import logging
import os

from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile, InMemoryUploadedFile
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError, MethodNotAllowed
from rest_framework.response import Response

from django_drf_filepond.models import TemporaryUpload, storage,\
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from django_drf_filepond.utils import _get_user
from six import text_type, binary_type

# There's no built in FileNotFoundError in Python 2
except NameError:
    FileNotFoundError = IOError

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FilepondFileUploader(object):

    def get_uploader(cls, request):
        # Process the request to identify if it's a standard upload request
        # or a request that is related to a chunked upload. Return the right
        # kind of uploader to handle this.
        if request.method == 'PATCH':
            return FilepondChunkedFileUploader()
        if request.method == 'HEAD':
            return FilepondChunkedFileUploader()
        elif request.method == 'POST':
            file_obj = cls._get_file_obj(request)
            if (file_obj == '{}' and
                    request.META.get('HTTP_UPLOAD_LENGTH', None)):

                    LOG.debug('Returning CHUNKED uploader to handle '
                              'upload request... ')
                    return FilepondChunkedFileUploader()
            raise MethodNotAllowed('%s is an invalid method type'
                                   % (request.method))

        # If we didn't identify the need for a chunked uploader in any of the
        # above tests, treat this as a standard upload
        LOG.debug('Returning STANDARD uploader to handle upload request... ')
        return FilepondStandardFileUploader()

    def _get_file_obj(cls, request):
        # By default the upload element name is expected to be "filepond"
        # As raised in issue #4, there are cases where there may be more
        # than one filepond instance on a page, or the developer has opted
        # not to use the name "filepond" for the filepond instance.
        # Using the example from #4, this provides support these cases.
        upload_field_name = 'filepond'
        if 'fp_upload_field' in
            upload_field_name =['fp_upload_field']

        if upload_field_name not in
            raise ParseError('Invalid request data has been provided.')

        file_obj =[upload_field_name]

        return file_obj

    # The file ID and upload ID are generated by _get_file_id in
    # django_drf_filepond.views. The TemporaryUpload model should validate
    # that the values provided are within spec but in some cases, e.g. when
    # using SQLite, that doesn't happen. We therefore provide these two
    # methods for doing local validation of these values since they are
    # passed in as parameters to handle_upload.
    def _file_id_valid(cls, file_id):
        if isinstance(file_id, text_type) and (len(file_id) == 22):
            return True
        return False

    def _upload_id_valid(cls, upload_id):
        if isinstance(upload_id, text_type) and (len(upload_id) == 22):
            return True
        return False

class FilepondStandardFileUploader(FilepondFileUploader):

    def handle_upload(self, request, upload_id, file_id):
        # Since the upload_id and file_id are being provided here as
        # parameters, we check that they are valid. This should be done by
        # the DB and an error would be generated in the call below
        # however SQLite doesn't handle field length validation so this won't
        # be picked up when using SQLite.
        if ((not self._file_id_valid(file_id)) or
                (not self._upload_id_valid(upload_id))):
            return Response('Invalid ID for handling upload.',

        file_obj = self._get_file_obj(request)

        # The type of parsed data should be a descendant of an UploadedFile
        # type.
        if not isinstance(file_obj, UploadedFile):
            raise ParseError('Invalid data type has been parsed.')

        # Save original file name and set name of saved file to the unique ID
        upload_filename = = file_id

        # Before we attempt to save the file, make sure that the upload
        # directory we're going to save to exists.
        # *** It's not necessary to explicitly create the directory since
        # *** the FileSystemStorage object creates the directory on save
        # if not os.path.exists(storage.location):
        #    LOG.debug('Filepond app: Creating file upload directory '
        #             '<%s>...' % storage.location)
        #    os.makedirs(storage.location, mode=0o700)

        LOG.debug('About to store uploaded temp file with filename: %s'
                  % (upload_filename))

