This script contains the functions related to Gromove-Wasserstein Learning
import copy
from dev.util import logger
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pickle
from preprocess.DataIO import IndexSampler, cost_sampler1, cost_sampler2
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

class GromovWassersteinEmbedding(nn.Module):
    Learning embeddings from Cosine similarity
    def __init__(self, num1: int, num2: int, dim: int, cost_type: str = 'cosine', loss_type: str = 'L2'):
        super(GromovWassersteinEmbedding, self).__init__()
        self.num1 = num1
        self.num2 = num2
        self.dim = dim
        self.cost_type = cost_type
        self.loss_type = loss_type
        emb1 = nn.Embedding(self.num1, self.dim)
        emb1.weight = nn.Parameter(
            torch.FloatTensor(self.num1, self.dim).uniform_(-1 / self.dim, 1 / self.dim))
        emb2 = nn.Embedding(self.num2, self.dim)
        emb2.weight = nn.Parameter(
            torch.FloatTensor(self.num2, self.dim).uniform_(-1 / self.dim, 1 / self.dim))
        self.emb_model = nn.ModuleList([emb1, emb2])

    def orthogonal(self, index, idx):
        embs = self.emb_model[idx](index)
        orth = torch.matmul(torch.t(embs), embs)
        orth -= torch.eye(embs.size(1))
        return (orth**2).sum()

    def self_cost_mat(self, index, idx):
        embs = self.emb_model[idx](index)  # (batch_size, dim)
        if self.cost_type == 'cosine':
            # cosine similarity
            energy = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(embs ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True))  # (batch_size, 1)
            cost = 1-torch.exp(-5*(1-torch.matmul(embs, torch.t(embs)) / (torch.matmul(energy, torch.t(energy)) + 1e-5)))
            # Euclidean distance
            embs = torch.matmul(embs, torch.t(embs))  # (batch_size, batch_size)
            embs_diag = torch.diag(embs).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, embs.size(0))  # (batch_size, batch_size)
            cost = 1-torch.exp(-(embs_diag + torch.t(embs_diag) - 2 * embs)/embs.size(1))
        return cost

    def mutual_cost_mat(self, index1, index2):
        embs1 = self.emb_model[0](index1)  # (batch_size1, dim)
        embs2 = self.emb_model[1](index2)  # (batch_size2, dim)
        if self.cost_type == 'cosine':
            # cosine similarity
            energy1 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(embs1 ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True))  # (batch_size1, 1)
            energy2 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(embs2 ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True))  # (batch_size2, 1)
            cost = 1-torch.exp(-(1-torch.matmul(embs1, torch.t(embs2))/(torch.matmul(energy1, torch.t(energy2))+1e-5)))
            # Euclidean distance
            embs = torch.matmul(embs1, torch.t(embs2))  # (batch_size1, batch_size2)
            # (batch_size1, batch_size2)
            embs_diag1 = torch.diag(torch.matmul(embs1, torch.t(embs1))).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, embs2.size(0))
            # (batch_size2, batch_size1)
            embs_diag2 = torch.diag(torch.matmul(embs2, torch.t(embs2))).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, embs1.size(0))
            cost = 1-torch.exp(-(embs_diag1 + torch.t(embs_diag2) - 2 * embs)/embs1.size(1))
        return cost

