import tensorflow as tf
slim = tf.contrib.slim

MODEL_TYPE_vgg16 = 'vgg16'
MODEL_TYPE_vgg16_no_dilation = 'vgg16_no_dilation'

FUSE_TYPE_cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum = 'cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum'
FUSE_TYPE_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_sum_conv1x1_2 = \
FUSE_TYPE_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_concat_conv1x1_2 = \

class PixelLinkNet(object):
    def __init__(self, inputs, is_training):
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.is_training = is_training
    def _build_network(self):
        import config
        if config.model_type == MODEL_TYPE_vgg16:
            from nets import vgg
            with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d],
                        weights_initializer= tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(),
                        biases_initializer = tf.zeros_initializer()):
                with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.max_pool2d],
                                    padding='SAME') as sc:
                    self.arg_scope = sc
          , self.end_points = vgg.basenet(
                              inputs =  self.inputs)
        elif config.model_type == MODEL_TYPE_vgg16_no_dilation:
            from nets import vgg
            with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d],
                        weights_initializer= tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(),
                        biases_initializer = tf.zeros_initializer()):
                with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.max_pool2d],
                                    padding='SAME') as sc:
                    self.arg_scope = sc
          , self.end_points = vgg.basenet(
                              inputs =  self.inputs, dilation = False)
            raise ValueError('model_type not supported:%s'%(config.model_type))
    def _score_layer(self, input_layer, num_classes, scope):
        import config
        with slim.arg_scope(self.arg_scope):
            logits = slim.conv2d(input_layer, num_classes, [1, 1], 
                use_dropout = config.dropout_ratio > 0
                use_dropout = False
            if use_dropout:
                if self.is_training:
                    dropout_ratio = config.dropout_ratio
                    dropout_ratio = 0
                keep_prob = 1.0 - dropout_ratio
      'Using Dropout, with keep_prob = %f'%(keep_prob))
                logits = tf.nn.dropout(logits, keep_prob)
            return logits
    def _upscore_layer(self, layer, target_layer):   
#             target_shape = target_layer.shape[1:-1] # NHWC
            target_shape = tf.shape(target_layer)[1:-1]
            upscored = tf.image.resize_images(layer, target_shape)
            return upscored        
    def _fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_sum_conv1x1_2(self, scope):
        The feature fuse fashion of 
            'Deep Direct Regression for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection'
        Instead of fusion of scores, feature map from 1x1, 128 conv are fused,
        and the scores are predicted on it.
        base_map = self._fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum(num_classes = 128, 
                                                              scope = 'feature_fuse')
        return base_map
    def _fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_concat_conv1x1_2(self, scope, num_classes = 32):
        import config
        num_layers = len(config.feat_layers)
        with tf.variable_scope(scope):
            smaller_score_map = None
            for idx in range(0, len(config.feat_layers))[::-1]: #[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
                current_layer_name = config.feat_layers[idx]
                current_layer = self.end_points[current_layer_name]
                current_score_map = self._score_layer(current_layer, 
                                      num_classes, current_layer_name)
                if smaller_score_map is None:
                    smaller_score_map = current_score_map
                    upscore_map = self._upscore_layer(smaller_score_map, current_score_map)
                    smaller_score_map = tf.concat([current_score_map, upscore_map], axis = 0)
        return smaller_score_map
    def _fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum(self, num_classes, scope):
        The feature fuse fashion of FCN for semantic segmentation:
        Suppose there are several feature maps with decreasing sizes , 
        and we are going to get a single score map from them.
        Every feature map contributes to the final score map:
            predict score on all the feature maps using 1x1 conv, with 
            depth equal to num_classes
        The score map is upsampled and added in a cascade way:
            start from the smallest score map, upsmale it to the size
            of the next score map with a larger size, and add them 
            to get a fused score map. Upsample this fused score map and
            add it to the next sibling larger score map. The final 
            score map is got when all score maps are fused together 
        import config
        num_layers = len(config.feat_layers)
        with tf.variable_scope(scope):
            smaller_score_map = None
            for idx in range(0, len(config.feat_layers))[::-1]: #[4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
                current_layer_name = config.feat_layers[idx]
                current_layer = self.end_points[current_layer_name]
                current_score_map = self._score_layer(current_layer, 
                                      num_classes, current_layer_name)
