import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso, Ridge
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .beam_search import beam_search_K1

class LinearRuleRegression(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
    """Linear Rule Regression is a directly interpretable supervised learning
    method that performs linear regression on rule-based features.
    def __init__(self,
      stopEarly=False, eps=1e-6):

            lambda0 (float, optional): Regularization - fixed cost of each rule
            lambda1 (float, optional): Regularization - additional cost of each literal in rule
            useOrd (bool, optional): Also use standardized numerical features
            debias (bool, optional): Re-fit final solution without regularization
            K (int, optional): Column generation - maximum number of columns generated per iteration
            iterMax (int, optional): Column generation - maximum number of iterations
            B (int, optional): Column generation - beam search width
            wLB (float, optional): Column generation - weight on lower bound in evaluating nodes
            stopEarly (bool, optional): Column generation - stop after current degree once improving column found
            eps (float, optional): Numerical tolerance on comparisons
        # Use standardized ordinal features
        self.useOrd = useOrd
        # Regularization parameters
        self.lambda0 = lambda0      # fixed cost of term
        self.lambda1 = lambda1      # cost per literal
        self.debias = debias        # re-fit final solution without regularization
        # Column generation parameters
        self.K = K                  # maximum number of columns generated per iteration
        self.iterMax = iterMax      # maximum number of iterations
        self.B = B                  # beam search width
        self.wLB = wLB              # weight on lower bound in evaluating nodes
        self.stopEarly = stopEarly  # stop after current degree once improving column found
        # Numerical tolerance on comparisons
        self.eps = eps

    def fit(self, X, y, Xstd=None):
        """Fit model to training data.

            X (DataFrame): Binarized features with MultiIndex column labels
            y (array): Target variable
            Xstd (DataFrame, optional): Standardized numerical features
            LinearRuleRegression: Self
        # Initialization
        # Number of samples
        n = X.shape[0]
        # Initialize with X itself i.e. singleton conjunctions
        # Feature indicator and conjunction matrices
        z = pd.DataFrame(np.eye(X.shape[1], dtype=int), index=X.columns)
        # Remove negations
        indPos = X.columns.get_level_values(1).isin(['', '<=', '=='])
        z = z.loc[:,indPos]
        A = X.loc[:,indPos].values
        # Scale conjunction matrix to account for non-uniform penalties
        A = A * self.lambda0 / (self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * z.sum().values)
        if self.useOrd:
            self.namesOrd = Xstd.columns
            numOrd = Xstd.shape[1]
            # Scale ordinal features to have similar std as "average" binary feature
            Astd = 0.4 * Xstd.values
        # Iteration counter = 0
        # Mean absolute deviation from mean as upper bound on lambdas that lead to non-constant solutions = y.mean()
        MADM = np.abs(y -
        # Lasso object
        lr = Lasso(alpha=self.lambda0 * MADM / 2, selection='cyclic')

        # Fit Lasso model
        if self.useOrd:
            B = np.concatenate((Astd, A), axis=1)
  , y)
            # Initial residual
            r = (lr.predict(B) - y) / n / (MADM/2)
  , y)
            # Initial residual
            r = (lr.predict(A) - y) / n / (MADM/2)
        # Most "negative" subderivative among current variables (undo scaling)
        UB = -np.abs(, A))
        UB *= (self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * z.sum().values) / self.lambda0
        UB += self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * z.sum().values
        UB = min(UB.min(), 0)

        # Beam search for conjunctions with subdifferentials that exclude zero
        vp, zp, Ap = beam_search_K1(r, X, self.lambda0, self.lambda1,
            UB=UB, B=self.B, wLB=self.wLB, eps=self.eps, stopEarly=self.stopEarly)
        vn, zn, An = beam_search_K1(-r, X, self.lambda0, self.lambda1,
            UB=UB, B=self.B, wLB=self.wLB, eps=self.eps, stopEarly=self.stopEarly)
        v = np.append(vp, vn)

        while (v < UB).any() and ( < self.iterMax):
            # Subdifferentials excluding zero exist, continue
   += 1
            zNew = pd.concat([zp, zn], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
            Anew = np.concatenate((Ap, An), axis=1)