    def tensor_times_mat(self, cost_s, cost_t, trans, mu_s, mu_t):
        if self.loss_type == 'L2':
            # f1(a) = a^2, f2(b) = b^2, h1(a) = a, h2(b) = 2b
            # cost_st = f1(cost_s)*mu_s*1_nt^T + 1_ns*mu_t^T*f2(cost_t)^T
            # cost = cost_st - h1(cost_s)*trans*h2(cost_t)^T
            f1_st = torch.matmul(cost_s ** 2, mu_s).repeat(1, trans.size(1))
            f2_st = torch.matmul(torch.t(mu_t), torch.t(cost_t ** 2)).repeat(trans.size(0), 1)
            cost_st = f1_st + f2_st
            cost = cost_st - 2 * torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cost_s, trans), torch.t(cost_t))
            # f1(a) = a*log(a) - a, f2(b) = b, h1(a) = a, h2(b) = log(b)
            # cost_st = f1(cost_s)*mu_s*1_nt^T + 1_ns*mu_t^T*f2(cost_t)^T
            # cost = cost_st - h1(cost_s)*trans*h2(cost_t)^T
            f1_st = torch.matmul(cost_s * torch.log(cost_s + 1e-5) - cost_s, mu_s).repeat(1, trans.size(1))
            f2_st = torch.matmul(torch.t(mu_t), torch.t(cost_t)).repeat(trans.size(0), 1)
            cost_st = f1_st + f2_st
            cost = cost_st - torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cost_s, trans), torch.t(torch.log(cost_t + 1e-5)))
        return cost

    def similarity(self, cost_pred, cost_truth, mask=None):
        if mask is None:
            if self.loss_type == 'L2':
                loss = ((cost_pred - cost_truth) ** 2) * torch.exp(-cost_truth)
                loss = cost_pred * torch.log(cost_pred / (cost_truth + 1e-5))
            if self.loss_type == 'L2':
                # print(mask.size())
                # print(cost_truth.size())
                # print(cost_pred.size())
                loss = mask.data * ((cost_pred - cost_truth) ** 2) * torch.exp(-cost_truth)
                loss = mask.data * (cost_pred * torch.log(cost_pred / (cost_truth + 1e-5)))
        loss = loss.sum()
        return loss

    def forward(self, index1, index2, trans, mu_s, mu_t, cost1, cost2, prior=None, mask1=None, mask2=None, mask12=None):
        cost_s = self.self_cost_mat(index1, 0)
        cost_t = self.self_cost_mat(index2, 1)
        cost_st = self.mutual_cost_mat(index1, index2)
        cost = self.tensor_times_mat(cost_s, cost_t, trans, mu_s, mu_t)
        d_gw = (cost * trans).sum()
        d_w = (cost_st * trans).sum()
        regularizer = self.similarity(cost_s, cost1, mask1) + self.similarity(cost_t, cost2, mask2)
        regularizer += self.orthogonal(index1, 0) + self.orthogonal(index2, 1)
        if prior is not None:
            regularizer += self.similarity(cost_st, prior, mask12)
        return d_gw, d_w, regularizer

    def plot_and_save(self, index1: torch.Tensor, index2: torch.Tensor, output_name: str = None):
        Plot and save cost matrix

            index1: a (batch_size, 1) Long/CudaLong Tensor indicating the indices of entities
            index2: a (batch_size, 1) Long/CudaLong Tensor indicating the indices of entities
            output_name: a string indicating the output image's name
            save cost matrix as a .png file
        cost_s = self.self_cost_mat(index1, 0).data.cpu().numpy()
        cost_t = self.self_cost_mat(index2, 0).data.cpu().numpy()
        cost_st = self.mutual_cost_mat(index1, index2).data.cpu().numpy()

        pc_kwargs = {'rasterized': True, 'cmap': 'viridis'}
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(5, 5), constrained_layout=True)

        im = axs[0, 0].pcolormesh(cost_s, **pc_kwargs)
        fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs[0, 0])
        axs[0, 0].set_title('source cost')
        axs[0, 0].set_aspect('equal')

        im = axs[0, 1].pcolormesh(cost_t, **pc_kwargs)
        fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs[0, 1])
        axs[0, 1].set_title('target cost')
        axs[0, 1].set_aspect('equal')

        im = axs[0, 2].pcolormesh(cost_st, **pc_kwargs)
        fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs[0, 2])
        axs[0, 2].set_title('mutual cost')
        axs[0, 2].set_aspect('equal')

        if output_name is None:

class GromovWassersteinLearning(object):
    Learning Gromov-Wasserstein distance in a nonparametric way.
    def __init__(self, hyperpara_dict):
        Initialize configurations

