#                                   Titles
from colorama import Fore, init, Style

### Automate sending reset sequences to turn off color changes at the end of 
### every print.
init(autoreset = True)

class Titles():
    Methods for printing all titles used in this program.

    ### Print URS title.
    def title():
        print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
 __  __  _ __   ____  
/\ \/\ \/\`'__\/',__\ 
\ \ \_\ \ \ \//\__, `\
 \ \____/\ \_\\/\____/
  \/___/  \/_/ \/___/ 

    ### Print Subreddit scraper title.
    def r_title():
        print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
 _ __  
\ \ \/ 
 \ \_\ 

    ### Print Redditor scraper title.
    def u_title():
        print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
 __  __  
/\ \/\ \ 
\ \ \_\ \
 \ \____/

    ### Print comments scraper title.
    def c_title():
        print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
/\ \__/ 
\ \____\

    ### Print basic scraper title.
    def b_title():
        print(Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
/\ \       
\ \ \____  
 \ \ '__`\ 
  \ \ \L\ \
   \ \_,__/
    \/___/... Only scrapes Subreddits. 

    ### Print error title.
    def e_title():
        print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
/\  __/ 
\ \____\
 \/____/... Please recheck args or refer to help for usage examples.

    ### Print PRAW error title.
    def p_title(error):
        print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
/\ '__`\ 
\ \ \L\ \
 \ \ ,__/... Please recheck API credentials or your internet connection.
  \ \ \/ 
   \ \_\ 

Prawcore exception: %s
""" % error)

    ### Print rate limit error title.
    def l_title(reset_timestamp):
        print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + r"""
/\ \       
\ \ \      
 \ \ \  __ 
  \ \ \L\ \
   \ \____/
    \/___/... You have reached your rate limit.

Please try again when your rate limit is reset: %s
""" % reset_timestamp)