"""Utilities for Dozer."""
import asyncio
import inspect
import typing
from collections.abc import Mapping

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

__all__ = ['bot_has_permissions', 'command', 'group', 'Cog', 'Reactor', 'Paginator', 'paginate', 'chunk', 'dev_check']

class CommandMixin:
    """Example usage processing"""

    # Keyword-arg dictionary passed to __init__ when copying/updating commands when Cog instances are created
    # inherited from discord.ext.command.Command
    __original_kwargs__: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
    _required_permissions = None

    def __init__(self, func, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(func, **kwargs)
        self.example_usage = kwargs.pop('example_usage', '')
        if hasattr(func, '__required_permissions__'):
            # This doesn't need to go into __original_kwargs__ because it'll be read from func each time
            self._required_permissions = func.__required_permissions__

    def required_permissions(self):
        """Required permissions handler"""
        if self._required_permissions is None:
            self._required_permissions = discord.Permissions()
        return self._required_permissions

    def example_usage(self):
        """Example usage property"""
        return self._example_usage

    def example_usage(self, usage):
        """Sets example usage"""
        self._example_usage = self.__original_kwargs__['example_usage'] = inspect.cleandoc(usage)

class Command(CommandMixin, commands.Command):
    """Represents a command"""

class Group(CommandMixin, commands.Group):
    """Class for command groups"""
    def command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initiates a command"""
        kwargs.setdefault('cls', Command)
        return super(Group, self).command(*args, **kwargs)

    def group(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initiates a command group"""
        kwargs.setdefault('cls', Group)
        return super(Group, self).command(*args, **kwargs)

def command(**kwargs):
    """Represents bot commands"""
    kwargs.setdefault('cls', Command)
    return commands.command(**kwargs)

def group(**kwargs):
    """Links command groups"""
    kwargs.setdefault('cls', Group)
    return commands.group(**kwargs)

class Cog(commands.Cog):
    """Initiates cogs."""
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

def dev_check():
    """Function decorator to check that the calling user is a developer"""
    async def predicate(ctx):
        if ctx.author.id not in ctx.bot.config['developers']:
            raise commands.NotOwner('you are not a developer!')
        return True
    return commands.check(predicate)

class Reactor:
    A simple way to respond to Discord reactions.
        from ._utils import Reactor
        # in a command
        initial_reactions = [...] # Initial reactions (str or Emoji) to add
        reactor = Reactor(ctx, initial_reactions) # Timeout is optional, and defaults to 1 minute
        async for reaction in reactor:
            # reaction is the str/Emoji that was added.
            # reaction will not necessarily be in initial_reactions.
            if reaction == this_emoji:
                reactor.do(reactor.message.edit(content='This!')) # Any coroutine
            elif reaction == that_emoji:
            elif reaction == stop_emoji:
                reactor.stop() # The next time around, the message will be deleted and the async-for will end
            # If no action is set (e.g. unknown emoji), nothing happens
    _stop_reaction = object()

    def __init__(self, ctx, initial_reactions, *, auto_remove=True, timeout=60):
        ctx: command context
        initial_reactions: iterable of emoji to react with on start
        auto_remove: if True, reactions are removed once processed
        timeout: time, in seconds, to wait before stopping automatically. Set to None to wait forever.
        self.dest = ctx.channel
        self.bot = ctx.bot
        self.caller = ctx.author
        self.me = ctx.me
        self._reactions = tuple(initial_reactions)
        self._remove_reactions = auto_remove and ctx.channel.permissions_for(
            ctx.me).manage_messages  # Check for required permissions
        self.timeout = timeout
        self._action = None
        self.message = None

    async def __aiter__(self):
        self.message = await self.dest.send(embed=self.pages[self.page])
        for emoji in self._reactions:
            await self.message.add_reaction(emoji)
        while True:
                reaction, reacting_member = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=self._check_reaction, timeout=self.timeout)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:

            yield reaction.emoji
            # Caller calls methods to set self._action; end of async for block, control resumes here
            if self._remove_reactions:
                await self.message.remove_reaction(reaction.emoji, reacting_member)
            if self._action is self._stop_reaction:
            elif self._action is None:
                await self._action
        for emoji in reversed(self._reactions):
            await self.message.remove_reaction(emoji, self.me)

