Define some tool functions
Written by Heng Fan

import torch
import numpy as np
import cv2

def create_logisticloss_label(label_size, rPos, rNeg):
    construct label for logistic loss (same for all pairs)
    label_side = int(label_size[0])
    logloss_label = torch.zeros(label_side, label_side)
    label_origin = np.array([np.ceil(label_side / 2), np.ceil(label_side / 2)])
    for i in range(label_side):
        for j in range(label_side):
            dist_from_origin = np.sqrt((i - label_origin[0]) ** 2 + (j - label_origin[1]) ** 2)
            if dist_from_origin <= rPos:
                logloss_label[i, j] = +1
                if dist_from_origin <= rNeg:
                    logloss_label[i, j] = 0
    return logloss_label

def create_label(fixed_label_size, config, use_gpu):
    create label with weight
    rPos = config.rPos / config.stride
    rNeg = config.rNeg / config.stride

    half = int(np.floor(fixed_label_size[0] / 2) + 1)

    if config.label_weight_method == "balanced":
        fixed_label = create_logisticloss_label(fixed_label_size, rPos, rNeg)
        # plt.imshow(fixed_label)
        # plt.colorbar()
        # plt.show()
        instance_weight = torch.ones(fixed_label.shape[0], fixed_label.shape[1])
        tmp_idx_P = np.where(fixed_label == 1)
        sumP = tmp_idx_P[0].size
        tmp_idx_N = np.where(fixed_label == 0)
        sumN = tmp_idx_N[0].size
        instance_weight[tmp_idx_P] = 0.5 * instance_weight[tmp_idx_P] / sumP
        instance_weight[tmp_idx_N] = 0.5 * instance_weight[tmp_idx_N] / sumN
        # plt.imshow(instance_weight)
        # plt.colorbar()
        # plt.show()

        # reshape label
        fixed_label = torch.reshape(fixed_label, (1, 1, fixed_label.shape[0], fixed_label.shape[1]))
        # copy label to match batchsize
        fixed_label = fixed_label.repeat(config.batch_size, 1, 1, 1)

        # reshape weight
        instance_weight = torch.reshape(instance_weight, (1, instance_weight.shape[0], instance_weight.shape[1]))

    if use_gpu:
        return fixed_label.cuda(), instance_weight.cuda()
        return fixed_label, instance_weight

def cv2_brg2rgb(bgr_img):
    convert brg image to rgb
    b, g, r = cv2.split(bgr_img)
    rgb_img = cv2.merge([r, g, b])
    return rgb_img

def float32_to_uint8(img):
    convert float32 array to uint8
    beyong_255 = np.where(img > 255)
    img[beyong_255] = 255
    less_0 = np.where(img < 0)
    img[less_0] = 0
    img = np.round(img)

    return img.astype(np.uint8)