            hyperpara_dict: a dictionary containing the configurations of model
                dict = {'src_number': the number of entities in the source domain,
                        'tar_number': the number of entities in the target domain,
                        'dimension': the proposed dimension of entities' embeddings,
                        'loss_type': 'KL' or 'L2'
        self.src_num = hyperpara_dict['src_number']
        self.tar_num = hyperpara_dict['tar_number']
        self.dim = hyperpara_dict['dimension']
        self.loss_type = hyperpara_dict['loss_type']
        self.cost_type = hyperpara_dict['cost_type']
        self.ot_method = hyperpara_dict['ot_method']
        self.gwl_model = GromovWassersteinEmbedding(self.src_num, self.tar_num, self.dim, self.loss_type)
        self.d_gw = []
        self.trans = np.zeros((self.src_num, self.tar_num))
        self.Prec = []
        self.Recall = []
        self.F1 = []
        self.NC1 = []
        self.NC2 = []
        self.EC1 = []
        self.EC2 = []

    def plot_result(self, index_s, index_t, epoch, prefix):
        # tsne
        embs_s = self.gwl_model.emb_model[0](index_s)
        embs_t = self.gwl_model.emb_model[1](index_t)
        embs = np.concatenate((embs_s.cpu().data.numpy(), embs_t.cpu().data.numpy()), axis=0)
        embs = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(embs)
        plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
        plt.scatter(embs[:embs_s.size(0), 0], embs[:embs_s.size(0), 1],
                    marker='.', s=0.5, c='b', edgecolors='b', label='graph 1')
        plt.scatter(embs[-embs_t.size(0):, 0], embs[-embs_t.size(0):, 1],
                    marker='o', s=8, c='', edgecolors='r', label='graph 2')
        leg = plt.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True)
        plt.title('T-SNE of node embeddings')
        plt.savefig('{}/emb_epoch{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format(prefix, epoch, self.ot_method, self.cost_type))

        trans_b = np.zeros(self.trans.shape)
        for i in range(trans_b.shape[0]):
            idx = np.argmax(self.trans[i, :])
            trans_b[i, idx] = 1
        plt.savefig('{}/trans_epoch{}_{}_{}.png'.format(prefix, epoch, self.ot_method, self.cost_type))

    def evaluation_matching(self, trans: np.ndarray, cost_s: np.ndarray, cost_t: np.ndarray,
                            index_s: np.ndarray, index_t: np.ndarray, mask_s: np.ndarray, mask_t: np.ndarray):
        Evaluate graph matching result

            trans: (ns, nt) ndarray
            cost_s: (ns, ns) ndarray of source cost
            cost_t: (nt, nt) ndarray of target cost
            index_s: (ns, ) ndarray of source index
            index_t: (nt, ) ndarray of target index
            nc1: node correctness based on trans: #correctly-matched nodes/#nodes * 100%
            ec1: edge correctness based on trans: #correctly-matched edges/#edges * 100%
            nc2: node correctness based on cost_st
            ec2: edge correctness based on cost_st
        nc1 = 0
        nc2 = 0
        ec1 = 0
        ec2 = 0

        num_edges = np.sum(mask_s)

        cost_s += np.eye(trans.shape[0])
        cost_s = 1 / cost_s
        cost_s -= 1
        cost_s[cost_s < 1] = 0

        cost_t += np.eye(trans.shape[1])
        cost_t = 1 / cost_t
        cost_t -= 1
        cost_t[cost_t < 1] = 0

        # edge correctness
        cost_st = self.gwl_model.mutual_cost_mat(index_s, index_t)
        cost_st = cost_st.cpu().data.numpy()
        pair1 = []
        pair2 = []
        for i in range(trans.shape[0]):
            j1 = np.argmax(trans[i, :])
            j2 = np.argmin(cost_st[i, :])
            if index_s[i] == index_t[j1]:
                nc1 += 1
            if index_s[i] == index_t[j2]:
                nc2 += 1
        nc1 = nc1 / trans.shape[0] * 100.
        nc2 = nc2 / trans.shape[0] * 100.