                if smaller_score_map is None:
                    smaller_score_map = current_score_map
                    upscore_map = self._upscore_layer(smaller_score_map, current_score_map)
                    smaller_score_map = current_score_map + upscore_map
        return smaller_score_map
    def _fuse_feat_layers(self):
        import config
        if config.feat_fuse_type == FUSE_TYPE_cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum:
            self.pixel_cls_logits = self._fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum(
                config.num_classes, scope = 'pixel_cls')
            self.pixel_link_logits = self._fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_upsample_sum(
                config.num_neighbours * 2, scope = 'pixel_link')
        elif config.feat_fuse_type == FUSE_TYPE_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_sum_conv1x1_2:
            base_map = self._fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_sum_conv1x1_2(
                                    scope = 'fuse_feature')
            self.pixel_cls_logits = self._score_layer(base_map,
                  config.num_classes, scope = 'pixel_cls')
            self.pixel_link_logits = self._score_layer(base_map,
                   config.num_neighbours  * 2, scope = 'pixel_link')
        elif config.feat_fuse_type == FUSE_TYPE_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_concat_conv1x1_2:
            base_map = self._fuse_by_cascade_conv1x1_128_upsamle_concat_conv1x1_2(
                                    scope = 'fuse_feature')
            raise ValueError('feat_fuse_type not supported:%s'%(config.feat_fuse_type))
    def _flat_pixel_cls_values(self, values):
        shape = values.shape.as_list()
        values = tf.reshape(values, shape = [shape[0], -1, shape[-1]])
        return values
    def _logits_to_scores(self):
        self.pixel_cls_scores = tf.nn.softmax(self.pixel_cls_logits)
        self.pixel_cls_logits_flatten = \
        self.pixel_cls_scores_flatten = \
        import config
#         shape = self.pixel_link_logits.shape.as_list()
        shape = tf.shape(self.pixel_link_logits)
        self.pixel_link_logits = tf.reshape(self.pixel_link_logits, 
                                [shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], config.num_neighbours, 2])
        self.pixel_link_scores = tf.nn.softmax(self.pixel_link_logits)
        self.pixel_pos_scores = self.pixel_cls_scores[:, :, :, 1]
        self.link_pos_scores = self.pixel_link_scores[:, :, :, :, 1]
    def build_loss(self, pixel_cls_labels, pixel_cls_weights, 
                        pixel_link_labels, pixel_link_weights,
                        do_summary = True
        The loss consists of two parts: pixel_cls_loss + link_cls_loss, 
            and link_cls_loss is calculated only on positive pixels
        import config
        count_warning = tf.get_local_variable(
            name = 'count_warning', initializer = tf.constant(0.0))
        batch_size = config.batch_size_per_gpu
        ignore_label = config.ignore_label
        background_label = config.background_label
        text_label = config.text_label
        pixel_link_neg_loss_weight_lambda = config.pixel_link_neg_loss_weight_lambda
        pixel_cls_loss_weight_lambda = config.pixel_cls_loss_weight_lambda
        pixel_link_loss_weight = config.pixel_link_loss_weight
        def OHNM_single_image(scores, n_pos, neg_mask):
            """Online Hard Negative Mining.
                scores: the scores of being predicted as negative cls
                n_pos: the number of positive samples 
                neg_mask: mask of negative samples
                    the mask of selected negative samples.
                    if n_pos == 0, top 10000 negative samples will be selected.
            def has_pos():
                return n_pos * config.max_neg_pos_ratio
            def no_pos():
                return tf.constant(10000, dtype = tf.int32)
            n_neg = tf.cond(n_pos > 0, has_pos, no_pos)
            max_neg_entries = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(neg_mask, tf.int32))
            n_neg = tf.minimum(n_neg, max_neg_entries)
            n_neg = tf.cast(n_neg, tf.int32)
            def has_neg():
                neg_conf = tf.boolean_mask(scores, neg_mask)
                vals, _ = tf.nn.top_k(-neg_conf, k=n_neg)
                threshold = vals[-1]# a negtive value
                selected_neg_mask = tf.logical_and(neg_mask, scores <= -threshold)
                return selected_neg_mask
            def no_neg():
                selected_neg_mask = tf.zeros_like(neg_mask)
                return selected_neg_mask
            selected_neg_mask = tf.cond(n_neg > 0, has_neg, no_neg)
            return tf.cast(selected_neg_mask, tf.int32)
        def OHNM_batch(neg_conf, pos_mask, neg_mask):
            selected_neg_mask = []
            for image_idx in xrange(batch_size):
                image_neg_conf = neg_conf[image_idx, :]
                image_neg_mask = neg_mask[image_idx, :]
                image_pos_mask = pos_mask[image_idx, :]
                n_pos = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(image_pos_mask, tf.int32))
                selected_neg_mask.append(OHNM_single_image(image_neg_conf, n_pos, image_neg_mask))
            selected_neg_mask = tf.stack(selected_neg_mask)
            return selected_neg_mask
        # OHNM on pixel classification task
        pixel_cls_labels_flatten = tf.reshape(pixel_cls_labels, [batch_size, -1])
        pos_pixel_weights_flatten = tf.reshape(pixel_cls_weights, [batch_size, -1])
        pos_mask = tf.equal(pixel_cls_labels_flatten, text_label)
        neg_mask = tf.equal(pixel_cls_labels_flatten, background_label)

