#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018-present, HKUST-KnowComp.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
"""Reader utilities."""

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json
import time
import logging
import string
    import regex as re
except ImportError:
    import re

from collections import Counter
from data import Dictionary

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data loading
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def load_data(args, filename, skip_no_answer=False):
    """Load examples from preprocessed file.
    One example per line, JSON encoded.
    # Load JSON lines
    with open(filename) as f:
        examples = [json.loads(line) for line in f]

    # Make case insensitive?
    if args.uncased_question or args.uncased_doc:
        for ex in examples:
            if args.uncased_question:
                ex['question'] = [w.lower() for w in ex['question']]
                ex['question_char'] = [w.lower() for w in ex['question_char']]
            if args.uncased_doc:
                ex['document'] = [w.lower() for w in ex['document']]
                ex['document_char'] = [w.lower() for w in ex['document_char']]

    # Skip unparsed (start/end) examples
    if skip_no_answer:
        examples = [ex for ex in examples if len(ex['answers']) > 0]
    return examples

def load_text(filename):
    """Load the paragraphs only of a SQuAD dataset. Store as qid -> text."""
    # Load JSON file
    with open(filename) as f:
        examples = json.load(f)['data']

    texts = {}
    for article in examples:
        for paragraph in article['paragraphs']:
            for qa in paragraph['qas']:
                texts[qa['id']] = paragraph['context']
    return texts

def load_answers(filename):
    """Load the answers only of a SQuAD dataset. Store as qid -> [answers]."""
    # Load JSON file
    with open(filename) as f:
        examples = json.load(f)['data']

    ans = {}
    for article in examples:
        for paragraph in article['paragraphs']:
            for qa in paragraph['qas']:
                ans[qa['id']] = list(map(lambda x: x['text'], qa['answers']))
    return ans

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dictionary building
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def index_embedding_words(embedding_file):
    """Put all the words in embedding_file into a set."""
    words = set()
    with open(embedding_file) as f:
        for line in f:
            w = Dictionary.normalize(line.rstrip().split(' ')[0])
    return words

def load_words(args, examples):
    """Iterate and index all the words in examples (documents + questions)."""
    def _insert(iterable):
        for w in iterable:
            w = Dictionary.normalize(w)
            if valid_words and w not in valid_words:

    if args.restrict_vocab and args.embedding_file:
        logger.info('Restricting to words in %s' % args.embedding_file)
        valid_words = index_embedding_words(args.embedding_file)
        logger.info('Num words in set = %d' % len(valid_words))
        valid_words = None

    words = set()
    for ex in examples:
    return words

def build_word_dict(args, examples):
    """Return a word dictionary from question and document words in
    provided examples.
    word_dict = Dictionary()
    for w in load_words(args, examples):
    return word_dict

def index_embedding_chars(char_embedding_file):
    """Put all the chars in char_embedding_file into a set."""
    chars = set()
    with open(char_embedding_file) as f:
        for line in f:
            c = Dictionary.normalize(line.rstrip().split(' ')[0])
    return chars

def load_chars(args, examples):
    """Iterate and index all the chars in examples (documents + questions)."""
    def _insert(iterable):
        for cs in iterable:
            for c in cs: 
                c = Dictionary.normalize(c)
                if valid_chars and c not in valid_chars:

    if args.restrict_vocab and args.char_embedding_file:
        logger.info('Restricting to chars in %s' % args.char_embedding_file)
        valid_chars = index_embedding_chars(args.char_embedding_file)
        logger.info('Num chars in set = %d' % len(valid_chars))
        valid_chars = None

    chars = set()
    for ex in examples:
    return chars

def build_char_dict(args, examples):
    """Return a char dictionary from question and document words in
    provided examples.
    char_dict = Dictionary()
    for c in load_chars(args, examples):
    return char_dict

def top_question_words(args, examples, word_dict):
    """Count and return the most common question words in provided examples."""
    word_count = Counter()
    for ex in examples:
        for w in ex['question']:
            w = Dictionary.normalize(w)
            if w in word_dict:
    return word_count.most_common(args.tune_partial)

def build_feature_dict(args, examples):
    """Index features (one hot) from fields in examples and options."""
    def _insert(feature):
        if feature not in feature_dict:
            feature_dict[feature] = len(feature_dict)

    feature_dict = {}

    # Exact match features
    if args.use_exact_match:
        if args.use_lemma:

    # Part of speech tag features
    if args.use_pos:
        for ex in examples:
            for w in ex['cpos']:
                _insert('pos=%s' % w)
            for w in ex['qpos']:
                _insert('pos=%s' % w)

    # Named entity tag features
    if args.use_ner:
        for ex in examples:
            for w in ex['cner']:
                _insert('ner=%s' % w)
            for w in ex['qner']:
                _insert('ner=%s' % w)

    # Term frequency feature
    if args.use_tf:

    return feature_dict

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Evaluation. Follows official evalutation script for v1.1 of the SQuAD dataset.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def normalize_answer(s):
    """Lower text and remove punctuation, articles and extra whitespace."""
    def remove_articles(text):
        return re.sub(r'\b(a|an|the)\b', ' ', text)

    def white_space_fix(text):
        return ' '.join(text.split())

    def remove_punc(text):
        exclude = set(string.punctuation)
        return ''.join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude)

    def lower(text):
        return text.lower()

    return white_space_fix(remove_articles(remove_punc(lower(s))))

def f1_score(prediction, ground_truth):
    """Compute the geometric mean of precision and recall for answer tokens."""
    prediction_tokens = normalize_answer(prediction).split()
    ground_truth_tokens = normalize_answer(ground_truth).split()
    common = Counter(prediction_tokens) & Counter(ground_truth_tokens)
    num_same = sum(common.values())
    if num_same == 0:
        return 0
    precision = 1.0 * num_same / len(prediction_tokens)
    recall = 1.0 * num_same / len(ground_truth_tokens)
    f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
    return f1

def exact_match_score(prediction, ground_truth):
    """Check if the prediction is a (soft) exact match with the ground truth."""
    return normalize_answer(prediction) == normalize_answer(ground_truth)

def regex_match_score(prediction, pattern):
    """Check if the prediction matches the given regular expression."""
        compiled = re.compile(
            flags=re.IGNORECASE + re.UNICODE + re.MULTILINE
    except BaseException:
        logger.warn('Regular expression failed to compile: %s' % pattern)
        return False
    return compiled.match(prediction) is not None

def metric_max_over_ground_truths(metric_fn, prediction, ground_truths):
    """Given a prediction and multiple valid answers, return the score of
    the best prediction-answer_n pair given a metric function.
    scores_for_ground_truths = []
    for ground_truth in ground_truths:
        score = metric_fn(prediction, ground_truth)
    return max(scores_for_ground_truths)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility classes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class AverageMeter(object):
    """Computes and stores the average and current value."""

    def __init__(self):

    def reset(self):
        self.val = 0
        self.avg = 0
        self.sum = 0
        self.count = 0

    def update(self, val, n=1):
        self.val = val
        self.sum += val * n
        self.count += n
        self.avg = self.sum / self.count

class Timer(object):
    """Computes elapsed time."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.running = True
        self.total = 0
        self.start = time.time()

    def reset(self):
        self.running = True
        self.total = 0
        self.start = time.time()
        return self

    def resume(self):
        if not self.running:
            self.running = True
            self.start = time.time()
        return self

    def stop(self):
        if self.running:
            self.running = False
            self.total += time.time() - self.start
        return self

    def time(self):
        if self.running:
            return self.total + time.time() - self.start
        return self.total