        idx = np.transpose(np.nonzero(cost_s))
        for n in range(idx.shape[0]):
            rs = idx[n, 0]
            cs = idx[n, 1]
            rt1 = pair1[rs]
            rt2 = pair2[rs]
            ct1 = pair1[cs]
            ct2 = pair2[cs]
            if mask_t[rt1, ct1] > 0 or mask_t[ct1, rt1] > 0:
                ec1 += 1
            if mask_t[rt2, ct2] > 0 or mask_t[ct2, rt2] > 0:
                ec2 += 1
        ec1 = ec1 / num_edges * 100.
        ec2 = ec2 / num_edges * 100.
        return nc1, ec1, nc2, ec2

    def evaluation_recommendation(self, database):
        index_s = torch.LongTensor(list(range(self.src_num)))
        index_t = torch.LongTensor(list(range(self.tar_num)))
        cost_st = self.gwl_model.mutual_cost_mat(index_s, index_t)
        cost_st = cost_st.cpu().data.numpy()

        prec = np.zeros((3,))
        recall = np.zeros((3,))
        f1 = np.zeros((3,))
        tops = [1, 3, 5]
        num = 0
        for n in range(len(database['mutual_interactions'])):
            pair = database['mutual_interactions'][n]
            source_list = pair[0]
            target_list = pair[1]
            prec_n = np.zeros((3,))
            recall_n = np.zeros((3,))
            for i in range(len(source_list)):
                s = source_list[i]
                if i == 0:
                    items = cost_st[s, :]
                    items += cost_st[s, :]
            idx = np.argsort(items)
            for i in range(len(tops)):
                top = tops[i]
                top_items = idx[:(top*len(target_list))]
                for recommend_item in top_items:
                    if recommend_item in target_list:
                        prec_n[i] += 1/top
                        recall_n[i] += 1/len(target_list)
            prec_n *= 100
            recall_n *= 100
            f1_n = (2*prec_n*recall_n)/(prec_n+recall_n+1e-8)
            prec += prec_n
            recall += recall_n
            f1 += f1_n
            num += 1
        # for n in range(len(database['mutual_interactions'])):
        #     pair = database['mutual_interactions'][n]
        #     source_list = pair[0]
        #     target_list = pair[1]
        #     for s in source_list:
        #         prec_s = np.zeros((3,))
        #         recall_s = np.zeros((3,))
        #         items = cost_st[s, :]
        #         idx = np.argsort(items)  # from small to large
        #         for i in range(len(tops)):
        #             top = tops[i]
        #             top_items = idx[:top]
        #             for recommend_item in top_items:
        #                 if recommend_item in target_list:
        #                     prec_s[i] += 1/top
        #                     recall_s[i] += 1/len(target_list)
        #         prec_s *= 100
        #         recall_s *= 100
        #         f1_s = (2*prec_s*recall_s)/(prec_s+recall_s+1e-8)
        #         prec += prec_s
        #         recall += recall_s
        #         f1 += f1_s
        #         num += 1
        prec /= num
        recall /= num
        f1 /= num
        return prec, recall, f1

    def regularized_gromov_wasserstein_discrepancy(self, cost_s, cost_t, cost_mutual, mu_s, mu_t, hyperpara_dict):
        Learning optimal transport from source to target domain

            cost_s: (Ns, Ns) matrix representing the relationships among source entities
            cost_t: (Nt, Nt) matrix representing the relationships among target entities
            cost_mutual: (Ns, Nt) matrix representing the prior of proposed optimal transport
            mu_s: (Ns, 1) vector representing marginal probability of source entities
            mu_t: (Nt, 1) vector representing marginal probability of target entities
            hyperpara_dict: a dictionary of hyperparameters
                dict = {epochs: the number of epochs,
                        batch_size: batch size,
                        use_cuda: use cuda or not,
                        strategy: hard or soft,
                        beta: the weight of proximal term
                        outer_iter: the outer iteration of ipot
                        inner_iter: the inner iteration of sinkhorn
                        prior: True or False


