# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import cv2
import numpy as np
import logging
from PIL import Image
# import pytesseract
from pytesseract import image_to_string
from resolutionCalculator import *
import os
import os.path
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '../')
from screenWrapper import ScreenWrapper
import collections
import re
import time
import math

import sys


Coordinate = collections.namedtuple("Coordinate", ['x', 'y'])
Bounds = collections.namedtuple("Bounds", ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'])

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PogoWindows:
    def __init__(self, screenWrapper, width, height, tempDirPath):
        self.screenWrapper = screenWrapper
        if not os.path.exists(tempDirPath):
            log.info('PogoWindows: Temp directory created')
        self.tempDirPath = tempDirPath
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

    def __mostPresentColour(self, filename, maxColours):
        img = Image.open(filename)
        colors = img.getcolors(maxColours)  # put a higher value if there are many colors in your image
        max_occurence, most_present = 0, 0
            for c in colors:
                if c[0] > max_occurence:
                    (max_occurence, most_present) = c
            return most_present
        except TypeError:
            return None

    def __checkPostLoginOkButton(self, filename, hash, type, ratio):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            return False
        log.debug('checkPostLoginOkButton: Checking for post-login ok button of type %s...' % type)
        pos = None
        if type == 'post_login_ok_driving':
            pos = self.resolutionCalculator.getPostLoginOkDrivingClick()
            pos = self.resolutionCalculator.getPostLoginOkPrivatePropertyClick()

        if not self.__lookForButton(filename, 2.20, pos.y):
            log.debug('checkPostLoginOkButton: Could not find OK button')
            return False
            log.debug('checkPostLoginOkButton: Found post login OK button - closing ...')

            self.screenWrapper.click(pos.x, pos.y)
            return True

    def isGpsSignalLost(self, filename, hash):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            log.error("isGpsSignalLost: %s does not exist" % str(filename))
            return None

        log.debug("isGpsSignalLost: checking for red bar")
            col = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return True

        if col is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return True
        width, height,_ = col.shape    
        gpsError = col[0:height/7,0:width]

        tempPathColoured = self.tempDirPath + "/" + str(hash) + "_gpsError.png"
        cv2.imwrite(tempPathColoured, gpsError)

        col = Image.open(tempPathColoured)
        width, height = col.size

        # check for the colour of the GPS error
        if self.__mostPresentColour(tempPathColoured, width * height) == (240, 75, 95):
            return True
            return False

    def checkPostLoginOkButton(self, filename, hash):
        log.debug('checkPostLoginOkButton: Starting check')
        return (self.__checkPostLoginOkButton(filename, hash, 'post_login_ok_driving', 26)
                or self.__checkPostLoginOkButton(filename, hash, 'post_login_ok_private_property', 17))

    def __readCircleCount(self,filename,hash,ratio, xcord = False, crop = False, click = False, canny=False):
        log.debug("__readCircleCount: Reading circles")

            screenshotRead = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return -1

        if screenshotRead is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return -1

        height, width, _ = screenshotRead.shape
        if crop:
            screenshotRead = screenshotRead[int(height)-int(height/4.5):int(height),int(width)/2-int(width)/8:int(width)/2+int(width)/8]

        log.debug("__readCircleCount: Determined screenshot scale: " + str(height) + " x " + str(width))
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(screenshotRead, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # detect circles in the image

        radMin = int((width / float(ratio) - 3) / 2)
        radMax = int((width / float(ratio) + 3) / 2)
        if canny:
            gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 0)
            gray = cv2.Canny(gray, 100, 50, apertureSize=3)
        log.debug("__readCircleCount: Detect radius of circle: Min " + str(radMin) + " Max " + str(radMax))
        circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, width / 8, param1=100, param2=15, minRadius=radMin,
        circle = 0
        # ensure at least some circles were found
        if circles is not None:
            # convert the (x, y) coordinates and radius of the circles to integers
            circles = np.round(circles[0, :]).astype("int")
            # loop over the (x, y) coordinates and radius of the circles
            for (x, y, r) in circles:

                if not xcord:
                    circle += 1
                    if click:
                        log.debug('__readCircleCount: found Circle - click it')
                        self.screenWrapper.click(width/2, ((int(height)-int(height/4.5)))+y)
                    if x >= (width / 2) - 100 and x <= (width / 2) + 100 and y >= (height - (height / 3)):
                        circle += 1
                        if click:
                            log.debug('__readCircleCount: found Circle - click on: it' )
                            self.screenWrapper.click(width/2, ((int(height)-int(height/4.5)))+y)

            log.debug("__readCircleCount: Determined screenshot to have " + str(circle) + " Circle.")
            return circle
            log.debug("__readCircleCount: Determined screenshot to have 0 Circle")
            return -1
    def __readCircleCords(self,filename,hash,ratio, crop = False, canny=False):
        log.debug("__readCircleCords: Reading circlescords")

            screenshotRead = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False

        if screenshotRead is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False

        height, width, _ = screenshotRead.shape
        if crop:
            screenshotRead = screenshotRead[int(height)-int(height/5):int(height),int(width)/2-int(width)/8:int(width)/2+int(width)/8]

        log.debug("__readCircleCords: Determined screenshot scale: " + str(height) + " x " + str(width))
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(screenshotRead, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        # detect circles in the image

        radMin = int((width / float(ratio) - 3) / 2)
        radMax = int((width / float(ratio) + 3) / 2)
        if canny:
            gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 0)
            gray = cv2.Canny(gray, 100, 50, apertureSize=3)
        log.debug("__readCircleCords: Detect radius of circle: Min " + str(radMin) + " Max " + str(radMax))
        circles = cv2.HoughCircles(gray, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, width / 8, param1=100, param2=15, minRadius=radMin,
        circle = 0
        # ensure at least some circles were found
        if circles is not None:
            # convert the (x, y) coordinates and radius of the circles to integers
            circles = np.round(circles[0, :]).astype("int")
            # loop over the (x, y) coordinates and radius of the circles
            for (x, y, r) in circles:
                log.debug("__readCircleCords: Found Circle x: %s y: %s" % (str(width/2), str((int(height)-int(height/5))+y)))
                return True, width/2, (int(height)-int(height/5))+y, height, width
            log.debug("__readCircleCords: Found no Circle")
            return False, 0, 0, 0, 0

    def readRaidCircles(self, filename, hash):
        log.debug("readCircles: Reading circles")
        if not self.readAmountOfRaidsCircle(filename, hash):
            # no raidcount (orange circle) present...
            return 0

        circle = self.__readCircleCount(filename, hash, 4.7)

        if circle > 6:
            circle = 6

        if circle > 0:
            log.debug("readCircles: Determined screenshot to have " + str(circle) + " Circle.")
            return circle

        log.debug("readCircles: Determined screenshot to not contain raidcircles, but a raidcount!")
        return -1

    def lookForButton(self, filename, ratiomin, ratiomax):
        log.debug("lookForButton: Reading lines")
        disToMiddleMin = None
            screenshotRead = cv2.imread(filename)
            gray = cv2.cvtColor(screenshotRead, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False

        if screenshotRead is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        allowRatio = [1.60, 1.05, 2.20, 3.01, 2.32]

        height, width, _ = screenshotRead.shape
        _widthold = float(width)
        log.debug("lookForButton: Determined screenshot scale: " + str(height) + " x " + str(width))
        # resize for better line quality
        #gray = cv2.resize(gray, (0,0), fx=width*0.001, fy=width*0.001)
        height, width = gray.shape
        faktor =  width / _widthold
        gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3, 3), 0)
        edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 50, 200, apertureSize=3)
        #checking for all possible button lines
        maxLineLength = (width / ratiomin) + (width*0.18)
        log.debug("lookForButton: MaxLineLength:" + str(maxLineLength))
        minLineLength = (width / ratiomax) - (width*0.02)
        log.debug("lookForButton: MinLineLength:" + str(minLineLength))

        kernel = np.ones((2,2),np.uint8)
        edges = cv2.morphologyEx(edges, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernel)
        maxLineGap = 50
        lineCount = 0
        lines = []
        _x = 0
        _y = height
        lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, rho = 1, theta = math.pi / 180, threshold = 70, minLineLength = minLineLength, maxLineGap = 2)
        if lines is None:
            return False

        for line in lines:
            for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:

                if y1 == y2 and (x2 - x1 <= maxLineLength) and (x2 - x1 >= minLineLength) and y1 > height / 2:
                    lineCount += 1
                    __y = y2
                    __x1 = x1
                    __x2 = x2
                    if __y < _y:
                        _y = __y
                        _x1 = __x1
                        _x2 = __x2
                    log.debug("lookForButton: Found Buttonline Nr. " + str(lineCount) + " - Line lenght: " + str(
                        x2 - x1) + "px Coords - X: " + str(x1) + " " + str(x2) + " Y: " + str(y1) + " " + str(y2))

        if lineCount > 1 and lineCount <= 6:
            #recalculate click area for real resolution
            click_x = int(((width - _x2) + ((_x2 - _x1) /2)) / round(faktor,2)) 
            click_y = int(_y / round(faktor,2) + height*0.03)
            log.debug('lookForButton: found Button - click on it' )
            self.screenWrapper.click(click_x, click_y)
            return True
        elif lineCount > 6:
            log.debug('lookForButton: found to much Buttons :) - close it' )
            self.screenWrapper.click(int(width - ( width / 7.2)), int(height - ( height / 12.19)))
            return True
        log.debug('lookForButton: did not found any Button')
        return False

    def __checkRaidLine(self, filename, hash, leftSide=False, clickinvers=False):
        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Reading lines")
        if leftSide:
            log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Check nearby open ")
            screenshotRead = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if screenshotRead is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if self.__readCircleCount(os.path.join('', filename), hash, float(11), xcord=False, crop=True, click=False, canny=True) == -1:
            log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Not active")
            return False
        height, width, _ = screenshotRead.shape
        screenshotRead = screenshotRead[int(height / 2) - int(height / 3):int(height / 2) + int(height / 3),
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(screenshotRead, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0)
        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Determined screenshot scale: " + str(height) + " x " + str(width))
        edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 50, 150, apertureSize=3)
        maxLineLength = width / 3.30 + width * 0.03
        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: MaxLineLength:" + str(maxLineLength))
        minLineLength = width / 6.35 - width * 0.03
        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: MinLineLength:" + str(minLineLength))
        maxLineGap = 50
        lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, rho = 1, theta = math.pi / 180, threshold = 70, minLineLength = minLineLength, maxLineGap = 2)
        if lines is None:
            return False
        for line in lines:
            for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:
                if not leftSide:
                    if y1 == y2 and (x2 - x1 <= maxLineLength) and (
                            x2 - x1 >= minLineLength) and x1 > width / 2 and x2 > width / 2 and y1 < (height / 2):
                        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Raid-tab is active - Line lenght: " + str(
                            x2 - x1) + "px Coords - X: " + str(x1) + " " + str(x2) + " Y: " + str(y1) + " " + str(y2))
                        return True
                    # else: log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Raid-tab is not active - Line lenght: " + str(x2-x1) + "px
                    # Coords - X: " + str(x1) + " " + str(x2) + " Y: " + str(y1) + " " + str(y2)) return False
                    if y1 == y2 and (x2 - x1 <= maxLineLength) and (
                            x2 - x1 >= minLineLength) and ((x1 < width / 2 and x2 < width / 2) or (x1 < width / 2 and x2 > width / 2)) and y1 < (height / 2):
                        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Nearby is active - but not Raid-Tab")
                        if clickinvers:
                            xRaidTab = int(width - (x2-x1))
                            yRaidTab = int((int(height / 2) - int(height / 3)+y1) * 0.9)
                            log.debug('__checkRaidLine: open Raid-Tab' )
                            self.screenWrapper.click(xRaidTab, yRaidTab)
                        return True
                    # else:
                    # log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Nearby not active - but maybe Raid-tab")
                    # return False
        log.debug("__checkRaidLine: Not active")
        return False

    def readAmountOfRaidsCircle(self, filename, hash):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            return None

        log.debug("readAmountOfRaidsCircle: Cropping circle")

            image = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if image is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False

        height, width, _ = image.shape
        image = image[int(height / 2 - (height / 3)):int(height / 2 + (height / 3)), 0:int(width)]
        cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.tempDirPath, str(hash) + '_AmountOfRaids.jpg'), image)

        if self.__readCircleCount(os.path.join(self.tempDirPath, str(hash) + '_AmountOfRaids.jpg'), hash, 18) > 0:
            log.info("readAmountOfRaidsCircle: Raidcircle found, assuming raids nearby")
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.tempDirPath, str(hash) + '_AmountOfRaids.jpg'))
            return True
            log.info("readAmountOfRaidsCircle: No raidcircle found, assuming no raids nearby")
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.tempDirPath, str(hash) + '_AmountOfRaids.jpg'))
            return False

