Create registered scene pointcloud with only the object of interest
Use with caution, this script uses ad hoc rules for segmentation
import png
import random
import cv2.aruco as aruco
from open3d import *
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
import glob
from utils.ply import Ply
from utils.plane import *
from utils.camera import *
from registration import icp, feature_registration, match_ransac, rigid_transform_3D
from tqdm import trange
from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree
import time
import sys
from config.registrationParameters import *
import json

# Guess a max radius any part of the object of interest is away from the center of the observed markers
# Parameters for registration
# voxel sizes use to down sample raw pointcloud for fast ICP
voxel_size = VOXEL_SIZE
max_correspondence_distance_coarse = voxel_size * 15
max_correspondence_distance_fine = voxel_size * 1.5

# Set up parameters for post-processing
# Voxel size for the complete mesh
voxel_Radius = VOXEL_R

# Point considered an outlier if more than inlier_Radius away from other points  
inlier_Radius = voxel_Radius * 2.5

# search for up to N frames for registration, odometry only N=1, all frames N = np.inf
N_Neighbours = K_NEIGHBORS

plane_equation = None

def post_process(originals, voxel_Radius, inlier_Radius):
    Merge segments so that new points will not be add to the merged
    model if within voxel_Radius to the existing points, and keep a vote
    for if the point is issolated outside the radius of inlier_Radius at 
    the timeof the merge

    originals : List of open3d.Pointcloud classe
      6D pontcloud of the segments transformed into the world frame
    voxel_Radius : float
      Reject duplicate point if the new point lies within the voxel radius
      of the existing point
    inlier_Radius : float
      Point considered an outlier if more than inlier_Radius away from any 
      other points

    points : (n,3) float
      The (x,y,z) of the processed and filtered pointcloud
    colors : (n,3) float
      The (r,g,b) color information corresponding to the points
    vote : (n, ) int
      The number of vote (seen duplicate points within the voxel_radius) each 
      processed point has reveived

     for point_id in trange(len(originals)):

          if point_id == 0:
               vote = np.zeros(len(originals[point_id].points))
               points = np.array(originals[point_id].points,dtype = np.float64)
               colors = np.array(originals[point_id].colors,dtype = np.float64)

               points_temp = np.array(originals[point_id].points,dtype = np.float64)
               colors_temp = np.array(originals[point_id].colors,dtype = np.float64)
               dist , index = nearest_neighbour(points_temp, points)
               new_points = np.where(dist > voxel_Radius)
               points_temp = points_temp[new_points]
               colors_temp = colors_temp[new_points]
               inliers = np.where(dist < inlier_Radius)
               vote[(index[inliers],)] += 1
               vote = np.concatenate([vote, np.zeros(len(points_temp))])
               points = np.concatenate([points, points_temp])
               colors = np.concatenate([colors, colors_temp])

     return (points,colors,vote) 

def load_pcds(path, downsample = True, interval = 1):

    load pointcloud by path and down samle (if True) based on voxel_size 


    global voxel_size, camera_intrinsics, plane_equation 
    pcds= []
    for Filename in trange(int(len(glob.glob1(path+"JPEGImages","*.jpg"))/interval)):
        img_file = path + 'JPEGImages/%s.jpg' % (Filename*interval)
        cad = cv2.imread(img_file)
        cad = cv2.cvtColor(cad, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        depth_file = path + 'depth/%s.png' % (Filename*interval)
        reader = png.Reader(depth_file)
        pngdata = reader.read()
        depth = np.array(tuple(map(np.uint16, pngdata[2])))
        mask = depth.copy()
        depth = convert_depth_frame_to_pointcloud(depth, camera_intrinsics)

        aruco_center = get_aruco_center(cad,depth)
        # remove plane and anything underneath the plane from the pointcloud
        sol = findplane(cad,depth)
        distance = point_to_plane(depth,sol)
        sol = fitplane(sol,depth[(distance > -0.01) & (distance < 0.01)])
        # record the plane equation on the first frame for point projections
        if Filename == 0:
             plane_equation = sol
        distance = point_to_plane(depth,sol)
        mask[distance < 0.002] = 0