        ns = mu_s.size(0)
        nt = mu_t.size(0)
        trans = torch.matmul(mu_s, torch.t(mu_t))
        a = mu_s.sum().repeat(ns, 1)
        a /= a.sum()
        b = 0
        beta = hyperpara_dict['beta']

        if self.loss_type == 'L2':
            # f1(a) = a^2, f2(b) = b^2, h1(a) = a, h2(b) = 2b
            # cost_st = f1(cost_s)*mu_s*1_nt^T + 1_ns*mu_t^T*f2(cost_t)^T
            # cost = cost_st - h1(cost_s)*trans*h2(cost_t)^T
            f1_st = torch.matmul(cost_s ** 2, mu_s).repeat(1, nt)
            f2_st = torch.matmul(torch.t(mu_t), torch.t(cost_t ** 2)).repeat(ns, 1)
            cost_st = f1_st + f2_st
            for t in range(hyperpara_dict['outer_iteration']):
                cost = cost_st - 2 * torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cost_s, trans), torch.t(cost_t)) + 0.1*cost_mutual
                if self.ot_method == 'proximal':
                    kernel = torch.exp(-cost / beta) * trans
                    kernel = torch.exp(-cost / beta)
                for l in range(hyperpara_dict['inner_iteration']):
                    b = mu_t / torch.matmul(torch.t(kernel), a)
                    a = mu_s / torch.matmul(kernel, b)
                    # print((b**2).sum())
                    # print((a**2).sum())
                    # print((b**2).sum()*(a**2).sum())
                trans = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(torch.diag(a[:, 0]), kernel), torch.diag(b[:, 0]))
                if t % 100 == 0:
                    print('sinkhorn iter {}/{}'.format(t, hyperpara_dict['outer_iteration']))
            cost = cost_st - 2 * torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cost_s, trans), torch.t(cost_t))

            # f1(a) = a*log(a) - a, f2(b) = b, h1(a) = a, h2(b) = log(b)
            # cost_st = f1(cost_s)*mu_s*1_nt^T + 1_ns*mu_t^T*f2(cost_t)^T
            # cost = cost_st - h1(cost_s)*trans*h2(cost_t)^T
            f1_st = torch.matmul(cost_s * torch.log(cost_s + 1e-5) - cost_s, mu_s).repeat(1, nt)
            f2_st = torch.matmul(torch.t(mu_t), torch.t(cost_t)).repeat(ns, 1)
            cost_st = f1_st + f2_st
            for t in range(hyperpara_dict['outer_iteration']):
                cost = cost_st - torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cost_s, trans), torch.t(torch.log(cost_t + 1e-5)))
                if self.ot_method == 'proximal':
                    kernel = torch.exp(-cost / beta) * trans
                    kernel = torch.exp(-cost / beta)
                for l in range(hyperpara_dict['inner_iteration']):
                    b = mu_t / torch.matmul(torch.t(kernel), a)
                    a = mu_s / torch.matmul(kernel, b)
                trans = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(torch.diag(a[:, 0]), kernel), torch.diag(b[:, 0]))
            cost = cost_st - torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cost_s, trans), torch.t(torch.log(cost_t + 1e-5)))

        d_gw = (cost * trans).sum()
        return trans, d_gw, cost

    def train_without_prior(self, database, optimizer, hyperpara_dict, scheduler=None):
        Regularized Gromov-Wasserstein Embedding
            database: proposed database
            optimizer: the pytorch optimizer
            hyperpara_dict: a dictionary of hyperparameters
                dict = {epochs: the number of epochs,
                        batch_size: batch size,
                        use_cuda: use cuda or not,
                        strategy: hard or soft,
                        beta: the weight of proximal term
                        outer_iter: the outer iteration of ipot
                        inner_iter: the inner iteration of sinkhorn
                        prior: True or False
            scheduler: scheduler of learning rate.
            d_gw, trans
        device = torch.device('cuda:0' if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda'] else 'cpu')
        if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda']:
        kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True} if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda'] else {}

