import aiohttp
from hoshino import R, Service, util

sv = Service('antiqks', help_='识破骑空士的阴谋')

qks_url = [""]
qksimg = R.img('anti.jpg').cqcode

async def qks_keyword(bot, ev):
    msg = f'骑空士爪巴\n{qksimg}'
    await bot.send(ev, msg, at_sender=True)
    await util.silence(ev, 60)

# 有潜在的安全问题
# @sv.on_rex(r'[a-zA-Z0-9\.]{4,12}\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+')
async def qks_rex(bot, ev):
    match = ev.match
    msg = f'骑空士爪巴远点\n{qksimg}'
    res = 'http://'
    async with aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False) as connector:
        async with aiohttp.request(
        ) as resp:
            h = resp.headers
            s = resp.status
    if s == 301 or s == 302:
        if '' in h['Location']:
            await bot.send(ev, msg, at_sender=True)
            await util.silence(ev, 60)