        # We now need to create the temporary upload object and store the
        # file and metadata.
        tu = TemporaryUpload(upload_id=upload_id, file_id=file_id,
                             file=file_obj, upload_name=upload_filename,

        response = Response(upload_id, status=status.HTTP_200_OK,

        return response

# Handles chunked file uploads as per the approach described in filepond's
# docs at
class FilepondChunkedFileUploader(FilepondFileUploader):

    def handle_upload(self, request, upload_id, file_id=None):
        # Since the upload_id is being provided here as a paramter, we check
        # it is valid. This should be done by the DB but for some DBs, e.g.
        # SQLite field length validation isn't handled. The same check is
        # done for file_id in the case of POST requests.
        if not self._upload_id_valid(upload_id):
            return Response('Invalid ID for handling upload.',

        if request.method == 'PATCH':
            return self._handle_chunk_upload(request, upload_id)
        elif request.method == 'HEAD':
            return self._handle_chunk_restart(request, upload_id)
        elif request.method == 'POST':
            if not self._file_id_valid(file_id):
                return Response('Invalid ID for handling upload.',
            return self._handle_new_chunk_upload(request, upload_id, file_id)

    def _handle_new_chunk_upload(self, request, upload_id, file_id):
        LOG.debug('Processing a new chunked upload request...')
        file_obj = self._get_file_obj(request)
        if file_obj != '{}':
            return Response('An invalid file object has been received '
                            'for a new chunked upload request.',

        ulen = request.META.get('HTTP_UPLOAD_LENGTH', None)
        if not ulen:
            return Response('No length for new chunked upload request.',

        LOG.debug('Handling a new chunked upload request for an upload '
                  'with total length %s bytes' % (ulen))

        # Do some general checks to make sure that the storage location
        # exists and that we're not being made to try and store something
        # outside the base storage location. Then create the new
        # temporary directory into which chunks will be stored
        base_loc = storage.base_location
        chunk_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_loc, upload_id))
        if not chunk_dir.startswith(base_loc):
            return Response('Unable to create storage for upload data.',
        if os.path.exists(base_loc):
                os.makedirs(chunk_dir, exist_ok=False)
            except OSError as e:
                LOG.debug('Unable to create chunk storage dir: %s' %
                return Response(
                    'Unable to prepare storage for upload data.',
            LOG.debug('The base data store location <%s> doesn\'t exist.'
                      ' Unable to create chunk dir.' % (base_loc))
            return Response('Data storage error occurred.',

        # We now create the temporary chunked upload object
        # this will be updated as we receive the chunks.
        tuc = TemporaryUploadChunked(upload_id=upload_id, file_id=file_id,
                                     upload_dir=upload_id, total_size=ulen,

        return Response(upload_id, status=status.HTTP_200_OK,

    def _handle_chunk_upload(self, request, chunk_id):
        # Check that the incoming data can be accessed. If the request
        # content type was invalid then we want to raise an error here
        # Trying to access request data should result in a 415 response if
        # the data couldn't be handled by the configured parser.
        file_data =

        if (not chunk_id) or (chunk_id == ''):
            return Response('A required chunk parameter is missing.',

        if isinstance(file_data, binary_type):
            fd = BytesIO(file_data)
        elif isinstance(file_data, text_type):
            fd = StringIO(file_data)
            return Response('Upload data type not recognised.',

        # Try to load a temporary chunked upload object for the provided id
            tuc = TemporaryUploadChunked.objects.get(upload_id=chunk_id)
        except TemporaryUploadChunked.DoesNotExist:
            return Response('Invalid chunk upload request data',

        # Get the required header information to handle the new data
        uoffset = request.META.get('HTTP_UPLOAD_OFFSET', None)
        ulength = request.META.get('HTTP_UPLOAD_LENGTH', None)
        uname = request.META.get('HTTP_UPLOAD_NAME', None)

        if (not uoffset) or (not ulength) or (uname is None):
            return Response('Chunk upload is missing required metadata',
        if int(ulength) != tuc.total_size:
            return Response('ERROR: Upload metadata is invalid - size changed',

        # if this is the first chunk, store the filename
        if tuc.last_chunk == 0:
            tuc.upload_name = uname
            if tuc.upload_name != uname:
                return Response('Chunk upload file metadata is invalid',

        LOG.debug('Handling chunk <%s> for upload id <%s> with name <%s> '
                  'size <%s> and offset <%s>...'
                  % (tuc.last_chunk+1, chunk_id, uname, ulength, uoffset))