        num_src_node = len(database['src_interactions'])
        num_tar_node = len(database['tar_interactions'])
        src_loader = DataLoader(IndexSampler(num_src_node),
        tar_loader = DataLoader(IndexSampler(num_tar_node),
        for epoch in range(hyperpara_dict['epochs']):
            gw = 0
            trans_tmp = np.zeros(self.trans.shape)
            if scheduler is not None:

            for src_idx, indices1 in enumerate(src_loader):
                for tar_idx, indices2 in enumerate(tar_loader):
                    # Estimate Gromov-Wasserstein discrepancy give current costs
                    cost_s, cost_t, mu_s, mu_t, index_s, index_t, mask_s, mask_t = \
                        cost_sampler2(database, indices1, indices2, device)

                    if hyperpara_dict['display']:
                        self.plot_result(index_s, index_t, epoch, prefix=hyperpara_dict['prefix'])

                    if hyperpara_dict['strategy'] == 'hard':
                        z = np.random.rand()
                        if z < epoch/hyperpara_dict['epochs']:
                            # cost1 = mask_s.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_s, 0).data
                            # cost2 = mask_t.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_t, 1).data
                            cost1 = self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_s, 0).data
                            cost2 = self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_t, 1).data
                            cost12 = self.gwl_model.mutual_cost_mat(index_s, index_t).data
                            cost1 = cost_s
                            cost2 = cost_t
                            cost12 = 0
                        # cost_s_emb = mask_s.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_s, 0).data
                        # cost_t_emb = mask_t.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_t, 1).data
                        cost_s_emb = self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_s, 0).data
                        cost_t_emb = self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_t, 1).data
                        cost_st_12 = self.gwl_model.mutual_cost_mat(index_s, index_t).data
                        # alpha = max([(hyperpara_dict['epochs'] - epoch) / hyperpara_dict['epochs'], 0.5])
                        alpha = (hyperpara_dict['epochs'] - epoch) / hyperpara_dict['epochs']
                        cost1 = alpha * cost_s + (1-alpha) * cost_s_emb
                        cost2 = alpha * cost_t + (1-alpha) * cost_t_emb
                        cost12 = (1-alpha) * cost_st_12

                    trans, d_gw, cost_12 = self.regularized_gromov_wasserstein_discrepancy(cost1, cost2, cost12,
                                                                                           mu_s, mu_t, hyperpara_dict)
                    # estimate optimal transport
                    trans_np = trans.cpu().data.numpy()
                    index_s_np = index_s.cpu().data.numpy()
                    index_t_np = index_t.cpu().data.numpy()
                    patch = self.trans[index_s_np, :]
                    patch = patch[:, index_t_np]
                    energy = np.sum(patch) + 1
                    for row in range(trans_np.shape[0]):
                        for col in range(trans_np.shape[1]):
                            trans_tmp[index_s_np[row], index_t_np[col]] += (energy * trans_np[row, col])

                    gw += d_gw

                    if epoch == 0:
                        sgd_iter = hyperpara_dict['sgd_iteration']
                        sgd_iter = 100

