from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging

import time
import torch
from torch.optim import Adam, SGD
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..estimator import Estimator
from utils import NULL_REPR, NA_COOCCUR_FV

class Logistic(Estimator, torch.nn.Module):
    Logistic is an Estimator that approximates posterior of
    p(v_cur | v_init) by training a logistic regression model to predict the current
    value in a cell given all other initial values using features
    of the other initial values such as co-occurrence.
    # We should not use weight decay for this posterior model since we'd
    # like to overfit as much as possible to the co-occurrence features.
    # This is fine since we take only samples with high predicted probabilities.

    def __init__(self, env, dataset, domain_df, active_attrs):
        :param dataset: (Dataset) original dataset
        :param domain_df: (DataFrame) currently populated domain dataframe.
            Required columns are: _vid_, _tid_, attribute, domain, domain_size, init_value
        :param active_attrs: (list[str]) attributes that have random values
        Estimator.__init__(self, env, dataset)

        self.active_attrs = active_attrs

        # Sorted records of the currently populated domain. This helps us
        # align the final predicted probabilities.
        self.domain_records = domain_df.sort_values('_vid_')[['_vid_', '_tid_', 'attribute', 'domain', 'init_value']].to_records()

        # self.dom maps tid --> attr --> list of domain values
        # we need to find the number of domain values we will be generating
        # a training sample for.
        self.n_samples = int(domain_df['domain_size'].sum())

        # Create and initialize featurizers.
        self.featurizers = [CooccurAttrFeaturizer(self.ds)]
        for f in self.featurizers:
        self.num_features = sum(feat.num_features() for feat in self.featurizers)

        # Construct the X and Y tensors.

        # Use pytorch logistic regression model.
        self._W = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.num_features, 1))
        self._B = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([1e-6]))

        self._loss = torch.nn.BCELoss()
        if self.env['optimizer'] == 'sgd':
            self._optimizer = SGD(self.parameters(), lr=self.env['learning_rate'], momentum=self.env['momentum'],
            self._optimizer = Adam(self.parameters(), lr=self.env['learning_rate'], weight_decay=self.WEIGHT_DECAY)

    def _gen_training_data(self):
        _gen_training_data memoizes the self._X and self._Y tensors
        used for training and prediction.
        logging.debug('Logistic: featurizing training data...')
        tic = time.clock()
        # Each row corresponds to a possible value for a given attribute
        # and given TID
        self._X = torch.zeros(self.n_samples, self.num_features)
        self._Y = torch.zeros(self.n_samples)
        # Keeps track of cells with NULL init_value to ignore in training.
        # We only train on cells when train_idx[idx] == 1.
        self._train_idx = torch.zeros(self.n_samples)

        Iterate through the domain for every cell and create a sample
        to use in training. We assign Y as 1 if the value is the initial value.
        sample_idx = 0
        raw_data_dict = self.ds.raw_data.df.set_index('_tid_').to_dict('index')
        # Keep track of which indices correspond to a VID so we can re-use
        # self._X in prediction.
        self.vid_to_idxs = {}
        for rec in tqdm(list(self.domain_records)):
            init_row = raw_data_dict[rec['_tid_']]
            domain_vals = rec['domain'].split('|||')

            # Generate the feature tensor for all the domain values for this
            # cell.
            feat_tensor = self._gen_feat_tensor(init_row, rec['attribute'], domain_vals)
            assert(feat_tensor.shape[0] == len(domain_vals))
            self._X[sample_idx:sample_idx+len(domain_vals)] = feat_tensor

            self.vid_to_idxs[rec['_vid_']] = (sample_idx, sample_idx+len(domain_vals))

            # If the initial value is NULL, we do not want to train on it
            # nor assign it a weak label.
            if rec['init_value'] == NULL_REPR:
                sample_idx += len(domain_vals)

            # If the init value is not NULL, then we want to use these possible
            # value samples during training.
            self._train_idx[sample_idx:sample_idx + len(domain_vals)] = 1
            # Assign the tensor corresponding to the initial value with
            # a target label of 1.
            init_idx = domain_vals.index(rec['init_value'])
            self._Y[sample_idx + init_idx] = 1

            sample_idx += len(domain_vals)

        # Convert this to a vector of indices rather than a vector mask.
        self._train_idx = (self._train_idx == 1).nonzero()[:,0]

        logging.debug('Logistic: DONE featurization in %.2fs', time.clock() - tic)

    def _gen_feat_tensor(self, init_row, attr, domain_vals):
        Generates the feature tensor for the list of :param`domain_vals` from
        all featurizers.

        :param init_row: (namedtuple or dict) current initial values
        :param attr: (str) attribute of row (i.e. cell) the :param values: correspond to
            and the cell to generate a feature tensor for.
        :param domain_vals: (list[str]) domain values to featurize for

        :return: Tensor with dimensions (len(values), total # of features across all featurizers)

        return[f.create_tensor(init_row, attr, domain_vals) for f in self.featurizers], dim=1)

    def forward(self, X):
        linear = X.matmul(self._W) + self._B
        return torch.sigmoid(linear)

    def train(self, num_epochs=3, batch_size=32):
        Trains the LR model.

