

import sys
import re
import logging
import binascii
from cStringIO import StringIO

# create a root logger
root_logger = logging.getLogger('bacpypes')

def btox(data, sep=''):
    """Return the hex encoding of a blob (string)."""
    # translate the blob into hex
    hex_str = binascii.hexlify(data)

    # inject the separator if it was given
    if sep:
        hex_str = sep.join(hex_str[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(hex_str), 2))

    # return the result
    return hex_str

def xtob(data, sep=''):
    """Interpret the hex encoding of a blob (string)."""
    # remove the non-hex characters
    data = re.sub("[^0-9a-fA-F]", '', data)

    # interpret the hex
    return binascii.unhexlify(data)

#   ModuleLogger

def ModuleLogger(globs):
    """Create a module level logger.

    To debug a module, create a _debug variable in the module, then use the
    ModuleLogger function to create a "module level" logger.  When a handler
    is added to this logger or a child of this logger, the _debug variable will
    be incremented.

    All of the calls within functions or class methods within the module should
    first check to see if _debug is set to prevent calls to formatter objects
    that aren't necessary.
    # make sure that _debug is defined
    if not globs.has_key('_debug'):
        raise RuntimeError("define _debug before creating a module logger")

    # logger name is the module name
    logger_name = globs['__name__']

    # create a logger to be assigned to _log
    logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

    # put in a reference to the module globals
    logger.globs = globs

    # if this is a "root" logger add a default handler for warnings and up
    if '.' not in logger_name:
        hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()
        hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT, None))

    return logger

#   Typical Use

# some debugging
_debug = 0
_log = ModuleLogger(globals())

#   DebugContents

class DebugContents(object):

    def debug_contents(self, indent=1, file=sys.stdout, _ids=None):
        """Debug the contents of an object."""
        if _debug: _log.debug("debug_contents indent=%r file=%r _ids=%r", indent, file, _ids)

        klasses = list(self.__class__.__mro__)
        if _debug: _log.debug("    - klasses: %r", klasses)

        # loop through the classes and look for _debug_contents
        attrs = []
        cids = []
        ownFn = []
        for klass in klasses:
            if klass is DebugContents:

            if not issubclass(klass, DebugContents) and hasattr(klass, 'debug_contents'):
                for i, seenAlready in enumerate(ownFn):
                    if issubclass(klass, seenAlready):
                        del ownFn[i]

            # look for a tuple of attribute names
            if not hasattr(klass, '_debug_contents'):

            debugContents = klass._debug_contents
            if not isinstance(debugContents, tuple):
                raise RuntimeError("%s._debug_contents must be a tuple" % (klass.__name__,))

            # already seen it?
            if id(debugContents) in cids:

            for attr in debugContents:
                if attr not in attrs:

        # a bit of debugging
        if _debug:
            _log.debug("    - attrs: %r", attrs)
            _log.debug("    - ownFn: %r", ownFn)

        # make/extend the list of objects already seen
        if _ids is None:
            _ids = []

        # loop through the attributes
        for attr in attrs:
            # assume you're going deep, but not into lists and dicts
            goDeep = True
            goListDict = False
            goHexed = False

            # attribute list might want to go deep
            if attr.endswith("-"):
                goDeep = False
                attr = attr[:-1]
            elif attr.endswith("*"):
                goHexed = True
                attr = attr[:-1]
            elif attr.endswith("+"):
                goDeep = False
                goListDict = True
                attr = attr[:-1]
                if attr.endswith("+"):
                    goDeep = True
                    attr = attr[:-1]

            value = getattr(self, attr, None)

            # skip None
            if value is None:

            # standard output
            if goListDict and isinstance(value, list) and value:
                file.write("%s%s = [\n" % ('    ' * indent, attr))
                indent += 1
                for i, elem in enumerate(value):
                    file.write("%s[%d] %r\n" % ('    ' * indent, i, elem))
                    if goDeep and hasattr(elem, 'debug_contents'):
                        if id(elem) not in _ids:
                            elem.debug_contents(indent + 1, file, _ids)
                indent -= 1
                file.write("%s    ]\n" % ('    ' * indent,))
            elif goListDict and isinstance(value, dict) and value:
                file.write("%s%s = {\n" % ('    ' * indent, attr))
                indent += 1
                for key, elem in value.items():
                    file.write("%s%r : %r\n" % ('    ' * indent, key, elem))
                    if goDeep and hasattr(elem, 'debug_contents'):
                        if id(elem) not in _ids:
                            elem.debug_contents(indent + 1, file, _ids)
                indent -= 1
                file.write("%s    }\n" % ('    ' * indent,))
            elif goHexed and isinstance(value, str):
                if len(value) > 20:
                    hexed = btox(value[:20], '.') + "..."
                    hexed = btox(value, '.')
                file.write("%s%s = x'%s'\n" % ('    ' * indent, attr, hexed))
#           elif goHexed and isinstance(value, int):
#               file.write("%s%s = 0x%X\n" % ('    ' * indent, attr, value))
                file.write("%s%s = %r\n" % ('    ' * indent, attr, value))

                # go nested if it is debugable
                if goDeep and hasattr(value, 'debug_contents'):
                    if id(value) not in _ids:
                        value.debug_contents(indent + 1, file, _ids)

        # go through the functions
        for klass in ownFn:
            klass.debug_contents(self, indent, file, _ids)

#   LoggingFormatter

class LoggingFormatter(logging.Formatter):

    def __init__(self, color=None):
        logging.Formatter.__init__(self, logging.BASIC_FORMAT, None)

        # check the color
        if color is not None:
            if color not in range(8):
                raise ValueError("colors are 0 (black) through 7 (white)")

        # save the color
        self.color = color

    def format(self, record):
            # use the basic formatting
            msg = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) + '\n'

            # look for detailed arguments
            for arg in record.args:
                if isinstance(arg, DebugContents):
                    if msg:
                        sio = StringIO()
                        msg = None
                    sio.write("    %r\n" % (arg,))
                    arg.debug_contents(indent=2, file=sio)

            # get the message from the StringIO buffer
            if not msg:
                msg = sio.getvalue()

            # trim off the last '\n'
            msg = msg[:-1]
        except Exception, err:
            record_attrs = [
                attr + ": " + str(getattr(record, attr, "N/A"))
                for attr in ('name', 'level', 'pathname', 'lineno', 'msg', 'args', 'exc_info', 'func')
            record_attrs[:0] = ["LoggingFormatter exception: " + str(err)]
            msg = "\n    ".join(record_attrs)

        if self.color is not None:
            msg = "\x1b[%dm" % (30+self.color,) + msg + "\x1b[0m"

        return msg

#   bacpypes_debugging

def bacpypes_debugging(obj):
    """Function for attaching a debugging logger to a class or function."""
    # create a logger for this object
    logger = logging.getLogger(obj.__module__ + '.' + obj.__name__)

    # make it available to instances
    obj._logger = logger
    obj._debug = logger.debug
    obj._info = logger.info
    obj._warning = logger.warning
    obj._error = logger.error
    obj._exception = logger.exception
    obj._fatal = logger.fatal

    return obj

#   _LoggingMetaclass

class _LoggingMetaclass(type):

    def __init__(cls, *args):
        # wrap the class

#   Logging

class Logging(object):
    __metaclass__ = _LoggingMetaclass

#   class_debugging

def class_debugging(cls):
    """Add the debugging logger to the class."""
    return cls

#   function_debugging

def function_debugging(f):
    """Add the debugging logger to the function."""
    return f