        LOG.debug('Current length and offset in the record is: length <%s> '
                  '  offset <%s>' % (tuc.total_size, tuc.offset))

        # Check that our recorded offset matches the offset provided by the
        # client...if not, there's an error.
        if not (int(uoffset) == tuc.offset):
            LOG.error('Offset provided by client <%s> doesn\'t match the '
                      'stored offset <%s> for chunked upload id <%s>'
                      % (uoffset, tuc.offset, chunk_id))
            return Response('ERROR: Chunked upload metadata is invalid.',

        file_data_len = len(file_data)
        LOG.debug('Got data from request with length %s bytes'
                  % (file_data_len))

        # Store the chunk and check if we've now completed the upload
        upload_dir = os.path.join(storage.base_location, tuc.upload_dir)
        upload_file = os.path.join(tuc.upload_dir,
                                   '%s_%s' % (tuc.file_id, tuc.last_chunk+1))
        if not os.path.exists(upload_dir):
            return Response('Chunk storage location error',
                            status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), fd)
        # Set the updated chunk number and the new offset
        tuc.last_chunk = tuc.last_chunk + 1
        tuc.offset = tuc.offset + file_data_len
        if tuc.offset == tuc.total_size:
            tuc.upload_complete = True

        # At this point, if the upload is complete, we can rebuild the chunks
        # into the complete file and store it with a TemporaryUpload object.
        if tuc.upload_complete:
            except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
                LOG.error('Error storing upload: %s' % (str(e)))
                return Response('Error storing uploaded file.',

        return Response(chunk_id, status=status.HTTP_200_OK,

    def _store_upload(self, tuc):
        if not tuc.upload_complete:
            LOG.error('Attempt to store an incomplete upload with ID <%s>'
                      % (tuc.upload_id))
            raise ValueError('Attempt to store an incomplete upload with ID '
                             '<%s>' % (tuc.upload_id))

        # Load each of the file parts into a BytesIO object and store them
        # via a TemporaryUpload object.
        chunk_dir = os.path.join(storage.base_location, tuc.upload_dir)
        file_data = BytesIO()
        for i in range(1, tuc.last_chunk+1):
            chunk_file = os.path.join(chunk_dir, '%s_%s' % (tuc.file_id, i))
            if not os.path.exists(chunk_file):
                raise FileNotFoundError('Chunk file not found for chunk <%s>'
                                        % (i))

            with open(chunk_file, 'rb') as cf:

        # Prepare an InMemoryUploadedFile object so that the data can be
        # successfully saved via the FileField in the TemporaryUpload object
        memfile = InMemoryUploadedFile(file_data, None, tuc.file_id,
                                       tuc.total_size, None)
        tu = TemporaryUpload(upload_id=tuc.upload_id, file_id=tuc.file_id,
                             file=memfile, upload_name=tuc.upload_name,

        # Check that the final file is stored and of the correct size
        stored_file_path = os.path.join(chunk_dir, tuc.file_id)
        if ((not os.path.exists(stored_file_path)) or
                (not os.path.getsize(stored_file_path) == tuc.total_size)):
            raise ValueError('Stored file size wrong or file not found.')

        LOG.debug('Full file built from chunks and saved. Deleting chunks '
                  'and TemporaryUploadChunked object.')

        for i in range(1, tuc.last_chunk+1):
            chunk_file = os.path.join(chunk_dir, '%s_%s' % (tuc.file_id, i))

    def _handle_chunk_restart(self, request, upload_id):
            tuc = TemporaryUploadChunked.objects.get(upload_id=upload_id)
        except TemporaryUploadChunked.DoesNotExist:
            return Response('Invalid upload ID specified.',

        if tuc.upload_complete is True:
            return Response('Invalid upload ID specified.',

        # Check that the directory for the chunks exists
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(storage.base_location,
            return Response('Invalid upload location, can\'t continue upload.',

        # TODO: Is it necessary to check for the existence of all previous
        #       chunk files here?
        LOG.debug('Returning offset to continue chunked upload. We have <%s> '
                  'chunks so far and are at offest <%s>.'
                  % (tuc.last_chunk, tuc.offset))
        return Response(upload_id, status=status.HTTP_200_OK,
                        headers={'Upload-Offset': str(tuc.offset)},