    def do(self, action):
        """If there's an action reaction, do the action."""
        self._action = action

    def stop(self):
        """Listener for stop reactions."""
        self._action = self._stop_reaction

    def _check_reaction(self, reaction, member):
        return reaction.message.id == self.message.id and member.id == self.caller.id

class Paginator(Reactor):
    Extends functionality of Reactor for pagination.
    Left- and right- arrow reactions are used to move between pages.
    :stop: will stop the pagination.
    Other reactions are given to the caller like normal.
        from ._utils import Reactor
        # in a command
        initial_reactions = [...] # Initial reactions (str or Emoji) to add (in addition to normal pagination reactions)
        pages = [...] # Embeds to use for each page
        paginator = Paginator(ctx, initial_reactions, pages)
        async for reaction in paginator:
            # See Reactor for how to handle reactions
            # Paginator reactions will not be yielded here - only unknowns
    pagination_reactions = (
        '\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}',  # :arrow_backward:
        '\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}',  # :arrow_forward:
        '\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}'  # :stop_button:

    def __init__(self, ctx, initial_reactions, pages, *, start=0, auto_remove=True, timeout=60):
        all_reactions = list(initial_reactions)
        ind = all_reactions.index(Ellipsis)
        all_reactions[ind:ind + 1] = self.pagination_reactions
        super().__init__(ctx, all_reactions, auto_remove=auto_remove, timeout=timeout)
        if pages and isinstance(pages[-1], Mapping):
            named_pages = pages.pop()
            self.pages = dict(enumerate(pages), **named_pages)
            self.pages = pages
        self.len_pages = len(pages)
        self.page = start
        self.message = None
        self.reactor = None

    async def __aiter__(self):
        self.reactor = super().__aiter__()
        async for reaction in self.reactor:
                ind = self.pagination_reactions.index(reaction)
            except ValueError:  # Not in list - send to caller
                yield reaction
                if ind == 0:
                elif ind == 1:
                    self.prev() # pylint: disable=not-callable
                elif ind == 2:
                    self.next() # pylint: disable=not-callable
                elif ind == 3:
                else:  # Only valid option left is 4

    def go_to_page(self, page):
        """Goes to a specific help page"""
        if isinstance(page, int):
            page = page % self.len_pages
            if page < 0:
                page += self.len_pages
        self.page = page

    def next(self, amt=1):
        """Goes to the next help page"""
        if isinstance(self.page, int):
            self.go_to_page(self.page + amt)
            self.go_to_page(amt - 1)

    def prev(self, amt=1):
        """Goes to the previous help page"""
        if isinstance(self.page, int):
            self.go_to_page(self.page - amt)

async def paginate(ctx, pages, *, start=0, auto_remove=True, timeout=60):
    Simple pagination based on Paginator. Pagination is handled normally and other reactions are ignored.
    paginator = Paginator(ctx, (...,), pages, start=start, auto_remove=auto_remove, timeout=timeout)
    async for reaction in paginator:
        pass  # The normal pagination reactions are handled - just drop anything else

def chunk(iterable, size):
    Break an iterable into chunks of a fixed size. Returns an iterable of iterables.
    Almost-inverse of itertools.chain.from_iterable - passing the output of this into that function will reconstruct the original iterable.
    If the last chunk is not the full length, it will be returned but not padded.
    contents = list(iterable)
    for i in range(0, len(contents), size):
        yield contents[i:i + size]

def bot_has_permissions(**required):
    """Decorator to check if bot has certain permissions when added to a command"""
    def predicate(ctx):
        """Function to tell the bot if it has the right permissions"""
        given = ctx.channel.permissions_for((ctx.guild or ctx.channel).me)
        missing = [name for name, value in required.items() if getattr(given, name) != value]

        if missing:
            raise commands.BotMissingPermissions(missing)
            return True

    def decorator(func):
        """Defines the bot_has_permissions decorator"""
        if isinstance(func, Command):
            if hasattr(func, '__commands_checks__'):
                func.__commands_checks__ = [predicate]
            func.__required_permissions__ = discord.Permissions()
        return func
    return decorator