"""CLI subcommand decorators.

Decorators used to add common functionality to subcommands.

import functools

import click
import structlog
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from greynoise.api import GreyNoise
from greynoise.cli.formatter import FORMATTERS
from greynoise.cli.parameter import ip_addresses_parameter
from greynoise.exceptions import RequestFailure
from greynoise.util import load_config

LOGGER = structlog.get_logger()

def echo_result(function):
    """Decorator that prints subcommand results correctly formatted.

    :param function: Subcommand that returns a result from the API.
    :type function: callable
    :returns: Wrapped function that prints subcommand results
    :rtype: callable


    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = function(*args, **kwargs)
        context = click.get_current_context()
        params = context.params
        output_format = params["output_format"]
        formatter = FORMATTERS[output_format]
        if isinstance(formatter, dict):
            # For the text formatter, there's a separate formatter for each subcommand
            formatter = formatter[context.command.name]

        output = formatter(result, params.get("verbose", False)).strip("\n")
            output, file=params.get("output_file", click.open_file("-", mode="w"))

    return wrapper

def handle_exceptions(function):
    """Print error and exit on API client exception.

    :param function: Subcommand that returns a result from the API.
    :type function: callable
    :returns: Wrapped function that prints subcommand results
    :rtype: callable


    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return function(*args, **kwargs)
        except RequestFailure as exception:
            body = exception.args[1]
            error_message = "API error: {}".format(body["error"])
        except RequestException as exception:
            error_message = "API error: {}".format(exception)

    return wrapper

def pass_api_client(function):
    """Create API client form API key and pass it to subcommand.

    :param function: Subcommand that returns a result from the API.
    :type function: callable
    :returns: Wrapped function that prints subcommand results
    :rtype: callable


    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        context = click.get_current_context()
        api_key = context.params.get("api_key")
        config = load_config()

        if api_key is None:
            if not config["api_key"]:
                prog_name = context.parent.info_name
                    "\nError: API key not found.\n\n"
                    "To fix this problem, please use any of the following methods "
                    "(in order of precedence):\n"
                    "- Pass it using the -k/--api-key option.\n"
                    "- Set it in the GREYNOISE_API_KEY environment variable.\n"
                    "- Run {!r} to save it to the configuration file.\n".format(
                        "{} setup".format(prog_name)
            api_key = config["api_key"]

        api_client = GreyNoise(
            api_key=api_key, timeout=config["timeout"], integration_name="cli"
        return function(api_client, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def gnql_command(function):
    """Decorator that groups decorators common to gnql query and stats subcommands."""

    @click.argument("query", required=False)
    @click.option("-k", "--api-key", help="Key to include in API requests")
    @click.option("-i", "--input", "input_file", type=click.File(), help="Input file")
        "-o", "--output", "output_file", type=click.File(mode="w"), help="Output file"
        type=click.Choice(["json", "txt", "xml"]),
        help="Output format",
    @click.option("-v", "--verbose", count=True, help="Verbose output")
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return function(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def ip_lookup_command(function):
    """Decorator that groups decorators common to ip and quick subcommand."""

    @click.argument("ip_address", callback=ip_addresses_parameter, nargs=-1)
    @click.option("-k", "--api-key", help="Key to include in API requests")
    @click.option("-i", "--input", "input_file", type=click.File(), help="Input file")
        "-o", "--output", "output_file", type=click.File(mode="w"), help="Output file"
        type=click.Choice(["json", "txt", "xml"]),
        help="Output format",
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return function(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

class SubcommandNotImplemented(click.ClickException):
    """Exception used temporarily for subcommands that have not been implemented.

    :param subcommand_name: Name of the subcommand to display in the error message.
    :type subcommand_function: str


    def __init__(self, subcommand_name):
        message = "{!r} subcommand is not implemented yet.".format(subcommand_name)
        super(SubcommandNotImplemented, self).__init__(message)

def not_implemented_command(function):
    """Decorator that sends requests for not implemented commands."""

    def wrapper(api_client, *args, **kwargs):
        command_name = function.__name__
        except RequestFailure:
            raise SubcommandNotImplemented(command_name)

    return wrapper