        # use statistical outlier remover to remove isolated noise from the scene
        distance2center = np.linalg.norm(depth - aruco_center, axis=2)
        mask[distance2center > MAX_RADIUS] = 0
        source = geometry.PointCloud()
        source.points = utility.Vector3dVector(depth[mask>0])
        source.colors = utility.Vector3dVector(cad[mask>0])
        cl, ind = source.remove_statistical_outlier(nb_neighbors=200,
        if downsample == True:
            pcd_down = cl.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size = voxel_size)
            pcd_down.estimate_normals(geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius = 0.002 * 2, max_nn = 30))
    return pcds

def get_aruco_center(cad,d):
     gray = cv2.cvtColor(cad, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
     aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.DICT_6X6_250)
     parameters = aruco.DetectorParameters_create()
     #lists of ids and the corners beloning to each id
     corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, aruco_dict, parameters=parameters)
     XYZ = []
     if np.all(ids != None):
          for index,cornerset in enumerate(corners):
               cornerset = cornerset[0]
               for corner in cornerset:
                    if d[int(corner[1])][int(corner[0])][2]!= 0:

     XYZ = np.asarray(XYZ)
     return np.mean(XYZ, axis = 0)

def nearest_neighbour(a, b):
    find the nearest neighbours of a in b using KDTree
    a : (n, ) numpy.ndarray
    b : (n, ) numpy.ndarray

    dist : n float
      Euclidian distance of the closest neighbour in b to a
    index : n float
      The index of the closest neighbour in b to a in terms of Euclidian distance
    tree = KDTree(b)
    dist, index = tree.query(a)
    return (dist, index)

def normalize(v):
    norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
    if norm == 0: 
       return v
    return v/norm

def print_usage():
    print("Usage: register_segmented.py <path>")
    print("path: all or name of the folder")
    print("e.g., register_segmented.py all, register_segmented.py LINEMOD/Cheezit")
def point_to_plane2(X,p):
    plane_xyz = p[0:3]
    distance = (plane_xyz*X).sum(axis=1) + p[3]
    distance = distance / np.linalg.norm(plane_xyz)
    return distance

if __name__ == "__main__":
        if sys.argv[1] == "all":
            folders = glob.glob("LINEMOD/*/")
        elif sys.argv[1]+"/" in glob.glob("LINEMOD/*/"):
            folders = [sys.argv[1]+"/"]

    for path in folders:
        with open(path+'intrinsics.json', 'r') as f:
             camera_intrinsics = json.load(f)

        Ts = np.load(path + 'transforms.npy')

        print("Load and segment frames")
        originals = load_pcds(path, downsample = False, interval = RECONSTRUCTION_INTERVAL)     
        for point_id in range(len(originals)):

        print("Apply post processing")
        points, colors, vote = post_process(originals, voxel_Radius, inlier_Radius)
        points = points[vote>1]
        colors = colors[vote>1]
        if FILLBOTTOM:
             plane_norm = normalize(np.array(plane_equation[:3]))
             distance = point_to_plane2(points, plane_equation)
             projections = np.subtract(points, np.array([plane_norm*(i) for i in distance]))
             grey = np.array([[150,150,150] for i in range(len(projections))])
             points = np.concatenate((points, projections), axis=0)
             colors = np.concatenate((colors, grey), axis=0)

        if MESHING:
             # attempt segmentation
              pcd = geometry.PointCloud()
              pcd.points = utility.Vector3dVector(points)
              pcd.colors = utility.Vector3dVector(colors/255)
              pcd, _ = pcd.remove_statistical_outlier(20, 0.8)
              pcd = pcd.voxel_down_sample(voxel_size=0.005)
              pcd.estimate_normals(search_param=geometry.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=0.02, max_nn=30))
              pcd.orient_normals_towards_camera_location(np.mean(np.array(pcd.points), axis = 0))
              normals = np.negative(np.array(pcd.normals))
              pcd.normals = utility.Vector3dVector(normals)          
              mesh, _ = geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(pcd, depth = 10, linear_fit = True)
              io.write_triangle_mesh(path + 'registeredScene.ply', mesh)
              print("Mesh saved")

        ply = Ply(points, colors)
        meshfile = path + 'registeredScene.ply'

        print("Mesh saved")