                    # inner iteration based on SGD
                    for num in range(sgd_iter):
                        # zero the parameter gradients
                        # Update source and target embeddings alternatively
                        loss_gw, loss_w, regularizer = self.gwl_model(index_s, index_t, trans,
                                                                      mu_s, mu_t, cost_s, cost_t,
                                                                      prior=cost_12, mask1=mask_s,
                                                                      mask2=mask_t, mask12=None)
                        loss = 1e3 * loss_gw + 1e3 * loss_w + regularizer
                        if num % 10 == 0:
                            print('inner {}/{}: loss={:.6f}.'.format(num, sgd_iter, loss.data))

                    nc1, ec1, nc2, ec2 = self.evaluation_matching(trans_np,
                                                                  index_s, index_t,

                    logger.info('Train Epoch: {}'.format(epoch))
                    logger.info('- node correctness: {:.4f}%, {:.4f}%'.format(nc1, nc2))
                    logger.info('- edge correctness: {:.4f}%, {:.4f}%'.format(ec1, ec2))
                if src_idx % 100 == 1:
                    logger.info('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]'.format(
                        epoch, src_idx * hyperpara_dict['batch_size'],
                        len(src_loader.dataset), 100. * src_idx / len(src_loader)))
            logger.info('- GW distance = {:.4f}.'.format(gw/len(src_loader)))

            trans_tmp /= np.max(trans_tmp)
            self.trans = trans_tmp

    def train_with_prior(self, database, optimizer, hyperpara_dict, scheduler=None):
        Regularized Gromov-Wasserstein Embedding
            database: proposed database
            optimizer: the pytorch optimizer
            hyperpara_dict: a dictionary of hyperparameters
                dict = {epochs: the number of epochs,
                        batch_size: batch size,
                        use_cuda: use cuda or not,
                        strategy: hard or soft,
                        beta: the weight of proximal term
                        outer_iter: the outer iteration of ipot
                        inner_iter: the inner iteration of sinkhorn
                        prior: True or False
            scheduler: scheduler of learning rate.
            d_gw, trans
        device = torch.device('cuda:0' if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda'] else 'cpu')
        if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda']:
        kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True} if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda'] else {}

        num_interaction = len(database['mutual_interactions'])

        train_base = copy.deepcopy(database)
        test_base = copy.deepcopy(database)
        train_base['mutual_interactions'] = train_base['mutual_interactions'][:int(0.75*num_interaction)]
        test_base['mutual_interactions'] = test_base['mutual_interactions'][int(0.75*num_interaction):]
        num_interaction_train = len(train_base['mutual_interactions'])

        dataloader = DataLoader(IndexSampler(num_interaction_train),

        for epoch in range(hyperpara_dict['epochs']):
            gw = 0
            trans_tmp = np.zeros(self.trans.shape)
            if scheduler is not None:

            for batch_idx, indices in enumerate(dataloader):
                # Estimate Gromov-Wasserstein discrepancy give current costs
                cost_s, cost_t, mu_s, mu_t, index_s, index_t, prior, mask_s, mask_t, mask_st = \
                    cost_sampler1(train_base, indices, device)

                self.plot_result(index_s, index_t, epoch, prefix=hyperpara_dict['prefix'])

                if hyperpara_dict['strategy'] == 'hard':
                    z = np.random.rand()
                    if z < epoch / hyperpara_dict['epochs']:
                        cost1 = mask_s.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_s, 0).data
                        cost2 = mask_t.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_t, 1).data
                        cost12 = mask_st.data * self.gwl_model.mutual_cost_mat(index_s, index_t).data
                        cost1 = cost_s
                        cost2 = cost_t
                        cost12 = prior
                    cost_s_emb = mask_s.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_s, 0).data
                    cost_t_emb = mask_t.data * self.gwl_model.self_cost_mat(index_t, 1).data
                    cost_st_12 = mask_st.data * self.gwl_model.mutual_cost_mat(index_s, index_t).data
                    alpha = max([(hyperpara_dict['epochs'] - epoch) / hyperpara_dict['epochs'], 0.7])
                    cost1 = alpha * cost_s + (1 - alpha) * cost_s_emb
                    cost2 = alpha * cost_t + (1 - alpha) * cost_t_emb
                    cost12 = alpha * prior + (1 - alpha) * cost_st_12

                trans, d_gw, cost_12 = self.regularized_gromov_wasserstein_discrepancy(cost1, cost2, cost12,
                                                                                       mu_s, mu_t, hyperpara_dict)
                # estimate optimal transport
                trans_np = trans.cpu().data.numpy()
                index_s_np = index_s.cpu().data.numpy()
                index_t_np = index_t.cpu().data.numpy()
                patch = self.trans[index_s_np, :]
                patch = patch[:, index_t_np]
                energy = np.sum(patch) + 1
                for row in range(trans_np.shape[0]):
                    for col in range(trans_np.shape[1]):
                        trans_tmp[index_s_np[row], index_t_np[col]] += (energy * trans_np[row, col])
                gw += d_gw