            # K conjunctions with largest subderivatives in absolute value
            idxLargest = np.argsort(v)[:self.K]
            v = v[idxLargest]
            zNew = zNew.iloc[:,idxLargest]
            Anew = Anew[:,idxLargest]
            # Scale new conjunction matrix to account for non-uniform penalties
            Anew = Anew * self.lambda0 / (self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * zNew.sum().values)

            # Add to existing conjunctions
            z = pd.concat([z, zNew], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
            A = np.concatenate((A, Anew), axis=1)
            # Fit Lasso model
            if self.useOrd:
                B = np.concatenate((Astd, A), axis=1)
      , y)
                # Residual
                r = (lr.predict(B) - y) / n / (MADM/2)
      , y)
                # Residual
                r = (lr.predict(A) - y) / n / (MADM/2)

            # Most "negative" subderivative among current variables (undo scaling)
            UB = -np.abs(, A))
            UB *= (self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * z.sum().values) / self.lambda0
            UB += self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * z.sum().values
            UB = min(UB.min(), 0)

            # Beam search for conjunctions with subdifferentials that exclude zero
            vp, zp, Ap = beam_search_K1(r, X, self.lambda0, self.lambda1,
                UB=UB, B=self.B, wLB=self.wLB, eps=self.eps, stopEarly=self.stopEarly)
            vn, zn, An = beam_search_K1(-r, X, self.lambda0, self.lambda1,
                UB=UB, B=self.B, wLB=self.wLB, eps=self.eps, stopEarly=self.stopEarly)
            v = np.append(vp, vn)

        # Restrict model to conjunctions with nonzero coefficients
            idxNonzero = np.where(np.abs(lr.coef_) > self.eps)[0]
            if self.useOrd:
                # Nonzero indices of standardized and rule features
                self.idxNonzeroOrd = idxNonzero[idxNonzero < numOrd]
                nnzOrd = len(self.idxNonzeroOrd)
                idxNonzeroRules = idxNonzero[idxNonzero >= numOrd] - numOrd
                if self.debias and len(idxNonzero):
                    # Re-fit Lasso model with effectively no regularization
                    z = z.iloc[:,idxNonzeroRules]
                    lr = Ridge(alpha=self.eps)
          [:,idxNonzero], y)
                    idxNonzero = np.where(np.abs(lr.coef_) > self.eps)[0]
                    # Nonzero indices of standardized and rule features
                    idxNonzeroOrd2 = idxNonzero[idxNonzero < nnzOrd]
                    self.idxNonzeroOrd = self.idxNonzeroOrd[idxNonzeroOrd2]
                    idxNonzeroRules = idxNonzero[idxNonzero >= nnzOrd] - nnzOrd
                self.z = z.iloc[:,idxNonzeroRules]
                lr.coef_ = lr.coef_[idxNonzero]
                if self.debias and len(idxNonzero):
                    # Re-fit Lasso model with effectively no regularization
                    z = z.iloc[:,idxNonzero]
                    lr = Ridge(alpha=self.eps)
          [:,idxNonzero], y)
                    idxNonzero = np.where(np.abs(lr.coef_) > self.eps)[0]
                self.z = z.iloc[:,idxNonzero]
                lr.coef_ = lr.coef_[idxNonzero]
        except AttributeError:
            # Model has no coefficients except intercept
            self.z = z = lr

    def compute_conjunctions(self, X):
        """Compute conjunctions of features as specified in self.z.

