# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Async/Await-able (Python 3.5+) public objects and methods wrapping the MyGeotab API.

import sys

if sys.version_info < (3, 5):
    raise Exception("Python 3.5+ is required to use the async API")
import ssl
from concurrent.futures import TimeoutError

import aiohttp

from mygeotab import api
from mygeotab.api import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, get_headers
from mygeotab.exceptions import MyGeotabException, TimeoutException, AuthenticationException
from mygeotab.serializers import json_serialize, json_deserialize

class API(api.API):
    """A simple, asynchronous, and Pythonic wrapper for the MyGeotab API.

    def __init__(
        self, username, password=None, database=None, session_id=None, server="my.geotab.com", timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        Initialize the asynchronous MyGeotab API object with credentials.

        :param username: The username used for MyGeotab servers. Usually an email address.
        :param password: The password associated with the username. Optional if `session_id` is provided.
        :param database: The database or company name. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication.
        :param session_id: A session ID, assigned by the server.
        :param server: The server ie. my23.geotab.com. Optional as this usually gets resolved upon authentication.
        :param timeout: The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes).
        :raise Exception: Raises an Exception if a username, or one of the session_id or password is not provided.
        super().__init__(username, password, database, session_id, server, timeout)

    async def call_async(self, method, **parameters):
        """Makes an async call to the API.

        :param method: The method name.
        :param params: Additional parameters to send (for example, search=dict(id='b123') )
        :return: The JSON result (decoded into a dict) from the server.abs
        :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server.
        :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
        if method is None:
            raise Exception("A method name must be specified")
        params = api.process_parameters(parameters)
        if self.credentials and not self.credentials.session_id:
        if "credentials" not in params and self.credentials.session_id:
            params["credentials"] = self.credentials.get_param()

            result = await _query(self._server, method, params, verify_ssl=self._is_verify_ssl)
            if result is not None:
                self.__reauthorize_count = 0
            return result
        except MyGeotabException as exception:
            if exception.name == "InvalidUserException":
                if self.__reauthorize_count == 0 and self.credentials.password:
                    self.__reauthorize_count += 1
                    return await self.call_async(method, **parameters)
                    raise AuthenticationException(
                        self.credentials.username, self.credentials.database, self.credentials.server

    async def multi_call_async(self, calls):
        """Performs an async multi-call to the API

        :param calls: A list of call 2-tuples with method name and params (for example, ('Get', dict(typeName='Trip')) )
        :return: The JSON result (decoded into a dict) from the server
        :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server
        :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
        formatted_calls = [dict(method=call[0], params=call[1] if len(call) > 1 else {}) for call in calls]
        return await self.call_async("ExecuteMultiCall", calls=formatted_calls)

    async def get_async(self, type_name, **parameters):
        """Gets entities asynchronously using the API. Shortcut for using async_call() with the 'Get' method.

        :param type_name: The type of entity.
        :param parameters: Additional parameters to send.
        :return: The JSON result (decoded into a dict) from the server.
        :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server.
        :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
        if parameters:
            results_limit = parameters.get("resultsLimit", None)
            if results_limit is not None:
                del parameters["resultsLimit"]
            if "search" in parameters:
            parameters = dict(search=parameters, resultsLimit=results_limit)
        return await self.call_async("Get", type_name=type_name, **parameters)

    async def add_async(self, type_name, entity):
        Adds an entity asynchronously using the API. Shortcut for using async_call() with the 'Add' method.

        :param type_name: The type of entity.
        :param entity: The entity to add.
        :return: The id of the object added.
        :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server.
        :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
        return await self.call_async("Add", type_name=type_name, entity=entity)

    async def set_async(self, type_name, entity):
        """Sets an entity asynchronously using the API. Shortcut for using async_call() with the 'Set' method.

        :param type_name: The type of entity
        :param entity: The entity to set
        :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server
        return await self.call_async("Set", type_name=type_name, entity=entity)

    async def remove_async(self, type_name, entity):
        """Removes an entity asynchronously using the API. Shortcut for using async_call() with the 'Remove' method.

        :param type_name: The type of entity.
        :param entity: The entity to remove.
        :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server.
        :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
        return await self.call_async("Remove", type_name=type_name, entity=entity)

    def from_credentials(credentials):
        """Returns a new async API object from an existing Credentials object.

        :param credentials: The existing saved credentials.
        :return: A new API object populated with MyGeotab credentials.
        return API(

async def server_call_async(method, server, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, verify_ssl=True, **parameters):
    """Makes an asynchronous call to an un-authenticated method on a server.

    :param method: The method name.
    :param server: The MyGeotab server.
    :param timeout: The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes).
    :param verify_ssl: If True, verify the SSL certificate. It's recommended not to modify this.
    :param parameters: Additional parameters to send (for example, search=dict(id='b123') ).
    :return: The JSON result (decoded into a dict) from the server.
    :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server.
    :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
    if method is None:
        raise Exception("A method name must be specified")
    if server is None:
        raise Exception("A server (eg. my3.geotab.com) must be specified")
    parameters = api.process_parameters(parameters)
    return await _query(server, method, parameters, timeout=timeout, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)

async def _query(server, method, parameters, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, verify_ssl=True):
    """Formats and performs the asynchronous query against the API

    :param server: The server to query.
    :param method: The method name.
    :param parameters: A dict of parameters to send
    :param timeout: The timeout to make the call, in seconds. By default, this is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes).
    :param verify_ssl: Whether or not to verify SSL connections
    :return: The JSON-decoded result from the server
    :raise MyGeotabException: Raises when an exception occurs on the MyGeotab server
    :raise TimeoutException: Raises when the request does not respond after some time.
    :raise aiohttp.ClientResponseError: Raises when there is an HTTP status code that indicates failure.
    api_endpoint = api.get_api_url(server)
    params = dict(id=-1, method=method, params=parameters)
    headers = get_headers()
    conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) if verify_ssl else False)
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=conn) as session:
            response = await session.post(
                api_endpoint, data=json_serialize(params), headers=headers, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=True
            content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type")
            body = await response.text()
    except TimeoutError:
        raise TimeoutException(server)
    if content_type and "application/json" not in content_type.lower():
        return body
    return api._process(json_deserialize(body))