    # assumes we are on the general view of the game
    def checkRaidscreen(self, filename, hash):
        log.debug("checkRaidscreen: Checking if RAID is present (nearby tab)")

        if self.__checkRaidLine(filename, hash):
            log.debug('checkRaidscreen: RAID-tab found')
            return True
        if self.__checkRaidLine(filename, hash, True):
            log.debug('checkRaidscreen: RAID-tab not activated')
            return False

        log.debug('checkRaidscreen: nearby not found')
        # log.warning('checkRaidscreen: Could not locate RAID-tab')
        return False

    def checkNearby(self, filename, hash):
            screenshotRead = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if screenshotRead is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if self.__checkRaidLine(filename, hash):
            log.info('Nearby already open')
            return True

        if self.__checkRaidLine(filename, hash, leftSide=True, clickinvers=True):
            log.info('Raidscreen not running but nearby open')
            return False
        height, width, _ = screenshotRead.shape

        log.info('Raidscreen not running...')
        self.screenWrapper.click(int(width - ( width / 7.2)), int(height - ( height / 12.19)))
        return False

    def checkWeatherWarning(self, filename, hash):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            return False

        log.debug('checkWeatherwarning: Checking for weatherwarning ...')

        if not self.__lookForButton(filename, 1.05):
            log.debug('checkWeatherwarning: No weatherwarning found')
            return False
            log.debug('checkWeatherwarning: Found weather warning - closing ...')
            posPassenger = self.resolutionCalculator.getWeatherWarningFirstClick()
            log.debug("checkWeatherwarning: Clicking %s" % str(posPassenger))
            self.screenWrapper.click(posPassenger.x, posPassenger.y)
            log.debug('checkWeatherwarning: Also closing the weather info ...')
            posPassenger = self.resolutionCalculator.getWeatherWarningSecondClick()
            log.debug("checkWeatherwarning: Clicking %s" % str(posPassenger))
            self.screenWrapper.click(posPassenger.x, posPassenger.y)
            return True

    def __checkClosePresent(self, filename, hash, radiusratio=12, Xcord=True):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            log.warning("__checkClosePresent: %s does not exist" % str(filename))
            return False

            image = cv2.imread(filename)
            height, width, _ = image.shape
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False

        cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.tempDirPath, str(hash) + '_exitcircle.jpg'), image)
        if self.__readCircleCount(os.path.join(self.tempDirPath, str(hash) + '_exitcircle.jpg'), hash, float(radiusratio), xcord=False, crop=True, click=True, canny=True) > 0:
            return True

    #checks for X button on any screen... could kill raidscreen, handle properly
    def checkCloseExceptNearbyButton(self, filename, hash, closeraid = False):
            screenshotRead = cv2.imread(filename)
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if screenshotRead is None:
            log.error("Screenshot corrupted :(")
            return False
        if not closeraid:
            if (not os.path.isfile(filename) 
                or self.__checkRaidLine(filename, hash)
                or self.__checkRaidLine(filename, hash, True)):
                #file not found or raid tab present
                log.debug("checkCloseExceptNearbyButton: Not checking for close button (X). Input wrong OR nearby window open")
                return False 
        log.debug("checkCloseExceptNearbyButton: Checking for close button (X). Input wrong OR nearby window open")   
        if (self.__checkClosePresent(filename, hash, 10, True)):
            log.debug("Found close button (X). Closing the window - Ratio: 10")
            return True
        if (self.__checkClosePresent(filename, hash, 12, True)):
            log.debug("Found close button (X). Closing the window - Ratio: 12")
            return True
        if (self.__checkClosePresent(filename, hash, 14, True)):
            log.debug("Found close button (X). Closing the window - Ratio: 14")
            return True
        if (self.__checkClosePresent(filename, hash, 13, True)):
            log.debug("Found close button (X). Closing the window - Ratio: 13")
            return True
            log.debug("Could not find close button (X).")
            return False