            X (DataFrame): Binarized features with MultiIndex column labels
            array: A -- Feature conjunction values, shape (X.shape[0], self.z.shape[1])
            #A = 1 - (np.matmul(1 - X, self.z) > 0)
            A = 1 - (((1 - X) @ self.z) > 0)
        except AttributeError:
            print("Attribute 'z' does not exist, please fit model first.")
        # Scale conjunctions as done in training
        A = A * self.lambda0 / (self.lambda0 + self.lambda1 * self.z.sum().values)
        return A

    def predict(self, X, Xstd=None):
        """Predict responses.

            X (DataFrame): Binarized features with MultiIndex column labels
            Xstd (DataFrame, optional): Standardized numerical features
            array: yhat -- Predicted responses
        if len(
            # Compute conjunctions of features
            A = self.compute_conjunctions(X)
            if self.useOrd:
                # Selected ordinal features scaled as in training
                Astd = 0.4 * Xstd.values[:,self.idxNonzeroOrd]
                # Predict probabilities
                B = np.concatenate((Astd, A), axis=1)
                # Predict labels
            return np.full(X.shape[0],

    def explain(self, maxCoeffs=None, highDegOnly=False, prec=2):
        """Return DataFrame holding model features and their coefficients.
            maxCoeffs (int, optional): Maximum number of rules/numerical features to show
            highDegOnly (bool, optional): Only show higher-degree rules
            prec (int, optional): Number of decimal places to show for floating-value thresholds
            DataFrame: dfExpl -- Rules/numerical features and their coefficients
        # Number of ordinal features used
        if self.useOrd:
            nnzOrd = len(self.idxNonzeroOrd)
            nnzOrd = 0
        if highDegOnly:
            # Restrict to higher-degree rules
            coeffs =[nnzOrd:][self.z.sum() > 1]
            nnzOrd = 0
            z = self.z.loc[:, self.z.sum() > 1]
            coeffs =
            z = self.z
        # Initialize DataFrame to be printed
        truncate = (maxCoeffs is not None) and (len(coeffs) > maxCoeffs)
        nRows = maxCoeffs + 1 if truncate else len(coeffs) + 1
        dfExpl = pd.DataFrame(index=range(nRows), columns=['rule','coefficient'])

        # Intercept term[0, 'rule'] = '(intercept)'[0, 'coefficient'] =
        # Sort coefficients from largest to smallest
        idxSort = np.abs(coeffs).argsort()[:-nRows:-1]
        dfExpl.loc[1:, 'coefficient'] = coeffs[idxSort]
        # Iterate over sorted coefficients
        for (row, i) in enumerate(idxSort):
            if i < nnzOrd:
                # Ordinal feature
      [row+1, 'rule'] = self.namesOrd[self.idxNonzeroOrd[i]]
                # MultiIndex of features participating in rule i
                idxFeat = z.index[z.iloc[:,i - nnzOrd] > 0]
                # String representations of features
                strFeat = idxFeat.get_level_values(0) + ' ' + idxFeat.get_level_values(1)\
                    + ' ' + idxFeat.get_level_values(2).to_series()\
                    .apply(lambda x: ('{:.' + str(prec) + 'f}').format(x) if type(x) is float else str(x))
                # String representation of rule
      [row+1, 'rule'] =' AND ')

        # Return dataframe holding model features and their coefficients
        return dfExpl

    def visualize(self, Xorig, fb, features=None):
        """Plot generalized additive model component, which includes first-degree rules 
        and linear functions of unbinarized ordinal features but excludes higher-degree rules.
            Xorig (DataFrame): Original unbinarized features
            fb: FeatureBinarizer object used to binarize features
            features (list, optional): Subset of features to be plotted
        # Number of ordinal features used
        if self.useOrd:
            nnzOrd = len(self.idxNonzeroOrd)
            nnzOrd = 0

        # Initialize terms Series and x values for plots
        terms = pd.Series(index=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[],[],[]], names=self.z.index.names))
        xPlot = {}

