FP_raster = np.ma.masked_where(FP_raster <= 0, FP_raster)

        filename = os.path.basename(FPFiles[i])
        title = lsdlabels.make_line_label(filename)

        # Mask the extreme high values
        hi_values_index = FP_raster > drape_max_threshold
        FP_raster[hi_values_index] = np.nan

        # Mask the extreme low values
        lo_values_index = FP_raster < drape_min_threshold
        FP_raster[lo_values_index] = np.nan

        # Mask the middle values that are really close to zero (i.e. if you
        # have negative and positive values in the raster, such as in a DEM
        # of difference with both erosion and deposition.)
        if middle_mask_range is not None:
            masked_mid_values_index = (np.logical_and(FP_raster > middle_mask_range[0],
                                                      FP_raster < middle_mask_range[1]))
            FP_raster[masked_mid_values_index] = np.nan

        im = ax_arr[i].imshow(hillshade, "gray", extent=extent_raster, interpolation="nearest")
        Now we can set vmax to be the maximum water depth we calcualted earlier, making our separate
        subplots all have the same colourscale
        im = ax_arr[i].imshow(FP_raster, cmap, extent=extent_raster,
                                alpha=1.0, interpolation="nearest",
        pp.setp( ax_arr[i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 )

    cax = f.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8])

    cbar = f.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
    #cbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0, 8, 8))
    #cbar = mplext.colours.colorbar_index(f, cax, 8, cmap,
    #                                     drape_min_threshold, drape_max)

    #tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=8)
    #cbar.locator = tick_locator

    f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'Easting (m)', ha='center', fontsize=17)
    f.text(0.04, 0.5, 'Northing (m)', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=17)