                # inner iteration based on SGD
                if epoch == 0:
                    sgd_iter = hyperpara_dict['sgd_iteration']
                    sgd_iter = 20

                for num in range(sgd_iter):
                    # zero the parameter gradients
                    # Update source and target embeddings alternatively
                    loss_gw, loss_w, regularizer = self.gwl_model(index_s, index_t, trans, mu_s, mu_t,
                                                                  cost_s, cost_t, prior,  # +0.5*cost_12,
                                                                  mask_s, mask_t, mask_st)
                    loss = loss_gw + loss_w + regularizer
                    if num % 10 == 0:
                        print('inner {}/{}: loss={:.6f}.'.format(num, sgd_iter, loss.data))

                prec, recall, f1 = self.evaluation_recommendation(test_base)

                logger.info('Train Epoch: {}'.format(epoch))
                logger.info('- OT method={}, Distance={}'.format(self.ot_method, self.cost_type))
                tops = [1, 3, 5]
                for top in range(3):
                    logger.info('- Top-{}, precision={:.4f}%, recall={:.4f}%, f1={:.4f}%'.format(
                        tops[top], prec[top], recall[top], f1[top]))

                if batch_idx % 100 == 1:
                    logger.info('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]'.format(
                        epoch, batch_idx * hyperpara_dict['batch_size'],
                        len(dataloader.dataset), 100. * batch_idx / len(dataloader)))
            logger.info('- GW distance = {:.4f}.'.format(gw / len(dataloader)))
            trans_tmp /= np.max(trans_tmp)
            self.trans = trans_tmp
            self.d_gw.append(gw / len(dataloader))

    def obtain_embedding(self, hyperpara_dict, index, idx):
        device = torch.device('cuda:0' if hyperpara_dict['use_cuda'] else 'cpu')
        return self.gwl_model.emb_model[idx](index)

    def save_model(self, full_path, mode: str = 'entire'):
        Save trained model
        :param full_path: the path of directory
        :param mode: 'parameter' for saving only parameters of the model,
                     'entire' for saving entire model
        if mode == 'entire':
            torch.save(self.gwl_model, full_path)
            logger.info('The entire model is saved in {}.'.format(full_path))
        elif mode == 'parameter':
            torch.save(self.gwl_model.state_dict(), full_path)
            logger.info('The parameters of the model is saved in {}.'.format(full_path))
            logger.warning("'{}' is a undefined mode, we use 'entire' mode instead.".format(mode))
            torch.save(self.gwl_model, full_path)
            logger.info('The entire model is saved in {}.'.format(full_path))

    def load_model(self, full_path, mode: str = 'entire'):
        Load pre-trained model
        :param full_path: the path of directory
        :param mode: 'parameter' for saving only parameters of the model,
                     'entire' for saving entire model
        if mode == 'entire':
            self.gwl_model = torch.load(full_path)
        elif mode == 'parameter':
            logger.warning("'{}' is a undefined mode, we use 'entire' mode instead.".format(mode))
            self.gwl_model = torch.load(full_path)

    def save_matching(self, full_path):
        with open(full_path, 'wb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'wb')
            pickle.dump([self.NC1, self.EC1, self.NC2, self.EC2, self.d_gw], f)

    def save_recommend(self, full_path):
        with open(full_path, 'wb') as f:  # Python 3: open(..., 'wb')
            pickle.dump([self.Prec, self.Recall, self.F1, self.d_gw, self.trans], f)