        # Iterate over ordinal features
        for i in range(nnzOrd):
            # Restrict to specified features
            f = self.namesOrd[self.idxNonzeroOrd[i]]
            if (features is not None) and (f not in features):
            # Append term
            terms = terms.append(pd.Series([i], index=[(f,'','')]))
            # Initialize x values with min and max
            xPlot[f] = [Xorig[f].min(), Xorig[f].max()]

        # Iterate over first-degree rules
        for i in range(self.z.shape[1]):
            if self.z.iloc[:,i].sum() > 1:
            # MultiIndex of rule
            idxTerm = self.z.index[self.z.iloc[:,i] > 0]
            (f, o, v) = idxTerm[0]
            # Restrict to specified features
            if (features is not None) and (f not in features):
            # Append new term
            terms = terms.append(pd.Series([i+nnzOrd], index=idxTerm))
            # Update x values
            if f not in xPlot:
                if o in ['<=','>']:
                    # Ordinal feature, initialize with min and max
                    xPlot[f] = [Xorig[f].min(), Xorig[f].max()]
                    # Categorical feature, use all values
                    xPlot[f] = np.sort(Xorig[f].unique())
            if o in ['<=','>']:
                # Append values around threshold
                xPlot[f].extend([v-self.eps, v+self.eps])

        # Initialize y values for plots and variance calculation
        yPlot = {}
        yVar = pd.DataFrame(0., index=Xorig.index, columns=xPlot.keys())
        plotLine = pd.Series(False, index=xPlot.keys())
        # Iterate over GAM features
        for f in xPlot.keys():
            # Sort x values
            xPlot[f] = np.sort(np.array(xPlot[f]))
            yPlot[f] = np.zeros_like(xPlot[f], dtype=float)
            # Iterate over terms involving feature
            for ((o,v), c) in terms[f].iteritems():
                if o == '':
                    if self.useOrd and (f in fb.ordinal):
                        # Add linear function of standardized feature with same factor of 0.4
                        idxf = fb.ordinal.index(f)
                        yPlot[f] += 0.4 * c * (xPlot[f] - fb.scaler.mean_[idxf]) / fb.scaler.scale_[idxf]
                        yVar[f] += 0.4 * c * (Xorig[f] - fb.scaler.mean_[idxf]) / fb.scaler.scale_[idxf]
                        plotLine[f] = True
                        # Binary feature, add indicator function
                        yPlot[f] += c * (xPlot[f] == fb.maps[f].index[1])
                        yVar[f] += c * (Xorig[f] == fb.maps[f].index[1])
                elif o == '<=':
                    # Add step function
                    yPlot[f] += c * (xPlot[f] <= v)
                    yVar[f] += c * (Xorig[f] <= v)
                    plotLine[f] = True
                elif o == '>':
                    # Add step function
                    yPlot[f] += c * (xPlot[f] > v)
                    yVar[f] += c * (Xorig[f] > v)
                    plotLine[f] = True
                elif o == '==':
                    # Add indicator function
                    yPlot[f] += c * (xPlot[f].astype(str) == v)
                    yVar[f] += c * (Xorig[f].astype(str) == v)
                elif o == '!=':
                    # Add indicator function
                    yPlot[f] += c * (xPlot[f].astype(str) != v)
                    yVar[f] += c * (Xorig[f].astype(str) != v)
                elif o == 'not':
                    # Binary feature, add indicator function
                    yPlot[f] += c * (xPlot[f] == fb.maps[f].index[0])
                    yVar[f] += c * (Xorig[f] == fb.maps[f].index[0])

        # Plot in order of descending variance
        figs = {}
        yVar2 = yVar.var().sort_values(ascending=False)
        for f in yVar2.index:
            figs[f] = plt.figure()
            ax = figs[f].add_subplot(111)
            if plotLine[f]:
                ax.plot(xPlot[f], yPlot[f])
      [f], yPlot[f])
            plt.ylabel('contribution to prediction')
        return figs, yVar2