        :param num_epochs: (int) number of epochs.
        batch_losses = []
        # We train only on cells that do not have their initial value as NULL.
        X_train, Y_train = self._X.index_select(0, self._train_idx), self._Y.index_select(0, self._train_idx)
        torch_ds = TensorDataset(X_train, Y_train)

        # Main training loop.
        for epoch_idx in range(1, num_epochs+1):
            logging.debug("Logistic: epoch %d", epoch_idx)
            batch_cnt = 0
            for batch_X, batch_Y in tqdm(DataLoader(torch_ds, batch_size=batch_size)):
                batch_pred = self.forward(batch_X)
                batch_loss = self._loss(batch_pred, batch_Y.reshape(-1,1))
                batch_cnt += 1
            logging.debug('Logistic: average batch loss: %f', sum(batch_losses[-1 * batch_cnt:]) / batch_cnt)
        return batch_losses

    def predict_pp(self, row, attr=None, values=None):
        predict_pp generates posterior probabilities for the domain values
        corresponding to the cell/random variable row['_vid_'].

        That is: :param`attr` and :param`values` are ignored.

        predict_pp_batch is much faster for Logistic since it simply does
        a one-pass of the batch feature tensor.

        :return: (list[2-tuple]) 2-tuples corresponding to (value, proba)
        start_idx, end_idx = self.vid_to_idxs[row['_vid_']]
        pred_X = self._X[start_idx:end_idx]
        pred_Y = self.forward(pred_X)
        values = self.domain_records[row['_vid_']]['domain'].split('|||')
        return zip(values, map(float, pred_Y))

    def predict_pp_batch(self):
        Performs batch prediction.
        pred_Y = self.forward(self._X)
        for rec in self.domain_records:
            values = rec['domain'].split('|||')
            start_idx, end_idx = self.vid_to_idxs[rec['_vid_']]
            yield zip(values, map(float, pred_Y[start_idx:end_idx]))

class Featurizer:
    Feauturizer is an abstract class for featurizers that is able to generate
    real-valued tensors (features) for a row from raw data.
    Used in Logistic model.
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def setup(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def num_features(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def create_tensor(self, row, attr, values):
        raise NotImplementedError

class CooccurAttrFeaturizer(Featurizer):
    CooccurAttrFeaturizer computes the co-occurrence statistics for a cell
    and its possible domain values with the other initial values in the tuple.
    It breaks down each co-occurrence feature on a pairwise attr1 X attr2 basis.
    name = 'CooccurAttrFeaturizer'

    def __init__(self, dataset):
        :param data_df: (pandas.DataFrame) contains the data to compute co-occurrence features for.
        :param attrs: attributes in columns of :param data_df: to compute feautres for.
        :param freq: (dict { attr: { val: count } } }) if not None, uses these
            frequency statistics instead of computing it from data_df.
        :param cooccur_freq: (dict { attr1: { attr2: { val1: { val2: count } } } })
            if not None, uses these co-occurrence statistics instead of
            computing it from data_df.
        self.ds = dataset
        self.attrs = self.ds.get_attributes()
        self.attr_to_idx = {attr: idx for idx, attr in enumerate(self.attrs)}
        self.n_attrs = len(self.attrs)

    def num_features(self):
        return len(self.attrs) * len(self.attrs)

    def setup(self):
        _, self.freq, self.cooccur_freq = self.ds.get_statistics()

    def create_tensor(self, row, attr, values):
        :param row: (namedtuple or dict) current initial values
        :param attr: (str) attribute of row (i.e. cell) the :param values: correspond to
            and the cell to generate a feature tensor for.
        :param values: (list[str]) values to generate

        :return: Tensor with dimensions (len(values), # of features)
        tensor = torch.zeros(len(values), self.num_features())
        for val_idx, val in enumerate(values):
            for other_attr_idx, other_attr in enumerate(self.attrs):
                if attr == other_attr:

                other_val = row[other_attr]

                # calculate p(val | other_val)
                # there may not be co-occurrence frequencies for some value pairs since
                # our possible values were from correlation with only
                # one other attribute
                if val == NULL_REPR or other_val == NULL_REPR:
                    fv = NA_COOCCUR_FV
                    cooccur = self.cooccur_freq[attr][other_attr].get(val, {}).get(other_val, NA_COOCCUR_FV)
                    freq = self.freq[other_attr][row[other_attr]]
                    fv = float(cooccur) / float(freq)

                feat_idx = self.attr_to_idx[attr] * self.n_attrs + other_attr_idx
                tensor[val_idx, feat_idx] = fv
        return tensor