        n_pos = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(pos_mask, dtype = tf.float32))

        with tf.name_scope('pixel_cls_loss'):            
            def no_pos():
                return tf.constant(.0);
            def has_pos():
                pixel_cls_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                    logits = self.pixel_cls_logits_flatten, 
                    labels = tf.cast(pos_mask, dtype = tf.int32))
                pixel_neg_scores = self.pixel_cls_scores_flatten[:, :, 0]
                selected_neg_pixel_mask = OHNM_batch(pixel_neg_scores, pos_mask, neg_mask)
                pixel_cls_weights = pos_pixel_weights_flatten + \
                            tf.cast(selected_neg_pixel_mask, tf.float32)
                n_neg = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(selected_neg_pixel_mask), tf.float32)
                loss = tf.reduce_sum(pixel_cls_loss * pixel_cls_weights) / (n_neg + n_pos)
                return loss
#             pixel_cls_loss = tf.cond(n_pos > 0, has_pos, no_pos)
            pixel_cls_loss = has_pos()
            tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, pixel_cls_loss * pixel_cls_loss_weight_lambda)
        with tf.name_scope('pixel_link_loss'):
            def no_pos():
                return tf.constant(.0), tf.constant(.0);
            def has_pos():
                pixel_link_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                    logits = self.pixel_link_logits, 
                    labels = pixel_link_labels)
                def get_loss(label):
                    link_mask = tf.equal(pixel_link_labels, label)
                    link_weights = pixel_link_weights * tf.cast(link_mask, tf.float32)
                    n_links = tf.reduce_sum(link_weights)
                    loss = tf.reduce_sum(pixel_link_loss * link_weights) / n_links
                    return loss
                neg_loss = get_loss(0)
                pos_loss = get_loss(1)
                return neg_loss, pos_loss
            pixel_neg_link_loss, pixel_pos_link_loss = \
                        tf.cond(n_pos > 0, has_pos, no_pos)
            pixel_link_loss = pixel_pos_link_loss + \
                    pixel_neg_link_loss * pixel_link_neg_loss_weight_lambda
                                 pixel_link_loss_weight * pixel_link_loss)
        if do_summary:
            tf.summary.scalar('pixel_cls_loss', pixel_cls_loss)
            tf.summary.scalar('pixel_pos_link_loss', pixel_pos_link_loss)
            tf.summary.scalar('pixel_neg_link_loss', pixel_neg_link_loss)